Reviews from

in the past

What a heartbreakingly good story. Play this one

this rlly sucks LOL
idk go read the pervert or watch love and pop, this is like millennial twee garbage made by some loser…
sorry 2 b a hater

I can't really relate to this game on the full, only being Non-Binary myself, but fuck me this shit is sad.

HFTGOOM is much less a game and more of a interactive auto-biographical journal-ling of a sort. It utilizes the Gameboy, which is neat, and has a very appealing style and story. I have heard stories like this one many times before, but the game does bring a whole new element of the story forward, being the one to play out the events yourself really sets a mood and a precedent. All in all, it is well written, well designed and overall a success in the department of communicating the story the creator finds themselves hesitant to do. My score here is only referencing visuals, there is no score you can give a title like this.

i love willingly trauma dumping myself

Not really the kind of thing you can give a "score" to. It's one of those titles that makes me appreciate what people can accomplish within the medium of interactive games and playing with the conventions of choice in a story that is about the horrifying deeply personal lack of one. It feels weird to even really "recommend" this to somebody for how viscerally upsetting, traumatic, miserable it is, so I'm not going to recommend it to everyone despite how powerful of an impression it leaves in such a condensed 40ish minutes. The ones who are curious about this will know whether its an experience for them or not.

Playing this on the 3DS Virtual Console was absolutely surreal.

If I could invent a genre name for this type of project, perhaps the interactive personal essay. I cannot assign scores to anything in that genre, since that seems to do a disservice to the spirit of their desire for reflection and discussion. Although I am not sure I resonated with He Fucked the Girl Out of Me, I intuitively understand the strengths of this medium for expressing this subject matter.

(Next day edit: I daydreamed nightmares about this game all night, so never mind.)

Because so many meta-structural elements feel right. The convention of games that let you advance from one screen to the next, but not backwards, even though your character can still turn around. The illusion of choice in scenarios where the only action is to delay the inevitable. Where the only real option is to not play the game. But in real life, to not play the game is to die.

Uncomfortable sexual situations can feel exactly like this. Where a script, once started, feels impossible to stop. The self-awareness that continuing the script feels like a “choice”, because memory cannot help but construct a narrative where you had “control”. But in the moment, anything that could actually interrupt the script, shut off the game, feels so radical, so drastic, so impossible that it was never really an option.

I think it is important that this story is presented as a “game.” Because culturally, like sex, games are supposed to be fun. But that understanding is not reflective of the totality of reality. The Nintendo Game Boy logo and screen wrapper were certainly not designed to house an experience like this, but that is exactly the point. Like the events of the game, it represents a confluence of events far outside the mainstream, but it still happened. This is now in my 3DS play log.

To properly engage with the subject matter of He Fucked the Girl Out of Me feels outside the scope of how I use this website. Because while its game mechanics are excellent grammatical punctuation for emotional emphasis, to me, this is still firmly a personal essay. Incredible work to be aware of; I look forward to living in a world that knows how to handle it.

"If she loved me, why did she let me do sex work? Why would you let that happen to someone you loved?"

He fucked the girl out of me is an autobiographical game which affected me deeply. Not only as a game , but across all media. A really personal story about the life of a trans woman who was severely traumatized by sex work.
As a straight cis male I really appreciate getting a glimpse into a reality of life that is so far away from my personal one. It is so important that projects like this exist. Because I don’t think most people have someone in their life who could tell them about such issues. I won't presume to say I can relate to the author's feelings. I just want to thank her for giving me a glimpse into her inner life and hope that this game has helped her to further process her experiences.

Thank you.

Stark, tedious, and uninteresting. People will give it a 5 star rating simply because of it's subject matter, but it is obvious to me that this isn't a good game. If it were more intent on being an interesting narrative, perhaps this could work as a comic book.

It's an extremely personal story about being trans, sex-work, trauma, and the difficulty of opening up. I'm not trans nor a sex-worker, but you don't have to be to affected by this game. Great art can make you understand a life completely unlike your own.

Despite not really being religious, I used to say that "we should pray for a kind future".
The world did get more kind, it's just that we're all still suffering from the past and the lack of options we got due to capitalism.

I hope future generations don't have to deal with sexual abuse and incompetent people anymore. That would be my dream.

Doing sex work is hard, treacherous and it's impossible to perform it without any scars. This game depicts a deep, personal and realistic way of how sex work can affect someone that isn't ready for sex work because the world refuses to wait for them or to make their lives easier.
No matter how hard you train, no one is ready for sex work. No matter how much of a "nympho" you think you are, there's no way you will come out of this unharmed.

The worst thing about psychological scars is that the more time it passes, the more it affects you. The less you take care of them, the more work you'll have to do and sometimes they can be invisible, making the healing process even worse. As a cherry on top, no one tells you how to do it. No one tells you how to fix them, no one tells you what you should do, and sometimes you cope a certain way thinking it's good but in the end that wasn't the case.

People say that trauma makes people "strong", but they fail to recognize that this only happens if you actually overcome that trauma to some extent. Overcoming trauma is not about not being affected by it anymore. It's about recovering from pain and dealing with it better than before.

This game deftly handles some very challenging subject material. Challenging for me to read and play, anyway - as a semi-autobiographical game, it is a brave statement about the experience and consequences of being a sex worker. There's plenty of media out there about trauma, but few pieces offer such an insightful picture. Doing so using the tools available on a Game Boy Color is remarkable.

It’s good. I understand it might not click for everyone as it's very heavy, but it worked for me. I left feeling like I had witnessed an echo of the creator’s true emotions.

I hope their experience making it was cathartic.

I played this one last night and it’s obviously a heavy one. It’s a good use of using a video game to pace out a story. I deeply love these memoir games. I think it’s an extremely impressive way to get across some internal feelings and struggles

so this is going to be complex and I will apologise for my bad english but I really need to express my feelings after playing this game because it really want to some really dark places.
I will be honest, this is not my first time playing this game. Back in January of this year I tried to playing for the this time but in the middle of the playthrough, I quit playing it and the reason was something I never experienced before...I felt really uncofortamble.
I consider myself a person with a hard stomach maybe because of my own life experience (yeah I now this sound edgy as fuck but were with me in this one) or being an actual zoomer that grew literally in the 2000´s internet where everything was on site to everyone to see, its hard for me to experience that feeling. But this was the first time a game make me feel that.
I dont know if that was a good or a bad thing, even now after I convince myself to actually finish the game, but it is something.
At the end of this, Im still dont sure if this is a good or a bas game, the answer is that is game about a life, a hard life to say a least. A life that even if the main problem It's not something I identify with, the way they approach the situation and how "Tyler" makes their own introspection resonate with me a lot and I even came to identify with those insecurities (perhaps not with the more hormonal issues but more with doubting the true intentions of the people around us).
I will be clear with this, i will not rate this game not because of his quality but because I dont think a "calification" is valid to the story of a life.
one last thing to say after this long review will be a message to the person who make this you, I really hope that you achieve your hapiness and good luck out there.
Fideos out.

this is probably the bleakest thing i will ever play on a game boy advance, but i massively appreciate that stories like this are able to exist in this medium. using the extremely limited palette of game boy to its fullest extent, it feels so raw and uncompromised in how it portrays the internal monologue of the author, and her experiences. it's personal and searing to read, to a point where i don't feel comfortable giving it any kind of star rating, but i do highly recommend it.

I'm not giving a rating to this one, It's literally someone's pain

It's more an experience than a game... Plz, don't play it if you're not an open minded person or/and if you want to relax. It talks about Taylor, this trans woman that find herself on a situation she tried to do sugaring/sex work to pay for her transition and live a decent life. It's pretty heavy stuff

I'd recommend if you're like me and want to see a totally different perspective of life.

Not something I can rank -- Like, is it better or worse than Hollow Knight? Either answer feels really weird to me.
Either way, this retelling of an abusive & coercive relationship history is haunting and painted the world very dark for a few hours afterwards. Definitely worth a playthrough

There was no dramatic music, nothing changed.
I felt exactly the same as I had before.

I heard a lot about this game.

This game is incredibly dark and deals with a lot of hard topics perfectly , in my opinion this is a game that everyone in the world should play to inform themselves about sex work, transitioning and life in general

"I don't feel different. I just feel empty, I don't feel traumatised."

HFTGOOM offers a very succinct discussion on trauma from the point of view of a trans sex worker, and I think with its short runtime it does an incredible job of connecting you with both of those points of view. I think this is something which is going to land on a more personal level for most trans people, but I feel it probably offers a view that most cis people have never really considered before, which is extremely valuable.

This game made me cry, it's uncomfortable, and vunerable, and relatable, and probably the most deeply personal project I've played. I wish more people would use the medium of video games for these exact kinds of exploration.

In a lot of ways, I feel unqualified to talk about a game like this because I can't personally relate to it almost at all. It feels weird to say this but I don't think I've gone through anything in life that's truly terrible or traumatic. I've always had a good relationship with my family, I don't suffer financial issues and I haven't had any genuine struggles with my identity. If anything, I'm just happy to live life talking to my friends and enjoying media. I'm incredibly grateful for that, but when hearing people's stories about the lowest moments in their lives, I can't help but feel bad about not being able to truly empathize with them. Despite that, I find value in playing a game like this. If someone tells me their story, I'll try to feel sympathetic for them. But when someone is able to convey the things they've been through so earnestly, to the point where it feels like I can really start to reach an understanding, I think they've made something special and truly worth experiencing.

Go play this game, it's free and takes half an hour of your life. That's an infinitely worthwhile quality over quantity experience.

most igdb poster changes suck but i like this one better.

It is kinda difficult to avoid this tragic and painful story to become SWERF without a fail, but it succeds in telling something this bad without getting universal. Kudos to the fact that you can play it on a GameBoy

I don't really feel comfortable rating this game because it is a piece of someone almost. This felt like therapy for the creator. I can just say that some stuff really connected with me. Having traumatic events followed with "no dramatic music played, I still felt the exact same as before" really hit something. The line really just made every moment so much more of a sinking feeling. I'd say play it if you can because it is an important story to hear but just know this is indeed someone recounting their trauma.

no dramatic music played. i still felt the exact same as before.

Walking simulator un poco pretencioso...

Entiendo que esta es una historia personal y dar una reseña cae totalmente en lo subjetivo, pero, aun así, seré subjetivo con mi opinión.

A pesar de lo que pueda parecer en un principio, me sentí identificado con la historia y no porque sea trans, no, para nada, pero sí en el pasado e incluso en la actualidad he ejercido como suggar baby y créanme, si he pasado por cosas similares, pero la diferencia radica en cómo uno lo afronta y en mi caso si bien sufro de depresión y ansiedad, nunca me llegue a sentir culpable o sucio por hacer lo que hacía puesto que era muy consciente de la razón por la cual lo estaba haciendo... Una familia desestructurada, padres de mierda, depresión desde una temprana edad y cuando me convertí en mayor de edad mi madre me saco de la casa y tuve que sobrevivir como pudiese. Tuve que recorrer a cosas ilegales y una de ellas y la que me daba para comer era ser un suggarbaby.

Eres gay? No... No lo soy, pero si salía con hombres y dejaba que ellos hicieran ciertas cosas. Todo era una ficción, simplemente actuar y hacer feliz a la otra persona y como dicen aquí, mostrar siempre una sonrisa. Al dia de hoy tengo un trabajo, pero esto es latinoamerica y gano el salario mínimo y sigo ejerciendo como sugarbaby para tener ingresos extras y poder sobrevivir y soy muy consciente de las consecuencias que trae eso, pero nunca me victimizaré o culparé a los demás por eso.

En vez de darle una calificación negativa o positiva, simplemente me limitaré a dar una neutral debido a que a pesar de que mi experiencia ha sido diferente a la creadora, aun así, la admiro por haber creado esta obra narrando una parte de su vida que muchos no nos atrevemos a contar. Retiro lo dicho, seré subjetivo y le daré un 2/5. Me pareció pretenciosa la manera en que contó la historia.

Al final me terminé identificando mucho más con Ann que con la protagonista.

Far more autobiographical than I'm used to seeing, even in the micro games space. As such, He Fucked the Girl Out of Me has a directness that can be initially unappealing, understandably eager as it is to anticipate the response to itself and to tell the player what their takeaway should be. Of course, I can't blame someone for wanting to control their narrative as they tell it, and the game does manage to tell that story quite artfully and powerfully. After all, a visual novel is quite a fitting format for conveying the faux choices and the lack of agency that are produced by the structures of power and violence that permeate our lives, and the coercive conditions they create.

Additionally, the low fidelity pixel art style allows for images that balance the haziness of memory with the sharpness of trauma. The art choice that sticks with me the most is that of the narrator's, who resembles both a ghost and a baby chick, existing as both an ending and a beginning. For a thirty minute game, He Fucked the Girl Out of Me is dense with pain and pathos, and is well worth your time.