Reviews from

in the past

seeing the moja: oh. not sure about that.

seeing the black locoroco: c'mon guys.

hearing the black locoroco: GUYS

I'll say this right now, LocoRoco is one of those games that is specifically designed to be played on a handheld, in short bursts.

The game itself, while it has a unique concept and a great artstyle, is unfortunately, too repetitive, as many of its levels start to blend with each other, in spite of some of the new gimmicks introduced in later levels.

When you go into a new world, you can always expect a snow level, or a level where you go inside a giant creature, and because of that, none of the worlds really stand out, making the game feel more repetitive.

Regardless, the game has its charm, and the soundtrack is good, I'd say, even if it was getting... repetitive the more I played the game.

Yep, you can definitely understand the keyword from all of this.

I probably won't play LocoRoco 2 for a good while, but I do hope some of this game's issues are addressed there.

these blobs can fucking sing!

We lost something culturally when a studio that put a swarm of blobs whose mouths match the vocals in the game music gets shutdown to fund games that poorly ape Hollywood. And hollywood isn't even good in the first place!

This isn't the most fun or innovative or wild game ever made yknow. But it's a game which seeps with joy, acknowledgment of the medium, and totally whips aesthetically.

I really enjoyed the vibes and fun hidden area filled design until it became very formulaic. Every world has similar themed levels that didn’t reinvent themselves in interesting ways. I felt like I had seen it all after just completing the 1st world. It has novelty but it’s short lived. I completed world 3 of 6 before I gave up.

The amount of times you hear each unskippable song from your little guys gets extremely tiring. If you explore a level fully you could hear it three times and that’s in the span of the 15 minutes it took me to beat one. And you’ll be hearing it multiple times every single level. It doesn’t help that this required musical pause from the platforming slows down the flow of the game. I just starting skipping the areas I knew would have these moments.

Also I was let down by the fact that your new locoroco colored species don’t change the gameplay at all and only change the music.

One thing that surprised me is the game’s difficulty and frankly its cruelty as well. If you go for 100% you could be in for a very long drudge through the same level just to get that coveted 20/20 locorocos saved. This game doesn’t mess around with its obstacles and enemies. Many times you’ll be zooming around and because of the game’s constrained camera angle, you’ll fly into a hazard breaking apart your locoroco, leaving you scrambling to grab them. But you have a couple seconds to do so. It’s really punishing honestly.

It’s platforming is irritating too since it takes too long to turn each direction and some secret areas have been made particularly sadistic in the precision required. This game really could have benefited from a checkpoint system. If I only had to replay chunks of a level, I think my frustration would have been greatly alleviated. But that wouldn’t have saved it from its monotony.

this game reminds me of the period in life where i wasnt suffering mentally and while i will never get back to that point in 2022 or ever, playing this is sheer escapism and simplicity at its finest.

i roll around in this frog's stomach acids, he's gonns fucking spew everywhere

sooo charming... the best part is collecting the bonus items to add stuff to the loco roco house or whatever

The only game that I managed to finish as a kid. It was fun and even challenging in its own way. If this was available on the phone, I think I would play the living shit out of it. (I guess I could instal an emulator hmmmm...)

LocoRoco, to me, is one of the defining games of the PSP’s library. When I think of the PSP, I think of unique, colorful, and stylish games, and LocoRoco is one of the main reasons why. There is not a single moment of this game where I’m not having fun whether it’s because of the gameplay, the level design, or the amazing soundtrack, the best on the PSP bar none. It is a massive bummer that Japan Studio is dead and the PlayStation brand as a whole has moved away from games like this.

Very charming and cute game

va de bichitos que hacen :) y muestran su inflation fetish

Sony needs to move back to Japan and start making more kawaii as fuck games.

One of those games where you're better off playing the first world, going "well wasn't that delightful" and then putting the game down. Every level feels like the game has no new ideas to bring to the table, all the same tricks rearranged a couple times, maybe more spike balls in places. Also, if you're looking to collect everything in a stage, it not only requires never getting hit but also a lot of weirdly precise platforming. This is a game that should be putting vibes above all else, and yet for a game that only uses the shoulder buttons to move, it expects some quick reaction and precision, usually just so you can collect an item for a mode that, while fun, is ultimately not all that engaging. It also felt unclear what was the surefire way to defeat enemies, sometimes hitting them from under works but once in a while they'll stop you and eat one of your locoroco, same with going from above, the way the Moja work in this game doesn't feel fair compared to what's at your disposal.

It's a shame I came away feeling like this, because this is a game with a lot of delightful things. The locoroco themselves are adorable in both design and sound, each having their own theme and voice lines for specific things in levels. They all speak in a made up language, one meant to sound like several different languages at once, and every song they and the Mui Mui sing is incredibly charming and catchy. A game so poppy should be a lot more consistently exciting, or just shorter and more focused. Five worlds of levels was clearly too many for this team to fill.

Also, man, the design of the Moja sure is questionable, huh? And also the black locoroco sounding and looking like that. I mean, it was 2006, surely they could have avoided stuff like this. It's not a huge deal breaker, but it just feels like this one thing that taints this game's happy-go-lucky attitude, I don't buy it's positivity anymore. Because of this, it brings me no joy to admit the black locoroco's theme goes hard.

This feels like a project that started with the best of intentions, but just ended up getting bloated while also having nothing to fill all that bloat. It's best to be looked at from a distance, as there's nothing to be gained from getting closer to it.

LocoRoco is a very charming game. Great art style and totally cute.
The controls feel kinda sluggish. That’s why I stopped playing after World 1. I’ve got the feeling I’ve seen what the game has to offer. Not the game for me right now. Nevertheless , I think it's great that this game exists, even though I won't be playing it for now.
But after I've played LocoRoco, I think it's even worse that Sony closed their Japan studios. What a shame we have lost one of the most creative developers.

Creatively and graphically (well, for a PSP game) amazing but gameplay quickly becomes super stale as the levels have very little differentiating them. I've played platform games where I can remember every single level because of how many unique ideas and mechanics the devs put in to each of them, but with LocoRoco I cannot remember a single one of them, and I didn't play it very long ago. They're incredibly samey. To make it worse, the games' pacing is terrifying slow and the controls feel REALLY sluggish.

I'd also like to criticize the game's soundtrack. Some of the tracks are pretty good, like "Yellow's Theme". But the majority of them are either so irritating that I wanted to tear my ears out (and this is coming from someone who likes Birthday Cake from the Jet Set Radio Future soundtrack) or, as another reviewer pointed out, kind of racist.

I really wanted to like this game because I have fond memories of playing the demo over and over again when I was young, but I can't look past how monotonous the level design really is. If you want an artistically-unique and charming game that ALSO warrants repeat playthroughs, play Parappa the Rapper or LittleBigPlanet.

Jugar a esto en el móvil pocho de mi madre cuando chico era insufrible, le daban ganas a uno de cogerlo y tirarlo por el balcón. Pero el juego estaba chulo.

It feels weird to say that one of the reasons the PSP was a must-buy system at the time because of a child-friendly puzzle-platformer but here we are. Saying it's "simplistic" is a disservice since the art style is incredibly pleasing to look at and the physics-based control scheme feels satisfying to utilise. Japan Studio was great at these small-scale titles and it's a shame they're no longer around in Sony's modern "PlayStation Studios" line up.

Easy 9/10 presentation wise, one of the most delightful games I've played in that regard. It's so happy and cute, the little blobs are constantly singing and it just warms my heart. Gameplay wise, it's ok. It gets old kinda fast, but thankfully the cuteness of this game more than makes up for it.

One of the weirdest soundtracks for a weird but somewhat wholesome game

Was fun for a bit, but gets old fast.

Also I cannot be the only one who has had to do a double take on the villians right?


Lyrical masterpiece:

kokoracche yanba-ni, pokuru shika doryucchi
ya cho ruhu kuruttou zabicchi, nacheppu
churare shika mo ruche, yanku ruchi bariche
apuru cheku tyu ruki
cherara nonnonba re muimui ya re

pa-ni-cheruta yan-mu-ka, bu bu poruche acchekku
ya-mu-cheruka shuppo kopuraretta, karupan kuerche
pa-ni-cheruta yan-mu-ka, bu bu poruche acchekku
ya-mu-cheruka shuppo kopuraretta, karupan kuruche

LocoRoco is another Sony Japan Studio game I do not like. It is cutesy, but I hated the controls. You use the L1 and R1 buttons (assuming you are playing using a PS4 controller on the Vita TV like I was) to tilt the stage. Hold both the L1 and R1 buttons to jump, and press "O" to split yourself into multiple smaller versions of yourself. You get bigger by eating berries.

I am sorry, but I will never like this control scheme. Let me tilt the stage with the D-pad or analog sticks and let me jump with the face buttons. After finishing the first world, I pulled the plug on my playthrough.

Now, for a rant on Japan Studio. I swear, people are capping for Japan Studio. After they "closed down" (they merged with Team Asobi, the Astro Bot devs), people all over the internet were suddenly fans of Japan Studio's titles. Where were you when they released many of those games? You only realize how important something is, once you have lost it. I am sure there were genuine fans of Japan Studio who were not happy, but it feels like I am seeing more and more fake fans online.

I have many Japan Studio titles on multiple systems and the only one I liked was Shadow of the Colossus, but they co-developed that game with Team Ico. I did not like Ico, Gravity Rush, or Ape Escape and Gravity Rush is a title I have grown to dislike more as time passes. Knack 2 is a meme, but not a good game. I have not played Demon's Souls, Bloodborne, Wild Arms, the Patapon trilogy, Gravity Rush 2, or Last Guadian (as of Feb 20, 2024), so I have no opinions on those. Astro's Playroom is a decent platformer, but that is more of a tech demo for the PS5. So far, Japan Studio has not won me over.

Who knows? Maybe when I get to those games I mentioned that I have not played, it might change my mind. As of now, Japan Studio is overhyped.

it's just alright, good beginner platformer


Joy in its purest, most distilled form.