Reviews from

in the past

A decent game from the '80s, although it is pretty short compared to the likes of Mario 1 for instance

Now this is some dark mario lore

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Holyyy shit best game ever

It's just the arcade version minus the interesting cutscenes.

Fun and a bit charming but it controls really bad.

Not nearly as good as the original game, just a desperate attempt at cleaning Donkey Kong's image as a villain, while tarnishing Mario's reputation forever.

Just an average arcade game that isn't very fun.

I don't give a shit about this one imma be real

Played through NSO. It was some fun 20 minutes or so, cycling through levels around 3-4 times. I had played this in my childhood before in a rip-off console, so I'm glad I was finally able to properly beat it, and surprised with the controls that aren't too bad.

the junior is better than the senior

nes classic 4/30

More fun than the original IMO. Maybe cus its easier. Cute little jungle setting. Played NES Version via Switch

i honestly think it's a little bit better than the original donkey kong. it just feels more dynamic and varied to me, but what do i know? most of my hours in this game are from animal crossing.

This game is truly fantastic

A fun game still but it literally has like 4 minis on content then loops. If thats your thing then more power to you but an nes game it cannot hang at the top. It has all 3 stages from the arcade game which is nice, but is that really something worth praising??

As an NES game released early in it's life, and an arcade game to the icon Donkey Kong game, Donkey Kong Jr. cements itself as one of the first sequels in video games. While I would attest to the idea that sequels in video games are usually better than the original, you wouldn't know that playing this game.

Donkey Kong Jr. sets itself up as a inversion of the previous game, with Donkey Kong being held captive instead, and it's up to his son to save him. The game is a traditional get from A to B platformer that has you go thru 4 different levels then cycles you back. In every way Donkey Kong Jr. hits the same beats as the first one, but it just doesn't impress.

From the way each level is designed to only having one proper way to go up, to just how bland the levels actually are, it just feels like Donkey Kong Jr. is just riding the coat tails of it's predecessor. The first two levels look nearly the same at a glance, and the 3rd level is just devoid of anything interesting. With the only really interesting level being the final one which you do save your dad. The sounds are far more irritating as climbing vines not only takes longer, but is far more constant compared to Mario's walking in the previous game. Vine climbing itself also has a fair share of problems with the way the mechanics seem simple, but are more difficult to control once you use them more. This all kinda leans into the game just not feeling as good as it's predecessor's easier control scheme and level design.

I honestly was shocked just how much I didn't like this game the more I played it. Each loop just made me think that it was done better in the previous game. Donkey Kong Jr. certainly gets some points for at least trying something different, but that same reason is why the game doesn't feel nearly as good as the original.

I prefer this game over the original Donkey Kong. The platforming is more challenging and is more creative than the first game.

Enjoyed this more then donkey Kong but still no substance

I didn't have a great time with this game. It just wasn't fun.

How did they misunderstand the point of the original game?

It's pretty fun for like 15 minutes but it's an arcade game so altogether that's not bad

Honestly the best of the Pre-Super Mario Bros. Mario games

A sequel to the original Donkey Kong where Mario is the villain for the only time. It's ok and average, understandably very short and limited being a very early NES game and all that.
Idk if I liked this better or worse than the original.

I prefer the movement in this game to the original Donkey Kong, it's just a lot faster, and I think the way they expanded upon the climbing mechanics from the first was greatly appreciated. The 2nd level and 4th are probably the most intriguing in that respect, and I especially like the twist on DK's last level in this game. Sort of ironic, but I feel due to the fact it's much smoother to control, you kind of lose some of the charm and tension of the original because of that fact, and in general I just find it way easier than it's predecessor in both handling and level design.. but that's not exactly a bad thing.
It still has some of the weirdness of the first but you kind of just get used to it after dying like twice.

Una secuela con un enfoque ciertamente distinto pese a repetir el esquema de diseño del juego original, pero que sustancialmente tiene un tanto más de profundidad gracias a sus controles y diseño un tanto más trabajado.

baby donkey on the switch i played it about 3-5 years ago. donkey kong jr. this playthrough was NOT 100%.