Reviews from

in the past

This is a pretty good collection of the series' best levels with a ton of extra content. Give us more new Super Monkey Ball, SEGA!

The word monkey and balls would make a lesser man chuckle. But this man can see the beauty and finesse that is Monkey Ball. Banana Mania blesses us with with our favorite monkeys in more balls. Even though the balls feel a little different. Physics are slightly different than the originals. It's not a deal breaker, but long time fans will notice some mini games suffer because of it.

alyssa played a good chunk of it but im overall rly impressed by this thing w the exception of a few differences in the physics that make some levels significantly harder than they used to be. we just unlocked jumping and its the most unbelievably broken shit in the universe all i wanna do is bounce around aimlessly forever and see how far i can push the physics... i love monkey ball

Monkey in a jar, I mean ball. A lot of fun, sometimes very frustrating. No level is really the same. Unfortunately the ball doesn't have any physics. The soundtrack is alright. KIRYU KAZUMA THE GOAT.

Physics can be infuriating and unfun sometimes but its a great return for the series.

Want the best method to complete the stages?

1. Buy the jump button when able to

2. ...Best of luck to you

Jokes aside, it's a really good game. My only gripes are that, while I understand it's a franchise that's intentionally hard, some stages are straight up unfair and have complicated methods to complete and other stages literally made me feel nauseous (looking directly at Spiral Bridge from Story Mode World 7 and Banana Plate in SMB1 challenge mode as some of the examples). But it's still a fantastic game regardless! It's to see Super Monkey Ball back!

whose idea was it to let people jump in ranking stuff
dripless SMB1 + 2

A few tv's were broken in the playing of this game

Played half of story mode, plus some of the challenges and plenty of the mini-games.

As a whole package, it's vastly superior to Banana Mania. But it still feels wrong to control—physics feel weightless and make every level feel tedious. I’m not willing to try to meet them halfway at this time.

i never thought i’d see a chibi kiryu in a giant ball sliding through floating platforms collecting hundreds of staminan x per stage but here we are

It's fun enough in every other way, but how do you ruin Monkey Target, the best mode in the entire game?

I fucking love momentum based games. Though the camera likes to be your enemy and it takes a while to get used to the mechanics, also I'm not a fan of the slideshow cutscenes

I might be the only one who liked Banana Blitz HD more than this, but Banana Mania is still a lovely tribute to old-school Super Monkey Ball. Very featured-packed game that respects the originals nicely.

todavía no lo terminé pero 5 estrellas a los monos en bolas

It's the 1 2 and DX levels sure but it feels half-hearted. A step up from Banana Blitz HD for sure but like I'm beginning to question why I still buy these games.

The Story Mode just shows how lazy it all is, the proper cutscenes were flat out removed and replaced with much cheaper ones, Bad-Boon isn't even redesigned to fit the new style, and the new music ranges from decent at best to sounding like someone never composed for a game before.

There's also just how Sega made things people actually wanted (classic monkeys and music) paid DLC in a celebration game just feels kind of insulting. Also why add Kiryu if you're gonna make him silent?

It just sounds worse the more I write about it, I should stop. Physics. Okay now I'm done.

Wasn’t the big GOTY contender I wanted it to be, but it was still a great time. It wasn’t as great as SMB2, but it has some great levels, a kickass soundtrack, and a great cast of characters. I just wish some more effort went into the cutscenes and minigames.

Full thoughts over in my review here:

Thanks to SEGA America for providing a pre-release review copy.

This is the greatest Monkey Ball has been in years and it took them remaking the originals to do so, but its a worthy remake nonetheless.

solid remake. terrible party games. all achievements is absolutely miserable as a result but if you don't care about that then it's good

This had potential and is kind of fun
The trouble stems from the change of engine
Gets an extra half a star for Sonic/Yakuza

As a casual fan of the original games, and not someone that plays the games like they are a speedrunner or a pro, this game is a great. It makes a lot of quality of life improvements like faster restarts, more characters, customization, and revamped difficulty for some stages for lesser difficulty spikes. Yes, there are no story cutscenes, and the DLC is very bad, but I still had a fun time with it.

Reviewed for

Super Monkey Ball: Banana Mania has largely become what was expected of it. The main game feels just as good as before, and the many unlockable extras and missions make Banana Mania the perfect game to play both for hours on end, as well as to start up in between for a handful of levels or missions. With the new controls of the party games and the questionable changes to the audio, the game misses the mark a bit, but that should certainly not spoil the fun. With Banana Mania, we have a really good Monkey Ball title in our hands for the first time in over fifteen years. Happy birthday, Super Monkey Ball!

Read the full review here (Dutch):

incredibly fun but also incredibly frustrating... but in a fun way!! i get very angry at this game but it's always very satisfying when you finally complete a difficult level. that being said, i'll probably never complete it because it's so difficult.

okay so going back to this game and NOT being a harsh piece of shit, this is actually honestly a really good version of all the levels from 1/2/Deluxe. and hey it let me actually clear Expert and Master in SMB1 and 2 finally

Uses the stages from the good monkey balls games but uses the awful physics from Banana Blitz HD. This game flat out sucks, it's that simple.