Reviews from

in the past

Not as bad as naysayers may believe! I think the game is a lot more innovative than some people give it credit for. Yes, the graphics aren't great, the game is horribly optimized, the concept itself is creepy, the developer is a manipulative and money-hungry monster, its been in development for years and still isn't finished, etc, etc.

I'd give it a solid 3 and a half stars! But if you want something better, make sure to watch Boldly Flee if you want a 5-star experience. Link in bio.

I feel somewhat violated I installed this on my computer at one point thinking it was a game going through an ordinary development before I knew anything about him or his coding practices.

I, EvaX, humbly submit a toast to Nicholas Alexander for successfully managing to pirate Warcraft III, so that he may play Defense of The Ancients. Congratulations, Nick. Enjoy your DOTA. (Pffzt) Ahhhh.

I, EvaX, humbly submit a toast to Nicholas Alexander for successfully managing to pirate Warcraft III, so that he may play Defense of The Ancients. Congratulations, Nick. Enjoy your DOTA. (Pffzt) Ahhhh.

I need you all to understand this mediocre Hitman clone is about to hit 10 years of development.

I, EvaX, humbly submit a toast to Nicholas Alexander for successfully managing to pirate Warcraft III, so that he may play Defense of The Ancients. Congratulations, Nick. Enjoy your DOTA. (Pffzt) Ahhhh.

Twitter died before this game released... XD

The two hardest problems in computer science are naming things, cache invalidation, and off-by-one errors

Cursed game, honestly. Haunted, almost bereft of commentary. Okay, actually I think this really feels like someone trying to make a Hitman ripoff but also occupies this chasm of being simultaneously an inane shitpost and something with high-flung pretensions of "exploring the darkness of a Yandere who must appease senpai but hide the dark side of herself; eliminate her rivals." and stuff like that. Basically a stalking simulator but it's also like unfinished and broken and it feels like with what John Kricfalusi did with the adult Ren & Stimpy series where it just kind of exists as a bunch of his own ruminations which are perverse but ultimately way less interesting than the creator would have you believe. Also is strange how popular the "making of" videos of this game were and just how it inevitably wound up existing as a document of the creator's slow breakdown - as absurd as it is just outright depressing, like something out of a Todd Solondz film.

There's games where I outright believe you shouldn't play them because they'd leave a stain on your soul and this is one of them.

Someone shoulda monitored my 12 year old ass


Hot garbage. The person who coded this game is scamming his followers, and will never release a full copy of the game. Has a ridiculously long and poorly written code, which causes the game to be slow frame rate and also unnecessarily large. Asset flips and reused assets, can be somewhat fun on some of the assassination heavy modes, but I don't think it's worth it to play unless he releases the full version, which he probably won't.

He looks like the dude from Ao Oni.

my friend thinks about this game every day. odd fellow

I loved this game back in 2016 😭only if I knew....

Haven’t even played it, I’m just a YandereDev hater. Fuck that perverted, degenerate piece of shit.

A game that heaves and quakes under the stress of being played normally.

The story of it's development is way more enjoyable than the game itself. Not an atrocious idea though wish someone else would pick it up and run with it.

This shouldn't even be on here. I refuse to refer to it as a game not only due to its current state, but because it'd be an insult to video games as a form of entertainment media. Deliberately not scored, since I believe even half a star is too much praise for this thing. If minus scores were a thing, I would give it one with zero hesitation. Everything I learned about it was against my will and I feel bad for anyone who used to support this project.

this is like if those anime meme subreddits made a video game

me when I else-if all over a 14 year old (I'm yandere dev)

The most contribution this game has made on society are some funny Markiplier moments

wooowww good job yandev 😐😐😐😐

i hope this game stays in development for another 3-4 years so it can have a longer development time than duke nukem forever

childhood game but bro it ain't worth it at all