Reviews from

in the past

This game absolutely screams mediocre in the worst way possible. Just look at the box art and the cropped in pictures of Claire in the zombie’s eyes!! I cannot imagine someone who would of picked up this one on release and paid full price for this absolute definition of a highway robbery. Basically the port of an arcade lightgun type of game with 4 levels and the gun system is horrible. You can only carry one other with your pistol and I don’t think ammo even stacks. I played as Claire and Steve stayed in my way the whole time. This damn fool was a liability if anything. It’s pretty damn tough on normal with only 3 lives and then its instantly “back to the main menu” game over. After finishing it I was relieved to be done with it and cannot believe one of my beloved favorite franchises dropped such a massive dookie turd on the name of Resident Evil. I heard it was supposedly a dream sequence Claire and Steve had on the Plane while asleep, no doubt it was a horrible nightmare. If I was Claire I would of woke up and just started wailing on Steve for being such a giant pain in the ass!

Como avaliar um jogo que não fornece nada?

Apesar de amar essa franquia e ter jogado muita coisa, esse era um dos únicos que eu nunca tinha tocado. Bom, talvez as coisas devessem ter continuado desse jeito. Sério, depois de jogar isso aqui eu fico até pensando se o primeiro Survivor não merecia duas estrelas e passar de ruim para fraco pq isso aqui é quase que um ultraje.

Pegaram todos os assets do Code Veronica e transformaram em um shooter em primeira pessoa TOTALMENTE sem alma, sem profundidade e sem carisma. Você passa por algumas sessões entre os estágios e algumas cutscenes sem fala, apenas com texto corrido na tela aparecem para tentar dar alguma profundidade para justificar o que está rolando, mas é muito porco.

A jogabilidade consegue ser pior que o primeiro survivor, onde virar o personagem é feito pelos botões R1 e R2 e não pelo direcional ou analógico e isso é BIZARRO. Eu nem me dei ao trabalho de tentar uma modificação de controles pq o "jogo" não é longo, não tem nem uma hora e é bem fácil.

Como eu disse sobre os estágios, você passará por 5 cenários e terá um tempo para "concluir", mas essa conclusão é apenas um contador de tempo para o Nemesis aparecer..... Sim, o Nemesis em um contexto do Code Veronica. Tipo, até tem uma explicação beeeem bunda em um dos files, mas tipo kkkkk o que caralhos o Nemesis tá fazendo aqui mano? Eu não vou nem falar mais nada sobre ele, mas falando sobre os files, tem um em específico, que é um ótimo file e deveria estar no game principal, uma pena que jogaram ele para cá.

Tem esse modo arcade genericão dos 5 estágios e um modo dungeon que é pior do que cagar em banheiro químico. Nele, um compilado de salas sem o menor contexto de ligação entre elas e a falta de um mapa, faz com que você não tenha ideia de onde está indo, e para o que está fazendo, então repetir salas e andar em circulo é muito fácil.

Eu já nem sei mais o que escrever, eu só to lembrando e indo então o texto pode estar sem conexão e ruim igual esse jogo, mas foi o que ele fez comigo, me considero um "survivor" por ter passado por essa experiência tenebrosa.

Refazendo o título, não oferece nada além de um grande pensamento que percorre a sua cabeça com os seguintes dizeres "perdi tempo de vida com isso"

rating it purely for its presentation because it just sucks straight ass to play. I was unlucky and played on a machine with its 2nd screen broken so I had to play alone and man does the input delay really make what could be a decent noncanon Resident Evil arcade experience just miserable to attempt

I do not know who on earth came up with the idea to make this sequel to a game that no one liked originally, but this shouldn't be a surprise that this didn't end well.

Now arguably that is a bit mean, it has it's fans in regards to laughing at it! Those on Retroachievements even make the effort to make achievements on there to get whilst playing on Retroarch!

Not only does this game insult RE fans by, once again, attempting to make a light-gun version of RE and failing, but they also took a game that's beloved by many people (Code Veronica) and then decided to butcher it when putting the assets into this game, including adding bosses from that game, creating new ones and adding a time-limit to each stage!

You need to find the key and get out before the time limit is up because, if you don't, a familiar-looking pod drops into the level somewhere and Nemesis arrived! Yes, Nemesis. The totally destroy BOW from the third game returns in this bastardisation of Code Veronica and even then, when he lands it isn't a big deal as he still needs to chase you down through the level, all the way from the beginning before he's able to catch up to you so the time limit is just a kind of soft-limit.

Beyond that, it's a fairly dull light-gun game/third person hybrid and you can even play a Steve if you want! The winy redhead!

I want to know what the hell were Capcom thinking when they were putting this together? I'm guessing to make quick money, but did they not know how bad the previous survivor game was? They probably hoped to get into arcade machines and get bottomless passive income from that.

I suggest you stay away from this game. It isn't worth your time and it's very short anyway so it would also waste your time too!


simplesmente pioraram e muito oq já era ruim

A goofy novelty that is actually just terrible. Some fun things to note, however:

1) This is similar to Zombie Revenge, but obviously a whole lot more shit.
2) Changing the blood to GREEN in the options coats the whole Zombie Dog in GREEN, but leaves the gaping wounds on all other models their original BLOOD-RED.
3) Nemesis in this works similarly to Mr. X from the RE2make, pushing them forward into terrible situations while being indestructible himself.
4) Nemesis in this is also more effective than the Nemesis in the RE3make...
5) It is funny that in order to be a threat Alexia relies on constantly respawning zombie dogs during her boss fight, the image is stupid as shit.
6) It is also funny that Alexia sicks a gigantic spider on you when in typical stuck-up villain fashion she decides that she doesn't have the time to fight you. "Nevermind! My spider will make quick work of you... ta-ta."

vsffffffffffffff que controle merda da porra kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk só foram corrigir no dead aim pra deixar jogável

ao contrario do primeiro, esse é um jogo de arcade rapido e gostoso de jogar que usa os assets do code veronica, é bem aqueles jogo de arminha de arcade de shopping q dura 20 minutinhos, é bem legalzinho de jogar, eu me diverti

Horrivel! O que mais me deu raiva foi o Steve me bloqueando toda direção que eu tentava ir

Imagínate soñar un juego de mierda.

Super fun but oh my god the controls were terrible.

Goodness, that was leaps and bound worse than Survivor. That game didn't make a whole lot of sense from, well, any angle, but at least it had charm. It was garbage, but it was garbage desperately trying to be a Resident Evil game, attempting to carve out its own place in the canon. This gave it an uncanny quality that was quite captivating. Survivor 2 jettisons all that Resident Evil identity in the gameplay and is instead just a dreadful 30-minute-long arcade shooter. We're getting the Code Veronica story again here, a game I already found kinda charmless, this time abridged to the point of incoherence. Survivor 2 inexplicably lacks voice acting, so there isn't even anything to laugh at. Just an irredeemable mess.

felt like some kind of fucked up ipad baby blasting through this

Chorume dos games
Ruim é elogio pra isso aqui

The last RE game I had to play to complete the entire series, this survivor game is a big improvement over the first, that said a big improvement over shit isn’t that much better than shit. What Survivor 2 does that the first Survivor did not is embrace the arcade aspect of light gun games. This game is fast paced, there is a timer until Nemesis shows up basically forcing you to keep moving as fast as possible through the levels. At the end of each level you are graded on time, score and bonuses like no damage. This element alone makes the short levels much more replayable.

Seeing that I played this on an emulator I couldn’t play with a light gun, so I had to do the controller method which means it plays just like an old school FPS. You move and strafe around really small rooms while shooting at whatever is in front of you, since there is no gun there is no way to aim at specific parts. The game does this thing where you get a critical if you shoot an enemy up close I think, I don’t know I couldn’t figure it out. You can switch weapons on the fly and even upgrade your weapon pouch to carry more. Levels are taken from Code Veronica and it’s split in small sections. Each arcade level has to be completed in the short amount of time, the goal is to find a key and take it to the exit. The layout has optional rooms you can enter for extra ammo or health, more score, etc. So again all the elements for a score based light gun game is there but it being a poor mans FPS hurts it. It’s also over in a flash, a little over 30 minutes and arcade mode is done.

There is a dungeon mode which seems to be the meat of the game. These take random locations and make a sort of maze out of them. There is no map and rooms don’t make much sense, it’s like copy pasted random locations, your job is too keep exploring till you finish an objective like “kill the boss” or “find all gems”. This mode has exclusive enemies, bosses, weapons and offers way more content than the arcade mode. I played a few levels and they can be tough, some stages have traps, looking for health in these mazes can get that adrenaline going that RE does so well. If the mechanics of shooting were interesting and if they added puzzles and actual level design this could have been something, as it is now it’s a weird version of a 90s FPS with RE characters.

The presentation is mixed bag as there is no voice work, you get text on the screen. I love Code Veronica so seeing all the locations and enemies brings me back. The music taken straight from CV is of course fantastic as it has one of the best soundtracks of the series. I wouldn’t pay much to play this but at the very least I can recommend this game just as a weird footnote in the history of RE, it’s at least playable and entertaining unlike that mess of a first survivor game.

Overall score: 5

Resident Evil Survivor 2 is just such a "nothing" game. The original Survivor was pretty awful, but at least some entertainment could be derived from its cheesy voice acting and pick up and play nature. Survivor 2 is essentially the original game but soulless. The charm is entirely wiped away and is replaced by what is essentially an asset flip of Code Veronica. I played with a gamepad this time as I couldn't figure out how to emulate a Namco GunCon in PCSX2 and found myself wrestling with the controls. You have to use the bumpers to turn, which while I got used to it, isn't smooth or intuitive at all, especially since bosses require you to circle strafe. The game tasks you with running through assorted locations from Code Veronica, collecting keys to leave before a timer runs out. If the timer runs out, Nemesis from Resident Evil 3 shows up for some reason, and he isn't much of a threat and can be outpaced fairly easily. It's an incredibly basic gameplay loop that isn't very fun and doesn't begin to rival Sega's House of the Dead series, which Capcom is trying to ape.

There's also dungeon mode, where the player is put within a maze and must explore a series of rooms to collect all the gems or kill a boss enemy. You're not given a map so exploring these levels is repetitive and uninteresting, and given that all the rooms look the same it's hard to tell where you are going. It's where the meat of this game is but it's decidedly less fun.

The presentation is also fairly bad. Every asset is simply ripped from Code Veronica directly with no attempt to use the increased power of the PlayStation 2 to improve them. Lighting is flat and inexpressive, models look like puppets on strings, and there isn't even any voice acting. All the lines are delivered with the grace of text that moves too quickly, which is for the better considering the translation is rather poor. Steve and Claire calling each other "sis" and "Mr. Knight" is rather hilarious, even if it doesn't reach the hilarity levels of Survivor 1.

It's hard to write a review of a game that doesn't offer anything. If you wanted to play a zombie-themed light gun shooter, you could just play The House of the Dead 2 on Dreamcast, which is where the original Code Veronica is anyways. Not recommended at all.

The last two levels are horrible.

Interesting and bold experiment that results in a bit of a mess. Played the arcade version which, wow what weird controls. Glad they took a risk but it was like stumbling around in the dark. Here's hoping Veronica gets a proper remake soon it really deserves it.

Difícil encontrar pontos positivos nesse jogo, realmente tudo nele é ruim, construção de cenário, combate , inimigos, relevância, é um jogo feito de qualquer jeito pra arcade , um rail shooter baseado em RE pra farmar grana, o jogo é extremamente entendiante em geral.

people that think ORC, Umbrella Corps, Survivor, RE5 or RE6 are the worst entries are all wrong and have never touched this game before

Resident Evil Survivor voltou muito pior.

Eu pelo menos me diverti no primeiro. Esse aqui, além de curto e feio, tem controles terríveis e me fez ter raiva do Steve que era meu personagem favorito do Code Veronica, porque aqui ele mais atrapalha do que ajuda.

E dá pra ver que o jogo é medíocre só olhando essa capa. Puta merda, que bagulho feio, mano.