Reviews from

in the past

i like the gameplay and how short it is but the booby monsters are kinda wack

Absolutely love the sprite artwork in this game. Really cool metroidvania that ends a little sooner than I would have liked it to.

Short and fun metroidvania with nice sprite work and level design.

Apparently this is considered to be pretty Souls-like for a metroidvania, though I don't really feel that. Mostly it's just a pretty, moderate-size metroidvania focused on close combat, but that combat feels really good and so does the movement once you get some upgrades. The bosses are also cool though needing to beat them without taking damage for special items really encourages you to completely cheese them. The story's a non-entity but that's not an issue when everything else is super great.

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This is a solid Metroidvania experience with a fair learning curve, simple yet effective mechanics and a lovely aesthetic. The combat is basic yet flashy and fun to get the hang of. The level design is well thought out with plenty of secrets and hidden paths to reward players for their exploration. Most of the bosses, with one unfortunately unfair exception, are a fair challenge with some interesting attack patterns, and I really felt like I had got better at the game by the time I defeated the final boss. This isn't the greatest game I've ever played but its a consistent and enjoyable experience that those new to the Metroidvania genre will likely enjoy. Its only around five to seven hours long but for the price its understandable, and with a new game + mode I'm yet to experience and a few corners of the map still undiscovered I feel like this game still has plenty to offer me.

My only complaints:

Pardoner Fannel's boss fight borders on unfair at times, with her being able to change direction in combos and telegraph and make randomised attacks within my window of healing. I totally understand why her character has the movesets that she does yet I felt like this really pushed boundaries. A solid boss fight but I do have my issues.

Other issues include a mismatch of tone on occasion, with the humour feeling out of place with how gloomy and dark the atmosphere of the game is, and sometimes the backtracking can get a little stale. There are also some issues with translation and grammar at times but these are very minor. Besides my issues with the boss fight these issues are minor however.

Overall, a game I don't consider perfect yet overall one I can recommend to fans of Metroidvanias and platformers in general.

Having picked up this game on a whim, knowing very little about it, I was pleasantly surprised from what I played. I finished it in one sitting, (first game i've actually beat in 2021, actually!) and this game is magnificent. The game's gothic setting lends to an interesting world to traverse through, almost reminiscent of Bloodborne (especially Karst,) and the haunting tracks that play as the backing sounds help sell the atmosphere so much. However, a game isn't just a game through its backgrounds, setting, and music. So, how is the gameplay? It's really damn good. Setting up your trinkets and items to maximize your gameplay, hitting a bell to lock in the progress that you've made traversing the map, it's all so satisfying. The combat itself feels great too, and rolling through projectiles while using your main weapon feels amazing. The bosses are REALLY damn good too. The best one, Fennel is such a good fight. In fact, on my playthrough, to savor that fight, I unequipped all my items, and faced her head on. When I inevitably defeated her, it felt so satisfying. That's just how this game is, really damn satisfying. I implore anyone, who's a fan of platformers, to PLEAASE try this game.

im a huge fan of smaller scale metroidvanias. i tend to get lost very easily in these types of games, and the smaller scale helps me find my way much faster.

um jogo bemmm legal, mas q eu ouvi falar q tem poucas horas de jogo, e dá pra zerar esse jogo em 1 hora caso vc saiba oque é pra fazer, eu ainda não zerei, mas to quase lá, to preço naquele boss da espada q corre rápido e tals

it's definitely a matter of conditioning but metroidvanias just feel better in 4:3

Beaten with true ending, 100% map completion, all non-missable items collected. While it can't match up to Hollow Knight's gold standard, this is another great Metroidvania living up to the recommendations that I've read from various quarters. Brutally hard at times, but never unfair - while insane difficulty (in which one hit is fatal) isn't for me, I can understand how it's feasible - the game is great fun throughout, with satisfying movement and combat being the core of the gameplay. There's less here in the way of ability upgrades to collect than I typically enjoy, but the game's fairly short which is probably a limiting factor there. Having enjoyed my time here, I'm definitely going to have to seek out the earlier games in the series before too long.

Um excelente e curto metroidvania.

what can I say? it's Momodora :D

I recognize that there is great artistry in this game, and that it is high quality, but I just never really clicked with it. As much as I adored the art style, I just never really felt sunk into the feel or world the game presented to me.

Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight is an excellent game mechanic-wise and I did love the backstories of the characters that had them.

The artstyle is quite great, but it really didn't need to have fanservice/sexualization to be an excellent game and I believe it would have been fine without this facet.

This game is a bit difficult at first - dying is fairly common if you're not used to the control scheme, but it's what you'd expect for this type of game.

The bosses are fairly well made as well, utilizing the mechanics you used thus far throughout the game. The end is pretty good as well.

when i hit the big demon girls tits with a leaf that was the best part

Did not like the fan-service boss, the anticlimactic ending (seriously, it was awful), or how out-of-place and needlessly punishing the insta-kill spikes feel. Outside of those elements the game was very charming and enjoyable though, with fun combat and an engaging world that doesn't overstay its welcome.

swatting things with a leaf is fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(I got nothing)!!!!!!!!!!!!!(game is good go buy it)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Título que aunque parece simple a primera vista, ejecuta de manera muy solida su sistema de combate y progresión esto en conjunto con un diseño artístico extraordinario y diseño de niveles brillante nos dan una clara muestra de que la sencillez no representa su calidad.

Por mais que em aspectos de metroidvania ele é bem meh

O jogo é muito bom, bem feito, lindo, os chefes são legais e no geral meu enjoyment jogando isso foi bem positivo.

Super fun, tight, well-implemented game. Fantastic world, aesthetic, and gameplay. I just wish it was longer.

Breve y adictivo, te lo puedes terminar en dos/tres tardes. Buen juego 👍🏽


The best momodora obviously.
This game clearly shows the improvement in game development compared to others.
It's not that hard if you don't worry about achievements.
The music blends in very well with the ambience and the battles.
The game mechanics aren't much to talk about, nothing special except for unique boss items if I can consider.
I played more than one time, It's a great game though.

I like this series. I am a normal, law-abiding citizen who enjoys the Momodora series.

Very enjoyable little metroidvania

C mejor metroidvania de la historia

metroid & vania
quase perfeito