Reviews from

in the past

incredibly immature and not in the funny and charming way. just kind of bad. like a bad south park episode from 2005. the kid in your middle school math class who wore tapout shirts loved this game. i'd rather sit through borderlands cutscenes

gameplay is decent but you're consistently forced to interact with the writing in a way that's distracting and ruins the whole experience

One of these classics I wished I could've played as a teen, but never got the chance to. Well I finally did, and a version with revamped visuals, improved controls and even some added content at that.

The humour and fun that I expected as a child was definitely there and the quirky/original concept was developed as well as I could've hoped.

A varied list of main missions, each more ridiculous than the last, introduce you to a good amount of small sized open worlds packed with side activities and collectibles. These missions are full of character and do a solid job at teaching you the mechanics the game has to offer.

The whole package really is a fun experience, but it is brought down by controls that arent always as responsive as you'd like and some repetitive content. Especially the side content lacks variety and demands for a lots of precise gameplay which it's honestly not setup for.

Great if you're five years old, which is probably how old I was when the original came out since I used to think this game was a masterpiece.

It's mechanically fine.. for the most part, but it's just painful to get through. It's sensory overload, the NPCs and main characters just never, ever shut the hell up. It's chaotic in all the wrong ways and was an aggravating slog to get through.

There are very similar mission designs that repeat elements, so half the time you finish them in minutes only for the game to all of a sudden ramp the difficulty to 1,000 right in the final inning for no real reason but to spit on me on its way out.

Destroy All Humans é uma sátira total aos Estados Unidos, que brinca com o clássico nacionalismo americano e o medo do comunismo que todo estudante de história conhece.
No jogo você controla Krypto, um alien que invade o planeta terra para domina-lo e criar um império alienígena sobre sua ruína.
Para completar essa tarefa, você precisa destruir cidades, bases militares e até mesmo o governo americano! E para tanta destruicão, você tem um arsenal técnlógico alíenigena que inclui desde lança raios até leitor de mentes e um ovni para destruir qualquer resquício de humanidade naquela área.
Tudo isso implica diretamente no level design, que é propositalmente repetitivo para explorar ao máximo cada mecânica das armas e habilidades, considerando que elas evoluem conforme você progride na campanha. Com isso o jogo fica muito divertido e demora para enjoar.
Aliás, o jogo não se estende muito. Eu demorei 6 horas para completar todas as suas 20 missões, um ritmo bem legal que não deixa o jogo maçante.
Lembrando que o jogo é um remake, e como não joguei o original, não garanto que é melhor ou pior. Porém garanto que o jogo se adaptou muito bem à nossa época, tanto em gráficos como em jogabilidade.

Conclusão: Destroy All Humans! é um ótimo jogo para quem busca uma experiência curta, humorada e divertida, com uma história clichê e descontraída.

Destroy All Humans

For me this was a childhood classic. something i loved playing growing up and also on Ps now just a few months ago. After that, this remake was announced and i won't lie, i threw my wallet at my screen.

So if you've played the original you'll know what a fantastic game it was, there was so much fun to be had, but if you're playing this for the first time, you're in for a fun ride.


So let's get straight into the gameplay, so much has been improved on by Black Forest Games, for one, it's a tonne smoother, gliding through the air on your jetpack whilst shooting puny humans and blowing up everything in sight has never been easier and felt so smooth. Controls are very simple, easy to access which gun you want to use, using the jetpack, PK abilities, holobob and more!
The missions are near exact to the originals with some slight tweaks here or there with added cutscenes to improve an already brilliant game.
During the Rockwell mission, you holobob the mayor and answer questions to keep the crowd happy, there was also more of this introduced in later missions which were very welcome.
The ufo is very easy to control, just glide around as you'd expect, smoothly and turning just as well, you get all the weapons in the original but to Crypto and the saucer, there are so many more upgrades to get making popping people's heads even more worth it!

So graphically this game imo is beautiful, compare it to the original and you can easily see the level of detail has been put into the graphics to really make this game blast forward into 2020. Now, is it the best graphical game of this generation? probably not but it doesn't take away from the fact that it's a beautiful game with great lighting, textures, ray tracing and overall fantastic detail.
As most games, it's not without it's bugs, i came across a few cars casually driving in mid air up the street and a random person morphing with a building but nothing more since. In the original, when destroying building they would simply just collapse and weren't as destructive as you'd expect BUT in this remake, blowing building up, hearing the explosions and seeing it crumble to bits really makes you feel like the terror has just begun.

We obviously return with Crypto and the classic Pox in this remake, these two miscreants still have their entertaining banter and witty remarks they throw at eachother which makes them a treat to watch during cutscenes and even during the missions. The npc's have also been recreated from the ground up with a more cartoonish look but the style and design is unique and fits perfectly rather than realistic people.
There are still the main characters from the game such as the general, president and more (no spoilers)

Thankfully, even the levels are near exact the same as the original, as expected, some tweaks here or there for great improvements but the layouts are exactly the same with greater details. Turnipseed Farm, Rockwell, Santa Modesta, Area 42, Union Town, Capitol City

The sound in Destroy All Humans Remake, has been greatly improved on. In some instances you will hear original audio from the original game but with a greater quality and no recaptured which i find to be a really nice touch. Other improvements are levels such as Turnipseed farm, you can hear birds chirping very nicely in such a rural environment, obviously busier towns take away a little bit from this and focus more on the surroundings such as more people talking, the Rockwell fair and even the squeaking of cars where people.....well you know the rest.
The weapon sounds have also been greatly improved with the Zap-o-matic sounding alot more like a big Taser and not a faulty plug hanging off the wall, shooting fireballs has never felt so good as it sounds as you'd expect, like a ball of fire being shot although i'm not sure how we'd really expect that to sound lol
This goes for the weapons on the saucer aswell, Shooting the death ray sounds like you could very well shoot through the building and leave a smoldering crater in the earth and don't even get me started on how much i love the quantum de-constructer.
Overall the sound quality in this has been greatly improved and really adds to the gameplay and enjoyment.

In conclusion, after playing this as a youngster i am extremely happy with this remake, it takes me back to being a 13 year old that purely wanted to destroy the human race or use the PK ability to hold someone in mid air and drop them onto a car to hear the thud....i was a sick kid
Gameplay for me is brilliant, fun to play, easy to use and i could just sit around demolishing the cities all day, not to mention the probe collectables you can get on every level!
There is plenty to do, missions are very fun, optional mission objectives makes the missions even more fun and there is challenges to complete on each town which get more difficult as you go on
Very fun, Very Smooth, sounds great and an experience for everyone to enjoy!

A fun enough remake, I had never played the original myself so it was a fun game to experience, the story pokes fun at a lot of serious topics, mainly related to American culture, a lot of the dialogue is campy and does show it's original age, the story isn't all that long and pretty varied with the exception of a couple too many stealth missions, but the main fun to be had is in the side open world activities you unlock by progressing in the campaign with only a couple of those getting at times frustrating towards the end of the game.

Nothing special, but a fun enough thing to pick up for idle fun.

fun little game to zone out to I like the zappy

I played the original Destroy All Humans! quite often when it first came out. It stood alone then as being unique - playing the 'villain', piloting space-craft and vaporising humans seemed a new take on a third-person open-world shooter. Its writing was dry and sarcastic, and riffing off 1950s Cold War hysteria and pop-culture was something new for me as a teen. You were humanity's saviour: saving them from their stupid selves, harvesting brains for the good of the Furon Empire.

Does this all translate today? A lot of it does actually, but perhaps not entirely. The writing and performance seems a bit stilted and the complexity of the missions aren't nearly as groundbreaking anymore, but it's still a hell of a lot of fun.

Like Spyro and Crash remakes, the differences to the original are predominately visual. Blackforest Games have 'cartoonified' the models here which is a striking difference but works more in the game's favour than against it, I thought. Unlike those PS1 remakes, there are some gameplay control changes which work well for me but might not for others. Some added abilities from the second game like the Transmog are welcome, and an all-new S.K.A.T.E. mechanic for quick traversal on ground as well as better manoeuvrability for the jetpack are both godsends. New side-story challenges are a good addition too.

Definitely worth picking up if you liked the original but may not have legs if you’re new to the games. Honestly, it’s incredible to me that it was even chosen by game developers to be remade as although the games have a decent following, it’s not that huge.

Most accurate America simulator

It's still fun to anally probe. The writing is still funny. The mission are still frustrating. Yep it's still Destroy All Humans.

This remaster was faithful to the original but made the experience a thousand times easier with the introduction of new mechanics such as the transmog ability which allows you to craft ammo from random objects. The writing is comical and Crypto is such a lovable jerk. It's a visually pleasing game as well. Black Forest did an outstanding job making its predecessor look antiquated. One of my favorite remakes/remasters recently.

Das Spiel wäre 50% besser wenn es nicht jede 3 Minuten eine Cutszene hätte die überhaupt nicht witzig sind.

Para mim que nunca jogou o original, achei um ótimo jogo. Fica evidente que o remake/remastered foi especialmente e talvez unicamente nos gráficos, pois a jogabilidade é claramente da sexta geração de consoles. No fim, é um jogo divertido e com limitações que não incomodam na maior parte do tempo.

Horrendous game design got me so angry I broke my headphones, fuck my life.

I played this to ignore my parents arguing as a kid. I play it now under the illusion that someday it may come true and Crypto will descend from the heavens and vaporize me.

A bit of a rarity for me, I've cataloged every game that I owned ever since I was a little baby and the 2005 version of this game is one of the few that I have absolutely no recollection of, but I know for sure that I had through some digging around

Of course this is a remake made 15 years later, I gather there's some differences, but it still seems similar enough that even though it's not too crazy good or anything like that, it's still one of the only games that I kinda played for the first time twice! A gamer's dream, and it came true here I suppose!

A solid remake that massively improves the controls and goes for visual style that looks like weird mid 2000's cg more then realistic, which I appreciate.

You buttfuck the entire United States military to death this shit flaps.

Fun game to play. Cool remake/remaster of the game. Problem was that it was too short. Can't wait to play the sequel remake.

Que jogo divertido, não tive a oportunidade de jogar esse jogo antigamente, mas esse remake esta fantástico. O jogo conta uma historia ali, mas ela fica de plano de fundo pra gameplay, que é explodir e matar tudo.

Richard Steven Horvitz


I can appreciate this remake for just how gorgeous it looks- especially on ps5 now that it's been bumped up to sixty frames per second. They also didn't dial the humor back for "mOdErN aUdIenCeS" which was a rather important aspect of the original DAH!

However, it really botched up the holobob mechanic and made the last two bosses ungodly spongy for no reason at all. Those two things are why i prefer the original game. Still I didn't have a bad time with this and in terms of remakes I would put it above Crash N Sane trilogy at least.

Not much to say I haven’t said in my other review, I just cleaned up for the platinum lol. The platinum itself is fun to obtain and not really hard I guess.

Played 1 level, enjoyed it, never launched the game again.

For A Remake, Its Very Solid And Its Gameplay Was Very Creative And Enjoyable.
Compairing It To The Original, Its Better In Terms Of Graphics And Hardware [Of Course]. But I Think It's Controls Are Lacking. I Mean, I Like Them But I'm Used To The PS2 Controls. Its Useable, But Still. Its Is Very Strong With It's Writing And Overall A BIG Improvment.

Controls: 6.5/10
Characters: 9.5/10
Story: 8.5/10
Graphics: 9.5/10
Overall Rating: 83/100
[yeah I know real contrast]

Played this for a few hours cause I was bored and it was free on Playstation Plus. Truly feels out of the PS2 generation mission based third person shooter and I don't mean that as a bad thing. It was decent fun. I really dislike the main alien dude's voice doesn't seem right to me. Didn't feel like a must play or anything but I might come back to it in a slower month. Not sure but I dig the concept.

pure ps2 fun, but enhanced. story is goofy and the ending is very clearly meant to say "yo were making another game btw what if furons went to other country". overall pretty fun but its nothing remarkable, doesnt overstay its welcome.