Reviews from

in the past

Still my favorite game in the Fable universe. Not sure if I've done everything in this game, but have played it countless times. There is something about the world in this one that makes it stick in my head.

my sexual awakening was going to the brothel and paying for the dominatrix

When this dropped in my country in 2006 I legit lost control of my life for maybe a complete year. A beast of an rpg, absolutely fun if you know nothing of the developer. If not, it's still stupidly fun and kind hearted rpg with lots of barely functioning mechanics waiting for you to exploit them and overpower your character to the next dimension. Just don't play the remake, it's pretty bad.
If you play as a baddie you're a bad person irl tho.

I sit and let the credits run for all games now, thanks to this game, damn it.

Pretty good game from what I remember

Still a great game but not as good as Fable 2 in my eyes.

Clássico dos Action-RPG modernos, Fable TLCC é uma daquelas experiências que independente de você ser fã ou não do gênero, acaba sendo algo marcante e diferente. Lionhead era uma equipe realmente muito visionária, e apesar de Fable 1 ser mais lembrado hoje em dia pelos "memes" que ele gerou, ele é facilmente uma das melhores coisas que saíram da marca Xbox, e é facilmente minha franquia favorita.

I have tons of nostalgia for this as its my first ever rpg but ya its mostly just a very okay action rpg, see if you can find that russian pc repackage if you don't wanna spend money for the remake (also this version is the best mostly because jack of blades sounds actually kinda cool in this instead of a weird little british goblin man)

Fable 1 is just a comfy rpg to play and my favourite game in the series. I love the heroes guild, the combat multiplier, and the villain.

I like the heroes guild, and I like that the Heroes are all just characters that are doing their own shit that you sometimes intersect with. Whisper, Thunder, Briar Rose, Maze, and Scythe are all cool and have dope designs. While Fable 2's heroes (Hammer, Garth, and Reaver) are also pretty cool, I'm kind of just bummed by the Heroes Guild just not being a thing anymore.

The combat in this game is more interesting to me than Fable 2 or 3 mainly for the fact of the combat multiplier. It is a good system, even though you can break it completely with the spell shield and just never lose combo, but that makes it even better to me. The fact that you can ingest XP potions and they multiply with the combo makes it so cool to me.

The villain in this game is just way more interesting than the rest of the series. Jack of Blades feels like a real motherfucker compared to like Lucian, sure he killed your sister, but like "ehhh?". Then compared to the Fable 3 dudes (your brother and the Dark) its like your brother is just a stock dictator, and the Dark doesnt get introduced until the like halfway point and still doesnt have much to it. Jack of Blades just has a awesome design and lore behind him.

God I just hope the Fable is awesome.

the lost chapters is the essential version of fable. the game isnt perfect and there's much, much better RPGs- but im very nostalgic for it and have enjoyed it immensely when i revisited it.

I could fart on my wife which was the peak of comedy when I was 10 years old

Enjoyable but nothing crazy.

The game I've replayed the most amount of times. Love this, it's too bad the sequels went in a completely different direction.

Morality as pure aesthetics, which is dope

Hero, your health is running low. Do you have any potions or food?