Reviews from

in the past

I wanted to rate it lower but I was unable to convince my fingers to do so

E se reduzíssemos toda a estrutura de risco-recompensa em um jogo simples de browser baseado em controlar um corredor com física merda? Pegando essa ideia, Bennett Foddy traz um de seus primeiros jogos, que consegue ser surpreendentemente viciante apesar do quão disfuncional pode parecer. Muitos podem olhar pra esse jogo e de cara falar "tá, é completamente imbecil e não vou perder meu tempo", mas parte do motivo do sucesso do jogo, é que maior parte vai olhar e pensar "é completamente imbecil, mas eu quero ir mais longe". Com essa simples motivação internalizada na maior parte dos jogos que envolvem algum nível de dificuldade, a experiência com QWOP se constrói, os sistemas podem ser problemáticos, mas o jogador quer se colocar acima deles, provar que consegue destrinchar e superar as dificuldades do jogo, e daí, pode surgir o vício, uma vontade sem fim de tentar denovo e denovo, até conseguir superar os recordes e chegar até o final. Agora, a pergunta que fica ao final é, porque gastar todo esse tempo com um jogo claramente disfuncional quando tem tantos outros jogos que constroem essa experiência de forma mais satisfatória, porque perder tempo se frustrando quando podemos jogar um jogo que segue um bom balanceamento e te deixa constantemente imerso? Exatamente, e é nessa pergunta, que também reside uma dúvida ainda maior e mais interessante; o que faz um bom jogo?

You gotta hold W and O, and then Q and P, and keep alternating rhythmically. This makes him run, you can thank me later

most overrated developer of all fucking time

Sort of fascinating in terms of testing the limits of what could be done with game design, and the intentionally obtuse difficulty and controls crossed with a task that would be much easier to perform in real life than in this game, is pretty funny and absurd. People say this game is an "attempt at realism that goes drastically wrong" but I'm sure it was intentional.

Mostly logging this to say that I finally beat this game on July 16th, managing to go 100 meters in the span of 30.9 seconds at a pace of 3.24 meters per second. In real life I can run that space in probably about 20 seconds, and I'm pretty bad at running. (This involved a strategy of dragging my legs across the floor so I don't have to deal with the loss of balance resulting from the QWOP runner's legs which have slinkies in place of knee caps.)

Another thing to note is the Chariots of Fire jingle that plays every time you take a step, and also that the game is depicting the run in slow motion. It's also so sporadic that you wouldn't even know that was the case, as I thought the guy was just running so slowly (i.e. with how it took me 5 minutes real time to run 30 seconds.) The more you know.

My record is in the negatives, scientists are baffled.

Finally, a Video Game that accurately emulates the experience of using one's legs. For centuries, we have wondered what it would be like to use legs, and now we know!

Thanks QWOP!

cool idea but not really a fun game unless you're using it to distract yourself from something worse. that said, it was a good way to waste time in class years ago

this game is just like drakengard except superior bc the ost slaps

I got 100.1 metres and am a national hero now. I made my country proud.

A masterpiece in foddian game design. Not surprising, as it comes from Bennett Foddy himself. Such a shame the "optimal strategy" doesn't work in every web browser, but that only made me come up with a different strategy altogether.

Hilarious inversion of the usual game premise: instead of doing cool shit in the game with simple button combinations, you need utmost skill and concentration in order to do the simple in-game task of moving in a straight line.

When does a meme game also become an unironically good one? I don't have an objective answer but this game gave me and my friends a lot of joy and laughter. If I'm ever looking for a job I'll be sure to mention on my resume that I once did the full 100m legitimately.

(9-year-old's review, typed by his dad)

I made it 12.3 Meters. How do you control it? Uhhhhhhh he's fit and he can't walk. It doesn't make sense. (He now takes the keyboard, saying he's going to type a tutorial:) do wwwww qwqwqwqwqwqopoooqwqwqwqwqwwqqoooqwqwqwqwq

This is the funny game you tell your friends about it you're funny.

Never trust anyone who enjoys this unironically

If you have a broken W key on your keyboard, you need not worry, you can win with relative ease. Long, 50 second ease, but relative ease

I got 13.2 metres, I think I can safely list this as mastered.

Bennett Fode fazendo um jogo estranhamente funcional mas ao mesmo tempo não satisfatório

Getting this dude to move is harder then getting me to move.

this one fills me with RAGE. It's brilliant.

I love the part where you press q,w,o, and p

the little “eh” when u fail has never left me