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in the past

Heatten's gonna be so pissed when he finds out this is my favorite sonic game.

Fun, well sprited, cute. It wears its Sonic inspiration on its sleeve, but gameplay is very different from it. However, this leads to combat feeling a bit… off? I feel like I took a lot of hits that felt cheap and undeserved. And when the lives system doesn’t matter, it begs the question of why it even exists. Game is fun, though. Doesn’t have much in the way of story; it takes itself very seriously for something so bare bones. It’s fun and charming, but yeah. That’s about all I feel. The Sonic comparisons generally do end outside of visuals and character design. I don’t think it’s a fair assessment of either game.

Freedom Planet, at its best, is a fantastic feeling action platformer, with action that supplements the platforming rather than go against it, and at its worst, it's a videogame that seems designed to try and kill you, more than challenge you.

By large, Freedom Planet is great - every level is a blast, they all look great and are accompanied by an excellent OST, none of them really feel like they take 20 minutes to beat as they all hold a nice pace. I especially liked the way they handled combat with the main character - Sash Lilac - a lot of her attacking moves also double as moves that help you traverse the level, like the cyclone and the dash, which helps keep the game's fast pace as you don't waste a lot of time dealing with the goons. I also found a lot of use for the uppercut and divekick, which destroy anyone in a punch or two. No enemy encounter felt like a chore, and that's a pitfall a lot of platformers tend to fall into, which I have to commend Freedom Planet for not falling into. If I had to pick any stage as my favourite, it'd probably be Jade Creek - absolutely love the vibes on that one.

Dig a little deeper, however, and you'll start to notice some problems. My GOD is it ruthless and cruel. It's very hard to not get hit in this game: your hitbox is pretty big and every projectile is massive, you're going everywhere really fast with no time to react, and a lot of the enemies, late game especially, are Metropolis Zone Sonic 2 levels of annoying (Boy do they love spamming those shock troopers, where the hitbox for their projectiles starts inside of their body and not at their gun so good luck trying to hit them idiot). It's also very hard to find any health petals, so expect to spend most of your game without a leg and two fingers. This is only exacerbated with the boss battles, which punish you REALLY HARD for playing them suboptimally. They're kind of like Mega Man bosses - you have to sink in a few lives before you can understand what's going on, but those had the decency of giving you E-Tanks in case things got really bad, here you simply die in 4 hits and I-frames don't feel like a thing. But that might just be me, I didn't really get stuck on any of the bosses long enough for it to be an issue, though I can't imagine fightin Brevon before he was patched.

I've got nothing to say about the story, some of it feels a little tryhard, you probably already know about the squidward's house scene if you know about this game, I'll just say that it's serviceable and that I dig the voice acting.

This is not my first time going through Freedom Planet, and I do not regret coming back to this - this was overall a brief and enjoyable experience. It also made me look forward to playing through the sequel, which seems to be improved on every front. But nobody looks like a scrimblo anymore, and I'll greatly miss that.

One thing I will get out of the way first is that I don't quite agree with how this game is often framed as being "the best Sonic game in years" as people tended to call it at least when it released in 2014, and for the simple reason that this doesn't really quite feel like a Sonic game. There's definitely inspiration, and that can be seen in the character design and level design (especially since this did start out as a Sonic fangame), but I'd say this game to Sonic is a lot like what Overwatch is to Team Fortress 2 - a game that does take inspiration, but has quite a different philosophy regarding it's core gameplay style.

The biggest thing is that this game has a combat system that really didn't exist in any of the classic Sonic games. Enemies don't exactly go down with a single jump, but you have moves to "battle" them. The characters don't even really play that much like Sonic characters - Sash Lilac does have a similar control style to Sonic himself but even then she doesn't feel quite the same.

That aside, I mean... what do I really have to say? Freedom Planet is definitely one of my favorite platformers and indie games and at least in my Top 10 of all time. I don't go back to it as much as my favorite Sonic games, but when I do, I'm almost always sure to have a good time with it.

The levels are overall really well designed, with a lot of content within them. The level design is definitely the most Sonic-y element of this game, and frankly, I feel like every level in this game is both well structured in design and really good to look at, with my favorites being Fortune Night and Jade Creek. But all of them are just fun to play through in their own way, and ultimately full of content and replay value.

The controls are also really good, feeling overall really fluid and snappy. The combat admittedly isn't the most in-depth thing out there, but it does help give the game more of it's own identity, and especially makes a lot of the bosses feel pretty engaging. It can also be pretty challenging, especially on a first playthrough, but I feel like it does help make replaying the game feel more satisfying.

I also really love the main characters and their designs. The story itself isn't anything too particularly special - but I do really like the personalities of Lilac, Carol and Milla and how they tend to sort of bounce off of each other.

Overall, I definitely still really like this game and am looking forward for the sequel. I wouldn't go into it expecting a 1:1 replica of/successor to the classic Sonic games like some people make it out to be, but if you're a fan of platformers, including Sonic itself, I would definitely recommend giving it at least a try.

A true 32bit era platformer, BS and all. Despite initially seeming like an indie Sonic clone, Freedom Planet adds punchy quick combat, on top of more thoughtful slower stages. This works out in the long run as fighting enemies is far more satisfying and rewarding than just jumping.

If you like classic Sonic, you'll like this. It has more elements of other platformers like Ristar, Alex Kidd or Popful Mail, but its similar enough. Most Sonic fans are also Sega nerds anyway, so this doubles appeal.

The game is gorgeous, with great pixel art and an authentic era soundtrack. Sadly, the cheap difficulty spikes, annoying enemy designs and limited (if generous) lives systems are totally relics that should have stayed buried. The bosses in this game are a total bore, a simple pattern to follow that just does ridiculous damage if you mess up. Levels are just too long, most easily lasting 15+ minutes. Break them up like Sonic does, into acts.

The less said about the late 2000s DeviantArt furry characters, the better. I kind of liked Lilac in spite of this, the rest feel like lame Sonic fanart characters. Like Spade the Hedgehog. What a dork.

In the end, if you're up for a lost Saturn action platformer, you're in luck. Its here, warts and all. I look forward to the sequel when it comes to Switch or PS5.

Existe um bom jogo aqui, mas que não deixa suas qualidades florescerem como poderiam
Acho que a mescla de suas influências consegue ser bem utilizada pegando parte boas delas e fazendo uma boa cara própria e ter um charme e carisma próprios excelentes
Mas as fases acabam estendendo demais, o que não seria um problema se o seu "spin dash" não fosse uma barra que precisa ser preenchida, o que faz a sua experiência nas fases não ser rápida como poderia
Além de suas escolhas frustrantes de dificuldade, como a maioria dos bosses serem bastante injustos e irritantes de enfrentar, consigo dizer bem poucos bosses que me divertiram, e na reta final o jogo passa a simplesmente encher a tela de inimigos sem nenhum critério ou dedo por trás disso.
No fim, é um jogo legal.

Fu*k that alien and his eyebrows

Veredito: frenético, simples e divertido.

Um sucessor espiritual dos Sonic's de Mega Drive, pro melhor (velocidade, 3 personagens com habilidades diferentes, colecionáveis legais) ou pro pior (sistema de saves arcaico, dificuldade às vezes injusta). No geral é um pacote mais completo que os Sonic's velhos: a dificuldade é ajustável, os chefes são mais legais, tem bastante conteúdo extra.

A apresentação ser parecida com Star Fox e Gunstar Heroes - guerras interplanetárias e tiros laser vindo de todos os lados - também não atrapalha. ❤

It's a sonic-like platformer where you actually forget your playing one. A lot of whats different about this game compared to sonic are very strong and make it different enough to stand on its own two feet. Each character is absolutely adorable and have their own fun playstyle. Very good stage designs too!

Story is you-love-it-or-hate-it territory. It's very campy, quip-y, and has a weirdly noticeable amount of drama. It seems like it was trying to reach for Sonic SATAM vibes in terms of story but idk it falls kinda flat. I didn't mind it much when I was younger, but now I can't take it seriously lol That said, there's a "game mode" where it skips all of the story and just puts you in the game so you have that if you don't want to deal with the story.

Music is great! It stands out in a good way and fits the appropriate themes. Noticeably good ones are the "Jade Creek" levels and "Fortune Night" levels

My main con would be that some bosses feel straight up unfinished. Most noticeable being the battleship boss only having two/three noticeable yet hard to dodge attack patterns. They even *SPOILER** Reused the battleship boss as phase 1 of the final boss lol *SPOILER*

But overall I think this is a great platformer! Give it a try if you like fast 2D platformer games!

Regardless of whether you have any interest in games that are reminiscent of the Sonic platforming style or not -- go check out the soundtrack for Freedom Planet because it's golden.

This game is worth a try but imo it's absolute trash. Very bad level design, unnecessarily long levels, spammy bosses, cringy dialogues, very bland story.

The physics are a joke, worse than quality fan games out there. Couldn't stand to play this garbage after Stage 6.

Go buy Sonic Mania instead of this.

Freedom Planet is a fun game with a few issues that were hard for me to overlook.

It is a fun and very competent platformer. If you like classic Sonic games you will feel right at home here. The pixel art is crisp and vibrant with great animations. The overall visual presentation is just fantastic, it really looks like a classic Sega game. Likewise the soundtrack is great.

Mechanically it feels like Sonic but with tighter controls. You have better control over your characters than some of those classic games and movement feels good even when going pretty fast. Each character has unique mechanics that incentivize replaying the game with each of them. I think the developers did a good job of coming up with interesting ways to use your abilities as well.

The combat while fun suffers from multiple issues. There's often way too much enemy spam. Combine that with the laughably short iframes when you get hit and it's almost impossible not to take damage. Some enemies basically just rush straight towards you and there's no way to avoid them. I often felt like I had no choice but to damage boost through areas, and it was often easier just to run past enemies. Bosses also felt inconsistent. Their attack patterns are not well telegraphed, and I felt like I just had to keep dying until I could memorize the patterns.

The story is pretty cliche with mid to bad presentation. The voice acting and writing is very amateurish but you can tell a lot of heart went into making the game. Story is definitely not the draw of this game.

The game is probably not for everyone but even with its issues I enjoyed myself and would be interested in playing the sequel. Despite its flaws it's definitely worth a play if you enjoy 2d platformers and/or Sonic games.

In a way, this is Sonic Mania before Sonic Mania.

Freedom Planet has:
Fast paced 2D action,
Cool Pixel art style,
A Bangin' Soundtrack,
A combat system that's more than just one attack,
Three playable characters, each with unique abilities,
A story,
Lord Brevon (Essentially SatAM Robotnik)
Large levels with the intention of exploration and speed,
A bunch of (optional) collectables,
And more!

And this game came out in 2014... How have I known about it till now!?!
Safe to say I like this as much, if not more, than Sonic Mania itself and if you haven't played this and are a fan of 2D sonic games, PLAY IT!

Originalmente um fangame de Sonic, Freedom Planet traz misturas de ideias o suficiente pra se justificar e se destacar como um jogo original, mas isso não significa que elas são bem executadas.
Isso também não significa que as raizes sônicas também são. Imagine um Sonic onde o Spin Dash depende de uma barra a ser carregada, e que é descarregada toda vez que você pula girando, e onde você não aumenta a velocidade ao correr, em fases de 15 minutos.
Uma coisa que ele melhora nessa fórmula é a variedade de gameplay entre os personagens, que mudam bastante. Aliás, me arrependo de ter jogado a campanha com a protagonista, pois a gata parece muito melhor pelo o que eu joguei.
Das ideias originais, eu diria que botar cenas de 15 minutos entre cada fase acelerada não foi uma boa. A história é até legalzinha, mas os personagens estereotipados não interessam muito. Só o vilão e os governantes deixam algum impacto.
O jogo é desafiador, mas os chefes são injustos de doer até a alma, causando muita frustração e pouca catarse ao os derrotar. Pelo menos as cenas de início são puladas automaticamente nas tentativas repetidas, e todo jogo deveria fazer isso.

O fator replay não me chamou tanta atenção, e as músicas que variam de qualidade não me prenderam. Esse foi um jogo curto e legalzinho que valeu a experiência e mostrou capacitação e talento dos desenvolvedores, que não conseguiram alcançar suas ambições. 2024 começou. Ainda quero conferir o 2!

Absolute bullshit bosses, but very fun platforming gameplay.

Excellent showcase for the skip cutscene button

I remember this game back in 2014. That was the time Sonic was hitting another low point in his life. I remember this game was recommended a lot to get that Sonic fill after the awfulness that was Rise of Lyric and Shattered Crystal. I played it on Wii U and never really bothered to beat it. I decided to try again on Switch since I remember buying it for $5. Was surprised with this one ngl.

It's a 2D sidescroller similar to the Sonic games from that 16 bit era. It even started out as a Sonic fan game. You go through many levels and fight many bosses. The levels here can be pretty fun but damn a lot of them are looooong. It took me 22 minutes to beat one level, I'm not sure if I'm just bad. You get to play as three different characters and thankfully they are all fun in their own way and even have slightly different playthroughs.

The game has a lot of emphasis on story but I won't lie with you guys, the story is so bad I can't even watch every cutscene. You can skip them or even do a mode that doesn't have the cutscenes so at least it's not all bad but I really hope the sequel improves this.

The game also has a lot of bosses and it really seems the devs liked Treasure's 16 bit catalogue because they remind me of those games they worked on. It's kind of hit and miss. Some bosses are fun and it's satisfying when you finally learn the pattern and win but there are times it's not the most fun thing in the world.

I wish you also didn't have such small amount of i-frames, sometimes you just get combo'd into a multihit move and it's just hard to watch because it makes you feel like crap. While the physics aren't the best in the world and I do wish the game was a bit faster outside of automation set pieces, the game can be pretty fun. I think the characters having fun abilities really helps with this. Like you can ride a motorcycle with Carol, it's amazing!

Graphically it looks pretty nice like wow that's some nice pixel art you got there. I like the character designs of the three heroines. The music though is just there for me, it's not bad but I wouldn't listen to it outside of the game but maybe that'll change someday.
There's a lot of content and achievements to unlock if you want to 100% it but I was satisfied completing it with the three characters. It's an enjoyable game but I hope when the sequel comes out on Switch they improve some of the issues I had. I could see this being a great game if some stuff was ironed out. Even with it's issues, give it a try if you see it for cheap it's worth at least trying.

it's competent, I love the graphics and music, and the characters are charming enough, but everything else is... rough, though it does show some promise that could be fleshed out properly in a sequel.
my main problem is with the combat, which often forces you to deal with swarm of enemies you can't see coming and force you to take unnecessary damage. plus the bosses are very frustrating, and I found myself constantly dying in the later parts of the game because I could not discern a boss' attack pattern.
the level design is serviceable, apart from some cool themes, it's mostly unremarkable filler that doesn't really stick out in any way, good or bad.
the gameplay is just a worse version of classic Sonic, sorry not sorry lol. the physics clearly try to emulate a Sonic feeling but it makes movement feel very off, like it's not right just ever so slightly, mostly in the momentum and jump. it's hard to explain why but it just doesn't feel very good to play.
the story is uninteresting and honestly kind of annoying, with the voice acting straight out of late 2000s Newgrounds, which I have no nostalgia for, so it comes off as very amateurish.
overall yeah not the worst time you could have, and while nothing special, I am interested in what improvements a sequel could bring.

Freedom Planet is fun... after you've already played through it. Everyone knows the deal with the story; while I think it's a little bit overhated, it definitely was written by an edgy middle schooler who watched way too much My Little Pony, so I'm not gonna defend it further. The bigger issue is the poor combat: many scenarios in the game feel like needless enemy spam, enemies that can drain your health in 2 seconds, or both at the same time. Hell, there's even a moment where explicit enemy spam happens with the bulkiest mooks in the game. It's not good. The bosses aren't much better-- a lot of them are pretty unfair and don't have proper indication on their attacks. You will die a few times to shit you could not have seen coming. Even when you've already figured that out, they're not super interesting any other time either. It feels like the devs were inspired by Treasure games and left out the part that makes them fun.

Otherwise, though, it's a pretty solid speed platformer with occasionally notable theming (check out Fortune Night), on point level design, and two characters with rather high skill ceilings and movement depth, and also Carol. Those alone makes the game worth trying... and honestly, they're really the only main draw to it, too.

If you like Genesis' platformer roster, check it out, but don't expect a masterpiece or even something you'll like much at all.

Beaten on a PC. Excellent little treat. The combat system is cool, the music is great, and the graphics are nicely detailed. There are some bumps, like not being able to chain cyclone into boost (WHY), but Freedom Planet is a fun time.

Pretty cool, it's as Sonic as it gets without being Sonic, but not far removed enough to stop you talking about Sonic. Gets the momentum better than a lot of Sonic fan-games.

The story is painful but the gameplay is amazing.

the most painfully average platformer ive ever played. sure it looks nice, but most of the levels lack any sort of identity, neither aesthetically nor mechanically. jumping and hitting dudes feels nice, but these stages should not be over 10 minutes, and for how long they are the game somehow manages to fit in a lot of nothing. the music feels supplementary, just sorta there. not that many interesting set pieces or fun stage gimmicks barring a few. it just feels like every stage is same stage rearranged 12 times. I can only hope the (eventual) sequel fixes these issues because at its core freedom planet is a fun ass game, it just has a ton of bloat.

looks great but it's not sonic

This game gives me major Sonic vibes mixed with small combos that feel really satisfying to hit with. Lilac and Carol are fun to play, with Lilac being my favorite just from her speed alone. The music here is amazing and the boss fights are really exhilarating to fight and VERY challenging. Sky Battalion is one of my favorite levels of all time as I love how it's designed and it's role in the story. Underrated game

An alright game that has some real visual flair in some levels while others are relatively standard, but they will all go on for a long time whether you like them or not. 3 playable characters too if you want variety. My main flack goes to the voice acting which...exists. It ranges from decent to please invest in a real mic. But the game is a solid enough Sonic clone if you need something that isn't Sonic to scratch that itch.

It has a great shitpost material

A lovely hybrid of fast paced platforming with melee mechanics. 3 separate characters with different playstyles, lots of unlockables and achievements, and a classic mode to simply enjoy the stages on their own. Awesome level design with branching paths, great bossfights, fluid mechanics and a banger soundtrack. A game that rewards and encourages you for both improving and playing well. Hands down a 10/10 platformer.

Freedom Planet is a mostly excellent platformer. I loved the giant, sprawling levels and how richly the game rewards exploring them. The visuals are wonderful, with great character designs and tons of fun details in the colorful art.

Freedom Planet's roots as a Sonic fan game are on display, but that's not a bad thing as it's got a very strong personality of its own. In particular, the story and characters are very strong and memorable. The story gets a bit heavier than I expected given the early tone, but it sets the stakes well.

Lastly, the soundtrack is an all-time great. I picked it up on Bandcamp and listen to it regularly, just a joyful assortment of catchy tunes and fun instrumentation. Each paired stage featuring the same theme but remixed was a great choice.

The boss fights are the weakest aspect of the game, as I found they contributed to very uneven pacing. Most were simply not very fun to fight and ground the game to a halt. If the game excluded most of them I'd have enjoyed it more. I hope this aspect is improved in the sequel.

Played through the as Lilac campaign. Worth noting, every character has some unique levels, so there's more to find on a replay.

There's a good reason 2D Sonic had histun, levels under 8 minutes, didn't have 20 minutes of voiced over cutscenes, or made a huge focus on new characters we dont care about: it breaks the pace of the game and it makes it feel like a complete chore to play.

Feels like a mix of Dimps-Era Sonic with a slight hint of Gunstar heroes but with even more automated sequences, unsatisfying physics and unrewarding platforming.

Not horrible but just play Sonic Mania