Reviews from

in the past

I HATE this game. Its meh, but ill never forgive that its first achievement only gave 1G, thus making my gamerscore uneven and the only way to fix it was to get the last achievement and its like impossible

another one of many multiplayer games I've been going through with my gf in the last couple months. we both agreed it's pretty scuffed but very well designed. each level is a diner dash-esque score attack scenario where you're given ingredients for a subset of a bunch of recipes and forced to navigate around obstacles (including your partner) while preparing the meals, plating them, and then serving them. it's meant to be a total mess, and often on first runs of a given stage we'd fuck up tremendously or barely scrape by with a passing score. it pretty quickly ramps up the chaos, with various pits, rotating platforms, conveyer belts separating the players, and other hazards getting thrown around liberally. there's no levels that feel too similar either, as even when obstacles are reused they're combined in unique ways per level.

probably the biggest issue is just the presentation, which is pretty typical for a unity engine game. every human chef looks like the corporate memphis version of a muppet, and the animals aren't much better. there's also occasional glitchiness here and there, which was exacerbated by me playing over remote play instead of us doing proper couch co-op. none of these are serious issues really, but I did notice them frequently while playing. the story is also very odd, though in a tongue-in-cheek way that I thought was cute. the final boss was well-designed and a good test of everything presented in the levels prior. it def feels like there's a lot of avenues to go down with this concept, and I'm sure I'll see a lot of growth in overcooked 2 once we get to that one.

One of the best games for local multiplayer eva! There's no I in teamwork! Don't even try it in single player, it's fucking awful.

Addictive, frustrating, simple. Overcooked is a game with a recipe that works. It’s cute, it’s entertaining, and it makes for an incredibly fun party game.

Its narrative doesn’t need to be too complex, and neither do it’s cutscenes. What makes it work is how it plays.

Though the buttons can sometimes feel unresponsive, the level design and cooking mechanics here shine. Especially when the tension ramps up.

One of my favorite local multiplayer experiences in recent memory. This game simultaneously has the power to bring you closer to your friends when you crush a level together, or tear you apart when you fail. A real test of your relationships.

Full Review + Trophy Review and Tips Below

Overcooked is the perfect party game and it is impossible to not get hooked on this simple yet challenging 2-4 person cooking challenge. The premise is simple, you will get orders at the top of the screen and you will be tasked to cut, cook, combine, clean dishes, put out fires and deliver meals in a quick and efficient manner. it's a balancing act of managing your time and coordinating duties with your fellow chefs to get all orders our without a hitch. The catch? Each level is expertly designed to make this a nightmare.

From areas separating and moving to ice and lava, one moment you are on cutting duty, the next your on cleaning duty. The ability to adapt and communicate with your team is the key for success. The game is hilarious and fun, you'll be screaming at each other as you rush through the level to try and keep everything form falling apart. I highly recommend this game as you will find the hours pass by in equal parts amusement and frustration.

Difficulty: 4/10
Time: Skill dependent. Approx. 10 hours
Trophy Guide: Not needed
Trophy List Score: 5/10 (can't be higher, no platinum)

No Platinum!! This is the one huge downside to this list as the rest consist of just beating every area and getting 3 starts on every level. This is extremely difficult to do solo but with 2 players is a fun trophy list to knock out.

- Really only one, play the full level once and then plan it out with your partner for the second run to maximize your efficiency and attain 3 stars. Don't feel bad about having to restart often if you have a poor start.

Apesar de ser muito divertido quando jogado com alguém, o jogo peca em alguns aspectos muito importantes. Em overcooked temos uma simulação do que seria a cozinha de um restaurante extremamente caotico e bizarro, com algumas situações que desafiam as leis da física, mas essa parte caotica e bizarra para por ai, pq quando se trata da gameplay a gente recebe algo repetitivo e chato depois de jogado por um tempo.
Temos pouquissimas opções de pratos pra fazer, e a maior parte deles envolve os mesmos processos, eu sei que expandir demais isso tornaria o jogo muito dificil e até estressante, mas não precisava fazer um Souls like da cozinha, era só adicionar algumas coisas pra diversificar a gameplay, coloca um forno, uma batedeira, sei lá qualquer coisa, mas todos os pratos que a gente faz em overcooked se resumem a uma panela, uma frigideira e cabou.

Mas, apesar dos pesares o jogo continua sendo muito divertido pelo fator multiplayer ( até pq é impossível jogar isso solo e não querer enfiar o controle no cu ). As situações criadas na fase dão uma diferenciada na gameplay e deixam as coisas mais interessantes pra você e pra sua dupla, então dá pra perdoar as coisas citadas antes, então num todo, é um jogo bem divertido pra jogar com um amigo, namorada, familiar, qualquer pessoa, e é qualquer pessoa mesmo pq é um jogo bem convidativo e leve, então se você entregar o controle pra sua vó é capaz dela gostar e jogar com você.

Pretty fun, almost caused a divorce

I think I understand why Gordon gets so mad now

Couch co-op king. I played through this whole game with my girlfriend and it was a true relationship tester.

Frustrating moments are to be expected but when everyone is working in sync, the game feels magical.

Played with my gf, very funny but burns out quickly because of how difficult it becomes

Overcooked is as fun as it is frustrating as it is stressful!
Hands down one of my favorite co-op games.
Manages to be goofy and silly fun while also being legitimately challenging, requiring real teamwork and communication to get the best ranks on many of the levels.

Co-op W/ GF #3

oh i remembered why i dropped this one before
its fun but the amount of stress that it generates its just not worth it. you can have way more fun with way less stress with other games.
probably I'm the problem, its a fun/party game and I went to it wanting to finish and shit, maybe I'm not supposed to do that, but anyway

Chest hurts after screaming "DO NOT TAKE MY F#€&@%! TOMATOOO" at the top of my lungs

It's pretty fun all things considered :D

Enjoyment - 6/10
Difficulty - 4/10

Really fun multiplayer game! Best played on couch coop!

I honestly don't have any major complaints with Overcooked; the core formula works extremely well in that you have to prepare and optimize the preparation of ingredients as best as you can to achieve the highest score, with plenty of obstacles that scale up as you progress through the levels. The presentation could be improved though, the graphics are basic 3D cartoon models with nothing too distinct in its artstyle, and I can't really recall any tracks from the soundtrack. I think there's a story too, but I don't recall much concerning the overall scope of the narrative? If I really had to nitpick, I wish that there were a way to pass ingredients directly to teammates without having to plop down ingredients on the countertop first, and sometimes the dashing could be a little imprecise and get my character stuck on the ledge when trying to dash between the truck gaps. I'm definitely looking forward to trying out Overcooked 2 when I'm planning a meet up with friends in a few months.

do NOT try this game with your fire sign friends who might or might not have unresolved anger issues

"screaming @ my boyfriend to do the dishes" simulator 2023

4th time beating this game now and it's still awesome. Highly recommend for anyone that has people to play this in couch co-op.

Finally played through this one from start to finish. Pretty tasty :3

This is a pretty genius idea executed MOSTLY well, though I think some levels miss the mark a bit and the game overall feels like it could have been more (luckily this is what the second game aims to improve on).

I am a big fan of the different silly cooks and the level of variety both within the actual levels and foods you're cooking. My main complaint is some levels just feel more arbitrarily annoying rather than a fun challenge, but this is a rare case. There is also sometimes a clutter of Ui on items or stuff is simply out of camera, these camera issues combined with the somewhat frequent imprecision in what you're currently going to grab/set an item on AND the speed required to get 3 stars, can add some of the wrong type of difficulty, the unsatisfying difficulty. But I must clarify, this is rarely a problem, the game is mostly a very fun cooking romp. I don't know how it fares solo, but with 2 players it's a very good time.

I am excited to revisit Overcooked 2 and try out all the DLC's, there's a lot to expand on from the base that Overcooked 1 has created.

Overcooked RANKED

very fun with a group of friends, some of those complex levels hurt my head and get me overwhelmed, the tickets keep coming and we don’t have any paddies on the stove! We need onions! Lettuce! Tomato!! and no one’s even washing the dishes! what a chaotic fun game.

Playing this with your SO is a test to your relationship. This game is an obsession.

My wife and I played the shit out of this game—got 3 stars on every level, and never once fought! Marriage validated!

Satisfying when you do well, but oh so frustrating on your own once you get to the later levels.

Overcooked é mais um daqueles hilários Jogos Indies que foi feito principalmente para se divertir em toda sua loucura e é para ser jogado com pelo menos um até quatro dos seus amigos. Para mim, não tem experiência mais única do que controlar uma cozinha extremamente caótica e frenética onde cada vez mais as coisas saem do controle desde vir mais e mais pratos e ter menos tempo para controlar tudo até o seu amigo conseguir a proeza de botar fogo em todo o estabelecimento, ou seja, não existe melhor definição para esse jogo do que: "CAOS" para tudo que ocorre aqui e sinceramente essa é toda a graça que define esse título "Overcooked", portanto, não espere algo com uma história inacreditável ou muito menos com algum sentido, tudo é feito para ser tirado sarro e principalmente para entretê-lo até o fim...

Played this co op, and it was a blast until we ain’t communicating lol. This is Hell’s Kitchen simulator so you gotta have someone delegating like we’re actually in a kitchen. Fun and unique layouts for maps and up to 4 players, and I played the free Christmas DLC, not bad. Made some pizza, fish and chips, steak soup, flamethrower on a turkey and potato and carrots burnt AND BURGERS! Game a lil difficult if y’all don’t know what to do but y’all got this.

All stars, ALL LEVELS 3 STARS.

5 stars because I honestly can't think of anything wrong with this game. It's been quite a while since I've played, but I remember the laughs with my wife and sense of achievement when we beat a tough level or eventually got all 3 stars for the level. Yes, I do remember the fights too, but that is not the game's fault. Get through the frustration, learn how to communicate and take your pride out of the equation, and you'll have a boat load of fun. Cute characters, great idea, never found a level that we couldn't conquer with some work, and honestly I never felt it was totally unfair. For what it's worth, my wife is not a gamer but this is a favorite of hers. Probably the one game she will play without hesitation.

admito que nunca me interessei muito por Overcooked, mas quando eu joguei um pouco no Xbox dos primos da minha mina (junto com ela) eu fiquei bem interessado no game, compramos ele + o segundo que tavam na promoção e sendo sincero, o jogo é muito divertido! Ele começa bem fácil e vai gradualmente ficando cada vez mais difícil, à nível de reiniciar a fase mais de umas 40 vezes. O legal de Overcooked, como qualquer jogo desse tipo que tu faz as coisas nas pressa, é a memorização das coisas. Você pode até se estressar muito e ficar putasso com a fase, como eu fiquei, mas a cada reinicio você aprende mais e fica mais calejado na fase em específico, tu aprende como aquela fase funciona e qual a melhor estratégia pra conseguir mandar os pratos à tempo. Tem uma boa variedade de pratos no jogo, todos relativamente fáceis de fazer, mas o tempo pra eles serem feitos, que dependendo do prato é bem curto, tempo da fase, que pode ser bem curta também, e principalmente a quantidade de comandas entrando, que é gigantesca, torna tudo mais frenético. No teu foco pra mandar tudo o mais rápido que der tu pode acabar até batendo com o outro player e cagar tudo, seja porque tu matou ele jogando-o pra água, lava ou até mesmo pro espaço, ou só porque tu tá atrasando ele mesmo, o que é ridiculamente divertido se você tá afim de trollar. Tiveram vezes que eu genuinamente quis quitar do jogo, mas ele é bem viciantezinho e muito divertido, a satisfação de conseguir passar de uma fase difícil é enorme, por mais que tenham fases que foram claramente feitas pra serem jogadas com mais de duas pessoas, o que eu achei chato pra cacete, porque fica muito injusto. Jogo muito legal de jogar com amigos e até com namorada(o), recomendo dms.

I used to have a better opinion about this game, but then I played its sequel and now I never want to play the first Overcooked again