Reviews from

in the past

Does this game have a Double Jumo? Yes.

Pitfall is a pretty neat platformer, but it gets really annoying about 3/4 through for me so I just quit. It starts out impressive tbh, good artstyle, very cartoony performances by Steve Blum and the animation team. Like the animations are really fun and Pitfall Harry is way more expressive than he should be. The traditional pits in this game are also just "Mouths in the Ground"; like they have teeth and they chew and they just generally ungulate, its a really cool design choice.

The game plays pretty well, and you unlock a bunch of abilities/tools that are neat. An early mechanic you learn that is vital to many of the tools is that your right thumbstick controls your hand to grab treasure (that you would just pick up by walking into it in any other game. It is really fucking funny to just watch Pitfall Harry just stand around and grope the air, along with his ability to just turn into the Morph Ball and roll around. Most of the tools you have rely on you moving your hand with the thumb stick. For example, you have a estus flask, that when you equip, you hold up to drink from it to heal, and to fill it up you must hold it down in a heal pool. There is a raft that you use the thumbsticks as paddles to move around (it is very clunky and annoying though) and pickaxes that you climb with each stick to a axe, and other ones too. I like when games use the thumbsticks like this, it can feel just really intuitive (sometimes) and has usually made me feel better when playing a game.

This game is kind of annoying to traverse if you want to go back to other areas, or trying to figure out where to go when it doesnt just lead you in a straight line. The map isnt a real video game map so it can be confusing with exit you need to go to in a room. About 3/4's through the game the individual rooms get annoying too. The boss I quit on is like a typical sumo "knock them out of the arena" boss, but it just does not control good at all because you are playing as a penguin instead and it just sucks. I was already getting annoyed at later stuff in this game so I just thought I got my fill.

pitfall harry moves like a freak in this game and i love it. he's got a devilman crybaby dash AND can roll up into a ball like samus. items are controlled with the sticks, similar to ape escape, which im a sucker for. storywise, he has most likely gone on this expedition to avoid a court hearing for sexual harrassment. you punch indigenous people who talk like that kid from the wild thornberries and screaming baboons who you just woke up from their nap and instead of disappearing into thin air they just stay dead on the ground. its actually a pretty good game.

I remember enjoying this game, but getting stuck and then i gave my xbox and games away....

I played this game a long time ago and i need to replay it, but in my toddler mind it was a masterpiece

This game is weird. Even though Pitfall is something Activision tries to bring back every once in a while, this one still feels like it came out of left field. It’s especially strange because it’s admittedly pretty good. The Lost Expedition is a 3D Metroidvania that takes place in a jungle with deep caverns, snowy mountains, ancient temples, and more. There’s a wide variety of tools you receive throughout the game and tons of useful collectibles to find for upgrades. The best part about it is arguably the movement. Harry’s animations are snappy, silly, and cartoonish. Combined with responsive controls, the animations make Harry feel smooth as butter to control. I don’t find the music very catchy or memorable, but it compliments the environments and actions really well. In terms of the design and gameplay, I think it aged pretty well.

The absolute worst things about this game are the writing and scenarios. The writing itself is pretty generic; I can barely even remember the plot. The primary issues are the sexism and racism. Pitfall Harry is a creep to women at almost every opportunity he can get. The ending culminates in Harry being the Prophetic White Guy Savior to the ancient civilization of El Dorado. Additionally, you’re going to be spending the majority of the game brutally beating animals and natives to death as they try to defend themselves. As a kid, I didn’t really think twice, but as an adult, it’s kind of awkward to kill them and just look at their lifeless bodies on the ground. I think an apt summary of this game is the penguin enemy you’ll encounter in the icy mountain areas. Each penguin has a nest that they leave very briefly to slide and lunge at you. If you destroy the egg in the nest while the penguin is gone, the penguin will start crying and it will no longer attack you. This game has all sorts of great attention to detail like this, but it feels wrong in lots of places.

This is a hidden gem of 3D platforming and I recommend it to anyone who likes 3D platformers. It boasts a pseudo-open world (open world insofar as there are transitional loading screens) and progression is similar to that of a Metroidvania; unlocking tools and moves that allow you to explore new areas. There's a Wii port subtitled "The Big Adventure". There's a track in the game that'll make your hairs stand up and I think it qualifies as racist but idk lol

My absolute most favorite game of all time (so far). Wonderful game full of charm and adventure. A must play for everyone. There's a couple issues with it (some 3D platformer jank, some odd story beats), but it's a solid 7/10 and remains my favorite.

Product of its time for sure. Middle of the road 3D platformer that's perfectly serviceable but doesn't excel at anything. It wants you to collect upgrades and revisit old areas to collect more stuff, but I found the level design too linear to encourage doing so. Traversal isn't fun enough for me to want to run through all the areas the same way several times since none of the upgrades allow you to approach areas differently. The game already has me doing that enough anyway. Rewards for exploration are also always uninteresting and exactly what you expect.

I didn't find any of the characters very likeable, especially Harry. The jaguar was really annoying. The story in general is whatever but it's not like I expected much. Audio mixing in this game is terrible and sound effects vary wildly in quality.

Originally played this game as its Wii port, now have had multiple playthroughs on the Gamecube. This game is one of my favorite 3d platformers, and although there are flaws with this game, it is overall a very fun experience that I recommend.

"Next time you get stuck, just call my name. I promise not to come.."

Provavelmente o jogo que eu mais joguei no ps2 como criança, e eu ainda me diverti pra caramba jogando hoje em dia, e eu finalmente pude jogar sabendo inglês e finalmente entender a história kkk, um remaster desse jogo seria incrivel, visto que o jogo envelheceu muito bem, adoro o pegada mundo semi-aberto dele. Extremamente underrated na biblioteca do ps2.

this game is honestly a hidden gem such a great 3d platformer, pitfall harry is an idiot but funny at the same time. the speedrun for this game is short and fun and the movement is pretty cool

This review contains spoilers

First of all I didn't completed the game, I quited at the final boss battle because I just thought it was very stupid, you have to hit him with some pilars while the boss does not stop firing you magic balls, and you can't aim well because of the camera so you basically depend of the luck to hit him. I think this game is fun but have some problems (it didn't aged very well):

- it has some camera problems, you can only turn camera to right or left, so sometimes you can't see well the platforms where you have to jump
- framedrops
- (this point isn't very important in therms of gameplay but I believe that I have to mention it), in the spanish version the dubbing its desicronizated
- sometimes the combat gameplay can be a bit rough, also I think sometimes its a bit unfair because of the tons of enemies that throw you dynamite and go away running and jumping, and its a bit more difficult to reach them because of the camera problems
- this game is based on: you reach a new zone --> you need an item to open a new path to another zone, so you have to be constantly going up and down in the map areas, and sometimes can be difficult to know where you have to go.
-the story is not very deep, its a story for kids, generic and completely forgettable

About the good things:
- It has a good variety of items, and some of them are good and original ideas
- the platforming and exploring the areas its fun

So should you play this game? well I think it can be fun , but I finded it a bit long (it took me like 9h30min aprox to reach the final boss, although in some parts I watched a longplay on youtube [ ] to know where I had to go, so if you already have this game maybe you should give it a try and just quit if you start to get bored.

zelda-ish 3d platformer that's really good overall but kinda baked in that indiana jones brand of racism

pitfall harry? more like pitfall harasser. stick to rehab buddy

Jogo muito mas muito bem feito. Precisa urgentemente de uma versão atualizada para as novas gerações, seja um remake bem feito ou um novo game.
Aventuresco e engraçado, características que brilham aos olhos de quem joga. Um dos melhores games do Ps2.

Que grata surpresa, piadinhas e um vai e vem do caralho. "Um nativo está no meio do caminho/10"

this is gonna make me sound insane but pitfall bros its PEAK