Reviews from

in the past

Still some of the best puzzle games of all time

great collection, the gyro aiming is really useful


A great and convenient collection for 2 awesome games.

I laughed. I cried. I thought with portals and sometimes lemons. And ya know what I learned throughout it all? Science is fun. Testing is truly a pleasure. In fact, if I could say one thing to this game it'd be: I'm still alive, you monster.

... And also Portal 3, please. I'll give you cake. Humans like cake, right?

Portal 1 - 5 estrelas fácil.
Portal 2 - 4 estrelas, expande bastante e a história é impecável, mas peca já repetição e duração

Note: I couldn’t find Portal 1 for switch so this review is only based on Portal 1. Once I get around to beating 2 I will edit the review and include my thoughts on that game.

I only played this game recently, but it’s one I could see myself playing every few months when Ive got an evening with nothing to do otherwise. It truly is the definition of short and sweet.

Wonderfully creative puzzle games, I think I might slightly prefer the simplicity of the first, but Portal 2 boots a superior narrative that has its own kind of charm. Played it on and off for a little over half a year but I had a blast going through both games. There's a range of puzzles that go from pretty easy to actually really challenging to wrap your brain around, which I love. It doesn't hand hold and it's so much more satisfactory to get through as a result. Two fantastically charming games that are classics for a reason, they're just fun, unique and uniquely challenging. Valve really do make some damn great games, them and Remedy are slowly becoming two of my favourite game studios just because of the love and passion put into each project and how they push what a game can and should be, either through pure gameplay or through unique methods of storytelling and worldbuilding.

Really such a great couple of games.

Great collection of one good game, and one astounding game. Kinda weird they are two separate softwares, but oh well, that is a nitpick.

this is the most perfect collection I've ever played in my life, but when I played it there were some glitches in the subtitles

PORTAL 2: has a common problem on the Switch: the graphics

Portal if you're poor and can't afford a Steam Deck, 10/10

A weak sequel doesn't make the first game any worse or overshadow the fact that the Portal: Companion Collection contains both games of one of gaming's most influential duologies.

Not reviewing this because it's pointless since this is just the two games ported without additional content.

Portal review here
Portal 2 review here

Two great games in a convenient package! The original Portal is 15 years old, and its age does tend to show here. While it's still fun and inventive in its own right, I admittedly wasn't swept away after its handful of hours in gameplay. That said, I highly recommend playing the original to fully enjoy the sequel. I've already sung praises about Portal 2 in another review, but it's worth reiterating what a great game it is. The Companion Collection is the perfect way for both Portal newcomers and veterans to dive into these games.

This review contains spoilers

The first time I played these 2 Valve classics was in this collection released for Nintendo Switch and right away, both became 2 of my favorite games of all time.
The first game contains one of the best atmospheres of all time, never has a game managed to capture the feeling of loneliness so well, when combined with the game's soundtrack, it gets even better.
The gameplay of the game is unique to this day, and in my opinion is one of the most creative ideas for a puzzle game ever thought of.
The character GLaDOS (Genetic Lifeform and Disc Operating System) is introduced here and is certainly one of the best villains in the game world, either due to his sadistic humor, remarkable voice, charisma, design (mainly in the second game) and his relationship with Chell.
The game ends with the defeat of GLaDOS and as a reward the player is presented with the song "Still Alive", this being the best credits screen in the history of games in my opinion.
It's amazing how everything in this game is remarkable, even the little turrets and their phrases that make us feel sorry for them when they die.

The second game improves on pretty much everything the first did, plus it has a much bigger focus on the story this time around, including a Twist Villain, Whealtley, one of GLaDOS' Personality Cores.
It's impossible to talk about Portal 2 without talking about its ending and this game contains one of the best endings of all time, the moment when Chell fires a portal on the moon to defeat Whealtey is genius.
Then the player is rewarded with 2 songs, one of them being an opera sung by the Turrets and another being the credits song "Want you Gone", both of them extremely remarkable.
The game ends with Wheatley alone in space regretting everything he's done, and we even feel sorry for him.
As his speech ends, one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard in a game starts playing (Space Phase), what a fantastic ending.

After playing these games for the first time I finally understand why they are so well talked about and I think everyone should play them.

Really fun to revisit some of my favorite games. The collection had one or two technical flaws but its a really good port otherwise. Definitely worth if you never got to play before. A Portal 3 someday would be nice...

Portal 1 is basically a lengthy tutorial for Portal 2 that manages to still have great moments, gripping world building and a kick ass ending.

Portal 2 is one of the greatest games of all time, and aside from maybe Tetris Effect the best puzzle game of all time. Writing is top notch, gameplay is non stop genius ideas, and it plays super well.

Combine them to make a flawless package. Portal 1s shortcomings are all no big deal when combined with the sequel.

Definitive way to play the Portals

The games are still great and run well on the Switch. But when playing Portal 2, I’ve met a bug, where it won’t load next level after finishing one. I had to create a new save and play it again. Other than that it’s a great Switch port(al).

This was a triumph. I loved the main stories being told, really fun games that don't overstay their welcome. My wife didn't enjoy the games as much during the co-op and found them too dificult, which in turn made us take way more time playing those stories. But all in all I loved the experience and I'm so glad these games came to the switch. Great ports.
Portal 1 Campgain: 3h 54min
Portal 2 Campgain: 8h 51min
Co-Op: 10h 21min
Co-Op DLC: 4h 21min

obviously the games are amazing. but to say it’s “a collection” is definitely false advertising. when you purchase the game, it just starts downloading Portal 1 and 2 onto your Switch. there’s no collection, no extras, nothing at all. there’s not even a new menu that combines the two. it’s literally just Portal 1 and 2 on Switch, which is fine, but i feel like they could’ve added a little bit more

The Portal games hold up incredibly well, you can still feel that these are very impactfuly games in gaming history

Both games are fun and witty, Portal 2 takes the whole thing up a notch. I am not a puzzle gamer but the dialogue alone makes this whole game a 4 Stars game. Sometimes in the late midgame comes a part i did get stuck a lot...well, i am no puzzlegamer but this was frustrating and took a bit of enjoyment out of the game for me

it's fun, until you get to the later stages and realise it's unplayable on joycons.

Two of the best games of all time, hampered slightly by a couple of technical hiccups.

Finished Portal. Haven’t played the advanced maps, but did enjoy my time with the main game portion. I liked how most of the game has you going through very clear test rooms, mostly because I bounced off the final third of Portal 2 on the PS3 which just became unstructured in a confusing way. Portal definitely does a similar thing in the end, but is a little more restrained. The test rooms are teaching you, which is nice, but also feels a little like the game is a tech demo. Which I guess fits with the theme of the game, your character is quite literally being tested. Enjoyed the atmosphere of the something-isn’t-quite-right that settles over the last part of the game, another aspect that Portal 2 leans into hugely, as I recall, and mostly works there. I obviously need to try some advanced maps in Portal and then give Portal 2 another try.

yep these are pretty darn good games bob

idk why the ending credits song in portal 2 just wasnt there tho like it was actually just mute LOL idk if that was just a weird accident on my end or if thats a problem with this version of the game in general but i figure id mention it i guess

wheatley yelled at me while i was on the shitter

Want to specifically give a shout out to this incredible bundle cause…let me be honest, I’ve seen so many reviews of these games already and I’ve found almost all of them say the exact same stuff I would, so I’ll give a short summary.

Portal 1 is amazing and worth its short length as an introduction to the series, and Portal 2 is perfection incarnate. I love these games. And the port job done here allowing for even gyro controls is so good and allowed me to enjoy them that much more.