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Panzer Dragoon Remake is a remake of a classic Sega Saturn game I have never played. The only thing I know about Panzer Dragoon is that a later game of the franchise titled Panzer Dragoon Saga is considered one of the best Sega Saturn games. This game from MegaPixel Studio is fine.

It is a rail shooter on a dragon. There are 7 stages and the game took me around an hour to beat. I played the game with the "Classic" controls because I did not like the "Modern" controls after completing the first stage.

The game does not look good visually. It is on par with an early Xbox 360 or PS3 title. I played the game in Performance Mode and still noticed some frame drops. Apparently, the game runs at like 504p using the Performance Mode in Docked Mode.

The MSRP for this game is $24.99 USD. That is a little steep for this type of game. I bought it on sale for $2.49 USD which I think that is a steal for a fine game like this.

A bit disappointed but I think that's because of my own expectations. I remember playing this on the display Saturn in Comet, absolutely thrilled that I was finally getting a go on one. I think it was on level 5. It really impressed me. But I think that's because it was the mid 90s and the transition to 32 bit machines was mind blowing for a wee me, and any sluggish, iffy controls were easily forgiven because it was the future.

And to be fair, when I got it for my Saturn as a grown up, the first few levels were quite enjoyable. Especially the opening. And much like this remake, it peaks really early. The first level seems like everything went into that to make it as enticing as possible, and as the game progresses, it just gets stale.

The lovely bright opening level soon makes way for many a dull environment and it grew quite tiresome very quickly. Luckily after finishing the game you are given the cheat code to unlock stuff like god mode and rapid fire, so you can mess about with that and enjoy some of the level design a bit more. Where it's not all brown and dull anyway.

It will be interesting to see if the rest of the series is afforded the same treatment, as I guess this is a very faithful remake. Pretty much a reskin of the original.

Fun in short bursts, and a nice treat if you finish it in getting some fun settings to mess about with, but definitely a product of its time.

If this game was longer than an hour your hands would turn into dust from mashing the fire button.

shrek is love has better animation than this cutscenes

OK remake of a fun classic. I purchased this on sale for $2.49. The game is currently at V2.0 on Switch. It is short, but I don't really mind it since I like to play these games through in one sitting. There is nothing spectacular here but I would say it was worth my $2.50. It would have been nice if they added maybe an arrange mode or something extra with the game but at the end of the day, it has what the original had. The only thing I really feel is worth complaining about is the cut-scenes.

The cut-scenes are skippable but only after they load, which takes a little bit on the Switch, and then your right back to the loading screen waiting for the actual level to load. This sucks when your trying for a 100% or no death and have to start over a lot. I would have liked to see this as an option you can turn on or off after beating the game.

Overall, I have enjoyed this. I wouldn't buy it for the standard $25 but it has been well worth the $2.50.

Cool little game. Need more 1-3 hour long games. Neat vibes and atmosphere that do a great job of capturing the desolation and loneliness, very Shin Megami Tensei: Nocture. Music is hot. All the creature designs are cool. Switch version is a little crumbly, probably better on everything else.

meh i felt very lukewarm about it

Really struggled with the controls, made my hands ache after a short time of playing. Tried a few things in options but no real difference. Can imagine this looking amazing back in the day, but overall this did little for me.

This was quite fun!
Considering I acquired the game at a price for 1€, I am thoroughly happy with my purchase.
I know this kind of game is meant to be played many times over, and I might do some replays down the line, but for now I've had my fill.

Never played the original so this remake is all I know about the game... and the series by extension. I enjoyed what I played but I thought it was pretty short and underwhelming in some areas. Like I thought the final boss was going to have another phase once he turned into a dragoon, but then he just stopped flying and fell into the ocean. I don't know what this remake got wrong or right but apparently people don't like it very much. But while the visuals definitely aren't the most impressive ever, a lot of the problems seem to stem from the source material rather than the remake. It's a fun and short campaign but far from the most exciting rail-shooter ever made - and that likely extends to the original game as well.

Can't comment on how well this remake translates the original game but it's fun. Wish it ran better though

Shower Thought: This game pulls off what STAR FOX ZERO tried and failed to do with ita aiming mechanics.

Incredibly fun, even if it's dated by the restrictions it was originally built under. I'd rate it higher if it had more replay value.

Här har vi ett spel som jag under en tid varit ganska småintresserad av, nämligen Panzer Dragoon från 1995 till SEGA Saturn. Original-versionen finns inte på Switch så jag fick nöja mig med Panzer Dragoon: Remake. Jag har nämligen hört ganska mycket kritik om remaken och hade därför tänk att jag istället skulle köra PC-versionen av originalet som finns med på Xbox-spelet Panzer Dragoon Orta och som bara kostar 99 kr att ladda ner på Xboxs Online-butik. Men när jag såg på Nintendo E-shop att priset på remaken var sänkt från 260 kr till 25 kr så kände jag ändå att det var värt det.

Nu efter att ha spelat spelet är jag nöjd med mitt köp, men jag har haft lite delade känslor kring vad jag tyckte om min upplevelse. Panzer Dragoon är en Rail Shooter, vilket i princip betyder att man kan styra lite grann för att akta sig från hinder och dylikt, men till största delen så finns det en bestämd väg som spelet för karaktären igenom och utmaningen är att skjuta ner fienderna innan de skjuter ner dig. Detta är en genre som jag ganska nyligen testat på, med spel som Star Fox och Sin & Punishment, så nu var det kul att även få spela Panzer Dragoon som jag faktiskt hade sett fram emot.

Men efter att ha kört igenom spelet som bara tog en dryg timme för mig att klara så kände jag mig lite besviken. Kanske hade jag haft för höga förväntningar eller var det kanske som kritikerna hade sagt. För mig var det helt enkelt bara något som kändes lite off och det värsta för mig var nog att det såg lite konstigt ut och jag tyckte att det var svårt att se vad det var jag tog skada av.

Lyckligtvis slutar inte historien där dock. För efter denna lite underväldigande genomspelningen så tänkte jag till lite och insåg att jag faktiskt ibland får en ganska mycket bättre åsikt om spel som jag spelar igenom för andra gången. Så för att testa ifall det även skulle vara fallet med Panzer Dragoon: Remake så körde jag om spelet, bara en stund efter att jag hade klarat det för första gången. I denna playthroughn mixtrade jag lite med inställningarna och hittade att spelet såg mycket bättre ut när jag stängde av “Performance Mode”, så då löstes ju det problemet. Dessutom så hade jag nu lite mer erfarenhet av spelet och förstod bättre hur jag skulle undvika att bli träffad av fienderna så det tyckte jag också var roligare.

Det enda problemet som jag fortfarande har med Panzer Dragoon: Remake är nog att loadtimesen är ganska långa, men förutom det så tycker jag att det är ett underhållande spel. Banorna ser rätt snygga ut, musiken är bra och själva game-playen är utmanande men inte för svårt. Jag skulle kanske inte säga att det är värt att köpas för fullpris då det är så pass kort, men för det lilla priset jag fick spelet för under rean så ångrar jag verkligen inte mitt köp.

Good time. Very short but a fun experience. Although aesthetically I think the original looks more interesting. But this was a fair substitute. Hopefully Saga will get a remake eventually too...

It doesn´t matter what I'm going to say, they will never remake SAGA

Had alot of fun with this one, as a huge fan of the series Im just happy to get something new out of the franchise. Classic, fun on-rail shooter gameplay set in a mysterious dystopian world filled with awesome dragons, love it

Story and classic gameplay are intact, feel the modernization of the gameplay made it a bit too easy as I flew through this game with no problem my first time through. Graphics while overall pretty good come aross as somewhat soulless dosent come close to the atomsphere of the original feels a bit fanmade. Barebones when it comes to content just a straight remake of the game without anything added, would have been nice to see some behind the scenes or maybe include the original game as a bonus

If you are new to the series, I would honestly advise to try and track down the original as I still think it's vibe and feel are unmatched, very short game you can probably beat in an hour and honestly it will leave you wanting more


Um remake bem competente. Algumas coisas estão fora do lugar, mas nada muito diferente do habitual. Um ótimo recomeço para a série.

I kept hearing people say how bad this remake was and personally I don't see the problems tbh. I played this pretty much immediately after the original and I felt like it captured it in HD perfectly, and it played exactly the same. Perhaps there weren't as many features or something when it originally launched that got added in as updates, but as it stands currently, this game was a perfect recreation of the original in my opinion. Probably the most accessible way to get into Panzer Dragoon, especially if you don't have an xbox to play orta.

I like a lot of visual design stuff in this game, but in terms of gameplay it's probably the least fun thing like it that I've played. Probably would have enjoyed going through the saturn version more, but saturn emulation is still a nightmare and I don't own a saturn.

Tinha começado a jogar no dia que eu comprei, mas acabei indo jogar outras coisas e ignorei o jogo.

To de ressaca e resolvi jogar agora, e vsf que jogo ruimKKKKKKKKKK

Update to a classic Saturn rail shooter that looks decent for an update to an old title and keeps the same level design but loses the otherworldly feel of the original, has a lack of extras, and a poorly handled "modern" control scheme that is disabled by default.

The game plays like a normal flight rail shooter where you move a reticle around to target enemies and your dragon moves in the direction you are aiming to avoid the obstacles or shots that you can't shoot down. You can rapidly push multiple fire buttons for a very fast rate of fire that can be good for more damage on one target or to shoot down enemy shots, or you can hold the button while you scroll over targets for an auto lock laser shot that fires at its targets when you let go. You can rotate the camera your view to the left, right, and behind you where your dragon will lose it's maneuverability while it allows you to deal with threats from those angles. A radar identifies which side enemies are on by showing them in yellow and can show more active attackers in red. For an update of an old game it looks good and mostly stays in line with the style of the old by just greatly expanding on what was already there and removing the frequent obstacle and texture pop in of the Saturn title, the gain of clarity and having a much wider, brighter, and detailed environment does make the game lose the otherworldly feel of the original game though. The soundtrack is good and there are some enemies and moments that make use of the ability to shift facing in a way that is interesting compared to a lot of other rail shooter.

It is a very short and easy game, setting it to medium difficulty I beat it in under an hour without ever losing a life and shooting down about 95-99% of enemies on each level and I believe dying would have just used one of the 11 or so continues I ended up with that could put me right back at a boss fight. The modern control style when used will allow you to aim and move separately from one another, which should be a less awkward way to control the dragon and make the game even easier but the severe decrease in movement speed and for some reason the choice in turning off the ability to rapid fire your weapon by quickly hitting multiple fire buttons make it both a poor choice and not really how the game was designed. As you aren't flying a ship but riding a dragon the original way also makes it feel more like you are attempting to guide the dragons movement rather than just flying a ship that reacts in the exact way you want it to. Beating the game unlocks a few minor options like a stage select, god mode, most helpfully a rapid fire button option where one of your fire buttons can just be held down to shoot quickly saving the need to quickly mash them. Nothing that will change the game in a way to make it last longer though or make new playthroughs any more interesting.

For a likely quickly done remake of what seems to usually be considered the worst and most basic game in the four game series it's a fine playthrough but it's not going to be as interesting as it was on release and hard to justify buying at the full $25 price.


short on length
high in allure
panzer dragoon spanks and the music ga'dams

pretty fire world design and ost, I actually started with the original but then saw this on sale and just bought it, worth the visual upgrade. I miss this era of games, and the setting here is very evocative. I've been wanting to eventually play the much acclaimed Panzer Dragoon Saga so going through the series right now, but it really reminds me of like the sort of atmosphere of like a team ico game at times. This first game, however, my main critiques just come from annoyances due to the game mechanics and arcade-like progression. This remake does alleviate some of that but it still feels like a concept that was still being improved on and I expect the sequels will refine the shooting/difficulty more.

Good remake, even if some of the shading and coloring choices are questionable.

As time's gone on I've gotten more pessimistic about this one. Ever after patches it doesn't control that great. And overall while I do think it's a fairly well-detailed game for the Switch and doesn't really look 'bad', it butchers the source material pretty badly. It's too detailed to capture the minimalist vastness of the saturn version, and not detailed enough to have the life-like spectacle of AAA modern games.

Not terrible overall but I have no desire to go back to this one. Here's hoping the Zwei remake (if it happens) addresses those criticisms.

I'd been really curious about the Panzer Dragoon games for a while, and I had a very pleasent time with the game. That said, it was rather bland towards the end, as there was no real gameplay twist beyond the core mechanics introduced on the first episode.

For a game released before Star Fox 64, it's quite impressive. I love how dynamically it integrates the camera into its gameplay. It's an early 3D game and it seems to have gotten so much right the first time around. As a remake, however, I find it to be quite lacking in its camera use. The Saturn didn't have a second stick (or a stick at all for that matter), so using shoulder buttons to rotate the camera was the only option. What I don't understand is why the second stick couldn't be used for fine camera adjustments in this remake. The shoulder buttons could have still worked for 90° movements, but the lack of any option for fine adjustments makes it so you have some very awkward blind spots

That aside, although I find the core on-rails shooting more interesting than Star Fox 64's, that game offered much more varied objectives and modes of play. Panzer Dragoon has a very rigid structure that rarely deviates from itself. As a result, the game's climax doesn't feel all too different or more exciting than the rest of the game.

Anyway, I'll probably try Orta out some other day.

As a remake, this is a little disappointing. While the graphics have been buffed, it doesn't seem like the new devs took any opportunities to tweak the gameplay. At least some enemy patterns can be challenging, even if more of the challenge comes from having to aim and maneuver on the same stick. The fantasy designs and synth-flute melodies retain some of their charm. Boss fights aren't bad, either. Ultimately, this is only a way to play a decent game that's showing its age. No more, no less.

I never played the original game, so keep that in mind. The soundtrack to this game is what caught me off guard. It's a very amazing soundtrack that really gets you in the mood and makes this feel like an eventful game.

There isn't much of a story to disect and the game tells you everything in the first cutscene in the first 3 minutes of the game. This game isn't really about the story.

The game gives you options on what gameplay style to choose from, modern or classic. Modern mode makes it so you move the dragon with one joystick and move the crosshairs with another joystick. The classic mode makes it so the dragon and the crosshairs are on the same joystick. The classic mode was easier to play in with a game like this. The other thing that was unusual for a rail sooter, in my opinion, was the fact that you have to watch a mini radar map in the corner for enemies. Then you actually have to physically move the camera to that side and have to be aware of the enemies at all times. That's very refreshing gameplay and kept me on my toes the entire time.

This game has high replay value for those who want to play on normal or hard mode and also for achievement hunters.

First, the game is short. I know this game has an "arcade mindset" where they think people will play over and over again in short bursts. But, me not knowing about the original thought it was going to be a few hours of gameplay, not 1. To be honest, it's a shame that this game is so short, because I had so much fun playing it.

Speaking of the "arcade mindset" this game has "lives" that they call "credits" and if you die in a level, then you have to do the whole level over again, like the old arcade cabinets. I would hate this if the game was longer, but this works well with how short the game is.

The only gripe I have with the game is in the PC version of this game, I was not able to get to the secret Level 0. I put in the code from the console versions and just assume the PC version doesn't have it. What it does have is a code to go to a secret menu to pick any level you want, god mode, concept art, and other settings.

Overall, I'd say this is a very entertaining game and the best rail shooting game I've ever played.