Reviews from

in the past

A 70+ hour experience with nothing to show for it. Absolutely boring.

Never played a game that has oozed the feeling of adventure quite like this one. One moment later on actually hit me like a ton of bricks, completely out of nowhere and I loved it. One of the best classic JRPGs. Oh and those excellent Toriyama designs are on point as ever. Loved the Sutherlands.

one of the worst games I've ever played. also it's a crime to have q soundtrack with like. only 5 unique tracks for an 80+ hour game

Dragon Quest VII me cogió por sorpresa. Este remake me presentó un elenco de personajes inolvidables y uno de los mejores personajes que me he encontrado nunca jugando videojuegos. Su historia es bastante interesante. Una obra maestra, vamos.

Overall a solid game, but goddamn is the pacing often glacial. Not only that, but it sometimes repeats ideas and mechanics from long earlier that weren't even interesting the first time, which really makes the padding palpable. If this is supposedly so much shorter than the PS1 version, I can't imagine I'd ever finish that one.

i don't think i'm a dragon quest guy

Nothing of him that doth fade,
But doth suffer a sea change
Into something rich and strange.

I wish this game didn't kill the JRPG genre for me. Why does this game have to be Seventy hours long.

half the game is a major slog but it starts to pick up. still some classic rpg gameplay

9 out of 10 doctors recommend DQ7 as a treatment for insomnia.

The fuck do you mean "underrated classic" this shit drags on forever and has some of the worst mechanics in the franchise. Not only that, but it barely fucking works on the 3ds with its litany of bugs. Absolute fucking shitshow of a game.

Une aventure hors-norme dans la pure tradition de la série, mais avec un supplément dans la trame scénaristique qui prend la forme d'une reconstruction d'un monde déchu.

Les histoires s'enchaînent, touchantes et variées, sur un rythme lent, mais bien huilé. Et toujours, au bout du compte, cette narration pleine d'humanité qui permet d'élever le moindre PNJ au rang de personnage attachant.

La lutte est semée d'embûches, de ramages de la 3DS, le voyage très long, ponctué de classes à farmer jusqu'à plus soif, mais on ressort de l'aventure dépaysé, éreinté, le cœur empli de mélancolie en repensant à toutes les épreuves traversées. L'un des meilleurs épisodes de la série une fois qu'on parvient à l'appréhender.

My first DQ game and I had a good time. I loved the gameplay and different classes and the characters were charming, but man does this game go on for a long time.

Perfect RPG for cozy gamers who want a long haul of a game to keep them coming back for months and months. Not for speedsters who just want to knock a game out.

every bad thing that could be in an rpg

El juego comienza con una cantidad absurda de dialogo en que lo mas que puedes interactuar es mover al personaje para hablar y hablar de punto A a B.
La música es repetitiva, repiten los mismos modelos para distintos personajes, siendo tan pero tan monótono.
Depende bastante del farmeo para poder avanzar contra los enemigos, además que las armas y armaduras son ridículamente caras, que solo podrás ir comprando si te pones a farmear, lo cual es mas tiempo muerto. Ya de por si su jugabilidad es la de un rpg genérico y super mecánico.
La historia llega a un punto en que se siente tan repetitiva, siempre es la misma formula de entrar a una isla nueva donde debes resolver el conflicto que lo llevo a su extinción, donde en ocasiones meten historias ridículas como romances entre personajes, sumado a que repite mucho los modelados y la misma música en todos los mundos. Además para que la historia avance necesitas visitar partes tan especificas del mapa para que salga una animación y que la historia siga avanzando. Yo tuve que andar recorriendo los mapas una y otra vez visitando cada esquina hasta que por fin saliese la animación para que continuará la historia.

es largo con ganas y tiene contenido pa rato

The last mainline game I needed to play (though IX remains the last I need to beat, technically, or at least try to beat considering that I'm dropping this one). I'd put this one off and been wary about it because of its notorious reputation as the longest and slowest game in the series, and now that I've played it, that reputation is well earned, and also perhaps even an understatement.

This is a tough one to rate because technically it really isn't that much worse than VI or IV, which are flawed games and previously sat at the bottom of my ranking, but have some positives in their favor. This game is just...really bland to me. The episodic design is unique for the series, but I didn't find most of the stories that compelling, and honestly even found some of the recurring themes to be a little off putting. Otherwise, it has all the slowness and flatness that I found troubling in VI, but drawn out even further. It's a game that's roughly as middling, but thrice the length, and that's just hard to justify.

10000 hours long with the depth of a puddle. Still love DQ tho

A solid gold premise and delightful atmosphere, that are slowly brought down by the game far overstaying its welcome. (And arguably getting worse over time - each addition to your party is less interesting than the last)

And this is the shorter version of the game!

I like the scene 50 hours into the game where a townsperson traps the party in a basement with all of a locked wooden door holding them in, and they just wait until someone lets them out. For Christ's sake, burn it down! You know Frizzle!

Gave this an extra half-star for the hilarious Alltrades Abbey sequence

Probably my favorite DQ game purely based off of its gameplay loop. I think if you’re ok with a game taking 100 hours to get through then you will have an incredible time.

A bland and by-the-numbers entry. Doesn't have a lot going for it besides length. It's basic Dragon Quest gameplay. At least the job system is back.

The game-breaking glitch near the end was never patched. It's unacceptable.

will finish later. loved the dynamic between auster kiefer and maribel from the opening section i played though

My save file corrupted after 47 hours, it's probably a masterpiece.

Bom jogo no geral, mas com um sério problema de ritmo. Só pela metade do game é liberado o sistema de vocações (aprox. 40 hrs), e só aí que as coisas engrenam e a história ganha mais forma. Tem momentos incríveis, mas também muitos desnecessários.

Un jeu pouvant être résumé en un mot: éreintant.
Beaaaaucoup trop long pour son bien.
Trop décousu également.
Manquant d’options Quality of Life à hauteur d’un jeu récent.
Manquant de liant, d’epicness.

Et ce, jusqu’au grind interminable de fin pour être à la hauteur d’un boss de fin en 4 phase gonflant au possible. La faute en partie aux features de cette version 3DS, en partie multijoueur, à base de capture de monstres et d’échanges de tablette, fournissant les meilleures upgrade et possibilités de grind.

Ces longs écueils mis à part, il reste des chouettes personnages, de jolies histoire, et un système de classe old school, bien calibré au jeu.

Dragon Quest VII is my favorite game in the series and one of my top 3 favorite games of all time. 

Like all the other DQ games, it's a super fun game with a cozy vibe, even with the actual plot getting dark at times. The combat isn't anything ground-breaking; it's the tried and true DQ formula. The game is fairly long, about the same length as DQVIII, but a good bit shorter than DQXI. 

What makes this game so special to me is how the story and world are built up over the course of the game.

You start off on the one lone island on the map, and through your adventures, you travel to different points in the past to rescue other islands. This makes them show up on the map, and you're able to visit them in the present to see how things turn out. 

The fact that the individual stories happen during different periods of time makes for some really cool parts. A few of the islands you visit will build upon the stories of others by either being prequels or taking place between the past and present.

During your travels, you're slowly fed information about the overarching story. It's really fun to piece together, and it feels super satisfying by the end.

This format of storytelling was incredibly appealing to me, and I've never really played anything like it.