Reviews from

in the past

Great collection of minigames and short campaigns with classic Kirby gameplay. Some mini-campaigns felt superfluous, like the Dyna-Blade one.

This port is mostly unchanged with a couple new things. Unfortunately, this is the most overrated Kirby game. It's too easy even by Kirby standards, and the level design is not that good. The music, for some reason, is worse than in the SNES original.

played like 2 gourmet race rounds with my friend 10 years ago and lost

Extremely fun remake that has such a large variety of modes that keeps anyone entertained, and a overarching storyline that is also really interesting.

I hadn't played the original until I got a proper SNES years later, but I had heard great things about Super Star, so upon this game's announcement, I had to get it. Hoooo boy, I LOVE this game. It just plays so darn good as a Kirby game should, and there's tooooons of Kirby content packed into digestible mini stories that don't force you to rush playing the game all at once and get burned out. This is the best Kirby game around, hands down.

My introduction to Kirby, god what a good game

Such a massive facelift of SNES Super Star jesus christ it's so raw

One of the few remakes that's better than the original in every conceivable way.

Best Kirby experience, I love replaying at least once a year, just a fun platformer with a ton of charm.

The definitive way to experience Kirby Super Star.
The new content added in this version is great

Really good kirby game.

Dedede needs more monsters to clobber that there kirbeh

best kirby game. best remaster of a game. i don't need to explain why because it's kirby mortherfucking super star itself

Best Kirbus bar none. If too much content was a critique i would drag this game

Super Star, but better! What a shock!

This game is definitely my favorite Kirby game. Its like a mini game collection with tons of different games that range from easy as pie to surprisingly challenging. While you can tell the mini games are indeed...well, mini...they still feel like fun and complete experiences that can last you a good hour or so for each. Its still very fun to revisit for me.

Nintendo PLEASE put this on something other than the DS I just wanna play the divinitive version of one of my favorite games :(

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Nice remake! Marx Soul was more complicated than expected

Amazing and obviously one of the best Kirby games ever made.