Reviews from

in the past

Very cute, adorable dog game. If you've got nothing better to do and wanna quickly have a good time doing the exact opposite of what you're supposed to do irl, the game is for you. There's not a ton of game here, but there doesn't have to be. It's a cute little game for cute little guys and gals and nonbinary pals who just want to be a mischievous lil doggo.

What else is there to say? It's free, you can beat it in like an hour, why are you even reading reviews? Just get it.

Just be warned the controller controls are a little finicky and you're probably going to have to figure out how to change the language settings.

Cute little dog-themed platformer/hunting game where you need to find all the specific spots to get dirty. A little more signposting would have been nice but it's nice and short and, of course, free!

The joy of destroying an upper classman's home, with zero of the consequences and all the benefits of being a small dog

Cute, short free game! The trainees who made this definitely show a lot of promise, solidly constructed with an adorable premise and a lot of heart to boot. I could see this concept being fleshed out more in a full release, but for what it is they definitely hit all the marks. A silly doggy mud demolition sim, cant go wrong. Bonus points for letting me wear hats.

As a note, it barely functions on the steamdeck and the sound did not work. I couldnt really enjoy it to the most of its potential, but I'm glad I checked it out regardless!

5/5 because it's what I expected and I genuinely can't think of any major flaws.

With this being short and free, I'm assuming this is some sort of testing game for new hires or something, and if that's the case they all deserve raises. It was just incredibly fun messing up a house as a cute dog and fulfilling objectives. Granted, I do own a German Spitz (basically larger poms, we thought he was one for like ten years) and yeah it's exactly like this. (little shit woke me up at 4:45 to be let out and fed this morning)

But anyway, play this. It's a fun time waster and it's hard to argue with the low price of nothing but 330mbs of hardware space.

Katamari Dogmacy!

Despite being only around half an hour long, Doronko Wanko is a pretty entertaining game with a very straightforward premise - cause as much destruction as possible! Your goal is to paint or destroy as many valuable objects as you can, while also finding 12 dog prints along the way to unlock the final room. At first, painting the interior might seem like an arduous task, but interacting with the map and gradually getting rewards through raising the clean-up costs helps you significantly in no time.

I played with a controller and the controls were fairly understandable, however what wasn't understandable at first was the language, as the launch menu starts in Japanese. It took me a while to figure out, but what you need to do is to click オプション, then ビデオ, and 言語 in order and select English. There you go! As for optimization, this game unfortunately doesn't particularly run smoothly, but it's serviceable enough for the short playtime. I'd still recommend it to everyone interested, as Doronko Wanko is a cute little time-waster with a nice artstyle. Also, it's free. Everyone loves free stuff.

cute very short game. probably the closest thing we got to splatoon on PC. recommend since it's free and like half an hour to an hour long

Not bad! Has a fun playground vibe and makes good use of a Splatoon-esque paint mechanic. Wacky doggo time! I love the machine gun in particular!

It's simple and not particularly well-optimized, but the basic gameplay of creating chaos as a cute little Pomeranian is more than fun enough to sustain the hour or so it takes to get through this. I couldn't find the last collectible needed to trigger the ending, hence the "Abandoned" here, but hey, it's free.

the camera stuttering was pissing me off. i hate this evil dog

Saw the title listed on an article about "free Steam games" and was compelled to check it out 🤣 it was unexpectedly fun for a casual hour of mindless muddy carnage. Gave me Goat Simulator vibes for it's encouragement of quirky, senseless destruction.

not convinced this wasn't mining crypto on my pc, but that's a fair price to pay for funny dog

De esto están hechos los sueños...................

1 hour of muddy cuteness.

And that's about it

neat little destruction game in the vein of stuff like catlateral damage or katamari. short, free, does exactly what it says on the tin. easy recommendation

Family returns to find that their dog has caused multi-million dollars worth of damage to their high class home:

"Oh you're such a little stinker!"

Cute dog goes splatoon mode on a house

Very fun, very short "messing up shit"-type game (a la Untitled Goose Game, Octodad, Under The Skin, etc.) where you're an evil little dog who completely destroys your family's house. Love the graphical style, and this could probably be expanded into a successful full length title.

It's free on Steam & it's short, no reason not to get it!

(9-year-old's review, typed by his dad)

This dog caused the fallout of Chernobyl. This dog owes the family $100,000,000. This dog is the devil himself.

It's cute but short. Buh-bye!

Cute little timewaster where you get to be an adorable annoying little shit. I appreciate Bamco allowing new time devs to publish their games, even if it's just an experiment to get their feet wet.

It was a really fun 2 hour experience i'd never really want to play as a full game.
They nailed the perfect amount of game for concept and it even stars a cute little doggie.

really fun stuff.

i finally got to live my dream of being a tiny pupper that messes up a rich person's home

Suja tudo com esse cachorrinho é muito bom.

Simple but funny game. Perfect when you want to play something silly to chill.

A very short, but fun (and free) game about a little dog that causes more financial damage to a single home of 4 than a town hit by a natural disaster.

It's a very cute little game, but for some reason it made my PC sound like a jet engine. Only other time that's happened was when I was accidentally running Borderlands 2 at like 300 fps or something.

One of those games that are free and can be enjoyed for their length, there's not much novelty in gameplay, with an in-game achievement that rewards curiosity, it's a nice game to play and beat in one session.