Reviews from

in the past

costume quest is a harmless, cute rpg that is perfect for kids and is very charming and nostalgiac for adults. I didn't play this game as a kid like most people on here seemed to, I got it for free through the epic games store and it got chosen on my wheel of Halloween games. I can't even imagine how much fun I would have had with this if I played it when it came out, but going into it as an adult, it was a tad too easy for me. i don't fault the game for this, it is a kid's game, but at the same time playing it as an adult feels very grindy. the whole game feels like fighting low level enemies to level up in other rpgs. and again, i understand why it's like that, and i'm ok with it, but it did impact how I felt towards it. the one thing I love about this game is how it nails what Halloween feels like when you're young. it made me smile multiple times and really miss my trick or treating days. a great game for fall time.

nunca me canso do humor do tim schafer

mostly cute for the story and world the rpg gameplay is kinda just there

Much better than I expected. Very charming, and creative. You are always expecting which will be the next costume you will get to see its powers and transformation in battle.
Really light, original and enjoyable RPG, and the graphics are pretty fitting.

A prime example of when cuteness and humor can outshine subpar gameplay. Its combat system is fairly basic but incredibly fun to look at. Dialogue is also very fun, and the game doesn’t overstay its welcome. It’s just too charming not to like. Although, I wish the main villains were explored a little more. I also found that some bosses required specific setups to be able to beat, and not having those setups meant unavoidable deaths.

A simple game that mostly gets by on its charm. A solid recommendation if you are looking for a light hearted game to break up your Halloween Horror-fest.

Actually better than I thought it would be.

A fun Halloween themed RPG with a pretty simplistic turn-based battle system.
While the aforementioned battle system lacks a lot of depth, this is a good game to give to someone younger as their first experience in turn-based RPGs.
The overall presentation of the game was charming and I found the costume collecting to be pretty fun.
The game is also pretty short for an RPG and can be beaten in 7-8 hours.

Simple, funny game. Loved the designs for the costumes when they go into the battles. Recommended for any Halloween enthusiast.

Completed with 100% of achievements unlocked (200G). Costume Quest is a short, simple RPG with a Halloween theme, where the player takes control of a small party of children out "trick-or-treating". The game revolves around collecting parts of costumes that serve to facilitate puzzle-solving and to grant combat abilities when facing off against enemy monsters which roam the environments and sometimes inhabit the houses that you visit seeking candy. Those battles are the second major part of the game and again fairly simple, with your party facing off against monsters in a turn-based fashion. Combat abilities are limited to a basic attack and a costume-specific special with a three-turn cooldown, with the only additional depth coming from equipable badges. While these mechanics are clearly rather basic, the game as a whole is elevated by a wonderful sense of charm, typical of Double Fine's games, so it's a decently fun time through the six or so hours that it takes to play through to completion.

Entretenido juego de aventura de estos chamacos que pasan de divertirse en una noche de Halloween a salvar al mundo de unos monstruos adictos a los dulces. Un RPG por turnos con una historia bastante divertida e imaginativa, donde impera la amistad, el coleccionar disfraces alocados y el comer dulces hasta más no poder. Para todas las edades, muy recomendado.

A cute and breezy RPG for the Halloween season! Fun, goofy vibe perfect for a homely experience!

I pirated this as a kid, and I don't know if it's because I pirated it or because I was incompetent that I could not beat the last boss.

we don't celebrate halloween in my country so this is pretty much the only thing that I got as a kid lol

i loved this game lots when i was younger

Esta bien para niños, si bien hay que avisar que se maneja solo con las teclas del lado izquierdo del teclado. Las batallas en si no tienen mucha chicha, pero el buen humor y la enorme cantidad de trajes a elegir puede paliar tanto eso como lo corto del titulo.

It's not perfect, but I love this little Halloween RPG. It just captures the feeling of old school Halloween for a kid so well. From the music, costumes, light humor... it all just falls into place for me.

If I had to guess, I've played it around 6 times all the way through and I'll definitely play it again in the future.

Rating: 5.5/10 - Bad

The artstyle and length and different costumes are good but unfortunately, they are the only interesting things about the game.

How can anyone make a turn-based rpg where characters only have 2 moves and think that's ok is beyond me.

i remember having a lot of fun with this game and nothing else. bought it on a whim as a kid and ended up having a good time to the point where I 100%ed it. I think its a fun little halloween-inspired RPG that doesn't overstay its welcome. I always wanted to play the DLC for this and its sequel but never did.

PS3 demos were a good substitute for having a real hobby.

Jogado no Xbox Game Pass / Cloud Gaming. Eu gosto demais de RPGs de turno fofinhos com minigames para ataques, então não seria tão difícil assim de gostar de Costume Quest. Mesmo com pouco conteúdo pra oferecer e uma certa repetição mecânica, eu gostei bastante das batalhas ao ponto de fazer 100% no jogo.

Mesmo não ligando muito pra Halloween, eu gostei do charme da historinha, que realmente são só crianças tentando salvar a cidade deles de monstros comedores de doce sem que nenhum adulto sequer ajude.

A little bit overly simple, but a cute Halloween romp nonetheless. Great for kids.

Love the art style and music and the story overall, highly recommended if you're looking for a more lighthearted Halloween game.
(played on IOS and Xbox 360, performance on Ipad 2 was atrocious)

(5-year-old's review, typed by her dad)

You get to put on costuuumes. And beat bad guys! And THAT'S! THE! END!

This is my shortest review.

Easily the most appropriate game to finish on Halloween!

There's a fantastic amount of charm to a game all about Trick-or-Treating. I also loved that the costumes can be changed at any time, so it feels like your party is much larger than it really is.

My biggest take from this game was that more RPGs should have a finite amount of enemies, completely eliminating grind. Apart from making a game about being kids on Halloween, that specific feature is the game's best concept.

A cute game with a fun conceit, but is a bit dull. You go around, knock on doors for candy, solve some light environmental puzzles with costumes, and engage in okay minigames and acceptable RPG battles. It's all very mild and works well enough, but it's not very exciting nor especially funny. It's alright! Very, very alright.