Reviews from

in the past

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La adolescencia es una etapa turbulenta en la que nos enfrentamos a problemas como lo es la búsqueda de la identidad. Nos pasamos años intentando averiguar quiénes somos. A veces me cuesta recordarlo, y eso que esa etapa acabó hace un tiempo para mi. Toda esa búsqueda se nubla cuando tu entorno invisibiliza tu realidad y la etiqueta como incorrecta. We know the devil se siente tremendamente personal, una forma para las creadoras de externalizar sus sentimientos en relación a ser una persona queer en un entorno cristiano. Atajar los problemas de esa época de una forma metafórica y preciosa a partes iguales.

Esta obra nos presenta a tres chicas adolescentes que pasan su verano en un campamento católico. Deben pasar la noche en un cobertizo intentando evitar que el demonio las alcance. No sabes que es “el demonio” en un principio, pero el juego sabe transmitir terror en torno a su figura, gracias a su banda sonora. Es como si lo sintieras desde la perspectiva de ellas, de esos pensamientos que les han inculcado. Pero el diablo es algo totalmente metafórico. Son esas ideas rechazadas por la sociedad más tradicionalista, que demonizan como algo horrible y les impide encontrar su verdadera identidad. Por eso cuando les alcanza a las tres, deciden abrazarlo para ser capaces de descubrir quienes son realmente, dando paso a un final hermoso en que aceptan su sexualidad y género.

Tampoco quiero desmerecer a los finales “malos”. Creo que todos reflexionan sobre algo tan importante como la amistad. La conversación con el capitán nos habla de las amistades de tres integrantes, y como muchas veces alguien se acaba quedando desplazado. El juego nos pasa el testigo y en nuestras manos queda involucrar a todas en la experiencia. Este concepto gana fuerza cuando nos presentan las decisiones sin que sepamos el porqué ni las consecuencias. Eliges según te parece, para darte cuenta al final que te has olvidado de alguien. El capitán tenía razón desgraciadamente, pero tú puedes cambiarlo e intentar encontrar un final en el que todas se sientan felices. Es un paralelismo con la realidad de esa situación.

Por otro lado, creo que We know the devil crea una atmósfera genial. Su banda sonora está a caballo entre dos sensaciones completamente opuestas. A veces genera tranquilidad sí, pero sobre todo crea tensión y angustia. Hay partes de la banda sonora que son desagradables, pero en ello creo que se encuentra la genialidad de esta BSO. Ayuda a construir esa atmósfera tan desconcertante y hostil, que se siente acompañada de forma sublime por esas fotos hechas con cámara digital que se utilizan como fondos. Esos fondos promueven la misma sensación de la banda sonora y solo te deja esperanza en los dibujos hechos a mano de las protagonistas.

En definitiva, We know the devil me ha parecido una novela visual espectacular, que trata temas que se echan de menos en los videojuegos. Una obra cortita con un presupuesto reducido, pero con mucho amor por lo que querían lograr contar con ella.

phenomenal. really great sound design, incredible story. mwah. the worldbuilding/lore is mostly gestured at but extremely cool shit. jupiter my beloved

Super interesting, bite-sized story that felt good to play. I wish I was better with screenshots because some of the writing was clever and incisive and felt like truths I'd want to keep with me.

The loneliness of being in this isolated cabin, the brutal world just outside, waiting for uncertain doom soundtracked by blaring sirens in the distance... the vibes are just unbeatable.

Very strange alternate universe. A story about queer kids at summer camp & Christianity or something. Freaky music and nice art. Starts a bit slow but the endings are interesting. Dialogue can be boring. I don't regret playing it, but I think maybe my hopes for this were too high.

play it and then play it again and then again and then again and then one more time . and then rinse and repeat

I love religious trauma and being gay

I wanted to like this game. Like, I'm theoretically the target demographic. Unfortunately, I didn't quite like the vibe in this game and it kind of felt alienating. Perhaps that's intentional who knows? I wanted to see what people liked about this game but never could see it.

second best game to come out in september of 2015

Cool style. Good writing, but be warned that it's very short.

extremely good vibes based game that hit at the perfect moment as i was discovering my queer shit

It is not often that games as short as this one can grab my attention as soon as I start playing. The oppressive atmosphere created by the game's haunting soundtrack and excellent writing quickly made me interested in what was about to happen. The number of themes such as faith, self-love, and depictions of the devil is done well and in a way, I haven't really seen a whole lot. These themes are also presented through an LGBTQ lens that adds even more subtext to the story that I am still unpacking for myself. Each of the four endings frightened me in a different way and gave me, even more, to think about as well as making me love the characters even more. It's hard to write a review for this game without spoiling the story so all I can really say is go play it. It's short, cheap, and will hopefully stick with you as much as it did me.

i love this game so much i buy it for other people

Utter piece of shit. Terrible lgbt story and much worser visual novel. Want to play a good lgbt themed game? play the missing

A delicious chocolate truffle of cool art, good music, and great writing. Hard to sit through that crunchy crackly sound that happens a couple times but worth it.

This game took me on a journey I wasn’t expecting. In fact I kind of had a bad time in my first play session… but after beating it and reflecting on it, I really appreciate everything they did. A very good piece of art and it gives you much to think about.

I still hate the relationship mechanics in these visual novels. But I really like the art style and sound design here.

Short, less than an hour.
A bit weird history but good quotes and dialogues.


I was lost a few times, but genuinely a good VN with an addicting story, artstyle and characters. I love it a lot and it brings me such nostalgia even now.

i wasnt particularly interested in this game as a text but i wanted some perspective before playing heaven will be mine. its a tough one to really talk about, i think i understand what its going for - a sort of teen queer play on waiting for godot (well godot can be read as queer but this is way more explicitly so), at least until the endings which are more 'concrete' than godot ever is. but the writing is very all over the place, and aevee bee at this point in time at least was certainly no samuel beckett so that knowing emptiness of godot is never consistently sustained. sound design/music is excellent. nagito komaeda is credited in the game.

fuck love triangles we being a tripoly-demon

I tumbled ass-backwards into the true ending on my first try, so that's a thing that's possible.

"Even the best kid has the devil inside her."

2 hour game i will probably be thinking about for the rest of my life

prolly at least partially responsible for helping me come to terms with my transgenderisms and lesbianisms yahoo

Infelizmente é um dos jogos que não previu o quão mal Harry Potter iria envelhecer.