Reviews from

in the past

Re buen juego puzzle, es muy original

Great game. I love ponies!

Seriously though, this is such a fun adventure. The soundtrack is killer and the puzzles are superb. Asmodeus.exe is my favorite video game boss. This is one of the few linear games I've come back to, not to complete bonus content (which, by the way, is great in this game), but just to play it again for fun.

gameplay may get a bit boring at the second half of the game but it's worth it somehow, I loved the atmosphere and puzzles

tnc n entendi nada mas mt loco

This one's a bit odd because on the one hand I wanted to see what the game was going to throw at me next, but on the other I didn't want to suffer through whatever I was currently doing because it all felt so uninteresting. The last quarter of the game was my favorite part and it saves it from going below average, but I wouldn't recommend Pony Island.

In a game about hiding facades, it does a pretty bad job of making it's game anything more than just that - a front.

There's really a lack of gameplay, story and even ideas to get into as the game begins a loop that doesn't explore outside of a few interesting ideas.

Games breaking the fourth wall is not new at this point, we've seen it in a handful of wonderful games... it just feels like this didn't go far enough with that idea.

It didn't go too far outside of its comfort zone, it felt almost too tame with the overall design of the puzzle game.

This review contains spoilers

Really fun little game! I legit got fooled by the fake Steam message gag in the Asmodeus encounter LMAO. It was funny as fuck it chose a person I never talk to on steam it was so funny.

Feel my only criticism that it was pretty barebones, but that was rly the point I know. I just loved all the computer puzzles. Azazel's presentation was by far my favorite, with the locks blocking the executable. Pretty cool!

Cool concept, but the meta indie aesthetic feels too pretentious due to the lack of proper exploration of the themes and puzzle design.

Even if it was bad it would've be worth it for a single joke I lauged out loud for

Being the first it's also the weakest of Mullins 3 games but still a very fun game with great ideas put into it. You can clearly see how each game has built up to the next and culminating (so far) on Inscryption. Just a short 2 hours so give it a try

Самый крутой проект Даник, он смог, значит ты не можешь

Ultimately harmless, way less annoying than a lot of other early indie attempts at meta-narrative, but the themes feel very lazy, despite it pairing with the artstyle quite well, and all of the "game" parts feel like busywork rather than play. It's cute, funny, and has more jesus-killing than a lot of games ultimately should have, so there's clearly a reason why the let's play phenomenon latched onto this so tightly. Doesn't really stand much of a chance to criticism these days though.

Um belo exercício em metalinguagem. Se você gosta de games como Doki-Doki Literature Club ou The Stanley Parable, é uma ótima pedida.

This game is a very fun narrative experience, with some really fantastic surprises. Don't go looking here for engaging gameplay, but the gameplay that is here isn't bad and is interestingly tied to the narrative of the story.

certamente contra-iniciático. VADE.

The Hex is more effective in its spooky 4th wall stuff, but this one is still good.

I wanted to "get ready" for Inscryption and finally tackled Pony Island, which had been sitting on my backlog for years. This is 100% my shit. It has the perfect balance between light and disturbing, and the most meta twists (you probably know what I mean) made a lot of impact on me.

Molto bellino, seppur sembri più che altro un esperimento vista l'accozzaglia di mini-giochi e di interfacce, neanche troppo approfonditi, a gettare le basi di una storia non proprio interessante

It's...okay. The big twist of Pony Island is that it's not about ponies or an island at all, and it's instead something else entirely. It's very good about building on the bits of knowledge it's already given you in order to tutorialize throughout the whole experience without shoving any abrupt explanations in your face about some new game element, so you feel clever when you solve a problem, like you figured it out entirely on your own even though your thought process was probably exactly what the developer wanted you to go through. Presentation-wise, it's kind of clever, a little bit irreverant about its subject matter at times, which comes across as odd when a lot of the hints at the "lore" seem to suggest it's meant to be taken more seriously. It's one of those games that works far better if you play it yourself rather than watch someone else play it, and there are several points where the narrative/game design tricks they pull honestly made me laugh. But overal, I disagree with the overwhelmingly positive rating the title is being given right now, and I don't think I'd recommend it. It's not awful, it's just that your money is just better spent elsewhere.

Minivueltitas en la cabeza. Juego god

I mean it's fine, not much too say about it since it doesn't stay out of its lane or try to be too ambitious, it's nice and short and has some fun gameplay elements as very clever fourth wall breaks and nods to popular game glitches or just OS interfaces generally. My only complaint would probably be that the collectibles (tickets and achievements) are hard to keep track of without a guide, and that the puzzling gets kinda repetitive after you do it so many times, but the rest is fine for this being an indie studio's first game, great value too, on sales it's less than $3.

Satan is a pretty shit game designer lmao

No tengo palabras para describir este juego sin entrar en Spoilers, pero os diré que es una maravilla de juego que me ha acojonado de verdad en un par de ocasiones, pero asustada en serio (el juego, juega literalmente con nosotros y con nuestro pc, mirando listas de amigos y "rompiendo" archivos con mensajes de error)
Los gráficos son una pasada, para una amante del retro como servidora, y esos ruiditos de estática y electrónica que dan una atmosfera noventera al relato.
Una experiencia muy grata y divertida para echar unas 5h con el ratón (y ocasionalmente con el teclado)
Es un juego de saltos de un🦄poni, un videojuego roto y olvidado que quieren que lo juguen, pues tiene una historia que contar.

Daniel Mullins game. It is good.

pretty cool! came straight from inscryption which ended up being one of my favorite games ever to this so it was a little bit of a letdown but whatever! i think my expectations were just set too high

gli altri giochi suoi sono molto più belli