Reviews from

in the past

better than the original, love the difficulty

It is a truly exceptional and influential ROM hack, and it ages exceptionally well. It set the standard of quality for new, complete Mario games on the SM64 engine, and despite some annoying stars, it feels easily as accomplished as the vanilla game in terms of level design. There now exists many versions of this game, even one that is compatible with the N64 console of you own an Everdrive, and it feels as much like a fantastic add-on to SM64 as SMG2 feels like a fantastic add-on to SMG1. An excellent place to start if you have an interest for SM64 ROM hacking and don't know what to play first.


It’s perfect for me. I have anxiety over new things. But that anxiety is a lot better when it’s a rom hack because its similar to a thing I love but with a twist!

Now to actually talk about this fantastic rom. Some levels are better designed then the base game. Mario 64 is so much better designed when you take out the mission structurer. I honestly thing it’s so much better here. Plus the themes and graphics are great. It honestly feels like a sequel that’s upsettinly won’t get the appreciation it deserves because it’s locked to emulation. EASY RECOMMENDATION FOR MARIO 64 FANS

Oh shit this is on here? Uhh... best Mario 65?

O jogo é praticamente um novo Mario.
Fechei 100%, as 11 últimas estrelas são do cão.
Músicas/Osts são remetente a outros jogos, como Zelda e DKC. Dificuldade mediana para difícil, as 11 estrelas especiais, mundo da música e o do céu leva mais para o lado Mario Kaizo.

Já peguei o master retroachievements, deu um pouco de trabalho e estresse o último mundo especial, parecia tortura.
The game is practically a new Mario.
I closed 100%, the last 11 stars are from the dog.
Songs/Osts are sender to other games such as Zelda and DKC. Medium to difficult difficulty, the 11 special stars, music world and the sky takes more to Mario Kaizo's side.

I already got the master retroachievements, it took a little work and stress the last special world, it felt like torture.

Un problema muy agraviado de muchos de estos ROMs hacks, es que si, para hacer el chiste, para poner creatividad, probar y hacer cosas están muy bien, pero muchos suelen pecas de hacer niveles muy difíciles y muy mal diseñados.

Ejemplos poniendo jefes en lugares ridículos o obstáculos muy precisos muy seguido entre si (aunque no por algo machos suelen pedir o sujerir el uso de save states) aparte de que elimina esa cualidad de Mario 64, de expresividad en su máximo esplendor, suele ser mermada por puro ensañó y error o combinaciones de movimientos demasiado extrañas o fastidiosas (pon no decir que la cámara es donde más se vuelve loca, ya que muchos de niveles de ROMs de este estilo no están hechos para esa cámara), si fuera en plan pura parodia (como los kaizo) se entiende más, pero aquí hay genuina intención de hacer cosas, y muchas pueden ser erráticas.

Igualmente le tengo cariño a este rom por diepiify cuando lo subía hace ya casi 10 años. Las tardes que habré pasado viendo con roms de este estilo eran geniales, sobretodo venir del insti a verlo con tranquilidad.

For a total conversion mario 64 hack this is definitely impressive, but the way I played it I can't really recommend at all. This hack was intended to be played on emulators, but I played a conversion that runs on the original N64. The level designs are neat but there isn't really a proper difficulty curve, some levels are significantly harder than others and the levels demand much more out of the player than regular mario 64 levels. On the actual N64, the framerate is horrendous with some levels reaching an absolute crawl in FPS. The N64 conversion also has a broken game over room, which makes lives absolutely imperative to have enough of. The life thing becomes a huge problem later on in the game as more and more levels favor bottomless pits under everything, making dying extremely common. A lot of my time was spent grinding for lives... One of the stars is also broken in the conversion, making a 100% run impossible. I'm sure with an emulator that has both save states and a stable FPS that this would be a solid little fan game, but on original hardware this is an absolute mess.

One of the first full-game romhacks, and it’s still fun to this day.

Legendary hack, it's aged a bit in some areas but its still tight and fun and near perfect.

Got all 121 main stars with my friends in one night with SM64EX Co-op. What an experience. As a casual who's only beaten 64 once this difficulty is really something else, it put all my Mario 64 movement knowledge to the test with some of the craziest platforming challenges I've ever seen. Would never have been able to 100% without my friends there, the later levels get extremely demanding with constant difficult platforming. While nowhere near kaizo requirements you definitely need to be prepared for a challenge greater than the original 64.

This is my favourite Mario 64 ROM Hack. An oldie, but a goodie. The level design still holds up today and it's just fun to see all of the game's wacky worlds.

I probably like this one the most, because it doesn't deviate a lot from the normal Mario 64 experience. No crazy gimmicks or anything. Just a lot of fun new stars to collect.

no woke gay plumber, no woke strong princess, only mario and his fat fucking ass

I have not finished this game - have one last world I didn't finish, I believe, plus post game stars - but I feel confident in this.

An amazing fanwork that feels like a mostly natural next step from Mario 64. At times, I did feel the platforming was much more than 64 would ever expect from you, but it's not the same game so that's not necessarily a con. What is a con to me is the order of the worlds. While you can go in relatively any order you want, I find that each section of the game has a world that's just glaringly more difficult than the rest of the area, which makes pacing a bit shaky.

I'd like to mention that I played this via the port to the (New) 3DS - more specifically I played it on my New 2DS XL. I don't know if it runs any better on a N3DSXL, but on my system there was a lot of slowdown in the hub, several worlds, and I had a few crashes. I'm not holding this against the game because I have no idea if the developer of this mod was involved in the 3DS port, but it certainly made it harder to enjoy in some parts. The worst if it - and the reason I haven't fully finished this mod - is in the last world, Starlight Runway. This stage already has a bunch of butt-puckering areas and stars as a whole, and the slow down only made it worse. And the inevitable game overs with a full minute or two just to travel the hub world and get back to the stage... ugh.

Still, though, I found this mod very enjoyable and highly recommend it if you are familiar with Mario 64. Really made me want to play more 64 mods.

i played this on the co-op mod with some friends, absolutely amazing and hilarious experience. i dont know how the game is on single player but if its anything like it is multiplayer than its a must play, so much fun

Super Mario Star Road, for its age, is really impressive and uses the ideas very well. I feel the only "meh" level is "Course 9: Mad Musical Mess," and even then, it's a really good idea, even if some stars in it are not ideal for me. People often say this ROM hack feels like a sequel to Super Mario 64, which I fully agree with. Without Star Road, I think we wouldn't have had such a huge Super Mario 64 ROM hacking scene.

One of the few Rom Hacks I replayed on Real Hardware later down the road.

This is a sort of "dream sequel" to Super Mario 64 in a way, capturing a lot of the essence of that game's appeal in a new setting that pushes the mechanics and difficulty a bit further than Nintendo proper ever did. One of the greats of the ROM hacking scene, especially for SM64 considering how many shoddily designed hacks exist in the same space as this. The level design is a real treat if you are well trained with the controls, though newcomers may find this hack really frustrating. This is a big comfort game of mine to veg out to when I'm listening to youtube videos and crave a bit of 3D platforming on the side.

Mario 64 star road, with the multiplayer hack added, is legitimately one of the most fun experiences I've ever had with a videogame. I'll admit some things are reallllly broken (the camera, all cannons) but it made it honestly even more fun, I belly-laughed almost every session. It might just be my favorite mario game.

This was my first time completing a genuine rom hack (not counting Waluigi’s Taco Stand), and holy shit this game was fun. I’ve known about Star Road for what feels like forever, back when I was in elementary school maybe I was watching videos on this rom hack because it combined so many things I loved about the Mario series and the entire thing felt magical in a way. Completing it now as a college student was nothing but nostalgic bliss, you can feel the passion put into this project throughout each and every area and level throughout the game.

Despite a few levels feeling sloppy in design and some moments of lag (I was playing the console compatible version which is most likely why), Star Road consistently upped the challenge as you advance throughout Star Leap Tower. Combined with tricky platforming and some incredibly well hidden areas, the variety of courses that you can go to felt much more unique than the original SM64 in my opinion, and was honestly a lot more satisfying upon completion. Even the selection of music and replacement tracks for the file select and different caps that Mario can wear were extremely fitting thanks to the SM64 sound font. I particularly loved the use of many tracks from Super Mario RPG and Galaxy.

Overall, Super Mario Star Road was a blast to finally play, especially when going for the 130 star completion. I’m not surprised one bit that Star Road is so popular and most often considered the best rom hack for SM64; it definitely holds up to its title as the unofficial sequel.

(Finished with 111 stars)
I believe it's the most solid SM64 hack I've gone through. Although it doesn't present as many innovations as others, this hack is very similar to the original in several aspects, it uses things from the original in a smart way and presents a great level design and a lot of creativity with everything it has. It's not a perfect fangame, it still has small bugs and stages with missions a little more difficult than the expected level, but they are in a few cases and some flaws are present in the original game.
Definitely one of the best SM64 hacks to date, definitely one of the best done.

(Finalizado com 111 estrelas)
Acredito que seja a hack mais sólida de SM64 que fui até o fim. Embora não apresente tantas inovações quanto outras, essa hack se mostra bem parecido com o original em vários aspectos, ele utiliza coisas do original de forma inteligente e apresenta um ótimo level design e muita criatividade com tudo que tem. Não é um fangame perfeito, ainda apresenta pequenos bugs e fases com missões um pouco mais difíceis do que o nível esperado, porém são em poucos casos e algumas falhas estão presentes no jogo original.
Com certeza uma das melhores hacks de SM64 até hoje, com certeza uma das mais bem feitas.

It's pretty amazing to me that this hack still holds up very well even after more than a decade and with other more technically impressive mario 64 hacks that have come out since

Globalement cool, mais comment j'étais censé deviner que la cape d'invisibilité était là sans soluce ?

pretty much every problem I have with this hack just comes down to the fact mario 64 camera is peepee doodoo but this is really impressive

objectively a better game than sunshine

This review contains spoilers

Super Mario 64 Star Road (if played with updated camera) is The closest aproximation to a direct sequel to Mario 64 i can imagine.

Everything about it follows the originals dificulty curve and tonally remains consistent with the franchise at the time.

Except the Music level

the music level can kiss my @$$

Super Mario Star Road is a classic ROM hack and likely the most well known hack for Super Mario 64. Star Road exceeds its base game by a good margin, in part thanks to a combination of more interesting level design and a much more thrilling difficulty. Super Mario 64 is far from the hardest game out there, and there have been plenty of hacks intended to create a harder game using Mario 64 as a bse.

What separates Star Road from most of the competition is the world design. Super Mario Star Road has the feel of Mario 64, with level designs that are unique but still feel like they could be an official release from Nintendo. Most levels are also well-designed from a gameplay perspective, keeping it clear where to go even on a first run of a world. It's easy to learn the locations around Star World and its interconnected overworld.

Star Road does struggle in a few areas. The platforming can become way too difficult in specific areas, such as the baby penguin escort mission or the entirety of Mad Musical Mess. Players who beat Star Road will be much better at Mario 64 but there are areas that can lead a player to immense frustration and might turn them away if they weren't anticipating such a demanding experience.

One of the most inspiring pieces of software I have ever had the pleasure of using, 10 years on I am still amazed that someone made their own Mario 64 on their computer.