Reviews from

in the past

This legit might be the worst Mario game. Worst than Hotel Mario.

At least the graphics are good, I just wish they were in an actual Mario Party game instead of whatever this is.

This game is good for what it is and that's how you need to look at it. A mostly single-player campaign where you do missions, fetch quests, and battle against people by yourself. I would describe this game as an open board game, as opposed to open world. If you want something different and a mainly solo experience then give it a try, but if you want the standard Mario party afair then stay away.

Some of my favorite minigames in the series reside in this strange game, the gameplay on the board is certainly a mixup, and not one that does too great, and besides the minigames, the only other thing that is noteworthy is the gadgets, which are neat little knick knacks, but not reward enough to suffer through beating the singleplayer.

Mario Party shouldn't have been made entirely single player due to the concept being so multiplayer focused, but it kinda works out despite it. It never really feels like Mario Party, but instead, just a fun minigame focused story game.

It came with my first DS for some reason. I didn't have any DS games, so I played this nonstop. I absolutely love it, even though it stresses me out at times, trying to keep track of all the items I need for all minigames at all times.

I’m tired of hearing people say this is the worst mario game when it definitely isn’t. I straight up don’t know what y’all were on because this game rocks my world

conceptually odd (why a portable handheld one-player instalment of a party game series?), nevertheless surprisingly full of life and charm. this game contains some of the funniest writing in the entire mario catalogue, arguably on par with mario & luigi. gorgeous spritework as well. i urge everyone to look past whatever cynicism they have towards it and reconsider

The worst Mario Party game. It's a single player party game, that alone should tell you all you need to know about the game, but even not considering that the mini-game selection is so small and the mini-games it does have are just horrible to begin with, plus the board design is garbage. Everything about this game is just bad.

this game is a (really good) toybox

Mom can you give me money?
To buy ice cream?
Yeeeees, ice cream...
Actually buys a single player party game like a virgin.

A very unique take on the Mario Party series with plenty of fun minigames to do, stories to take part in and gadgets to collect. Of course, a lot of tiresome repetition does get in the way of making this a more fun experience.

not really a mario party game but a very quirky, fun oddity despite that. you travel a single big board and do mini game missions along the way. such a weird game overall that's hard to put into words, i'm genuinely convinced i only hallucinated this game into existence

This is what I like to call an "afternoon game". Simply put, game you start up and beat in a singular afternoon and don't have any reason to come back to. Because, yeah, I just don't have a reason to come back to it. Is this a bad game like so many have said? Nah, not really. But I'd only really say to play it once just to see what it's all about, then promptly forget about it.

Este es un Mario Party super raro. Para empezar es Single Player y vas avanzando por el tablero haciendo misiones que desbloquean "juguetes" en otro menú que podías jugar con tus amigos, todos compartiendo la misma consola.

La particularidad más interesante tal vez, es que venía con un tablero físico (que hoy puedes imprimir en PDF) para jugar al verdadero Mario party pero en la vida real. Los minijuegos son los "juguetes" que vas desbloqueando en el modo de historia.

A mi yo de 10 años le pareció genial este juego y llegué a jugar una vez la versión de tablero, fue divertido.

feels like a fever dream. "games" either last 2 minutes or forever. quests are often way too drawn out or occasionally really confusing. a solid like third of the minigames are weirdly unforgiving. the gaddgets feel weirdly pathetic, like the kind of bootleg toys you give a child you dont really love. mystifying in every sense of the word. just play the ds one if you want an actual good single player mario, this ones more an oddity than anything else.

The gameplay is annoying and not very rewarding because the Gaddgets are for the most part play-it-once-and-never-again. The graphics are quite pleasant but other than that there's nothing else to this game. It's alright if you're into masochism I guess.

Kind of fun for a filler fetch quest, but not what the game promised at all.

this game is awful and worse than any other thing mario party could throw at you

This is by far the worst Mario Party game. Single player and party just.. do not work together at all. It has barely any mini games to even compare them to other mario party games.. it’s just bad in every aspect. I’ll say that it looks amazing for a gba game, but that’s the only thing it has going for it

Overall, a single mario party game does not work at all, and the mini games do not work out either. 5.5/10 , 2.5/5

This isn't Mario Party, I have no idea what this "thing" is.

this is barely a mario party game but it's fun and charming in its own right with some funny and charming characters and questlines and it's satisfying to move around the board trying to get combos on green spaces to get extra rolls. most of the minigames are pretty good too, there are a few bad ones but hey, doesn't every mario party game have some?

Not a Mario Party game, it's instead a very bizarre side quest focused single player board game. It's not great, and I don't recommend playing it even for the sake of curiosity.