Reviews from

in the past

prolly the most annoying game i’ve played this year not hard just annoying

A more challenging game than I expected. I assumed they'd take out some of the difficulty from the PS1 version but it seems like they leaned it into, and barely changed anything apart from some QoL features, but since the saving was changed it was a lot more bearable to beat the game this time, as if I still had to save by completing bonus levels I'd had never gotten past the first island again. However because they didn't change much it does have problems with wonky hitboxes, and on some later levels the depth perception made platforming near impossible as you can barely see where Crash will land, and would've made sense to have a more flexible camera in order to avoid a lot of unfair deaths.

Overall Crash Bandicoot remake is a better way to experience the original game and looks great, but I'd happily never play it again because a few levels were a massive pain to complete to the point where I'm surprised I didn't stop playing, but once I did complete them it was very satisfying.

Easily and without question the definitive way to play the original Crash Bandicoot, N-sane's version offers a lot to the original core game to make it up to stuff with the later titles. The control has taken a huge improvement and more importantly you can now die in most stages and STILL get the box gem. In the original you had to basically playthrough everything in one go and even still some levels had colored gems so lets say you thought you got every box in one level without dying, well too bad because that level required a colored gem and now you just wasted your time and effort. It was punishing to the point of not being fun, I played through the original recently and its wild how much of a difference this does for the game. Crash 1 on N-sane Trilogy is the only version of Crash 1 you should ever play. It's fun, very challenging, and tests you on your platforming skills.
Solid recommendation from me.

(Played as part of the Crash Bandicoot N'Sane trilogy)
I know I technically didn't play the original game, but I want to put my review for each game separately so here we go.

Holy fucking shit this game is hard af. This is actually the first time I struggle so much with a platformer since way back in the day. Missing the jump by a tiny bit and into the pit you go.

I do love a bit of challenge when it comes to a video game, but this game is pushing the boundaries a little too much. I still was able to finish the game but getting there was a journey filled with frustration. There was actually a period when I completely stopped playing for a bit as I got so annoyed at keep dying over and over.

The core gameplay, however, was also fun because of how challenging it was. Because each level is so hard, overcoming them actually feels like you have achieved something significant. Game developers really should start to add more challenges to games, but maybe not as drastic as this one.

Getting all the gems and boxes will likely require multiple playthroughs, unless you know exactly what you are doing going in. It is, however, a fun challenge that one should undertake if they feel like doing it.

Overall, I still really love the game and am glad that I get to experience it in remastered form even though I never had a PS1.

A fun but hard adventure with very annoying vertical levels there a reason why they did not comeback till 4

A charming, ambitious, creative marvel of platforming, dripping with personality & passionate developer philosophy.

If you wanna play Crash 1 with worse hitboxes and without any of the PS1 charme and atmosphere you can play this i guess...

for some reason whenever I think about crash I hear the diddy kong racing theme in my head

Irrefutably antiquated but how on earth is that supposed to be a pejorative? Games aren't this unencumbered anymore. Visions aren't this uncompromised. When was the last time you played a platformer with this kind of rhythm, this much palpable momentum? I'm obsessed with the way things move. I've found myself drawn to platformers my entire life. They are one of the few arts that explore the beauty of motion. Playing this game is like looking into the inside of a watch, seeing all of the minuscule gears twist and turn in perfect rhythmic synchronicity. And there you are, a being of glorious human error trying desperately to survive. If gameplay is commentary then Crash Bandicoot has more to say about the sordid merciless momentum of life than anything I've ever seen try to communicate it through dialogue.

I've had a pretty strange relationship with difficulty in games. For the longest time, my brain simply rejected games of a certain ilk. If I'm not progressing often then I'm not having fun, and the higher the difficulty the more likely I am to be doing the same stuff time and again. That's boring. It's that simple. But eventually, I realised it was all about mindset. Difficulty can be incredibly fun if it makes room for mastery. It shifts the progress from the external to the internal. This was the shift required for me to get into FromSoft's games last year. I will game over and repeat large sections of levels, but I relish that when I redo earlier parts I'll blow through them to a degree I'd have previously thought impossible. The finish line is all the more satisfying when you know you've earned it. Few games make this experience so rewarding.

The level design is blatantly experimental. As embryotic as all 3D platformers of this decade are, this one feels far more alien. For every idea your Mario 64s of the world ingrained into the lexicon of the genre forever more, there is a level of Crash Bandicoot no one would ever again have the balls to try for. You'd have to be crazy to think you could pull off a 'The High Road' in a 2024 platformer. But here it is. Unreal! In many ways, it still feels futuristic. I can't name another platformer where your depth perception is a skill the game finds worth testing (not to be confused with games that test your depth perception because they fuck up the camera placement), and this game builds many levels around it. Initially, this game can feel like one big reaction time test, but the longer you play the more you learn it's about ingratiating yourself into its flow. If Sekiro is secretly a rhythm game then this is Space Channel 5. Part 2. It isn't offering you ways to play it. It's a sergeant barking an endlessly wonderful song of orders.

There are many things to say about this as remake, most of which I'll save for after I've played all three games. But the biggest feather in this version's cap has to be Stormy Ascent. For a bonus, cutting room floor, "too hard and too long," DLC level, it is the perfect ending to the game. A necessary payoff to every lesson you've learned and skill you've acquired. The experience would be incomplete without it.

I find the idea of 100%-ing this game at once cumbersome and totally insane but it's so good I may do it anyway. Either way, Any% (+ Stormy Ascent) is such a phenomenal experience that I am more than comfortable counting anything else as a bonus.

If you call this "imprecise" in your review, see me after class.

Mucho más corto de lo que pensaba pero muy disfrutón, desafiante en su justa medida como para pasártelo bien. Las peleas contra los jefes son un poco peores, eso sí.

Realmente JUEGO DIFÍCIL. Un gran remake, me alegro mucho que hayan hecho esto con la trilogía y con CTR. Mis juegos favoritos de la infancia. No recordaba lo complicado que era esto. Pero me encantó.

A classic I still go back to.

Estaba bueno xd Aunque el 100% no lo conseguí porque no se me hacía la gran cosa a costa de mi sanidad mental :'v

El juego me gustó, tiene su toca, las mecánicas las siento algo toscas pese a ser una versión mejorada. Pero aún así, teniendo un excelente soundtrack, buen diseño de niveles y creativo teniendo que ver un un minimapa muy bonito. La historia al igual que en los juegos del bigotón, es lo de menos, la típica de salvar a la chica(en este caso la novia de Crash).
Este Remastered viene con un mejoramiento de gráficos y un poco de físicas aunque conservando la esencia del original. También incluye el poder jugar con Coco y un DLC gratuito con el nivel perdido de stormy ascent(vaya chorrada de nivel).
-juego platinado en una Playstation 5✅️

Provavelmente minha platina mais satisfatória.
O jogo é bem desafiador, mas quando você pega o jeito ele se torna muito recompensador.

Se você nunca jogou o jogo antes, comece pela dlc...

This remake is hard. But once you get good at it, it feels so good.

Out of all of the games in the N-Sane Trilogy, this one left me with the most amount of battle scars, and it's not even close

What is it with Crash characters skipping leg day?

Crash Bandicoot era otra de mis sagas pendientes y me voy con un sabor agridulce.
Quizás es culpa mía por buscar nuevamente la infancia en un juego que no me puede causar nostalgia porque no lo jugué. O quizás es culpa del juego por su irregular e impreciso plataformeo durante muchas fases del juego o sus inexplicables hitboxes.
Voy a tener pesadillas con el nivel del puente.

Jugué la versión original hace años y pensé ''Me gusta!'' pero era la versión que menos me gustó de la trilogía original.

Ahora he vuelto a ella con la versión N.Sane y... Que pesado se me ha hecho, tío. Me planteé hasta completarlo todo pero es que no tengo ganas ninguna.

Puedo decir sin duda que es una cosa mía y no pienso que este juego sea malo; es solo que el tipo de dificultad y desafíos que plantean no son para mí. No tengo problemas con otros plataformas o Crash-likes (como he dicho, adoro sus secuelas) pero este se me ha hecho muy exigente para la poquina cosa que es ciertos aspectos. Yo solo digo que algo tiene que pasar para que en un nivel te lo hagas perfecto, en otro mueras lo normal y otros pierdas como 20 vidas: hay niveles que me parecen directamente malos pero en sí son pocos.
Quizás mi mayor problema con el juego en general es que se me hizo muy pesado en el layout de las fases: fases como La gran fortaleza o Sunset Vista pueden hacerse tediosos si las otras dos fases anteriores de su mismo tipo se te hicieron poco agradables.
Ojito, ¿sabéis que es lo que me flipa de este Crash? Su diseño de personajes. Que sí, eso es algo que tienen todos los Crash, pero aprecio muchísimo que fuera el que nos introdujo a estos locos y carismáticos personajes. Si la idea era ''llevar los Looney Tunes a los videojuegos'' lo han conseguido.

En resumen: Una experiencia normal en el que las cosas buenas y malas de dicha experiencia me la han dejado en un ''pos vale''. Una pena decir esto de un juego que sé que es tan querido pero también hay que validar las opiniones de uno mismo.

A ver que tal a la hora de revisitar Crash 2 y 3.

Finally, a GOOD version of the original that started the franchise. It's an average platform way too inspired by DKC (and without being as closely awesome imo), but it's a good one nonetheless.

The original Crash Bandicoot is impressive, but a relic of its time. Its level design is pretty good overall, but the stupid D-pad controls make it needlessly difficult to the point that I gave up on the third-to-last level and bought this instead. Don’t get me wrong, though; Naught Dog has my absolute respect for managing to make a linear 3D platformer so early in the history of video games, and I’m happy that Crash 1 led to both a successful franchise and an acclaimed career for Naughty Dog themselves.

Still, the N. Sane version of Crash Bandicoot is better than the original in practically every day. The analog stick means that Crash now has a much wider range of movement that makes him hella fun to control. The graphics and art style are nice and vibrant, looking surprisingly good even on my dying Switch. The voice acting and cutscenes have been completely redone for the modern day. You no longer lose all your boxes upon dying. You can save anytime you want. Oh, and did I mention that the controls are better? I did? Well, I had to say it again, because they’re such a staunch improvement over the PS1 game. There is simply NO REASON to go back and play the original when I have this instead.

That being said, I do think some aspects just aren’t fun. I don’t like some of the backtracking required to get gems and some levels are too hard for their own good (skill issue, I know, but don’t pretend that The High Road is actually a fun level).

There are some standout levels that I really enjoyed, so here we go:

Jungle Rollers and Rolling Stones: I don’t know why, but I find the rolling rocks to be a super fun gimmick that makes for some great timing-based platforming.
Boulders and Boulder Dash: Like the mine cart levels in Donkey Kong Country, these are fast-paced, reaction-based trials that are as stressful as they are rewarding.
Upstream and Up the Creek: Some relaxing and thoroughly enjoyable breathers after two VERY difficult levels.
Road to Nowhere: A super challenging, yet highly engaging gauntlet that requires precision and quick thinking to get through. Way better than The High Road.
Heavy Machinery: A badass sidescroller as Crash breaks into Cortex’s facilities and methodically lays waste to his operations.
The Lab: My favorite level, The Lab is an absolutely amazing, difficult, and impressive final challenge that acts as a perfect culmination of everything that led up to it.

Yeah, Crash 1 N. Sane is awesome, if imperfect. Good thing it came bundled with two even better sequels.

The N-Sane remake of the original Crash Bandicoot. We play as the titular Crash, a genetically engineered bandicoot who takes on an adventure to defeat local mad scientist Neo Cortex from entirely industrialising his island paradise home. A somewhat unique take on 3D platforming, Crash has you run into or out of the screen as opposed to free movement or sidescrolling, although the latter also makes an appearance here. Despite the remake making some much-needed quality of life improvements, such as including an autosave rather than the original release's unforgivable save function, it still controls horribly and showcases plenty of examples of awful difficulty. Not worth your time, even in this form.

(Completed on both Playstation 4 and 100% on Steam)

Out of the trilogy, this one definitely needed the remake the most and it pays off. So many kinks and quirks are cleaned up and the game looks and plays great too. You could play the original one, however if you're going for 100% please play this version.

Stormy Ascent is also my favourite sadistic pleasure