Reviews from

in the past

cute but very simple, even for a small brain strategy gamer like me

Being cute as shizz doesn't save this game from its tedious, repetitive, bare bones RPG mechanics. Thankfully, the game is only about 6 or so hours long.

I would have rather watched this as a cartoon special on Toonami.

I had fun with it, it's really cute. I can't remember if there was a specific reason I put it down, but I remember it being kind of same-y as it goes on.

its okay. not very exciting, but its fun to just go around and explore. combat sucks. costumes could be a lot more interesting if there were more available ones/choices to make. instead it feels very linear.

Cute if ultimately forgettable game.

one of my favorite rpgs purely based on nostalgia

Great vision from the creators of Psychonauts, channeled through a cozy atmosphere and mood you won't really get anywhere else, despite it depiction of classic American iconography

Love the art style and music and the story overall, highly recommended if you're looking for a more lighthearted Halloween game.
(played on IOS and Xbox 360, performance on Ipad 2 was atrocious)

Actually better than I thought it would be.

i remember having a lot of fun with this game and nothing else. bought it on a whim as a kid and ended up having a good time to the point where I 100%ed it. I think its a fun little halloween-inspired RPG that doesn't overstay its welcome. I always wanted to play the DLC for this and its sequel but never did.

Rating: 5.5/10 - Bad

The artstyle and length and different costumes are good but unfortunately, they are the only interesting things about the game.

How can anyone make a turn-based rpg where characters only have 2 moves and think that's ok is beyond me.

mostly cute for the story and world the rpg gameplay is kinda just there

The most charming Halloween game.

local kids go out for candy while I refuse to leave my home

So much charm that is hindered by awful level design.

Such a fun rpg to play every Halloween

Extremely cute and very enjoyable even if extremely basic. It's shortness is a plus.

Cute little RPG adventure, with tons of charm just oozing out of the environments and characters. However, the gameplay is just far too simple, it would give Pokémon a run for its money. It's an issue that unfortunately gets old and really starts to make the game feel like a drag, having to fight the same fights with the same costumes over and over and over again.

It's fun trying out the different costumes and their abilities in battle but there never comes a point where you'd need to think about what costumes you would need or switch around for a battle, other than the final boss fight.

Overall, it's a nice, spooky little adventure worth playing around the Halloween time if you can find it cheaper enough for you. The presentation is the highlight of this game as the main RPG elements and fights are far too simplified to the point of being tiring and boring after a few hours in.

A cute game with a fun conceit, but is a bit dull. You go around, knock on doors for candy, solve some light environmental puzzles with costumes, and engage in okay minigames and acceptable RPG battles. It's all very mild and works well enough, but it's not very exciting nor especially funny. It's alright! Very, very alright.

Entretenido juego de aventura de estos chamacos que pasan de divertirse en una noche de Halloween a salvar al mundo de unos monstruos adictos a los dulces. Un RPG por turnos con una historia bastante divertida e imaginativa, donde impera la amistad, el coleccionar disfraces alocados y el comer dulces hasta más no poder. Para todas las edades, muy recomendado.

A little bit overly simple, but a cute Halloween romp nonetheless. Great for kids.

A simple game that mostly gets by on its charm. A solid recommendation if you are looking for a light hearted game to break up your Halloween Horror-fest.

A prime example of when cuteness and humor can outshine subpar gameplay. Its combat system is fairly basic but incredibly fun to look at. Dialogue is also very fun, and the game doesn’t overstay its welcome. It’s just too charming not to like. Although, I wish the main villains were explored a little more. I also found that some bosses required specific setups to be able to beat, and not having those setups meant unavoidable deaths.

Much better than I expected. Very charming, and creative. You are always expecting which will be the next costume you will get to see its powers and transformation in battle.
Really light, original and enjoyable RPG, and the graphics are pretty fitting.

A very enjoyable little game to play around Halloween. I played this on the PS3 sometime ago and I LOVED it. This is one of those well made games by Tim Schafer that is endless fun.

Edit: The story is about two kids, brother and sister, who go out trick-or-treating, however, goblin creatures from another world have come out to steal candy for a mysterious nefarious purpose. As these kids, you're able to fight them due to the properties of the world these creatures come from, your characters are able to actually utilise the abilities of the costumes that they wear.

For example, the robot costume turns you into a big mecha that launches rocket fists, the knight turns you into a holy knight and so on with all the many costumes you can unlock later, some being far more powerful!

To make the costume you need to collect not only the materials, but also the blueprints for them which is often a lot of fun to look up new costumes and gain new powers too. Some of which will give you abilities you allow you into other areas and bypass hazards. Beyond that, it's a really fun game to play. Especially around Halloween.