Reviews from

in the past

Quisiera que este juego fuera mejor, no porque sea malo, sino porque tiene cosas que me gustan un montón. Es un juego que hace cosas bastante valientes a mi punto de vista, sobretodo si tenemos en cuenta que siendo Marvel el fenómeno actual que es, podrían haber ido por un estilo de juego mucho más seguro y/o genérico para acaparar ventas, pero no lo hicieron.

Para empezar, es un juego por turnos y de cartas, una combinación bastante de nicho, y es bastante bueno, no se siente casi nada repetitivo y a lo largo de la historia va presentando nuevos desafíos. Se atreve a ocupar personajes fuera del catálogo del MCU o de los héroes famosos de la actualidad, obviamente tenemos a los de siempre como Iron Man, Spider-Man o Wolverine pero se agradece la variedad de otros menos conocidos como Magik, Nico o el segundo Ghost Rider. La historia es suficientemente interesante y presenta bastantes personajes diferentes (héroes y villanos) como para mantenerte entretenido.

Pero tiene un componente RPG que no me gusta para nada, me parece bastante mediocre incluso. Lo de subir de niveles a cada héroe por separado, que cada sección de la mansión se tenga que levelear, o que las amistades que hagas con superhéroes no afecten en nada en la historia, ya que ninguno de ellos te va a llegar a odiar o a amar como para contradecir o apoyar tus decisiones. Para mí casi todo lo que sucedía en la mansión después de cada misión hizo al juego mucho más tedioso de lo que debería haber sido.

Aún así me gusta reconocer todo lo bueno que tiene el juego porque creo que es un gran juego de Marvel y mucho mejor que lo que proponía el ya muerto juego de Los Vengadores.

A fantastic collection of ideas for a game that seems to be confused about what it wants to be. Was this a mobile game? A deeper RPG? Something completely different all together? All the parts of the game feel completely different from each other but are mostly okay on their own. It's just so, so, so much BLOAT. The character models faces all look a bit.. Weird too.

Still, this is the closest we may ever get to a Marvel game where you can talk to the characters in their day-to-day lives and not have to worry about a world ending threat crammed into a 2 hour film.

The battle gameplay itself is great too and the card game surprisingly works. Still, I would have liked to see a more actual X-Com take on the game.

The worst part about this all is that we may never see a Marvel game like this again.

Also why can't you pause during cutscenes?! Wild.

55 óra után, jó sok honappal a kezdet után befejeztem ezt a játékot is. Az utolsó pár küldetésnél teltek el úgy hetek, hogy hozzá se nyúltam. Nagyon megszerettem ezt a játékot, de azt is bevallom, hogy néha nagyon lefárasztott az a végtelen szövegmennyiség, amit a nagyon sok karaktereddel lefolytatsz. Talán ha minimalizálták volna a csapatot, segített volna, de lehet csak az nehezítette meg a dolgomat, hogy egy melós nap után, este, altatást követően, fáradtan odaestem a TV elé és nyomtam. Remélem sok hasonló gyöngyszem készül még!

A post credits teaser pedig nagyon ígéretes volt, kár hogy valszeg nem lesz belőle semmi.

Story: 4/5
Graphics: 4/5
Gameplay: 3/5

The game is cool, with an interesting story and gameplay that's easy to understand for a strategy game. Unfortunately, it doesn't reach its full potential as a real-time strategy game, and after a while, the battles become somewhat repetitive, with not a lot of different enemies.

A casualty of its December 2023 release date, Midnight Suns was pretty much put out to die and flopped as a result, caught in the middle of a busy season and hamstrung by Marvel fatigue.

It's a damn shame because the core of this game is wonderful – a thoughtful, exciting combination of deck-building and Xcom-esque isometric combat. The overarching story might be pretty naff, with some frankly awful forced bonding sequences, but all that quippy dialogue fades away when the gameplay is in full flow.

This is a game that I hope people are going to be discovering for years to come, and one I'm going to replay on Steam Deck sometime soon.

Before I say anything else, the marketing team did this game a massive disservice. I’d see the poster in store windows from time to time, and always brushed it off as something akin to the ill-fated Avengers game from 2020. I decided to finally look into it for once and bought it on sale. I was pleasantly surprised to be met with a game with a surprising amount of depth, with its identity free of the MCU to boot to.

The gameplay finds some inspiration from the XCOM series of games, which makes sense that the games share a developer team. The similarities end there though, as Midnight Suns isn’t very big on positioning, and does away entirely with hit rates. Instead, the core gameplay loop revolves around using the heroes’ various abilities, in the form of a deck of 8 cards. Each character comes equipped with a starter deck, and as you play the game you gain access to a wider variety of cards that allow you to form new strategies and synergies among your roster. Each of the heroes did have a unique playstyle, although some were more intuitive than others. For example, Captain America is built to be an absolute wall of a tank and it’s made pretty clear from the point you unlock him, but it took a while before I was really able to figure out Nico’s role as a high damage support or Ghost Rider’s berserker style of gameplay. Once I did figure each character out though, I spent a long time just playing through general missions because I quite liked being able to set up big chains of skills to absolutely wipe the floor with the hordes of enemies I was put up against. The heroism mechanic is a well designed resource management system, as it prevents the player from steamrolling out of the gate but still allows for bombastic screen-clearing abilities once you work your way up to them. I will say, the enemy variety falls off pretty quickly. Early on you get introduced to different types of Hydra soldiers that require some tweaks to your gameplay, and even some new types of ‘Lillin’ enemies that have some more unique combat ramifications. You see every type of enemy about halfway through the story though, and the Supervillain class of enemies don’t feel distinct enough to really make them feel different to face mechanically. The challenge begins to get lost at this point, as you’ll certainly have a way to handle every type of enemy in the most efficient way possible. The game is still fun despite that, as I found most of the entertainment to be in the card-based gameplay, but the game does get a bit stale towards the end in the mission variety department.

The story is a pretty basic good vs. evil story, but there’s really not much else you could ask for in an ensemble superhero game. The hunter’s personality does slightly differ based on dialogue choices, but they do really feel like the overused trope of “the original character that is good at everything and is loved by everyone.” I don’t see it as a major issue, and the game’s real appeal is in its cast of established characters, the Hunter really serves as a vessel for the player to grow connected to the other cast members. I did like how distinct every character was in regards to their personalities, and they all played off each other in interesting ways. I do wish there was a lot less of “the Avengers talk over plans upon plans while the Suns mope about being shoved to the B-team,” as I feel that status quo never really changes and the characters never really feel like a team outside of when the Hunter is present. Almost all character development is optional content, either requiring some exploration to view or leveling to their friendship ranks. Friendship ranks are vital to improving your gameplay options, unlocking passive abilities or legendary abilities for each character. The grind to get them all gets boring quickly, especially since most of them are long winded backstory dumps, I found myself skipping through them after a while. There’s some fun ones in there, such as Iron Man overcoming his fear of the supernatural, or Scarlet Witch learning to forgive herself and coming to terms with her power. In a general sense though, they all tend to feel like padding in an already bloated game.

Speaking of, this game is way too lengthy for its own good. The abbey is much too large to make all the little errands fun to do after every single mission, and the Hunter’s movement speed is just slow enough where it gets a bit annoying. No room to skip animations either, and I very quickly grew bored of watching gamma coils opening or hydra caches being decrypted. The abbey’s expansive grounds only service for a frankly boring B plot, and once that’s done you have little reason to explore the needlessly large terrain just to open a chest or two. I appreciate the flavor and detail it all adds, but after you see it once you won’t exactly be itching to do it again.

Because the DLC is interwoven with the main story and is rather short, I’ll touch upon it for a bit. It introduces four new playable characters and a new B-plot regarding a ‘vampyre’ infestation, as well as some new upgrades for the abbey. The characters are done to justice in their own stories, with the exception of Venom who feels like more of a supporting character. They all have fun and unique movesets as well, although Deadpool’s ability list is at odds with itself in a most confusing direction of design. The vampyre plotline is alright, due to lacking a lot of the padding the main game had, I found it more enjoyable than the main campaign at times. Having restricted deployment slots adds not only a new degree of strategy, but also serves as a way to familiarize yourself with the new characters added in the expansion. On their own the dlc packs(and season pass) are overpriced, but are worth picking up in the event of a sale.

Midnight Suns is a generally good game that gets in just a bit too over its head. A lot of what it sets out to do is done pretty well, and gets some favor with me for being a non-action superhero game. If you’re a fan of any of the characters, or just interested in the unique card-based gameplay, I recommend checking it out.

I never expected to enjoy a card-based Marvel strategy game. I never became fully accustomed to the combat until near the end of the game. It always felt as if I was doing something wrong or I had built my characters' decks incorrectly. The final boss sequence is especially annoying. On the other hand, the activities between missions and attending the various superhero "clubs" turned out to be much more fun than I expected. Midnight Suns dips into some of the more obscure Marvel lore, so be prepared to learn about "magicks."

I enjoyed it quite a bit at first, but got burnt out on it... Too long for it's own good and loses some luster. I looked at how much I had left and didn't feel want to see it through.

"No. Fuck you. I don't forgive you. You motherfuckers put a hit out on Marvel's Midnight Suns."
- Egg

I had already seen the Northernlion playthrough a few years back so I already knew what I was getting into but I was surprised at how much I ended up enjoying it.

This sounds insane but there is a central hub in this game where you can sprint around like a madman solving little mysteries and interacting with specific areas with your little arcane powers which reward you with cosmetics like T-shirts that say "Magneto was right" or "I'm gonna make you my witch". Around the endgame a meteor fell from the sky and when I found it I was awarded a green skin tone so I could look like an alien. The animation that plays when you get one of the keys looks straight out of Mortal Kombat Armaggeddon.

I also really liked interacting with the different heroes because unlike MvCI it doesn't really feel like Disney had their slimy hands all over their designs and characterization. There's a lot of very entertaining sexual tension that you can read into how the heroes interact with the Hunter that's really funny. They WANT you BAD. And aside my projection of perversion I do like the team dynamics and how they develop thru the game (Midnight Suns vs Avengers, the latter being full of themselves and ignoring the Suns, then all becoming closer as a complete team) and I think the small clubs they make are very cute.
The dialogue is very corny and stupid but that honestly works because its a game where your gary stu self inserts runs around in circles saying "I saw a move like that once, centuries ago" and plays videogames while being 2000000 years old. There's no way this could work played straight so everyone sucking up to you while you're just a guy with dual swords really works. The story is also p horrid and very rushed towards the end but you can skip the cutscenes if you want just do the faux social links.

The gameplay I liked but it fell apart very fast once the game ran out of mission diversity around 20-30 hours in. Both objectives and enemies repeat ad nauseum and while the mechanics are fun to interact with during combat, there's a lot of emphasis on positioning if you wanna get the most out of your turn, once you realize you're graded on how fast you take enemies out any type of build around stacking effects or tanking becomes very obsolete. Card economy is just too important in this game and the deckbuilding makes player expression even more constrained. That said the gameplay IS fun, and you can get away with some fun cards, but once you realize the game is rewarding you for playing damage and quick cards you really start to see how limited it all is

Quando Marvel encontra Persona!
Que agradável supresa foi esse jogo! Além de um gameplay inteligente e divertido adorei fazer amizade com os heróis. Realmente me senti parte da equipe 🥹🌑


The premise of building your own team of superheroes is well realised and it can be really fun to hang out with them, see the team dynamic developp and take them on ludicrous, over-the-top missions. Some of them are written in a charming way (hello Blade and Captain Marvel) that motivates you to rank your friendship levels. And the moment-to-moment feel of knocking ennemies into each other or kicking them in the teeth after a Spiderman swing can be really fun. Unfortunately the main gameplay loop is not as interesting. The missions start to quickly feel the same, especially when you realise there is only 3-4 types of enemies in total. Even the super-baddies don't feel very exciting: they are mostly HP sponges with 1 aoe and 1 cc attack every turn. Getting your mission rating lowered because you take too long to complete it feels frustrating when you keep drawing the wrong cards and you know you have the one you need to clear the floor somewhere in your deck. The game's only decision that feels a bit tactical is the deck building part, which I personally find annoying. Add to that the high number of collecting and social activities you HAVE to do every day back at the base and the game quickly starts to feel like a grind and a chore. Maybe I could have stuck around for the story or the characters, like a superhero version of Hades. But it is difficult to get involved in a plot that revolves again around the end of the world. Same for the heroes: how worried should you be for the health of someone who can literally come back from the dead, as Captain America casually mentions when he joins the team? Nothing feels urgent or personal, a feeling exacerbated by the typical Marvel quippy-snappy dialogue, undermining every attempt at a serious, emotional arc.

Desde que saiu eu sempre fiquei de olho nesse jogo e tava esperando uma promoção boa para comprar, gosto muito de jogos por turnos, até que a Epic me solta de graça e tive oportunidade de jogar.

Nas minhas primeiras 40 horas de jogo eu tava gostando muito de tudo, historia, e os relacionamentos que você tem com os personagens, porem tudo é muito repetitivo e chega um momento que você não aguenta mais, foi aí que foquei só na história para terminar, mas fora isso eu achei um puta de uma fan service para quem gosta dos personagens que esse jogo apresenta e isso não foi ruim pelo menos para mim.

Se você gosta da Marvel e seus personagens recomendo dar uma chance para esse game.

Hadn't played an XCOM or really of Firaxis' other work before but this one really hit for me. Maybe avoid it if you've got MCU fatigue, but if you can look past it there's a good, challenging game here with some fun comic book character stuff.

I feel like this game was specifically made for me and all the stuff I personally find cool in the MCU. So cool to finally see something tap into the Midnight Sons/Suns, they are such a cool collective of characters

Começarei direto ao ponto que mais se destacou em Midnight Suns pra mim, que é o seu combate. Ele é um RPG de turno que mistura XCOM, utilizando câmera e movimentação semelhantes, com Slay the Spire, no qual os heróis possuem um deck de habilidades que podem ser utilizadas durante o combate, que é realizado em turnos. Entretanto, esse aspecto de Slay the Spire é bem simplificado, uma vez que os heróis não possuem tantas cartas a serem equipadas, e os decks não podem ser aumentados ou diminuídos, além de que certos tipos de cartas possuem um limite mínimo e máximo para serem inclusos no deck.
Sobre as cartas, elas possuem inúmeras características, dentre elas: golpe físico, golpe em área, repulsão, golpes ágeis (se torna uma jogada gratuita ao eliminar um inimigo), ganho de escudo e atributos, debuffs para inimigos, cura... conforme jogamos, percebemos que cada herói possui uma certa variedade de características em suas cartas, tornando um possível DPS, suporte ou tank, e assim fica mais fácil de montar trios com sinergia. Deixo meu destaque para o CAPITÃO AMÉRICA, não esperava que ele fosse um tank tão eficaz. Outros personagens que se tornaram recorrentes em minha run foram o Wolverine, Magia (emo favorita 1 🖤) e a Nico (emo favorita 2 💜). Infelizmente preciso ressaltar um ponto negativo nos personagens, que é a defasagem de boa parte dos personagens iniciais. Conforme o jogo avança, poucos não são substituídos pelos heróis que ingressam à party no decorrer do jogo.

A exploração do jogo se passa na Abadia, área em que o protagonista ressuscita e existe uma instalação onde os heróis ficam disponíveis para dialogar e realizar atividades, como upgrade de cartas, seleção de missões, etc. Além disso, existe uma área aberta não muito grande para explorar, que em alguns momentos será obrigatório explorar para avançar na história.

A história não me empolgou tanto, chega um ponto que se torna cansativa com TANTO texto e os inúmeros vai e vem na resolução de arcos.
"Ah mas é um RPG, você queria o quê?"
Acredito que a história poderia ser um pouco mais direta e que todos os diálogos fossem adiantáveis. Existem algumas cutscenes em que não é possível apertar o botão pra acelerar as caixas de texto e o diálogo é loooongo. Aliás, existe um risco em pular os diálogos lendo rapidamente as legendas, pois há um bug que faz desaparecer as caixas de texto, inclusive dos momentos em que precisamos escolher uma resposta (???). Tá de sacanagem que 2 anos não foram suficientes pra corrigir esse bug, chega a bater uns 10 tipos de preguiça de ficar ouvindo os diálogos nessas horas.

Falando em bugs, a performance do jogo não é aquelas coisas. Até mesmo no PS5 o jogo sofre com queda de quadros quando tem muitos inimigos na tela, então imagine o estrago quando usar uma habilidade que atinge todos eles hahahaha.

Por fim, Midnight Suns é um bom jogo, principalmente pra quem quer um sistema de combate divertido e não muito complexo, oferecendo uma dificuldade justa, possibilitando aumentá-la para maiores desafios e maiores recompensas. Ele tem seus defeitos, que são aturáveis e não tornam o jogo descartável.

Criminally underrated. Marketing had no idea how to sell this and honestly idk if I do either.

Its a fine enough game with fun combat brought down by having to do persona inbetween.


Had a great time with this, was consistently looking forward to playing more.
There are quite a few design decisions I disagree with (The level cap for Team Friendship feels way too low if you hang out with all the heroes for example) but they never got in the way of my enjoyment.
While a few quips are eyeroll worthy (almost always from Stark and Magik), the characters are mostly enjoyable.
And I had so many moments where I was sure I was about to lose a fight before pulling out a plan that worked perfectly.
The game's flaws are visible on the surface, but absolutely still a fun time

I really tried to keep going, but the crashes are infinite in this game.

Good game. My favorite thing about this game is Wolverine's screams though.

Midnight Suns es tremendo. Consigue que un juego de estrategia y cartas fluya, sea rápido y lleno de posibilidades. El gameplay es perfecto, consigue la mezcla perfecta entre profundidad y dinamismo mientras le da a cada héroe un estilo de juego completamente único. Ni una queja en ese apartado.

Sin embargo, entre misión y misión pasamos tiempos en la Abadía (el hub) y... En un juego con controles tan toscos, la exploración se siente aburrida y rutinaria. Encima, los misterios que puedes encontrar en el mapa tienden a solucionarse simplemente usando una habilidad o andando hasta encontrar el coleccionable pedido. Le resta todo el misticismo y aquello que si tiene lore o una pequeña historia, se cuenta a través de diarios esparcidos...

Además, este es el momento en el que podemos intimar con el cast. y menos mal que están bien escritos. Que quiera tanto a todos hace que me cueste menos tragar un sistema de amistad que es una lista de tareas y un protagonista que cae irritantemente bien. Nunca hay roces, nunca hay comienzos difíciles y todos tienen que decir lo bien que les cae. Pero, entonces llegan los eventos y como están más controlados, ahí si que pueden hacer cosas más interesantes. Son un cambio de ritmo muy agradecidos, pero además son mis partes favoritas de la historia.

A parte de lo ya mencionado, solo quejarme de que constantemente durante la campaña estás derrotando a villanos para inmediatamente cortar a una cutscene en la que te dan una paliza. Es frustrante y creo que podría haberse diseñado mejor. Pero vamos, es un juego divertidísimo, con muchos personajes que probar y conocer, y una aproximación a la estrategia que encuentra el balance perfecto.

não dava nada por esse jogo e me surpreendi demais, se você gosta de jogo de tática dá uma chance para esse aqui

Underrated game. If you like Marvel and Tactics games, go for it... Mechanically is god tier.

Insanely underrated. Play this game!!!!

Um bom jogo de turno. As mecânicas das cartas é interessante e as builds são infinitas. Se relacionar com os heróis pode ser intrigante. O jogo vai liberando mais dificuldade e com isso mais recompensas, o que nivela a constante experiência adquirida com desafios também constantes.

Algo que eu não esperava de um jogo da Marvel era ser obrigado a criar um personagem próprio e me interessar por usá-lo. Com tantos heróis incríveis no universo Marvel, porque eu criaria o meu? No fim das contas, gostei do Hunter e o utilizei em quase todas as minhas missões.

Infelizmente, chegou uma hora que eu não queria mais saber nem de fazer missão pra farm ou pra história, nem me relacionar mais com os outros personagens. O jogo como um todo fica muito maçante.

Most disappointing thing about this game is that it's the last game of the Firaxis golden era. XCOM -> XCOM 2 -> Midnight Suns was a hell of a decade run. Godspeed Jake Solomon and company.

Una increíble y grata sorpresa. Lo inicié para probarlo y no pude soltarlo hasta terminarlo. Muy buen storytelling, me encantó la interacción entre los héroes, amo a Nico y a Magik. Y eso que aún no hablo del sistema de combate tan divertido y enviciante. Firaxis lo hizo de nuevo.

A really good strategy RPG with a couple of shortcomings, like some characters being straight useless in the higher difficulties, which is made worse when they're obligatory for story missions.

This review contains spoilers

Divertido e inovador ao meu ver. Se parece muito com os jogos da Marvel de celular mas com uma profundidade maior. O fato de não ser um jogo em terceira pessoa de ação me deixou decepcionado a primeira vista mas definitivamente se mostrou um candidato digno de jogo de ação mesmo sendo tático. Poder criar seu próprio personagem e desenvolver ele junto com os heróis que você já conhece é bem interessante, te dá uma liberdade maior pra dar personalidade ao novo herói.