Reviews from

in the past

this is just a game about how kirby is better than everyone.

There's gotta be some insane Mandela effect at play here because I do not remember the Laser Ball enemy being anywhere in this dog gone world. Now the rest, I do remember! Like the first day of school. But... less daunting! I don't know how many times they can reinvent the pink ball, but apparently enough. The wheel has stopped, we are gathered today to celebrate the creativity bankruptcy of the once goat Kirb. A great mind once said "You couldn't hit a barn-sized lightning rod, Kracko!" That burn was free of charge DAMN, and here we find Kracko again... This is far from a coincidence. Ong? Just like that? We have so many gamemodes? It plays and looks better than its prehistoric version it's building on... if you are born in the 80s you are GAY and very OLD đŸ€“ ahah surely none of the readers are, that would be too silly.

We are used to remakes that remove content for no convincing reason, but in Kirby we trust? Wazzat? Stylus minigames??! GYAAAAAAAT!!! The presentation also includes new FMV cutscenes, as you've probably.. noticed... if you played the game. They are decent, yeah. Lil birbs. Marx got me fuh'd up though aint gonna lie. Is it fine spoiling shit? Eh, you'll figure it out. Look at blud's name. All being said, Milky Way Wishes still remains the goat. Anything that plays like Subspace Emissary knows what it's doing. I used to play the Arena a lot with my brother... happy childhood. We never really beat the True Arena. And by "really" I mean "yeah we barely made a dent in that thing. Absolutely fucked it up. I'm so sorry". I have to say, the bosses look... interesting... openAI draw them naked

While we're on a peak spree, chatgpt cook this top review, come up with a new gamemode and come up with a Saul Goodman type scheme to settle my student debt. Just kidding, I'm french. AH! Joke's on me. Jeez Louise, you can't go wrong with a Meta Knight gamemode. Well, NiDL's take was not much for acclaim, but this one is very cool. You are a heck of an entertainer, Sir Meta 😎 his strongest soldiers would agree đŸ’Ș no moaaaar FORTNITE no moaaar 19 DOLLARS MACH TORNADO. That's about the gist of it. But sir... A second gamemode has hit the remake??! Yeah, Dedede still wants that smoke, huh. It's like the extra mode in Dream's Land, putting the epic in extra epic!

Galacta Knight AND Masked Dedede? Iconic reccuring enemies back to back! Everybody gangsta until the japanese king dons the luchador mask. The "completely new" bosses are decisively nuts when you dunno better. Nothing has changed about any of them I don't think, but they're not recent graduates so of course their life has come to a stop. Kabula notwithstanding, she deserved to be back in the spotlight ❀ This is also the grand starring role of Bandana Waddle Dee. I beat bro's ass. Then Dedede's. Sure happened. There is kind of a nihilistic undertone to that whole ending sequence. The antagonist always loses... we will never see his likes enslave his citizens like that again 😱

Numerous other additions! World Premiere! Just a droplet in the grand scheme of Nova's great plan. New Arena just dropped, with NPCs getting their fill. Don't you think Kirby might be too violent a game, sometimes? Eheh surely not, it's not like there is a sub-game where we destroy the pla- there is a sub-game where we destroy the planet. Oh wow! Nothing new ahah. Who knows whether they updated Capsule J because my boy deserves this much or to avoid copyright infringement. A perplexing paradox... But of course, it dont mean none in the judging eyes of the uncultured. I must admit, I scarcely noticed it. And I seldom played the sub-games, so don't ask me about those! Let me be silly doin main game activity

king dedede fuckin dies, like he's in the stars in the end credits he died dude.

"And it's cold."
"And it's high."
"And it's scary."
"...All right, you lot."

When the anime protagonist is badass very badass extremely overpower who has the personality of being badass ultra badass who is better and more badass than everyone else because he exists with the sole purpose of being badass (he really is badass)

"queer love that should get more attention is queer friend love. It has kept me alive, fed me, gave me a safe home, loved me at my best and worst, and nurtured me. they modeled healthy family dynamics in a way that made me feel safe & excited about life again."
~ tweet i saw the day i started this because it was pride month but also its basically just this

They Basically improved what was Already Perfect.

I think this is Kirby's peak. Just an excellent time from start to finish. Helper to Hero is a joy.

I wish I felt what everyone else feels in regards to this adorable pink marshmallow's game series. But after my 4th attempt playing it, I realize what I feel

is nothing.

Kirby at it's best.

The "compilation of multiple games" structure works nicely as an excuse for the developers to try out different ideas and objectives that become the center of each scenario presented in each main mode. While Spring Breeze is your typical Kirby fare, Revenge of Meta Knight takes that level design and ups the ante with a timer on each section. Stuff like this keeps the game consistently fresh and different with each main mode you unlock; Nothing is quite the same as the one before, and I think that's Super Star Ultra's greatest strength.

This is a truly perfect remake in the same vein as something like Metroid: Zero Mission, where everything from the original is intact, but enhanced with some quality of life, and entirely new modes that make it feel like a completely new experience. It outshines the original in absolutely every way, and stands on it's own as potentially the best game in the series. If you've never played a Kirby game before, this one's got everything you could love from the series.

THE quintessential Kirby game, by far. It has everything and more that perfectly captures the essence of the franchise. A fantastic game and a great remake I'll be playing 'til I die.

if this game was food i would gobble it up in one bite and then tears would run down my face because of how scrumptious it was. thanks

cryin in the club to Beginner's Room - Kirby Super Star Ultra OST Extended

One of the better, if not the best Kirby game, with a wide variety of content, a great selection of copy abilities to play around with, and one of the more challenging Kirby boss rushes

This is THE quintessential Kirby game. If someone wants to try just a single Kirby game, you point to this one. Everything that pretty much becomes a mainstay in the franchise most likely stems from this one.

It just plays so well. The difficulty is JUST right and there is the added bonus of drop in Coop. Almost every copy ability is satisfying to use and the artstyle is gorgeous. Level design is some of the best in all of Kirby.

I love how levels are presented as "episodes" each with their own gimmick. Like the the tutorial episode is called Spring Breeze, which is a modern homage to Kirby's Dream Land. Then you have a more traditional Kirby episode like Dynablade. Then the Great Cave Offensive episode which is exploration based, encouraging you to find all treasures before completing the level. My personal favorite is Milky Way Wishes which kind of plays like a Kirby metroidvania that has you exploring planets to find copy abilities as permanent upgrades. All of these episodes hit and absolutely do not miss. It also has the benefit of keeping the game feel fresh all the way through.

The original Super Star is a 9/10 (4.5 stars) as it was almost perfect, but just fell short of having enough content to completely satisfy me. With Kirby Super Star Ultra, it not only comes with better QoL features and visuals, but you have FOUR extra hard hard mode episodes - which easily elevates this game to a perfect score. Having a nice extra CHALLENGING post game with cool unlockables after beating the main game gives Super Star so much more life and is the definitive way to experience this game.

all remasters/ports/whatever you want to call them should aspire to be like this

theres just a ton of stuff here and when i say a ton i mean a TON

i cant say anything worth of note in this review because this game is pretty literally made of pure and unfiltered fun and nobody could argue with that

what im gonna say though is i fucking love the different modes some more than the others due to the fact that Revenge of Meta Knight and Meta Knightmare Ultra (and before you ask: yes i do love my little cool edgy big sword goth bf ❀❀❀❀❀) and also Milky Way Wishes shine brighter i dont know if this is a popular opinion but it is a popular opinion among my neurons

i also like the streamlined classic modes and Spelunkyℱ and the arena and the pew pew kirby with a fucking gun but you just cant beat going around the galaxy to obtain new abilities and whack marx (a character that unfortunately bears a curse called me who can't help but think of the socialist revolutionary when I hear his name) thats just too orgasmic in comparison

thats it i have no more contribution for this game so i will just write down the dialogue that meta knight has with the god forsaken cat intergalactic entity

"my one wish is to become stronger...
so i wish to fight... the greatest warrior in the galaxy"

You gained 169 EXP! (Not that it matters.)
Your Coolness went up by 4 !

side note: i saw kirby steal some kisses from his partners even though they were at full health . i know what you are


Eu não sei por que não continuaram com essa mesma fórmula até hoje. O jogo é råpido, divertido, e a trilha sonora desse jogo é simplesmente a melhor de todos os Kirby que jå joguei. A campanha do Meta Knight é quase como se fosse um modo extra do jogo, só que ela consegue ser muito melhor que o modo extra dos outros jogos de Kirby. Além de mudar as fases, ela te då um ponto de vista de como se fosse o Meta Knight no lugar. Inclusive, ele pedir para lutar com o guerreiro mais forte da galåxia, em vez de se tornar o mais forte, é absurdamente estiloso.

Cada campanha dura cerca de 1 hora, e cada uma tem sua prĂłpria personalidade. A Ășnica que eu achei meio chata Ă© a de encontrar tesouros. De resto, todas sĂŁo muito divertidas. Morte ao comunista Marx.

Kirby as a concept won me over the second I learned about this impossibly adorable puffball's signature abilities. However, what few Kirby games I tried or watched didn't click with me, I would find them rather insipid when compared to similar games. That was until I gave this one a go. Its potpourri of modes are fun, varied and don't overstay their welcome, and it has sheen up the wazoo. Also, Meta Knightmare Ultra is sick as fuck.

É basicamente uma versĂŁo bem melhorada do Kirby Super Star, que Ă© o jogo mais elogiado da franquia (e tem motivos), sĂł que dessa vez o jogo Ă©: maior, melhor, com opção de escolha entre cutscenes prĂ©-renderizadas em 3D e as cutscenes originais em 2D do SNES, tambĂ©m tem mais minigames ( tenho certeza que nenhum minigame do jogo original foi retirado ou prejudicado porquĂȘ eu tenho muitas horas de gameplay nesse jogo, e se tivessem removido algum minigame eu teria percebido) e tem mais modos de jogo (via True Arena) e com sprites refeitos (melhor design 2D do Kirby ever) + Galacta Knight; resumindo: esse Ă© o jogo de Kirby perfeito na sua melhor forma e tambĂ©m mais pura delas, nĂŁo tem erro. Seria quase perfeito se os levels desse jogo nĂŁo fossem tĂŁo pequenos, e sim, o jogo Ă© extremamente fĂĄcil, a maior dificuldade estĂĄ na True Arena, que mesmo assim Ă© bem fĂĄcil, e isso sĂł piora a situação pra um jogo curto como esse, mas continua sendo o Kirby mais divertido de todos pra mim.

Truth be told I’ve never been as big a fan of the Superstar formula as I wanted to be—the anthology structure is certainly unique, but I’ve always felt it left the experience as a whole feeling a tad disjointed. Each minigame is fun on its own, but most just don’t get the space or time to feel as fleshed out as I’d like them to be. That being said, I still enjoyed Superstar, and the same can more or less be said for this remake.

Superstar Ultra is a pretty straightforward translation of the SNES original: it’s got all the games you remember, and they play more or less how you remember them. Spring Breeze and Dyna Blade offer truncated (if basic) classic Kirby adventures. The Great Cave Offensive is a bit more inspired: a more robust, exploratory journey that’s always been a personal favorite for my collection-obsessed lizard brain. Return of Meta Knight is probably the best-realized game of the original roster, a fast, high-octane action movie parody full of frenetic combat and charming dialogue. Gourmet Race and the microgames all provide brief, almost Warioware-esque reprieves. And then to cap it all off you get Milky Way Wishes, which I think is actually kind of a confusing mess but the Marx fight is really cool so yeah sure whatever!

Any changes Ultra makes to that core lineup are minimal, mostly in the form of small but welcome optimizations. A more zoomed out screen, a better English translation, some more informative UI elements (a huge help in TGCO actually). The presentation has also been updated, although that’s something I’m more mixed on. I quite like the GBA/DS Kirby aesthetic, but it is a real shame to see one of the more distinct and vibrant Kirby games reimagined in this “house style”. The sprites looks great in their own right, but I do find myself missing the off-model charm of the original, particularly in the backgrounds and these crunchy 3D-rendered cutscenes.

Probably the change I’m most fond of is the fact that hey, we’re on the DS now! I always struggled with Superstar’s 8-in-one structure but it really does make so much more sense on a handheld, especially one as geared towards short, on-the-go play sessions as the original DS. It’s a great game to play in between other tasks when you got like 15-30 minutes to kill, something that was a lot harder to do when the game was straddled to a home console you had to hook up to a CRT (or in my case, a Wii to a monitor).

As far as the new modes go, they’re nice, harmless additions but ones I’m not terribly impressed by. I have no interest in boss rushes so I didn’t bother with any of the three arenas and I felt myself going through the motions with Metaknightmare. Revenge of the King was a genuine treat though, a great synthesis of everything that worked in the main games, all capped off by an instantly iconic boss fight. Probably my favorite experience on the cartridge. The new touchscreen microgames are nice as well, it’s something they basically had to do considering the game and the hardware but they got a lot more going on than I expected.

All in all, Superstar Ultra is a pretty appealing package. Is it better than Superstar? I dunno, probably? Not by a lot but I suppose it’s a bit more finely-tuned where it counts. It’s still not my favorite in the series, but I can’t ever have a truly bad time playing Kirby. A real nice one

Why does everyone like this pink trollface dude he sucks.

Ok vamos lĂĄ,
Deixa eu botar um respeito nesse jogo ele Ă© extremamente Ășnico e Ă© difĂ­cil ver algo remotamente parecido, esse estilo de minijogos com detalhes e estilos meio Ășnicos Ă© extremamente legal mais sendo sincera meio mal executado digo isso mais pq no começo o jogo Ă© extremamente fĂĄcil e chega a ser tedioso
Mais da metade pra frente ele sobe de uma maneira incrĂ­vel enfim,
É um jogo Ășnico (isso nĂŁo faz ele perfeito)
Outras coisas Ă© que ele Ă© colorido bonitinho e tem um puta charme.
Enfim obrigada por ler a review dessa garota que escreve reviews talvez longas dms pra jogos que não mereçam

Many journeys with the bros

The ultimate Kirby experience. Everything from the original Super Star has been polished, and the new sub-games and features are a delight. Fans of the series cannot miss this.

this is the first game i ever played as a baby. every time i hear the file select theme i cant help but tear up a little... no matter how many years go by this game will always have a special place in my heart <3

It's almost insane how hard they nailed almost every aspect of this game. Kirby Super Star Ultra introduced the backbone of every modern Kirby game, you know how these games go. You have your silly little extra minigames, a boss rush, and of course a main story mode (or multiple story modes in this games case) and a mode where you speedrun through all the main level themes as a guy who is most likely not Kirby.

The way Super Star differs from the modern Kirby game is the fact that instead of just having one main story mode there's around 4 different campaigns for you to enjoy. We have a remake Kirby's Dreamland, Great Cave Offensive which is Kirby's first stab at a metroidvania, Milky Way Wishes which has you unlocking all your copy abilities by finding them in levels for you to be able to pick any copy ability at anytime, you can also pick any stage you want to play first in Milky Way which adds some spice to a replay, and of course there's Dynoblade. Just a somewhat normal kirby romp where he beats the shit out of a giant bird mom at the end. Oh I also forgot about Revenge of Metaknight which is much more storybased than the other gamemodes. And to top it all off after you finish up the main gamemodes Ultra adds 2 more extra game modes to end each playthrough with a bang.

I feel like gushing about how cool Revenge of the King and Revenge of Metaknight is. Kirby storytelling here is at its peak in my opinion. There’s no reading boss descriptions (which is cool I admit) or Miiverse posts to piece together what’s happening here, here the characters narrate over your gameplay and react to what you’re actually doing in game. You get to see the Halberd’s crew freak out over the fact Kirby (who is just a little man mind you) is dismantling and attacking the ship at it’s seams, or see King Dedede get more and more desperate as Kirby invades his castle. It’s a nice way to keep the player engaged in what’s going on with the plot while also keeping the pacing of the gameplay going. Also the duels with Dedede and Meta Knight at the end of both of their respective campaigns is peak Kirby.

Onto Great Cave Offensive, basically Kirby falls into a treasure filled mine and it’s up to you to escape, and hopefully snag every goody you see along the way. It’s just a fun little collectaton/metroidvania type thing filled with numerous fun references to other Nintendo franchises which I don’t see how anyone can say no to, I mean hey Kirby somehow picks up Falchion and Mr.Saturn, that’s pretty cool! Not much to say about it really, it’s just cool seeing money go up and getting shiny collectibles.

Finally I gotta talk about Milky Way Wishes. Marx is an absolutely little silly little guy, and easily one of the best Kirby antagonists and personally is the true start of Kirby fighting lovecraftian demons. Tackling levels out of order is a blast, especially since it also affects the order of copy abilities you can obtain, and therefore how you tackle enemies and bosses. Copy abilities in this game are sick, for Kirby’s first shot at giving every copy a unique moveset they completely knocked every copy ability out of the park. All of them are a blast to use. They should bring back the gimmick of unlocking copy abilities by finding them and then being able to pick whichever one you need at a given moment, but I’m not exactly left disappointed with how Milky Way execute the concept as this mode is still a complete blast even to this day.

I think that wraps up my thoughts on this game. I’ve 100%’d twice and it’s definitely a standout Kirby title next to Planet Robobot and the like. As always the bosses are bangers and the music even more so. Play this game sometime you won’t regret it!

Depending on what day you ask me I may say this is better than the original. Adds an insane amount of content, some of which is the hardest stuff that's ever been in a Kirby game. Definitely was a must-buy for this console, and further establishes Super Star's status as the peak of Kirby.

modern sisyphus is watching nintendo try to recreate the magic of this game. and they always fail, every single time.