Reviews from

in the past

It's...okay. The big twist of Pony Island is that it's not about ponies or an island at all, and it's instead something else entirely. It's very good about building on the bits of knowledge it's already given you in order to tutorialize throughout the whole experience without shoving any abrupt explanations in your face about some new game element, so you feel clever when you solve a problem, like you figured it out entirely on your own even though your thought process was probably exactly what the developer wanted you to go through. Presentation-wise, it's kind of clever, a little bit irreverant about its subject matter at times, which comes across as odd when a lot of the hints at the "lore" seem to suggest it's meant to be taken more seriously. It's one of those games that works far better if you play it yourself rather than watch someone else play it, and there are several points where the narrative/game design tricks they pull honestly made me laugh. But overal, I disagree with the overwhelmingly positive rating the title is being given right now, and I don't think I'd recommend it. It's not awful, it's just that your money is just better spent elsewhere.

it's neat! too bad the narrative subversion keeps getting interrupted by "gameplay".

Muy bien pensado y el final está guay, pero tiene 312342 puzzles y acabé cansadísimo del juego.

Daniel Mullins is a f'ing genius.

if you wanna play a game that has you saying "what the fuck" every second, play pony island. it's so, so good

Being the first it's also the weakest of Mullins 3 games but still a very fun game with great ideas put into it. You can clearly see how each game has built up to the next and culminating (so far) on Inscryption. Just a short 2 hours so give it a try

It is a fantastic game but trying to go for the 100% achievements made me almost hate it. It also should not be marked as verified on Steam Deck, constant annoyances with bringing up the virtual keyboard.

I remember thinking "wow this is crazy", but the actual game? I don't remember it at all lol

Cool little game. Easy to see how he went on to make Inscryption.

pretty cool! came straight from inscryption which ended up being one of my favorite games ever to this so it was a little bit of a letdown but whatever! i think my expectations were just set too high

En su momento no me imaginaba de qué iba el juego. Eso me sorprendió para bien y por eso se recomienda.

La estética y atmósfera es increíble. Le sobran puzzles, pero la historia y el final me gustaron.

Cool concept, but the meta indie aesthetic feels too pretentious due to the lack of proper exploration of the themes and puzzle design.

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Impishly clever and brief enough that it can constantly keep shifting what the game is and stay fresh and hilarious. Mechanics are simple and engaging enough to stay fun on their own too, though the runner section definitely has some tough parts. Loved the ending that asked me to uninstall to release the trapped soul, without offering any followup closure after I did.

Not necessarily a terrible game but it feels a bit average, maybe this was because Inscryption was the first Daniel Mullins game I played. It felt too much like a generic creepypasta and with the exception of one moment, most of the fourth wall breaks aren't very memorable.

cute format-screw game with a bunch of secrets and a fun perspective. that said, when it told me to uninstall it to save a character or whatever, i thought about going back in for the Collectibles and instead decided to just do as i was told.

With the speed of one thousand ponies

Great game that makes use of the glitched game tropes, while being unsettling it manages to keep a sense of humour about it as well.

Short game but pretty fun, can get annoying to 100% but I didn't have too difficult of a time.

Los puzles en los que te sientes programador >>>

It's an offline dinosaur game with lasers and fourth wall breaks. I had some fun. The puzzles especially made me feel kind of smart and were pretty fun- never overstayed their welcome. It got a bit annoying at times and dragged at others, but the bit with the fake Steam message? That got me—cool fourth wall break.

Очень хорошая игра, несложные головоломки, и очень крутое ломание 4-й стены.

I'd almost guarantee that I if I had played Pony Island closer to when it came out, I'd have a fonder perspective on it. Instead, I just think about all of the somewhat neat 4th wall breaks, including one that is genuinely terrific, (you know which one), is other games that have done them better. Still, even if the puzzles are easy and the main gameplay is pretty lame, intentionally and unintentionally, I think it's presentation and short length prevents it from being a 'bad' game.

Game #2 of 2024, January 3rd.

the idea is kind of interesting but the meta-narrative is paper thin and the gameplay is either nonexistent or kinda ass. if the only real thing it has going for itself is the story but the story is overbearing and corny at times then idk man... inscryption>>>>>>>