Reviews from

in the past

Uma responsabilidade moral de terminar o jogo que comecei diversas vezes, valeu a pena

V.PS4 - Il perfetto compromesso che la trilogia originale offre. Level design e ambientazioni ben più variegate con un livello di sfida sicuramente meglio calibrato. Forse i livelli con l'orsacchiotto sono un'infamata , ma per il resto si tratta di un Platformer divertente da giocare e , sopratutto , da completare.

Crash Bandicoot 2 took what made the first game great and cleaned it up a ton. For a franchise that seemed to be made on such a tight schedule, it was crazy to see just how much they could improve these games in such a short time.

A big improvement over the first game. The levels are much more well designed with maybe the excpetion of the jetpack stages. The additionof the slide is fantastic and really adds to the enjoyability and skill cap of the game. A very good game and possibly the best crash game.

Muy buen plataformero mucho menos complejo que el anterior y con menor variedad en las tematicas de sus niveles, pero de todas formas es muy disfrutable

Para pasar el rato esta muy bueno

Why the last 5 levels are so stupid

É Crash 2, parece que não tem jeito, mesmo com o passar do tempo eu continuo achando um jogo bem fraquinho. A movimentação do Crash é mais ágil e ele ganha novos movimentos melhorando o gameplay e é só isso que ele tem de melhor que o primeiro. O jogo tem um level design chato e sem graça com muita repetição, e mesmo com os belos gráficos do remake o visual das fases, que era o problema que sempre esteve engravado na minha mente persistem, são chatos, sem vida e repetitivos, sem aquela ambientação incrível e variada do primeiro. Ainda é divertido de se jogar pois é Crash, mas de resto continuo achando o mais fraco da trilogia original. Não é de maneira alguma um jogo ruim, visto que é um jogo muito querido e é apenas uma opinião impopular minha.

this is a brilliant platformer that refined everything about the first game. not my favourite in the series but just a solid damn game overall

Refine everything about the first game that made it fun, add some additional moves and challenges, and you've got a sequel that easily trumps its predecessor. Its difficulty feels a tad reduced, however it definitely amps up towards the end of the game (aside from the final boss, which is so pathetically easy I beat it first try completely by accident). I think it balances the difficulty the best out of all of the Crash games (I've played). It starts off easy, but has a very satisfying gradual incline.

Genuinely what the fuck was that ending, I can’t believe that 🤣

Crash 1 but with better levels, style, and platforming, surprise surprise, results in one of the best oldschool 3D platformers out there. The only one of the three I bothered to 100%. But fuck the jetpack levels

The games level design is awesome but i hate some of the mechanics like the jet pack and it took a lot of will power for every play session, but once i was in, i was in.

I had quite a bit of frustration with this game when trying to 100% it, but halfway through when I gave up on that I had a much better time. Still, I don't think a lot of the design was the best. I think a lot of the learning was done by trial and error instead of intuition. The bear riding and jetpack levels were particularly bad. When going for 100%, having to run backwards along a split path is very annoying, there is not enough camera view to make that reasonable.

Crash 2 is the one of the original trilogy I was most familiar with going into my first time completion of all of the N-Sane Trilogy remakes, and I rather get the feeling the overfamiliarity of failed playthrough attempts and watching a lot of casual and top level gameplay of this one dulled the edges that the game offers a little too much for me. I can recognise that it's presented way better, is much more player friendly and overall improves the experience in every conceivable way, yet my own pre-exposure to it really lead to it lacking that punch and feeling of trailblazing Crash 1 had about it in my eyes.

It's really a game I'd want to come back to once I've spent enough time away from it and the dust has settled. But weirdly, finishing it for the first time didn't confirm the opinion I thought it would that it's my favourite like I'd been convinced of for so many years, it actually ended up currently slipping down to 3rd place.

I have this game at about the same level as the first, but it seems like most people like this one more.

''Neo Cortex the crystal fan vs. N.Brio the based gem enjoyer'' the game.

I'm happy to report that yeah, I liked this one more than the first game... but I still didn't love it as much as I hoped, which it really pains me 'cause in most areas this one hell of an upgrade from the last entry!

A story that picks up from where the last game left on and has much more presence with mini-cutscenes through the game, ditching the world map and introducing the warp rooms, an incredibly cool way of presenting levels with more variety and letting you play them in the order you prefer, much more build-up before the boss fights and a BANGER of a soundtrack are the most noticeable improvements, and all of them plus what was already good from Crash 1... but I just can't say with a good conscience that I see it as a monumental achievement and a sequel that solves all of the problems the original had, in great part because of its own nature of being... well, more Crash Bandicoot.

The levels do appear to be more interesting, with far more varied themes and the objective being not only reaching the end, but also grabbing the crystal, tho this one doesn't appear that much of added challenge or a deal-breaker, they just are on a part that tends to be half-way through the level and are anything but hidden, but hey, collecting the gems you get by breaking all the boxes and the colored secret ones was much more fun than it ever was in the first game, so that's that. And while yeah, there are much more interesting and varied level themes, they aren't particularly interesting, mainly because they tend to repeat a similar structure: all ice levels have a 2D section, all temple levels have the same obstacles, all the bee levels are my worst nightmare, and so on and so forth. I can't say that I really liked the levels when the ones that pop up in my head when I think of the game are the ones I got incredibly frustrated instead of the ones where I had a ton of fun, and that's just 'cause there aren't that many exceptional levels here (Except the Jet Board and Jet Pack levels, those are incredibly fun a total blast to beat and complete).

And while I do like the presentation and design on the bosses, once again they all are by far the easiest part of the game, and they are mostly really uninteresting, the final boss specially us surprisingly easy and simple. At the same time, the only boss that isn't painfully easy it's painfully tedious and long, so I guess it could have been worse.

The hitboxes are once again a mixed bag, tho in this case it wasn't a matter of missing jumps and the collision being clunky (tho that could be because I got used to it, as it did happen a few times), but rather the enemies and obstacles hitboxes where the problem this time around, the most noticeable being the 5 or 6 times I died to fire after it clearly disappeared.

It really makes me sad to not be able to love this as many other people do, because I do see what could make this game so special and as a sequel it does improve a lot on the original, but I just can't go past many of its problems and I can't classify it as something more than just a fun but flawed 3D platformer.

I'll say that I'm honestly quite excited to play Warped, 'cause if they keep improving I could find it to be the definitive Crash Bandicoot game, and finally say that I really love the crazy marsupial.

Also, one last thing: Fuck. Jumping. Nitro. Boxes.

That's all I'm gonna say about that.

Just like the PS1 originals, the remake of Crash 2 marks a significant improvement over the first game. It's far more forgiving, the level design is tighter and fairer to the player, the new moves in Crash's arsenal grant more diverse traversal (especially helpful during time trials) and the boss battles... well, they aren't godawful this time around.

It's N'Sane how much more enjoyable Crash 2 is compared to the original. It's amazing what a bit of difficulty balance can do for a game. I might even go for the platinum!

Eu só dividi cada logada pra poder expressar o quanto eu acho Crash 2 superior ao 1. Muita gente gosta de desvalorizar esse jogo, e pra isso eu digo que você é burro.

Jogos de plataforma 3D sempre serão muito mais focados em movimentação, e Crash 2 entende isso. Existem muito mais fases aqui envolvendo a movimentação, seja com o próprio moveset dele, que apesar de não ser tão complexo quanto realmente tem o potencial de ser, só de me apresentar tal mecânica e demandar do uso dela ao longo das fases, demonstra que esse é um jogo superior sim ao primeiro.

Esse é um jogo que continua superior ao antecessor, gostaria que o jogo investisse MAIS em movimento, e tivesse uma coragem maior pra experimentar com a própria fórmula de plataforma que o jogo inventou, mas infelizmente isso não acontece.

Mas apesar de tudo eu entendo o porque teria gente que não gosta desse jogo, querendo ou não ele não traz coisas novas o suficiente na mesa pra REALMENTE parecer uma evolução do primeiro jogo (apesar de ser). Hoje em dia isso daqui poderia facilmente ser uma DLC do primeiro jogo que funcionaria perfeitamente.

some of the optional challenges in this one are completely asinine in the remake, but this game is unreal as a sequel. every element of its predecessor's gameplay has been refined to a fine edge, and controlling the funny orange guy feels fantastic.

Muito melhor q o seu antecessor, mas o ultimo andar só tem fase ruim, principalmente as fases de jetpack

A definite upgrade from 1, also much much easier.

Quase perfeito, a incrementação dos timetrials acontece aqui também e esqueci de falar q a Coco é uma personagem jogável desde o primeiro remake, voltando pro jogo, eu ainda prefiro o original.

Not the worst thing ever made, 1 is better tho. Pretty mid overall.

I maintain that all remakes should take notes from this.

Menos bom que o primeiro

By rights, this game is A LOT better than the first, but the reason this gets a lower score than it should is because the jetpack levels are awful, and the final boss is so easy and anticlimactic. Had the potential to be much better.

A great improvement over the first game. Adding the slide to Crash's moveset feels so good and makes tricky platforming sections a thing in the past. Sure, there are times where the game feels like Crash 1 at points, but overall the game is a lot more forgiving in its level design. The slide jump helps mitigate a lot of tight jumps but giving an extra window of time to position Crash where he needs to be. Honestly I forgot how much I enjoyed this game after being annoyed at Crash 1 for so long