Reviews from

in the past

This game is probably not that good but for how long it is I recommend someone with only two hours to play a game this is my number 1 pick, its short sweet and memorable.

Daniel Mullins game. It is good.

Los puzles en los que te sientes programador >>>

It's basic as hell and for the most part with zero subtlety, but this is a game where it's immediately established that it's made by literally the Devil himself, who also turns out to be pretty shit at programming. A fun and creative ride from start to finish, even if with little reason to ever revisit it.

Managed to fully trick me a couple times, great twists even if the gameplay and puzzles are a bit lacking

It's an offline dinosaur game with lasers and fourth wall breaks. I had some fun. The puzzles especially made me feel kind of smart and were pretty fun- never overstayed their welcome. It got a bit annoying at times and dragged at others, but the bit with the fake Steam message? That got me—cool fourth wall break.

En su momento no me imaginaba de qué iba el juego. Eso me sorprendió para bien y por eso se recomienda.

Small yet very good. One of the only games who actually scared me and made me like the feeling and want more

I vaguely remember going into some kind of fugue state and throwing myself into this game until I'd completed it. Very fun, lots of minigames mixed with platforming, more meta stuff.

gli altri giochi suoi sono molto più belli

Ultimately harmless, way less annoying than a lot of other early indie attempts at meta-narrative, but the themes feel very lazy, despite it pairing with the artstyle quite well, and all of the "game" parts feel like busywork rather than play. It's cute, funny, and has more jesus-killing than a lot of games ultimately should have, so there's clearly a reason why the let's play phenomenon latched onto this so tightly. Doesn't really stand much of a chance to criticism these days though.

This review contains spoilers

my opinion is similar to that of a lot of other users on here; this game pulls many of the tricks that inscryption does with about half of the success. i feel a little sorry for the thing since it will live in inscryption's shadow forever, but it's pretty clear how it fails where inscryption succeeds.

first, the villain sort of flip-flops from being frightening to goofy, and once i realized that, a lot of the plot points lose their weight. i just... don't feel threatened by this guy, even if he is Lucifer. of course the silliness is on purpose, and the way his character sort of pokes fun at game designers is amusing. in inscryption, however (at least for a while) the man in the cabin is frightening. also, i don't think satan is really that scary. (am i going to hell for that?)

the next issue, which matters way more, is that the game(s) that underlie all of this haunted arcade cabinet meta wackiness is just not very good. (subjectively) playing a platformer with the left and right mouse buttons feels bad, and while mullins/lucifer throws in new mechanics at a steady rate, none of them make me WANT to play pony island. of course, the game being GOOD would make all of the "Lucifer is a shitty game designer" jokes not work, but like, if you purposely made this game bad on purpose for the plot.......idk man that's a can of worms.

the other game, which revolves around getting a key from one part of fake assembly code to another is more enjoyable. it's a strange puzzle game that feels a bit like a falling block puzzle and something like pipe dream injected with a little bit of programming fun (breaks, if statements, incrementing variables). it's good, but not captivating.

the meta stuff, which i suppose we're all here for, is up to par. there's one bit i like in particular *go to bottom for spoilers*, and prying into the lore with the Cave of Secrets (or whatever it's called) provides some interesting background on your character, but it really wasn't enough to win me over as a Pony Island fan.

my take is: play inscryption instead -- it's a perfect time of year for some creepypasta, and it's got better writing, better gameplay, and a whole lot more mind-blowing tricks.

spoilers *where they fake a steam message

Tremendamente original y divertido. Si bien los juegos malditos, que rompen la cuarta pared, etc ya eran un concepto existente para cuando salió, Pony Island pone toda la carne en el asador, llevando su concepto más allá y sorprendiendo con una gran variedad de giros y trucos.
El gameplay es muy variado pero siempre sencillo y fácil de aprender. Hay algunas partes en las que capaz se llega a hacer repetitivo si te ponen varias pantallas con el gameplay endless runner, pero en general suele tener suficientes variaciones y giros de 180° como para que no llegue a ser molesto.
Toda la parte meta del juego me pareció muy bien lograda, y en algún momento hasta me agarraron desprevenido respecto a si lo que estaba pasando era real o parte del juego.
Es una experiencia muy corta pero también muy disfrutable, realmente me género mucho interés por ver qué más tienen para ofrecer los juegos de Daniel Mullins.

interesting idea ig but boring as shit and needing to stop the puzzles in real time is annoying

Cool little game. Easy to see how he went on to make Inscryption.

Rlly a great game, I just wish there was more to get out of the puzzles and stuff

pretty cool! came straight from inscryption which ended up being one of my favorite games ever to this so it was a little bit of a letdown but whatever! i think my expectations were just set too high

Очень хорошая игра, несложные головоломки, и очень крутое ломание 4-й стены.

I'd almost guarantee that I if I had played Pony Island closer to when it came out, I'd have a fonder perspective on it. Instead, I just think about all of the somewhat neat 4th wall breaks, including one that is genuinely terrific, (you know which one), is other games that have done them better. Still, even if the puzzles are easy and the main gameplay is pretty lame, intentionally and unintentionally, I think it's presentation and short length prevents it from being a 'bad' game.

Game #2 of 2024, January 3rd.

The game is not about ponies, for sure, I guarantee, don’t even start playing otherwise...

Игра не про пони, точно, гарантирую, даже не начинай играть иначе...

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La estética y atmósfera es increíble. Le sobran puzzles, pero la historia y el final me gustaron.

Enjoyable trippy time. Fun pony arcade gameplay, fun logic puzzles. Doesn't overstay its welcome.

the idea is kind of interesting but the meta-narrative is paper thin and the gameplay is either nonexistent or kinda ass. if the only real thing it has going for itself is the story but the story is overbearing and corny at times then idk man... inscryption>>>>>>>