Reviews from

in the past

A solid Metroidvania that excels at nothing but also doesn’t fail anything either. For a Metroidvania there was very little backtracking. Which to me is not a plus but I know there are many that would be thankful of that. The combat while not super fun or innovative is tight and controls well. The closest thing to a true failure this game does is the story which is just bad in my opinion. This is not a game I would recommend to everyone but for someone who enjoys platformers with Metroidvania qualities it’s not a bad way to spend 3 or so hours.

hey, it's a brazillian game!!!

it does seems like some old japanese indie game though! i like the art design and the vibes it brings. it's very inspired by dark souls too, as a lot of search action indies are. not only it has a decaying world but you also can roll and it plays in a very slowly yet charming way. it can prejudice it's core sometimes and feels just too archaic in some design choices, however. it's horny too, you literally fight boobs in this game, twice! for like. no reason lore wise? anyway. it's very short and nothing really outstanding but a great time nonetheless!

It's hard to say exactly why I love this one over some many other metroidvanias but its atmosphere is through the roof. The type of game that I simply wanted to uncover every last secret in. Flawless execution.

I wasn't familiar with this series and I literally first heard about it a couple weeks ago, however something about the vibe this game had really pulled me in so I gave it a try.

Something really interesting about this game is that it does the metroidvania style while at the same time having the entire game open to you from the start. (Not counting the final area obviously) From that description alone you're prolly already trying to wrap your head around that concept because that sounds like the exact opposite of a metroidvania but it works.

There's no unique form of platforming here. It's actually very simplistic but the way they make it interesting is the level design and mainly the enemy placements. Kaho is practically made of glass because every enemy will do like a quarter of her health with a single attack so every room kind of turns into a puzzle with the player trying to work out how to get through without taking too much damage. You can not brute force this game. It will make you take your time and strategize. (Unless you get the Red Ring that just allows you to get health for every thing you kill so the strategy just turns into destroying everything in your path.)

The best part of the game in my opinion are the boss fights. I'm not going to spoil most of them but the fights can be pretty cool. Also Lubella, who you beat by smacking her titties... This game knows what I like.

Overall this game pretty nice. The vibe and gameplay are both really unique and cool. It is the definition of a hidden gem.

It's a good game but honestly just go play Hollow Knight or Ori instead if you haven’t already.

Wanted to like this but it has a ton of issues. The visual clarity is really awful, like the art is nice but there's a ton of spots where it's bad for gameplay, with stuff like instant death spikes that are hard to see. All the platforming feels really bad for the jump height like they just didn't test it or something, lot of stuff just a few pixels out of reach which even if intentional feels bad. The save system is horrible, the save points and item system are obviously dark souls inspired but every single other game like this saves items you pick up or doors you open even if you die, but in this if you don't manually select save at the bonfires it erases all that. I got to a boss and opened a one-way door next to it that led back to the save, and I thought I was still fine but it closed that and took away all the items I got and made me go through the whole area again. Also there's a ton of instant-death spikes and stuff which feels like a terrible fit for this kind of game, especially with the bad platforming and huge knockback when you get hit.

okay so. i LOVE metroidvanias. given how hollow knight is one of my favorite games, this just had to be exactly my type of game. and yes, i was right. the fourth installment of the series makes a complete shift in gameplay, giving it elements of souls like and metroidvania. its not a long game by any means but you can definitely get the most out of it by 100%ing it. the world is really great built and doesnt feel as small as the map is in the end. story is finally a little more meaningful and not just "there". you get several sidequests in this game, some collectibles that are just enough not to get annoying and 2 different endings you can get. my first playthrough took me about 6 hours and i just really enjoyed every minute of these.
music wise however, i think it took a step back. given how this game was obviously more focused on changing its gameplay roots thats not really a surprise. however the ost is not bad - just didnt stick with me as much as 2 & 3s ost did and still do.
anyway. play this!

[ Story: 7/10 | Gameplay: 9/10 | OST: 7/10 ]

The combat is very simple but fun and effective, and the general cutesy gothic vibes are VERY aesthetically pleasing. A very short but sweet experience.


Para quem nunca jogou um motroidvania e quer algo fácil de digerir, esse jogo é a escolha perfeita, a exploração é simples e você não irá se perder, os chefes não são uns bichos de sete cabeças que te deixarão puto com a vida. Fora que ele é bem curtinho, com você podendo levar umas 5/6 horas para zerá-lo.

E caso você o zere e tiver gostado do gênero, se arrisque em Metroidvanias mais desafiadores que você não irá se arrepender.

(viva BR!!)

It's a very competent and interesting metroidvania.

Sadly, it's far too short and has some weird sexualization mixed in for no reason at all

I love this game a lot. Fun combat, cool world, and just immaculate vibes.

fun movement and decent albeit stagnant combat, which is a shame for a metroidvania since you would normally expect some of the new abilities you get to shake up combat some more than what we actually got.
Momodora has a ton of issues (platforming and how a near-perfect double jump isn't high enough for most platforms, insta-death spikes that are hard to see sometimes, etc.) that all piss you off a bit, but combined make it a huge problem for me.
Also loses some points for being horny

Um Metroidvania divertido e realmente bem feito, e eu recomendo fazer 100% porque é bem simples e até mesmo legal

Um jogo curto infelizmente, porém extremamente divertido.
Ele é ótimo como entrada pro mundo dos metroidvanias, só que esse tem uma dificuldade ''um pouco alta'' até. Tem uma história muito boa, mecânicas bem legais e boss fights muito divertidas. A Fennel é de longe a melhor boss fight, que luta deliciosa e divertida.
A exploração dele é ''simples'' e funciona muito bem, sem muito segredo, compensa DEMAIS jogar momodora, muito muito bom.
E também esse jogo só tem música linda! é cada musicão que vem um atrás do outro, tá maluco.
Enfim, ótima entrada pro mundo dos metroidvania, curto e um pouco difícil. Joguem pois é uma experiência que vale muito a pena.

One of the best metroidvania ever made.
In my opinion second just to Ender Lilies

Curto, agradável, brasileiro e muito bem feitinho.

É possível resumir o jogo a esses pilares. Apesar de curto, a exploração características presente em jogos do gênero é satisfatória, bem como o combate, que apesar de simples, não deixa de ser divertido em nenhum momento.

Pra quem não tem tanta paciência com metroidvania no geral, como eu, é um bom ponto de partida pra quem pensa em dar uma chance pro gênero.

A while back, I saw a trailer for a game called Momodora: Moonlit Farewell. It looked interesting, seeming a bit more intimate and less empowering than many Castleroids. I would later see this game while browsing the Nintendo eShop and it was on sale, so I bought it.

It's a pretty good game, but it's also lacking in a few key areas. I like the combat well enough. It's very simple at the end of the day, but it's deliberate and can be pretty fun. The bosses seem intentionally designed to be less of an endurance test and more of a short burst of a challenge, as your character can often die in two to three hits. There aren't many items, but the ones here are pretty well-designed and implemented.

The game in general is fairly difficult, and it has the old-fashioned system of 'if you die you lose all progress since save, no and ifs or buts'. I'm fine with that, honestly. There are a few times where save rooms were a distance away from bosses though, and getting back to the boss was usually a cakewalk, so this choice was just tedious.

In terms of ability progression, this game has very little. You earn a midair dash and a cat transformation, and... That's about it. There's a fairly good sense of exploration here but backtracking is very rare, so I feel that there was a missed opportunity with the structure. It lacks the best parts of both linear and non-linear games to me. The level design is good enough but not great and you rarely feel like you're truly exploring because most detours are very accessible and short. Maybe I would've been more accepting of this if it felt in service of story and worldbuilding, but both of those felt pretty underwhelming to me.

An IRL friend of mine read my Tears of the Kingdom review and said, "You talked all about how bad it was and then said it was a great game." I feel like this review would probably illicit a similar reaction, but I still enjoy the game well enough because it was very brisk in pace and had pretty good audiovisuals. If this game was a lot longer, I'd probably dislike it because of a lack of interesting level design or abilities. Ironically though, I think a few of the problems also come from it being underdeveloped and missing a lot of opportunities, opportunities that would probably make the game longer. Oh well. Maybe with the sequel they'll make a true banger.

Overall, a fairly good game. Might play the other ones. 6/10.

Short and sweet with fantastic pixel art,
Momodora felt fun to play, and yet
The rest and death system remains a wart -
A stain on ev'ry spike pit that I met.
Death came no progress had I made at all:
A reminder of cartridges padded.
Upgrades like shadows in moonlight did pall
Barely noticed - nothing special added.
Still fun to swing my leaf at foes and fly
Across the maps platforms beneath my feet.
Its greatest strengths were combat and boss fights;
Defeating them with power felt so sweet.
Despite the bad I would still gladly choose
To rec this game just for the boss with boobs.

I might eventually go back and play this but right now I do not see the point

Underrated ass game, I love this game so much I'd buy like 8 copies to show my support. Crazy how a game with this cute of an art style can have an insanely depressing atmosphere, not to mention how it's a fucking metroidvania which is probably my favorite genre. All i can really say is go play this fucking game right now.

Um metroidvania curtinho e competente.

Tudo é bem simples, e funciona bem. É uma experiência divertida, e a pixel art é bem boa

Em momodora jogamos com uma sacerdotisa que utiliza um folha como arma, e precisa deter a corrupção que assola o reino.

O que mais me cativa em momodora primeiramente é seu impecável estilo gráfico, é uma pixelart repleta de detalhes de encher os olhos, a segunda coisa são os designs de personagem cheios de estilo e alguns bem criativos.

daora, mas o 5 é infinitamente superior

Metroidvania simples mas excelente, é super carismático, a trilha sonora é muito boa e o visual lindo. Muito bom ver a evolução da franquia com esse jogo.

Come To me Momodora : Moonlit Farewell
Come To me.

Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight is an enjoyable and short-lived metroidvania with quite a few flaws.

This game makes a lot of good decisions but also some mistakes.

The things I liked:
Quality, detailed pixel art style with impressive character animations; they were all very smooth and had a lot of personality.
The basic structure of the combat is good and something that I'd like to see more of where both ranged and melee combat are viable options, and you are encouraged to switch back and forth depending on the circumstance.
Level design, while limited, was good, though it felt a bit sparse at times.
Start the game with a full kit of moves, double jump, dodge, air dash, melee, and ranged combat.
No or reduced damage from just touching enemies most of the time. It always drives me crazy that just touching an enemy hurts you. I understand it's a necessary evil in most cases but I appreciate that it is not that way most of the time in this game, especially considering that the 3-hit combo moves you forward.

What I didn't like:
Antiquated mechanics like pretty severe knockback, instant-kill spikes, and not retaining progress if you die.
Several points where a death pit looks exactly the same as a pervious area where you dropped down to progress.
Extremely limited and unclear warp point options.
Melee combat is based on a 3-hit combo but it is unclear why sometimes you just repeat the first hit over and over. Plus, performing the combo moves the character forward, often resulting in you walking into your opponent, especially in the case of bosses.
Additionally, I found it a little bit boring that most regular enemies could be staggered. This is necessary in order for you to pull off the full combo but also mean that most enemies get stunlocked if you just keep smacking them.

Overall thoughts:
Momodora was fun but I'm glad it was short and I would not play it again.

Honestly an absolute charm of a game full of fun character designs, intelligent level design and a sense of style that most other indie metroidvania-style games should look to for inspiration. Its a little slow to start but once that ball starts rolling, you'll want to burn through the game.

Uma baita evolução no 4º jogo e melhorou quase tudo de Momodora 3, menos em itens e upgrades, que aqui são bem menos interessantes.

A arte e música são as partes mais memoráveis para mim. O combate, bosses e level design são divertidos e bem feitos, com cada encontro de inimigos podendo ser fatal e desafiador, porém, nada que realmente se destaque e torne Momodora: RUtM único.

O jogo é curto demais, a exploração é rasa, as áreas tem algumas passagens secretas e outras que necessitam de um upgrade na Kaho, mas na maior parte bem linear.
Não tenho mais muito o que dizer, é só um jogo bom.