Reviews from

in the past

Changes and QOL updates make the game live up to todays standards

fun but I did not give a shit about any part of the story

Took me awhile to get into it, because of the re-usage of the compressed voice acting straight from the original PS2 game.

Other than that, it functions pretty well; human NPCs are cartoony looking, missions and challenges are varied and of course, destroying anything in your path is what I always seek in those type of games.

It's just fun.

Like sometimes you just need something that's fun.

Will be completing this soon. Glad to have this and the sequel, which I played briefly in my late teens!

greatest reveal trailer in human history, the game ran really badly at the final boss but thats a switch issue
not much to do after finishing the story but i still had a lot of fun dicking around with my alien superpowers

I somehow never played this before the remastered version. I had a blast with it.

FUCK humanity, I like the idea of the game but they reuse models a little too much like come on its not so fun when everyone looks the same, I wanna kill someone and then never see those dumb ass faces again

Fun with the interesting story. But the fact that the damaged cities don't stay damaged kind of kills the whole point.

Could use some more mission varieties.

Destroy All Humans is an enjoyable ride with some decent comedy, though it falls short in some areas.There's a lot of aspects of this game that feel like they're just a few steps away from being great, but just settle for being decent or good enough. Combat is a bit mindless, while you have a good amount of options to take on enemies, the combat situations themselves are just pretty samey. Shooting in of itself isn't really the most fun either. I found myself having the most fun trying to complete the challenges you gain access to after entering new maps, races especially.

Destroy All Humans is simple fun, while a bit unrefined I feel that it’s sense of humor and core gameplay loop is really solid and while I wish it wasn’t so repetitive it’s definitely the game you boot up as a kid just to mess around in.

A perfect visual uplift of the original. While the gameplay turns me off, if this is your jam go have some fun.

Great game, plays just like the original with extra QoL updates (like the hoverboard)

vastly improved remake that makes me cum, still corny

I swear I remember the original game being a lot better than this... But I won't judge this remake for the content of the original. So I guess I'll give 5 stars since it's a good remake, even if playing it made me realize the base game kinda sucks.

It only adds more good to the game. Lots of nice little quality of life changes that you didn't know you needed until you started playing. Plus lots more details to make the world feel more alive. Normally I'm not into remakes, which I guess says something complimentary about this.

The game itself is mindless fun and destruction. It's for people who played GTA but never did the story, just ran around killing everyone. Not really sure who this game is FOR. Its game play loop only entertained me as a kid, and as an adult it falls flat. But then the characters are talking about communism and you're firing an anal probe at people to make their brains pop out, so, who knows. Maybe that means it's meant for the whole family to enjoy together.

Cheguei com a expectativa de um open world, acabei me decepcionando um pouco, pois é um jogo de fases, com objetivos e limite de espaço, mas tem uma gameplay realmente divertida, acabei não curtindo muito o boss final mas ainda assim vale a pena jogar, porém não espere tanto, é um jogo bem com a cara do PS2 e não dos modernos jogos de mundo aberto vasto.

I had actually wanted to play this game for a long while, as I always enjoy Richard Horvitz, and he’s all over this game, but I just never got around to it. The game is pretty fun, but very much felt like the PS2 game it was. By this I mean, the game was super fun, then a sudden crazy ramp up in difficulty on the final boss fights. Granted, I didn’t do all the extra side stuff to upgrade all my weapons and abilities, as I just didn’t have time or interest in it. Certainly was a fun throwback though

An ok game but if you don't have nostalgia for the original there isn't that much here to recommend

Pyrokinesis in this game makes for some really fun gameplay. Quick, funny, worth your time.

Never owned this when I was a kid and only really played it a couple times over friends houses so I have really little attachment to this franchise. I did enjoy parts of the gameplay such as the half baked stealth mechanics and games funny for the most part with a really fun concept but I didn’t enjoy the mission structure after the first couple hours. I imagine the sequel addresses the issues I had with the gameplay and mission structure so I’ll definitely give that a try down the line. I also found this to be another THQ remaster that looks good in parts but simultaneously really ugly it’s a shame because a game like this could really shine with a decent remaster. Despite my issues this game regularly costs like £2.50 on sale so I’d say it’s probably worth the price of admission.

A classic arcade gameplay style remastered.

Peut être un des pires jeux auxquels j’ai pu jouer de ma vie

This game could be recoated with however many layers of graphics possible, that dialogue screams mid 2000's.

Bem divertidinho, gostoso de completar até o fim.