Reviews from

in the past

xenoblade 2 eat your heart out this game has an 80 hour long tutorial

Why did I not beat this?! This concept rules! I gotta go buy a copy again.

If you're a Pokemon fan who likes Nobunaga's Ambition, Fire Emblem, Final Fantasy Tactics, Advance Wars, or even Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle, do yourself a favor and try this game out. It's such a great combination of styles.

Great tactical take on Pokémon's core gameplay. Really enjoyed the dynamic it brings and would love to play this again some day

Nintendo has always been pro-colonialism, I guess.

Really wish that old guy would just fucking retire already instead of showing up every year to tell me how Pokémon battles work

This is hands down my favorite game in the entire Pokemon franchise. The tactics gameplay is great, and the story works really well in the frame of the Pokemon universe. It's depressing to think that they'll likely never make another one.

Nobunaga specializes in dragon types and they made the dude that kills him a sexy anime dude that specializes in ice types this game is amazing

Genuinely makes me feel a little old remembering this game because it’s been over 11 years and I remember like it was yesterday:looking at the Pokémon website one day and seeing a trailer for this game, and thinking it was the coolest thing ever and anticipating its release. I saved up enough money to get it the day after it came out and then frantically played it for a few days before beating the main story(and then spending the better part of a year coming back to it to beat the postgame). For a long while at that point it probably was my favorite game I’d ever played, I can’t quite say that anymore but it’ll always have a place among my personal favorites.

My favorite Pokemon spin-off game ever!

Honestly there are a lot of mechanics that just don't really work unless you're playing dozens of hours at a time, like money is pretty much useless and delegations don't do a lot outside of training. Linking and leveling new pokemon requires more grinding than the main story allows you to do, etc.
But this is really good otherwise. For the first hour I was like "lmao little pokemon commit war crimes ok I'll probably quit soon" then I got addicted

whoever decided to use the samurai warriors designs for all the characters in this game deserves extreme head

main game lasted about 6 hours for me. the concept of the game is really cool actually and fits the pokemon theme well. i was confused at first that we only get one attack per pokemon but otherwise this wouldnt flow so well. postgame does not really speak to me so i am leaving it at that. its nice as something to ease your mind to and not too difficult in terms of tactic and such.

still vibing to the music even today
pugilis theme and yaksha theme my beloved

I would really appreciate it if they’d make more of these.

Probably the best Pokemon game ever made. A tactical RPG setting fits the Pokemon world very well. There's a whole lot of deep and engaging content to get involved with and I think the gameplay is interesting enough to compel the player to see everything. I wish there would be a sequel but it's been a decade and nobody remembers this game. Sad.

My personal favorite Pokemon spinoff game. The gameplay loop is a bit repetitive but it's enjoyable finding perfect links and battling in the different maps of the game. Each pokemon only having one move seemed like a weird choice at first but it adds just that bit more strategy to it. Not a hard game by any means, but it definitely has its moments here and there. Art style is great and using actual Japanese warlords is so interesting and cool. Postgame giving you the ability to play as all the other warlords was a fun choice

The peak of Pokémon spinoffs. Simple but effective strategy gameplay, where conquering kingdoms and recruiting warlords is a fun system. Only major flaw is how grindy the game can get when a new set of kingdoms opens up. And just when you think you beat the main story, it follows up with several smaller ones, and THEN another main story! One of the best games on the DS and the lack of a sequel is further proof modern GameFreak has no idea what it's doing

this game fucks, definitely one of the pokemon games ever

The Best Pokémon Spin-off so far.


I’ve been streaming this game for months upon months now and the content never stops. I have 70+ hours in it and it’s absolutely surreal how much there is to do and it never ends. I recommend it a ton!

No seriously, I’m not even halfway through the content.

Esse sim é um spin off de qualidade.

Third GOTM finished for April 2023. I have mixed emotions. The flaws are obvious; plodding character and army movement, unnecessarily convoluted and frustrating selection-within-a-selection menus and UI, and some wildly inaccurate hit percentages aren't great. However, this game just clicked with me. I enjoyed hunting for randomly-appearing Pokémon with a greater than average link percentage with certain warriors, the limited move sets that forced me to carry certain Pokémon into battle, taking the time to level links and evolve every Pokémon I came across, the theming and character/castle designs, and how it was all wrapped in a comfy isometric tactical viewpoint. This game could stand from several QOL improvements, but at the end of the day I spent over 40 hours on just the main story by choice. That says a lot about how I feel towards this game.

I might come back for this later but for now it's just so mid and I would rather be playing something I actually enjoy. Was really fun at first but got boring rather quickly.

The biggest issue is that recruiting new pokemon for characters is a pain and having to rely on my few good automatic gold links just sucks. It just feels like the game doesn't respect my time.

Imma be real, I don't remember a damn thing about this game lol. 10/10

Eu adorei essa perspectiva diferente que deram pra franquia de Pokemon. Imaginar esse universo alternativo e ver como ele se desenrola é bem bacana e a mudança pra um jogo mais estratégico é sempre bem vinda.

Mas puta que pariu, que jogo longo. Vou terminar não.

An extremely good attempt to introduce the genre to kids. They should absolutely make another one of these.

This shit fun asl!! New one/remake when???

play this goddamn masterpiece of a game, thanks