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The Walking Dead: Michonne é uma boa DLC. ( Talvez melhor do que 400 days, diga-se de passagem. )

Os gráficos do jogo mudaram um pouco se comparados a Season Two de The Walking Dead, mas continuam bons, na minha opinião.

A gameplay não tem tantas diferenças, só pequenas alterações, se comparado aos títulos anteriores da série.
Mas isso tornou o combate um pouco mais " dinâmico ", eu diria. Isso fez o jogo ter bem mais ação do que os outros títulos da série.

A trilha sonora é boa, principalmente a que toca na abertura. Sério, achei essa música muito boa.
A trilha sonora também combina com cada situação em que toca.

A história é boa, não é algo tão elaborado ou " grandioso " quanto os jogos anteriores.
Os diálogos continuam bons, e as escolhas que você precisa tomar também.
Uma coisa que eu gostei bastante foi o conflito interno da protagonista. Ela é assombrada por uma culpa, e isso é bem executado no jogo.

Os personagens também não são ruins, não tem nada de tão grandioso neles, mas eles são até que bons. Principalmente a protagonista, a Michonne. Para mim ela é um dos melhores personagens dessa DLC.

O final não chega ao nível do final da Season Two, e muito menos do final da Season One. Mas não é ruim, é satisfatório, é decente, e é melhor que o final da DLC 400 Days, eu diria.

Enfim, no geral, The Walking Dead: Michonne é um boa DLC. Ela pode não ser tão boa quanto a Season One ou a Season Two de The Walking Dead, mas não é por isso que ela é ruim.
É uma DLC curta, mas com vários momentos de ação, personagens que são até que bons, trilha sonora boa, etc...
Se você gostou dos jogos anteriores da série, vale a pena experimentar essa DLC, por mais que não agregue à história dos jogos anteriores, ainda é boa e vale a pena para quem curte os jogos de The Walking Dead da TellTale.

I'm not familiar with any other Walking Dead media, but I understand that Michonne is a player character with a much greater documented history and thus there isn't as much opportunity to affect her development or characterization compared to other protagonists in the series; she's a pretty static character who hardly gets any development, and no matter how cool it is that she slices up walkers with a sword, that's no good in the Telltale formula. I've never been one to complain much about the illusion of choice in these games, because maintaining that illusion is itself an artform that can greatly affect the experience; Michonne is very transparent that nothing you choose will really matter due to its status as an interquel.

Unlike the main series, where the player is traveling in a party with a few key figures in conflict that the player will find themselves choosing a side, Sam is the only companion who drives the narrative in Michonne and thus your ability to care about what happens extends as far as you care about her, and I thought she was awful! She continually makes horrible decisions, never gets fully called out for it, and despite my best efforts to throw her to the wolves at every chance, Michonne is continually dragged into cleaning up her messes. Didn't care about anybody, thought everybody sucked, even Michonne is difficult to get attached to without any prior knowledge of the character (those dopey flashback hallucinations are so stupid), and it's the misery porn that season 2 often gets accused of being without anything of value in its place.

This game does make me want to play Oneechanbara though.

At least its better than a new frontier. But I didn't think this needed to be a game... cus u see Michonne come back and you can just imagine the cool pirate adventures she went on. Your imagination is cooler than any half assed dlc telltale could make in their rock bottom era. Having this game is kind of a double edged sword (lol). Cus yeah Michonne is cool but no matter what she has to be back in Alexandria on that boat to continue the story so you can't really do much. She wasn't even allowed to have her katana cus Ezekiel was holding onto it in one panel. But on the bright side I like some of the characters, the action sequences r pretty well done and the theme song and animation they got is so cool, just like the final season one. If they remaster the first two seasons all I'd want is for them to get a theme song like this and tfs.

Telltale Games’ struggles with managing projects and overextending their team is well-documented at this point, and playing this game after the Studio’s collapse, it’s easy to see where the team burned out and simply did what they needed to. TWD: Michonne tries to explore interesting psychological ground in one of the series’ most beloved characters, but it tries to stake all the weight on the fact that this is “Michonne,” even thought she really feels no different than any other Telltale game protagonist; in other words, she is at the center of this story only in name, until the very very end when I suddenly cared about her again (literally episode 3, chapter 6).

The game does surround Michonne with some interesting new characters, especially on the friendly side! While I found the main villain of this arc really insignificant and forgettable, the beautiful moments built with the First Nations family at the hear of the story made it enjoyable enough to finish.

My biggest gripe with this game is that it boasts all the worst moments of Telltale games, but none of the highs…. There are no life-changing decisions for major characters, there are no meaningful environmental puzzles, and the actual conflict between the good guys and the bad guys is rather meh.

If you’ve held off on playing this game for this long, you’re probably fine to keep it that way.

Yes, I enjoyed it a lot and I was worried I wouldn't, cause the average is 2.7

Probably cause I watched the show, so I already had a bond, before it started. But yes, I recognize that's not the best game of the twd telltale.

I don't really have negative stuff to say about it, I'm in love with the song of the opening, I almost cried with the gramophone part, and I like michonne, even if AMC fucked the end of the show, creating 3 spin-offs of twd to explain where the fuck Rick is <3

If you identify with me, maybe It's worth it, but I cannot promise you'll like if you don't.

It's okay. Nothing remarkable. I appreciated seeing Banang, but I did not appreciate Michonne hallucinating her kids every 30 seconds. It's hard to stay in the moment when we're being dragged back to her abandoning her kids. I'd recommend on a sale, since it usually goes for around $3 these days.

Michonne: “Hol’ up, let me have a flashback first.”

Went into this not caring about it whatsoever, ended up actually getting into it and enjoying the story. Can't pretend like any of it stuck with me though... I remember there being a lot of boats.

Worth a playthrough if you're a fan of TWD.

A good entry in the series and a tie in for the comics (not the show). I don't remember much from this game like the others from the main series from Telltale but it was a good and short title to introduce someone to the series if they are a fan of the show and want to follow the fan favorite titular character.

The first time I heard about this game, it was all negative opinions, saying that it had nothing to do with Season one and two, and that it was unnecessary and a waste of money.

But if I'm honest, I can put this game even higher than season 2. It does everything perfect, learning from the mistakes of the previous games, making what the player decides what he DOES want to do and say. I kept imagining what would happen next, and the game gives you a purpose to keep playing episode after episode FROM THE FIRST 2 MINUTES. Definitely a game that many should learn from when wanting to create a script.

Oh and by the way, the intro is one of the best things ever created.

The characters have emotions, you feel what they feel and you see them as if they were people, it makes you get attached to the characters in the story, without taking time away from you because "wow we need to develop characters" No, they do it while you are doing your stuff.

The story lasts as long as it has to, at no point did I feel bored or wanting to "play it later".

Now, the question of the century, can I play this without having played TWD Season 1 and TWD Season 2? Yes, completely, it has nothing to do with the story of the previous ones, but it is in the same universe.

I'll leave the analysis until here because I don't want to go into too much detail, I prefer you to discover the wonders that this game has in store for you.

Highly recommended.

100% convinced the Sam girl that looks like Max from LiS is a reference made only for moi

Even though I felt it to be the weakest season [if you could even call this miniseries that], it's still very much worth a play through, although I question the replayability of this compared to the rest.

Mais do mesmo. Além das mecânicas não evoluírem comparadas aos jogos antigos, por ser uma DLC, esse game é relativamente curto, com pouca exploração dos novos personagens. O ponto alto da narrativa é os problemas da protagonista Michonne com ela mesma, sendo assombrada por uma "culpa". Apesar de ter uma boa trilha sonora, o jogo não oferece uma história tão completa e bem elaborada quanto os games anteriores da série.

twd but short,only 3 episodes. dialogues are more simple it's kinda bad. when you choose the sentence usually character directly says that sentence and doesn't continue.

You couldn't have paid me money to be interested in this game's story.

This review contains spoilers

I feel like making a game starring a major character in Walking Dead media is a good idea on paper, but it's messy when this is supposed to be canon to the comics. I know TellTale's TWD games are supposed to be in the same universe as the comics, but I think this game would have benefitted from being its own continuity. This is a very specific point in the comics (which I haven't read, maybe eventually), and it doesn't feel like there's much room to fit a character-changing story in it, so Michonne's development is pretty minimal. At the beginning, she's a hardened, badass survivor who is plagued by her past failings in relation to her kids. By the end of the game, she's a hardened, badass survivor who is plagued by her past failings in relation to her kids. You can force her to "step away" from her kids, but the game still ends with her seeing hallucinations of them. How unfulfilling.

But the characters here are great. With the choices I made, Michonne is a caring person who will do whatever it takes to keep innocent people safe. The family she helps is tattered, but stronger than before, and I enjoyed all of its members; Paige is a friend of the Fairbanks family who learns that she can be a devoted member of the family and not just an outsider; Sam cares deeply for her family and wants to fight like hell for them, while also wanting to make a stand against some shitty people; her two youngest brothers don't have much going on, but I always enjoy when kid characters learn to find their own strength. Pete believes in people so much and is a great liaison and friend to Michonne. Also liked the villains Norma and Randall. Normally (pun intended), the villains show up late in these games, but here, they're a threat right away and working around them was a good time.

Ultimately, though, this game just doesn't feel super... necessary. Not like spin-offs are really "necessary" in general, but this game is kind of trapped by its own concept, and I came out of it liking the story and characters, but not feeling like it needed to happen.

This is definitely the weakest "season" of TellTale's TWD, but that's not really surprising. Unless the episodes were just top tier (they weren't), they're notably shorter than the main seasons' episodes, and there's only three of them.

If you have the definitive collection of TWD, then sure, play it. But I wouldn't recommend sniffing it out specifically.

Very short, very boring and not very fun to play. Like the character, and the examination of trauma could've been interesting, but it really wasn't.

Não é um jogo ruim, mas tem umas reviravoltas interessantes. Explora um pouco sobre o sofrimento da Michonne, mas ainda não te faz se conectar com a trama, alguns momentos de flashback são mais para jumpscares do que soma na história. O final é bacana, mas eu esperava algo mais nas origens da personagem.

I was gonna skip this because I never watched the show or read the comics, and I don't really care to. But ngl it was pretty damn lit, great use of an evening. Just feels a tad inconclusive for those that don't care about the comics like me and the loading times seemed to fuck up during the final episode for some reason. Loved the flashbacks/hallucinations stuff and the action sequences in this because they made it really stand out from Telltale S1 and S2, it's a bit more cathartic I guess.

Dunno why there's so much seethe in the reviews here but I had a great time during the game's short run time and I only paid like a dollar for it anyway

The Walking Dead: Michonne is not good. The story isn't engaging at all. You would think that playing as the iconic character from the comic books and TV shows would be a great experience but it isn't. Forgettable. Not worth playing.

É mais do mesmo. Porém o faz com q esse jogo fique abaixo dos outros jogos da série principal é sua falta de personagens cativantes.

Talvez esse jogo seja mais pra quem já tem algum background da Michonne.

This game offers a short, interesting diversion from the mainline games but can't say it's a must-play. It suffers from some of the performance and graphical issues of the previous games.

Michonne is one of the most exciting characters in the comic book and television show of The Walking Dead, so seeing what Telltale had in store for her in a shorter mini-series of playable episodes seemed enticing. At first, I was pretty invested in the high-stakes scenario they throw her in. However, it quickly becomes more forgettable as it goes and too reliant on drawn-out flashbacks in the third episode. This really should've been better and it was around this time that Telltale games were starting to feel way too repetitive.

Eu devia ter jogado esse jogo antes ele é simplesmente maravilhoso, as cenas de lutas da Michonne são épicas e a brutalidade é de cair o queixo, o terror que conseguiram criar quando as filhas dela aparecem é muito bom, é um jogo bem curto mas fecha bem a história tendo em vista que se passa durante um arco das hqs de The Walking Dead

I enjoyed this more than I expected too. From what I heard about it I was expecting a pretty mediocre side story, but that's not what it was. Honestly, I feel like its short length damaged the experience. There were a lot of characters that I wish got more screen time.

Review EN/PTBR

Michonne is an excellent protagonist for this story and I'm happy that more and more characters from the comics have an expanded lore for games, if I had to point out any flaws I think it would be more the factor of being too short with only 3 episodes but ends up being worth it

The quick time events are a little more frequent and quick in this game, making it more difficult than other games, but nothing absurd enough to make you die many times, in fact I didn't die once playing this game.


Michonne é uma excelente protagonista para essa história e fico feliz cada vez mais personagens dos quadrinhos tendo uma lore expandida para os jogos, se eu tiver que apontar algum defeito acho que seria mais o fator de ser muito curto tendo apenas 3 episódios mas pela frequência de acontecimentos até que acaba valendo a pena

Os quick time event's são um pouco mais frenéticos nesse jogo e em maior quantidade deixando mais difícil que os outros jogos porém nada de absurdo a ponto de fazer você morrer muitas vezes, em fato não morri nenhuma vez jogando esse game.

Again, it's a shorter game so I won't rate it the highest. But it was good. Great, even. I really enjoyed it, completed it all in one sitting. Loved Michonne.