Reviews from

in the past

Oceanhorn é... definitivamente, um jogo.
É isso.

A total Zelda ripoff that I for some reason got the platinum trophy in LOL. It was fine. This was during peak trophy hunting season for me.

Propuesta que captura de manera muy directa y casi descarada las ideas más clásicas y zelderas para inspirarse y aplicar las propias; bajo una vista isométrica, un aspecto estético amigable y una jugabilidad simplificada, el resultado satisface.

This is one hell of a fun game. Pretty much reminds me of Zelda in many aspects, including using bombs to blow up secret passages and in style, but I found it was worth every penny spent! The mystery behind Oceanhorn and the number of collectables allow you to spend a good long time hunting down everything and the achievements are all quite easily achievable too.

The extra island they added in later, Whispering Island, has a really interesting backstory and cursed skulls to collect to put the tormented spirits of the towns folk to rest when you collect all ten. I also love the story that's set up involving this creature who took your father and mother and won't rest until it's destroyed. I can't wait to see what else these guys bring to the plate in the future!

Vale a pena. Muito inspirado em Zelda. Me salvou nos tempos em que morava em roça e não tinha internet.

Amazing Zelda like game, plays great on the vita. Good story and high replay value.

Buscando un clon de Zelda para Ps4 me encontré con este agradable juego que imita/copia de una forma medio acertada a la saga.

Definitely a Zelda-inspired game that was a mobile game first, but honestly? It's not bad, not at all. It's clear that it's not the best game, but for what it's worth, it's not terrible. I enjoy going back to it from time to time, just to remember what the game is like.

That fish is an absolutely piece of shit to catch.

É uma cópia insossa e sem personalidade de The Legend of Zelda em sua fórmula clássica. Definitivamente um dos jogos já feitos.

100% completed. A fairly lightweight adventure, and while its mobile origins are evident, it's still a fun worthwhile Zelda-like

hay un poco de juego en tu Zelda, igual no esta mal C:

Ce jeu copie tout sur Zelda, mais zelda c'est excellent, et ce jeu copie assez bien, donc il est assez bien

Tvůrci se zaklínají vzdáváním holdu Zeldě. Problém je, že tohle je ve výsledku klon přiživující se na značce z nejslovutnějších. Neinspiruje se jí to totiž, ale vykrádá to Wind Wakera způsobem, který je na úrovni toho, když Asylum v době uvedení "Transformers" do kin pustí na domácí nosiče "Transmorphers". Až se jeden diví, že se to nejmenuje rovnou „The Story of Selda: The Wind Ocean“.

Co to však vypovídá o kvalitách Oceanhornu samotného? Nic. Nedá se říci, že by nešlo o zábavný titul. Jenže tu není jediný vlastní nápad, jediná inovace, prostě nic. Veškeré mechanismy, postupy, názvy, animace během soubojů, průběh apod. jsou překlopeny z nedostižného předobrazu. Což je kámen úrazu hned dvojnásobný. Jednak v tom, že Wind Waker sám o sobě není tou z nejpamátnějších Zeld a poté i v tom, že vše se podařilo překlopit sice zábavně a funkčně, ale ani v jednom případě ne TAK zábavně a funkčně, aby se to originálu aspoň vyrovnalo. A tak tam kde Zelda nabízí regulérní komplexní puzzly, které donutí k zamyšlení, tak tady bez přemýšlení posunete bednu na tlačítko a jdete dál, tam kde v Zeldě na každého protivníka budete muset přijít se specifickým řešením, zde stačí všechny umlátit, tam kde se jednotlivé Zeldy předhání v jednom památnějším dungeonu za druhým, zde jsou nenápadité koridory, tam kde v Zeldě co boss, to originální přístup k jeho poražení, to zde… No, představu již máte.

Výsledkem je tedy přímočaré zábavné dobrodružně RPGčko spíše pro začínající hráče, protože bez jakéhokoli náznaku výzvy, které nesporně zabaví a nic jiného. Jenže ty nejlepší Zeldy nabízejí právě i to pověstné specifické „něco navíc“, co je činí nadčasovými legendami napříč platformami a nejlepšími hrami (nejen) v rámci žánru. Ano, zalepit na PC díru po Zeldě se tímto s přivřením obou očí jakž takž daří, ale je to hrubá záplata a stále ji lépe zalátat skrze emulátory. Ve výsledku však investovaného času litovat spíše nebudete (ostatně jde sotva o 12 hodin), což je dobře, protože mít toto ve stylu Zeld pár desítek hodin, tak už by se to přejedlo.

Started in 2015 and played for like an hour. Decided to pick it back up this week and knocked it out in a few days. It's super janky, but it's a zelda-clone with more heart than I thought it would have. I had fun playing through the game.

Strange indie game that's pretty good. Inspired by Zelda on a budget. If you can get over some jank it's still good.

Really fun zelda rip off no lie. Take windwaker and give it a top down view and you have this game. Worth a play for sure.

It's an okay Zelda-like experience, but it just feels so hollow. The isometric layout of the world does sometimes make it hard to see things. It wears its influences on its sleeves without really trying to do too much new with it.

Decent Zelda-like adventure game. Reminded me a lot of Wind Waker, especially with the sailing from island to island. Puzzles weren't overly simplistic, enemies are fairly varied and good range of spells/weapons to keep it interesting. Didn't find the boss fights to be particularly great but the majority of the gameplay was enjoyable.

Full review over at my website:

''It’s hard to believe that Oceanhorn is a port of a standalone mobile game, given its impressive soundtrack and fun gameplay. Unfortunately though, I am reviewing the ported variants of this game which leaves me with a few annoyances that were more understandable for the original release due to limitations. I’ve mentioned it through this review a lot, but there are a lot of gameplay mechanics that I’ve mostly called “harmless but not spectacular”. Sailing doesn’t have a lot going for it due to its simplicity, but also doesn’t do much wrong. Combat isn’t my favourite and puzzles are okay at best, but they work. Vertical traversing is the bane of my existence, but the game is built around this limitation. But despite my annoyances, I can’t understate how much fun I had with exploring the game and all the islands that popped up, including the dungeons and the many challenges that came with them for a levelling system. The mechanics may not stand out, but they did still work in providing me with a fun journey.''

Jank Game is Jank!

I learned this was a port of a mobile phone game after I beat it. A port with some fixes...maybe.

It starts out really cute. It feels like old 2d Zelda, but jank.

The jank is fine and then it starts getting worse and worse. What is kinda funny, turns into frustration.

The game is too long for being as jank as it is. The boss fights are terrible. Like either the devs did not know what do or did not care.

It just all feels bad. Temples become too long. Boss fights get worse and worse. You start actively fighting the game and it's jank.

One late game puzzle is horrendous and I cannot believe they thought it was okay to ship that way. The final boss is infuriating. It's jank. Has bad hit boxes. And does way too much damage to you. Sometimes taking forever to let you damage it. However I will give the devs credit where credit is due. They put a checkpoint in after the terrible phase 1. Phase 2 is laughable.

So a game that starts out charming and jank. Has absolute banging music at times. Even has meme worthy terrible moments. It slowly turns into a miserable experience. The jank is no longer funny. The design is baffling and they should be ashamed of themselves for not fixing it when they rereleased it. It's one thing for it to be this way on phones. Another whole thing when you take time to rerelease and update it for consoles and pc. I cannot imagine the second game, a botw clone, being any good based on what this game was like.

The Legend of Zeldan't: The Wind Wakeren't.

I mean, it's mildly interesting. Plays like a top-down Zelda with an isometric perspective. It just feels...wildly uninspired. It was probably more impressive on smartphones.