Reviews from

in the past

heinous new visual direction blasphemes the original text. aberrant and perverse

Kino fire peak fiction
Spyro>>>>> Crash

Masterful recreation of the original trilogy on the Playstation. The world and character renditions are incredible, the gameplay feel is true to the old games. Voice acting and OST are a joy to listen to. Games still are great collectathon platformers in their own right. Prime example of how an old IP should be remade. Also got each game to completion, fun time going around collecting stuff.

You know, I was so danged excited to play this stuff again, because holy crap, it's Spyro! That was my childhood! And now it's in graphics that are prettier than the chunky old Playstation! This is gonna rule!

And, you know, it did! Like, yeah, sure, I didn't actually manage to beat Gnasty Gnorc because I never actually beat that when I was a kid when I had free time on my hands and I didn't feel the onset of carpal tunnel, but dang, the remake of the first game was good, y'all. All the unique dragons with designs that fit each world... it was such a labor of love! I will complain that Gnasty Gnorc should've had a checkpoint or at least some sort of easy mode option for a checkpoint because damn it's not fun or challenging to restart over and over from the very beginning of that fight, it's just kind of tedious. I also found the speedway levels to be kind of... more difficult to control than I remember them being, though I think I might just remember the easier versions from 2 and 3. Overall, despite my minor complaints, I think this one's the best of the lot in terms of the remake quality.

And then we get into 2, which was also pretty great, although it had some of the pitfalls of the original 2 in the vein of a bit of a reliance on sometimes irritating minigames. You hear "trouble with the trolley, eh" and you just wanna... you just wanna peace out. Regardless, I liked the new designs for the cast, and the new voice acting was... actually very good. But I do have to admit, I think I kind of miss Hunter talking to you like he's an adult and you're five. Robbie Daymond's performance is less hilariously condescending, which has the upshot of making Hunter slightly more likable but also slightly less funny.

I feel like 2 is a little more flawed than 1 in some ways. I do remember one minor complaint in terms of Gulp feeling a little overtuned, but I figured out a trick to make him a little more manageable so I beat him pretty quickly. I also had trouble with the speedways in this one even though I definitely 100%ed the game as a kid... hm. Speaking of having trouble with things, man, I hated the swimming controls considerably more than I remember hating the old ones, and I didn't really want to do much in the various water levels as a result. I don't think it helped that in some levels the more realistic lighting effects made things more difficult to make out, especially underwater.

And then 3... oh, man. 3. I do remember loving 3 as a kid and being really excited to get to skateboarding and the baby dragons, but this is kind of where things fell apart for me. It's significantly jankier than the other two, for one thing. I seem to remember more instances of enemies clipping into things and baby dragons standing like an inch above the ground in certain animations. Some of the models were also not great, although for the most part it did play pretty well. When... controlling Spyro, anyway.

The other characters were... well... Minigame Hell, unfortunately. Which is a shame, because I do like them all (well, except Agent 9, who was probably a lot more tolerable when I was a child with any tolerance for monkeycheese humor), but Minigame Hell is even more of a problem in this game than in the second. Granted, that's from the original game design rather than the remake staff, but combined with the jank it soured me on the experience a lot more than it probably should have. It feels like a combination of the original's flaws and the fact that Activision was probably breathing down the Spyro 3 team's necks to get it done on time dragged this part way down, which is a shame.

Also I didn't like the designs of the baby dragons. Except for the chubby ones, those were adorable. But the rest were too goofy looking and not cute enough, when I was looking forward to cute new renditions of those blocky baby polygons. Alas...

Anyway, I think the disappointments I experienced were more minor than major, stemming more from being a tired adult without the patience to deal with minigame BS than an indictment on the devs' work here. Overall, I think it was a dang good remake of a dang good set of games. I'd hope for a Spyro 4 in the vein of Crash 4 because I think Toys for Bob would do a great job on it, but I feel like Activision would stuff that thing full of microtransactions and I don't feel like giving its ludicrously overpaid CEO any more money.

I have a really complicated opinion on this one, a lot of negative things to say, but I’m still giving this a solid rating and I don’t feel like it deserves any lower or higher. The way I see it, Reignited gets my thumbs up in a vacuum, thumbs down as a remake.

I’m not even sure where to start. I think the overall direction here is kind of gross, way too saccharine. There’s a lot that TFB got wrong. But then, they completely nailed some levels, just enough to keep my attention.
It’s impossible for me not to compare these levels and characters to their original iterations, but I’d have the same praises and critiques if this were an original IP. There are places that TFB’s direction absolutely stuck the landing and genuinely impressed me, a ton of others where I had to wonder what the artists were even thinking.

A pervasive example is the music. Audio direction is consistently poor with bad mixes in tracks, too many synthetic instruments and a weird slant toward realistic sound effects, which clash with the energetic visuals. The voice acting is… not good. A lot of jokes ruined by delivery, a lot of forced niceness. Dynamic music is a good idea, but was lazily applied. The sound only feels like a downgrade from the original trilogy and the classic tracks they included don’t make up for everything else. Huge shame.

On a superfluous level, the visual shortcomings are less obvious. They’re more complicated. Different levels have very different issues, but some I notice at multiple points include lack of secondary/tertiary details, excessively flat textures, color temparature leaning too far in one direction and making less dynamic palettes, aggressive filters and a lack of volumetric effects making environments feel small or cramped. This is for the simplest, most widely-applicable examples. For something more specific, there are points where some design choice makes the tone confusing or weak, like giving the Gnorc world a naturalistic coat of wood- that makes it feel more familiar and friendly, which goes against the entire point of the world. Throughout the whole trilogy, the portal effects and atlas GUI are also gutted.

The strongest levels deliver with more dynamic palettes, stronger textures, strong secondary/tertiary details… they’re all I could have asked for. Shady Oasis is my favorite level here, visually. Some other great levels are Dark Hollow, Dark Passage, Zephyr, Bentley’s Outpost and Haunted Tomb.
For the sake of comparison, TFB would go on to make Crash Bandicoot 4 and that shows a huge evolution from Reignited visually. I don’t begrudge that Spyro and Crash don’t look exactly the same- Crash should have looked better given that it came off more experience and is more railroaded- but since that exists, it highlights even further where Reignited fell short and why those particular levels (among others) actually work for me.

I think I’m latently fascinated with this one. Two things in favor of Reignited: Spyro 2 actually improved overall, in spite of the tonal downgrade- it has the most consistently improved levels, where in the original game many looked vague and empty, plus QoL improvements help 2 the most- and since Reignited has a distinct direction from the originals rather than trying to replace them, it has clear value.

I’ll just never be able to embrace the overall direction here. The problem isn’t that it’s different, it’s just misguided and inconsistent in and of itself.
Any comparison to the original trilogy will make it seem like I’m only looking through rose-tinted glasses, but the originals really were tasteful and polished in a way that this is not. The simplest way to put it is that the original trilogy had cartoonish elements while Reignited just feels like a cartoon.

Still, Reignited is using the original Spyro trilogy as a basis and most of it controls great. Even some of the game feel has me shaking my head, but alas. Based on level design alone, with that sort of flow, this still makes for one of the best modern 3D platforming experiences. Even if you’re like me and don’t really like it, you’ll get something fresh and it has good value.
This will never replace the original trilogy though and for me it will never even match them.

The absolute definitive way to date to play the original Spyro trilogy. From the aesthetics to the cutscenes, the controls to the soundtrack, and the new skill points, everything gets a fresh coat of paint and invites newcomers in a splendid fashion.

This is how you remake a game! All three games in the series are great, with beautiful graphics and sound design. But the main point here is to notice how good the original three games were, with creative worlds, funny enemies, and interesting stages. This is a great game to play and to let kids play too.

Three beautiful remakes of the first three Spyro games. There really isn't much going on here aside from the fantastic visuals, remade music, and some smoother controls but the originals were already well-made to begin with. They've always had simple platforming and satisfying gem collecting that just hits right.

It's a great example of refreshing the older games without taking away or adding too much. The dev team crammed so many intricate visual details wherever they could, amplifying the game's already charming universe. It's so interesting to see an idea of what the enemies were supposed to look like had their original forms been on more powerful hardware.

My one critique is that the third game, Year of the Dragon, feels watered down compared to Spyro The Dragon and Ripto's Rage. It's still beautiful and fun to play, but it's obvious that this one had less time spent on it in comparison because it lacks polish. The mini-games in this one play a lot worse and the baby dragons are the same 3 models; very unfortunate since the first game got a huge face lift with all the different detailed adult dragons and the second one had great and very different looking main characters.

Spyro 1- Shit slaps and is the best in the collection.
Spyro 2- not as good as 1 but pretty good also Riptro was cool.
Spyro 3- Meh it was alright could have done with less annoying characters though.

Overall- Pretty good remakes, can I have a new Spyro game now.

As someone who never played the originals and so has no nostalgia for the series, I completely understand why people say it did not age well.

But also as someone who enjoys watching numbers go up with minimal challenge, this was a decently fun waste of time.

Spyro Reignited is a trilogy of pretty good games with a cute artstyle that i really like
The first game was the weakest of the trilogy in my opinion the platforming is good but the major thing that holds it back is the boss fights which were pretty bad the final boss especially probably the worst final boss i've faced in any video game but the game overall was still good 6.5/10
Second game improved on the first especially in the boss fight department but they really should have made it clear that the orbs are compulsory for completing the story from the start rather than making it look like they were optional sidequests but at least it wasn't as big of a major flaw as the original had 7/10
The third game is my personal favourite apart from a few frustrating segments the new playable characters introduced were fun to use and the game didn't have the flaws that the first two games had (although 2 had slightly better boss fights) 7.5/10
overall i would definitely recommend getting this trilogy if you are interested

Not particularly challenging, but it's a cute, fun time. I love the character designs and overall presentation. The third game is noticeably rougher than the first two, which seems like signs of development troubles, but still enjoyable. Spyro is adorable, I'm signing the adoption papers as we speak

It has been about 3 years since I've played this trilogy and I want to preface this by saying I didn't have a PS1 growing up so I never played the originals.

That being said, I really enjoyed my time with this trilogy. I have a soft spot for 3D platformers and I can see why Spyro is one of the classics within that genre. There's a large amount of variety in levels across the 3 games as well as in gameplay though some minigames don't always hit the mark.

You can see some of the dated game design leftover from the late 90s present, but its nothing unbearable and the graphics overhaul really helps to bring out the charm in the characters and environments.

I'd recommend this remake, whether you played the original or not, if you are a fan of 3D platformers.

O sonho de uma criança que só queria jogar um game de um dragãozinho roxo do PS1 finalmente teria um fim digno.
Eu joguei Spyro 1 através da compatibilidade que os jogos de PS1 tinham pra PS2, então foi questão de pedir emprestado a alguém e jogar na época. Mas até parece que seria algo tão fácil. O pequeno explorador não sabia o que fazer em um jogo plataforma, mas mesmo assim ele ficou entretido apenas na 1ª fase sem memory card.
Após algum tempinho a criança tomou coragem e foi pedir o jogo novamente ao seu fornecedor, mas mal sabia ela que receberia uma triste notícia:
"Eu vendi o PS1 com os jogos porque mais ninguém aqui em casa jogava"... tais palavras acertaram o pequeno coração da criança e ela nunca mais viu tal dragãozinho roxo.
Ou pelo menos até 2022.

Spyro Reignited Trilogy é um bundle remake desenvolvido pela Toys for Bob em 2018. Eu só fui saber que Spyro tinha trilogia por conta desse remake.
A exploração pelas fases e seus HUB's ricos em cores vivas são montadas de formas circulares que não enjoam e fazem você querer continuar investigando em busca de algum segredo ou simplesmente progredir. Os controles são bem fluidos, mas que carregam um peso na física. Existem fases de desafio onde Spyro voa enquanto completa objetivos, e nessas fases você fica bem mais livre. Já nas fases convencionais você apenas plana, mas não é de todo ruim, só existem alguns trechos que são cirúrgicos na hora de pular e planar.

Existem dois tipos de câmeras:
Ativa e Passiva
Qual a diferença?
Ativa acompanha Spyro por onde ele vá e gira conforme o corpo dele gira (não gostei desse tipo, me fez sentir uma certa raiva);
Passiva é a convencional de qualquer jogo 3D em 3ª pessoas que se preze (nada a reclamar nessa).

Os gráficos são belos e muito convidativos, combina bastante com a fantasia do mundo.

A dublagem PT-BR consegue bem carismática e amplifica ainda mais as personalidades de cada personagem.

É recomendado jogar Spyro Reignited Trilogy em ordem cronológica, pois assim você verá o que muda de um jogo pro outro.

1º- Spyro anda, corre, plana/voa e lança fogo;
2º- Spyro faz tudo isso e consegue nadar e mergulhar na água;
3º- Spyro faz tudo isso de novo, anda de skate e temos o bônus de podermos controlar outros personagens com habilidades individuais.

Eu sei que não parece grande coisa, é não é de certa forma, mas a trilogia Spyro é um jogo casual que carrega consigo mais de 100 fases e aproximadamente 300-400 inimigos. Jogue conforme você deseja.
Por mais que os 3 títulos sejam parecidos em suas mecânicas e (obviamente) em gráficos, é difícil distinguir um do outro. Só pra quem é realmente FÃ dos jogos.
O 100% é algo tão fácil de conseguir que chega a ser ótimo.
As estórias não são marcantes. Elas são apresentadas a ti de uma maneira que parece que estou tentando pegar água com uma peneira.
O segundo jogo é o melhor na minha opinião por conta de suas novidades além.

Finished a replay of the trilogy today and it's crazy to me how good these games are as remakes. They still fundamentally feel like the original trilogy in their gameplay but the refreshing of the visuals and character designs are stellar (especially Spyro 1). Spyro 1 is my favorite game of all time so when this was announced I was both extremely excited and hesitant. When it finally came out, I was shocked at how well Toys for Bob managed to keep the spirit of the original games while keeping their identity completely intact. Spyro 2 and 3 are pretty obviously rushed compared to Spyro 1 but all three games are still fantastic and this is still a great way to play the games (I still prefer the originals but that's solely due to personal taste).

good remake, but i platinumed this for my ex boyfriend. he cheated on me.

extremly detailed, true to the source material remake and after 100% completing I can finally say to my childself:

you fucking idiot, you absolute fucker, these games were piss easy how did you ever struggle with them you mongrel you pissbaby

Sights & Sounds
- I played the original Spyro (but not the sequels) as a kid in the 90s, and the graphical facelift is amazing. Somehow makes me still feel nostalgic despite all the differences
- The same goes for the music, though in retrospect. The remixing of some of the tracks is pretty great
- The voice acting is very reminiscent of a morning kid's cartoon

Story & Vibes
- I dunno man it's Spyro. You just collect stuff that some villain scattered around a colorful world for an arbitrary reason
- I'll be frank, I can't find it in me to care at all about Spyro's friends. They all feel a little unnecessary and are kind of annoying. Soured my experience in the sequels

Playability & Replayability
- The controls feel quite good, but there's many points throughout the three games that make you feel like you're battling the camera
- You charge, shoot fire, jump, and glide your way through each level, sometimes with supercharged versions of those abilities
- The sequels add a way to get a little extra boost at the end of your glide, which is appreciated
- The series' biggest strength is in the level design. I actually enjoyed scouring each level for secrets
- The boss battles aren't very fun. Many of them (especially in the sequels) feel very similar

Overall Impressions & Performance
- Each of the three games ran extremely well in 4K on high graphical settings
- No bugs
- Of the three games, the original is the best. The third one is kinda neat and has some really strong level design, but the bosses were all basically the same. The second game was just a chore

Final Verdict
- 6.5/10. If you have the itch to play the original game and there's a sale, this is a wonderful way to reexperience it. I'd recommend giving the third one a try if you had a good enough on the first. The second game is a totally skippable experience, though

Fantastic remake. All the games look so good, they all play the same, no difference in controls like with the originals, and you can choose the original music if you want. They're just a joy to play through.

Eu não cheguei a jogar Spyro na minha infância, então não tinha nenhuma familiaridade com os games quando peguei esse remake da trilogia pra jogar.
Logo no primeiro game, eu entendi e gostei do que ele tinha pra oferecer, o segundo foi uma evolução bacana, dando novas funções pro dragão, como escalar, nadar e esmagar coisas com pulo. Mas foi no terceiro game que eu entendi o quanto Spyro é foda...No terceiro game, eles colocaram varias experimentações e variações de gameplay, que além de únicas, são muito divertidas, além de mais 4 personagens jogáveis, todos com características interessantes. O terceiro game tem uma ousadia de inovação que me deixou de queixo caído, algo que muitas franquias tem receio de fazer e preferem continuar apostando no convencional e seguro.
Essa trilogia é um verdadeiro exemplo de como dá pra evoluir e continuar aprimorando.

More games need to have bonus carnival levels at the end as a reward for 100% completion.

These are my comfort games at this point. Playing through this trilogy is always a blast and a chill time thanks to the amazing music by Stewart Copeland, and the excellent level design by Insomniac. The new visuals look fantastic, so I have nothing to complain about. Spyro controls great too.

Spyro Reignited Trilogy successfully brought almost all the mechanics from the Playstation 1 Originals to Modern Hardware with the help of the beautiful shading from the Unreal Engine but damn, it could have been so much better...
This game is so buggy and glitchy that I lost count of the times I got glitched. Yes, the glitches helped me sometimes completing levels faster, but also sometimes they screwed an almost perfect run and even broke my save file forcing me to play Spyro 3 all over again (and this is because I found a save file with 1 and 2 already completed since those were also broken).
This game could have used a lot of a patch, not only to fix fix the bugs and glitches on the base game itself, but also to fix the bugs and glitches that are ADDED to the game on top of that, if you're playing over 100 FPS.

The absolute best way to experience the Spyro franchise.

Gorgeously updated visuals with smooth 60fps gameplay, makes it a Must-Have for platformer lovers.

I had an incredible time reliving Spyro’s adventures with SRT. Toys for Bob brought back a childhood favorite to life in the best way possible. The remastered soundtrack, audio and visuals make this game a joy to complete. Playing on the steam deck or switch is my recommended way of playing. You can complete individual levels in about 10-15 minutes which makes it a great pick up / put down game on the go. The platforming is simple but to 100% each level you will need some creativity. If you’re looking for a non stressful game to relax on the couch with then this is it.

I just completed and mastered the first entry. I’ll come back with hopefully more positive thoughts after the sequel.

I reviewed the collected titles here here and here, so I'll just use this spot to comment on the collection as a whole.

I think this was the remake collection I was most hopeful for, after Crash Bandicoot's N. Sane Trilogy proved there was a market for these sorts of nostalgic throwback remakes (holy moly was there ever). In retrospect I have some quibbles with N. Sane Trilogy, which I'll come back to some other time, but these were largely addressed when Toys for Bob took a swing at Spyro Reignited. Each game retains its mechanical identity, with quality-of-life updates rolled back where beneficial but everything otherwise left good enough alone. The art direction is a ton of fun, adding a lot of personality while generally not compromising the original games' personality. The collection helped me better understand a lot of the appeal to Insomniac's original trilogy, in particular helping me "get" Spyro 1. The game isn't exactly a technical marvel anymore, though I think that's a pretty unrealistic expectation to have for most of these remake compilations.

I will especially commend Toys for Bob for remaking the trilogy without access to the original games' source code (as Insomniac had lost it over the years), meaning they had to reconstruct everything from the ground up. Like... dude. I would've expected way more differences than what we got, but Toys for Bob busted their chops getting the game feel just right. Huuuuuge respect.

I do wish Spyro Reignited had more of a legacy than it did. Perhaps it's too early to say just yet, but I dunno - N. Sane Trilogy was only a year earlier, yet it's resulted in something of a renaissance for Crash, between Nitro-Fueled, 4, and Team Rumble. Spyro's really only appeared in a cameo capacity in Crash's revival games. And yeah, that's been really cool, seeing Crash and Spyro continue to be brother series like in the old days, but I get more and more worried that this is to be Spyro's legacy as time goes on. Ah, well, maybe he'll fly again some day...

i'll have to review the games in the trilogy seperately, but as a whole, this is arguably one of the best remakesters i've played. i'm too used to how the games control on ps1 so spyro's movement here took a little getting used to, but otherwise the gameplay's pretty faithful to the original PS1 games.

obvious high point is the visual design: no matter your opinion on the new environmental and character designs, you can't deny that there's a lot of life, love, and detail poured into them. hell, all the NPC dragons in spyro1 now have unique designs! it really does give the already-pretty-impressive-looking-for-their-time original games so much more personality to them.

tl;dr, toys for bob did a fantastic job, ps1 purists stay malding

You can literally see the team running out of time (or rather budget) the further you get into the collection.