Reviews from

in the past

Current favorite coop story, but I'd be happy to play more in the genre.
My favorite part was yelling at my friend when she grabbed my bike by mistake.

Un juego que te da ganas de volver a ser niño, coger tu bici y vivir aventuras con tu mejor amigo es un buen juego

Y tener un pato, ojalá tener un pato

Aquele tipo de jogo que você só quer distrair e com uma mensagem positiva no final. Jogo básico, design e arte dos cenários e personagens muito bonitos, o gameplay fica um tanto monótono num certo tempo ainda mais se joga direto, mas nada tão negativo assim. Foi uma experiência boa e não foi um tempo mal gasto!

Runs pretty bad on the Switch sadly.
game drags a bit and should have been more about bikes than knights.

It has a lot of charm and a lot of style.

If I was rating this game entirely on how it makes me feel in a nostalgic manner, this would get all the points. Its a wonderful little piece of time from my childhood where my family didnt have a ton of money so instead of going abroad or to big holiday villas, we would go to a variety of small family owned places full of walking paths, deserted beaches, cliffy walks and awkward 'landmarks', half of which were natural and falling the pieces, the other half full of barely maintained minigolf courses, kids playgrounds and pretend fantasy.

Unfortunately when it comes to gameplay, it falls apart. Combat feels spammy and clumsy and you get the feeling its mostly there to pad things out otherwise there wouldnt be as much of a game here. Its also a game that isnt very good when playing single-player thanks to the clumsy AI getting in the way more often than not. Maybe I should play through this more with somebody else but theres too much nonsense in the combat to really make me want to persevere.

Es muy bonito y lleno de personalidad y feelings. Cae en algunos de los tropos que aborrezco cuando se escriben niños: que a veces construyen ideas como adultos (los adultos que los escriben) y en la idea de que los niños son principalmente buenos e imaginativos, lo cual es profundamente falso, pero se lo perdono porque entiendo que es mucho más difícil partir de la premisa de un niño ramplón sin mundo interior, por mucho que existan. La música, diseño de sonido, dirección artística y demás, son preciosos. Y esencialmente debes estar aquí para apreciar eso. Debes poder encontrar diversión en animaciones, diálogos, sonidos e interacciones inconsecuentes, donde está lleno de atención y detalle, puesto que jugablemente es simple, básico y claramente pensado después.

literally one of my favorite games. can't wait to replay it again.

Perhaps a bit too long for such a mechanically simple game (it feels a bit like the Lego games tbh), but the sheer charm of the story and art direction count for a lot

It was interesting, but I wasn't a fan.

its a pretty game but i just dunno

This game is very cute. It nails the style it's going for. The sounds the kids make when they're running around or biking really fast are fantastic. The music and incredible art style bolster the style which permeates all facets of the game.
The story is fine, but way too slow. The game is much too long. It feels like a 3-4 hour cute little indie game but it lasts 8 hours.
The gameplay is fine, but not nearly good enough to justify how repetitive it is. The combat is fine, but not great. There are some interesting ideas incorporating co-op mechanics such as high-fiving to heal and the two character's abilities interacting. It kind of falls flat, though. We usually just separately beat the shit out of the enemies except when a boss required us to combine our powers. It Takes Two, one of my favorite games, does a much better job at co-op combat. The puzzles are fine, but nothing to write home about. They rarely made me feel smart, and a few times made me feel annoyed. At one point, we couldn't figure out what to do, and then I somehow walked through the fence we were trying to get through, as though there were a gap in the fence that we couldn't see, but then neither of us find the hole or figure out how it happened. I still don't know if it was a glitch or what. There's too much walking/biking around. I wish biking were more interesting.
All of the gameplay mechanics feel like they would do a good enough job at supporting a story driven game, and the story feels like it would be good enough for a gameplay driven game. This combination results in a game that is frequently slow and boring.

There is lot to like here with the unique approach to the story about growing up and loss. Also the amazing music that accompany you during the adventure.

Sadly the game drags and the gameplay itself is as shallow as those puddles made by those water balloons you keep throwing at those flaming swords you have defeated hundred times already.

Games about childhood are a dime a dozen but they tend to be focused on approaching childhood from a distinctly adult perspective. They're often ponderous, melancholic affairs about looking back at ages lost to time. It's a valid perspective and one I like to indulge in myself as a reasonably aged raisin.

Knights and Bikes takes a different approach and instead portrays growing up from the ground floor. Because when you're there, which is rarely ponderous or sombre, even in the darkest times. It's a game truly about play in a sense that feels oddly uncommon in video games. Not about playing to win or reach a conclusion, but play as a purely social activity.

You know when you were little and with your friends and someone suddenly shouts "first one to that lamp post wins!" and you all instinctly dart towards it like your life depended on it. That's the kind of play Knights and Bikes is built on.

I'm having a hard time thinking of any game that has managed to capture that exact friendship dynamic as well. Nor any game that so accurately portrays how enormous every aspect of life seems when you're that young, and how isolated you are from the adult world and the many terrifying unadventures it contains. At least we can always look back, remember, and relive.

My girlfriend and I played through most of this, but we set it down around the four hour mark and never picked it up again. I loved the artwork and the characters, but overall it felt like it lacked substance.

Pure joy from start to finish. A work of art.

I'm giving this game two stars for the art. The art is VERY cute and good. Sadly you could find a better story with better characters on the back of a cereal box- and the gameplay would probably be better there too.

This game is very charming and the co-op is a lot of fun! The art direction and design is wonderful. Played this using online co-op and it ran great.

The only problem was during the last half of the game we got some random bugs that made us restart our session a couple of times.

Joguei só o comecinho. Apesar de ser tudo muito bonitinho, não me pegou. Achei uma jogabilidade bem repetitiva e chata.
Talvez não fosse o momento certo e eu não estivesse na vibe desse tipo de jogo. Quem sabe retorne algum dia, quando voltar a assinar o gamepass?

(abandonei antes disso, mas fica o registro na data que acabou a assinatura do gamepass)

Media often tries to capture the nostalgia of our childhoods but many don’t also incorporate what it’s like to actually be a kid. The imagination and innocence sometimes fall by the wayside in favor of neon, frizzy hair, and a glam rock or synth soundtrack. Knights and Bikes focuses more on the emotional side of nostalgia with the more material ‘80s items being used primarily as peripheral set dressing to establish the tone. This decision helps Knights and Bikes in telling a more universal, heartwarming story with matching gameplay, despite the occasionally sluggish pacing.

Read the full review here:

Art style is nice, if a bit too busy and cluttered. Combat is shallow and basically amounts to mashing X. There are different powers and things but there isn't much strategy. Secrets don't feel particularly rewarding. The story and characters are fun.