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Satisfying ending on the trilogy storywise. Game feels rushed in some spots and in many ways ME2 holds up the best.

simplesmente um final mto incrivel para a trilogia do começo ao fim mto bom

Hey gamers

I think I might prefer this one over Mass Effect 2. This game has the best moments in the series but is held back by some bad qualities, while ME2 is more of a consistent experience.

Let's start with the things I liked. I'd say that the overall plot of this game was the best of the series. To reiterate my thoughts from the first two games, I think this series excels with its world and its contained stories/missions, but stumbles when finding a plot to tie it all together. I feel like this game is the best at doing this. Your quest to unite the galaxy against the Reaper threat gives way to tense and gripping missions, and you never lose sight of the reason why you're doing them. I was going to name a few standout missions, but I realized that mentioning them would spoil elements of the first two games, so I won't do that.

There are more excellent exchanges in this game as well. It's insane how many unique conversations there are depending on which squad mates you bring along on your missions and the decisions you make, both in this game and in the prior two. It makes me wonder how many of these great exchanges I missed, and I have a desire to play the entire trilogy over again right now to find them all. These characters are so strong, and I loved spending time with them all. Well, most of them anyway. I was never big on Kaidan, Jacob, Kasumi, or James, but I liked everyone else and would rotate through the rest of my squad for every mission.

Liara: "I still can't face those things... my own people."

Javik: "When we fought the Reapers, they turned our own children against us."

Liara: "I can't imagine that."

Javik: "They assumed we would hesitate to kill them."

Shepard: "Did you?"

Javik: "What answer would you prefer?"

The combat has been improved even more. It's still a bit clunky with its cover mechanics, but I'd be lying if I said that some combat encounters weren't fun. I don't know, there isn't much I can point to as examples, but it was just more enjoyable than ME2.

My favourite part of the game was when Joker said "It's joking time" and joked all over the place (if it sounds like I'm making this up, I'm not).

Now for the things I didn't like. The biggest problem with this game for me was its structure. This is something I brought up in my ME2 review, but it's especially apparent in this game. In the prologue of this game, the Reapers attack Earth, and Shepard is sent away to collect war assets to fight them. The problem is that the structure of the game prevents placing time restrictions on the player. You should feel a sense of urgency to unite the galaxy, but you can run around doing irrelevant side quests and the outcome does not change. Frequently during my playthrough, I kept asking myself if the mission I was currently undertaking was even worth it in the long run. Millions of people are dying on Earth every day, but the game encourages me to run around the citadel doing trivial fetch quests.

I also disliked the crucible plot element. This story should be about the power of unity, and it has that message to some degree, but it feels sidelined when a significant portion of the game focuses on building this superweapon. It's a similar critique I had with the Justice League movie: Instead of the league learning how to work together to defeat their enemy, they instead opt to resurrect Superman and have him do all the work for them.

Lastly, Kai Leng. I don't think I have to say anything else, really. He's an extremely goofy addition to this game. Worst character in the trilogy, for sure.

Also, for every minor improvement to the gameplay, there's an equally baffling inclusion/exclusion that balances it out. The sprint cooldown was removed, but so were the detailed quest logs. There are improvements to the cover and mobility mechanics, but your squad mates only speak to you via barks instead of scripted conversations 90% of the time on the Normandy. The equipment system was refined even further, but there aren't any neutral dialogue options anymore. It's an equalizing give-and-take that makes me wonder why the developers made these decisions (probably because they were rushed lol).

Those are my thoughts on this game. It's much better than the first, and I think I like it a smidge more than the second. It has more stuff that I like than ME2, but it also has more bad qualities compared to it. In my opinion, I'd rather a quality that fluctuates rather than a steady one as my memory will cherish the great moments and ignore the bad ones (until I play the game again lol).

I guess I'll also talk about my grievances of how DLC is integrated into this trilogy. Since I played the Legendary Edition and haven't played these games before, I wish they made a distinction between what was regular content and what was DLC. I didn't even know Kasumi and Zaeed were DLC squad mates in ME2 until yesterday, nor did I know that Javik was DLC in ME3 until right now. Also, the DLC missions, with the exception of the Citadel DLC from ME3, aren't as interesting as the main missions in their respective games and are way too long. I would often be stuck in a mission that went on way longer than the rest by that point, only to look up the mission online, realize it's actually DLC, and find out that I wasn't even halfway through with it yet. This happened 4 times. With DLC included, ME2 and ME3 feel bloated, but if I knew ahead of time what content was the main game and what was DLC, I would be more forgiving.

Right now I feel like I'm in that state of emptiness when you finish a really good TV show and you don't know what to do with your spare time anymore. After spending 120 hours with this trilogy, I'm happy to have explored this universe. I would not mind playing these games again in the future. I can't say I'll be playing Andromeda because of its bad reception, but maybe one day.

"I want you to make it all normal again, Shepard, because that's the best revenge I can think of."
- Diana Allers

Keelah se'lai.

A fine conclusion to an amazing saga. Of all three games, this one is The Most. Bigger. Louder. Doesn't deserve much of the hate it gets for the conclusion, but it is somewhat inelegantly constructed. Shepard spends a lot of time side-questing while Earth burns. Didn't quite buy that so much of Earth was still standing when she finally got back. Still an amazing achievement that has not been matched since.

I had a great time playing this game, and the trilogy. In Mass Effect 3 (ME3), they made the combat smoother and brought back many of your favorite characters from the series. I enjoyed the story and dialogue. The idea of the war assets system was interesting as well. I wish they did more with it. The post-party scene, as the team walked towards the Normandy, is unforgettable. I know there are problems with the ending, but this still lives on as one of the great video-game RPG trilogies.

Se por um lado Mass Effect 3 é um ótimo jogo ao finalizar uma trilogia sem deixar nenhum gancho em aberto, é um pouco estranho um RPG cheio de escolhas deixar pra decidir tudo numa escolha final. A história é ótima, mas peca como RPG.

The gameplay felt good, but the storytelling, exploration, and worldbuilding (up until the end, which was absolutely incredible) just wasn't there like it was in the previous two games. The weakest in the trilogy by far, but still a good experience with an incredible end to the series (andromeda doesn't exist)

I don't actually care that the ending is... what it is. To me the "real" ending is the Citadel DLC part of things. And that part is genuinely great. Also you can get jedi powers and then still pick an assault rifle and just shoot like crazy as you mostly forget to use the jedi powers, which is perfect for me.

i’ve waited way to long to write this but holy shit what a fucking series. this game by far has the best gameplay, with every problem i had with the gameplay being refined. while the overarching story of this series has always been somewhat simplistic, it is extremely effective, and is largely carried by what i consider to be the most likable and compelling group of characters in not only gaming, but all of media. i beat mass effect 3 a few months ago now, and i still remember details about characters and plot points i really enjoyed. and while the ending is hated by most, i really didn’t mind it. honestly one of the best experiences ive had with video games in years



Por que o jogo simplesmente NUNCA te diz em que parte você chega onde você simplesmente não pode mais fazer certas missões secundárias (Perdi 2 personagens por causa dessa merda).

I have a lot of feeling regarding Mass Effect 3. It is not only a huge RPG in of itself, but also represents the third and final entry into a trilogy of continuity. To keep things brief, I'll say that this game doesn't reach the heights of Mass Effect 2, which to me is not only an incredible game but also probably one of my favourite sci-fi stories ever.

Especially in comparison to its immediate predecessor, ME3 has poorer pacing of its gameplay sequences and a generally more unfocused narrative. However, this game's theme is that of sacrifice, and I believe it is handled extremely well. The highest praise I can give the story of the Mass Effect trilogy is that it somehow makes something as ridiculous as a "galaxy-wide" threat into something that feels relatively grounded and like you really understand the stakes. Shepard is a fantastic viewpoint into this world as an interplanetary ambassador and I had a blast playing through these games - I can't recommend them enough, especially these remasters.

Oh this will definitely be decisive. Yes, the ending isn’t the best, it definitely could’ve been done better. Does that ruin the rest of this amazing game for me? Absolutely not, it’s still my favorite game in the series. Everything this game does, it does so well. The combat got updated to have more of the rpg elements that the first game had, they cut the party members to 6 again, so they get more time to shine and develop. The story is, so depressing honestly. It’s the build up of two others games finally coming to a head and it’s just, so depressingly beautiful. This game is never not gonna hit me in the feels. I could talk about this game for hours, I highly recommend this series to anyone who’s interested, trust me, it’s so fucking good.

Stavo facendo un replay di tutta la trilogia e ho rivalutato tantissimo il primo, (ri)amato il 2 che ad oggi rimane uno dei miei giochi preferiti e ora ho rivalutato in peggio il 3.
La storia è tutta una corsa contro il tempo, il gameplay è diventato troppo orientato all'action puro, dialoghi ridotti all'osso (molto spesso sono 1.Risposta buona 2. Risposta cattiva 3.Domanda), finale deludente, storia e personaggi poco coinvolgenti.
Lascio la sufficienza solamente perché almeno è divertente sparare.

Curiosamente, achei ele o mais difícil de julgar da trilogia. Eu tinha essa impressão de que o 2 e o 3 eram muito superiores ao 1 mas rejogando eles, eu não acho que é mais tão simples.

Esse jogo tem os momentos mais empolgantes da série, sem dúvida. A maneira como você vai encerrando capítulo atrás de capítulo de coisas que você vem lidando desde o começo dessa história é ao mesmo tempo fenomenal e meio anti-climático. Fenomenal porque, na minha opinião, a sensação é que você realmente fez aquilo que você julgava certo desde o começo. A sensação de agência aqui é enorme. Mas meio anti-climático porque parece extremamente episódico. Você resolve um conflito absurdamente importante e é isso, vê uns e-mails e escuta uns diálogos sobre as repercussões das suas escolhas. Aqueles personagens meio que só somem pro resto do jogo e já era, foi só algo que passou. Apesar desses momentos serem algumas das coisas mais empolgantes que eu já joguei, depois de algumas horas fica fácil esquecer que você passou por eles.

Outro problema que eu tive é o quanto eles aprofundam em elementos de jogo de ação genérico. Turrets pra você subir e fuzilar ondas de inimigos genéricos acontecem com MUITA frequência e toda vez é extremamente idiota. Tem sempre um monte de soldado genérico do seu lado que podia fazer isso mas todo jogo da época tinha uma metralhadora pra você fuzilar uns inimigos então aqui também tinha que ter. Tem até a famosa cena de você no "helicóptero" fazendo de conta que precisa atirar em algo que não faz diferença alguma. Você chega num lugar e aparece uma arma enorme que vai explodir metade da tela pra você eliminar um robô gigante. Toda missão termina numa "boss fight" onde você só mata mais uns dos inimigos que você já matou um monte de vezes. Em alguns momentos você até sobe num mecha pra explodir os mesmos soldadinhos genéricos de novo porque você precisa muito disso pra se sentir super forte e sei lá que porra passa na cabeça dessa galera de jogo de tiro genérico. Me incomoda pra caralho o quanto esse jogo acha que precisa ser Gears of Wars ou Call of Duty. Essas sequências sempre são toscas e completamente desnecessárias. O tom do jogo é de guerra mas você controla um time de 3 pessoas que SEMPRE está em missões furtivas enquanto seus aliados tão chamando atenção. Mas sempre acaba com você tendo que pessoalmente explodir ou fuzilar tudo porque se não não é um jogo bom, né? Além de que eu tenho certeza que eu matei mais gente que os Reapers. É simplesmente impossível a quantidade de inimigo que esse jogo cospe na sua cara, especialmente os inimigos humanos.

O rant é pesado, eu sei, mas não é o maior problema do mundo. Me faz questionar se eu gosto mais dele do que do 1 simplesmente pela quebra absurda de imersão que esses momentos e as ondas infinitas de inimigos geram.

Sobre DLCs, joguei elas pela primeira vez aqui. Omega e Leviathan são BEM legais. A Citadel trás um fanservice absurdo que eu adorei, tirando a história da DLC que é bem ruim. Total fanfic sem sentido algum e embora eu entenda que todo o tom da DLC era pra ser engraçado e besta, nenhuma das premissas dela faz sentido e dizer "ah era pra ser engraçado" não justifica a péssima escrita. Mas se você se importa com os personagens do jogo, ainda vale muito a pena só pelas horas de conteúdo que você ganha de recompensa depois.

Eu não acho nenhum dos finais realmente satisfatórios no fim das contas. Todos parecem exagerados, como se eles já tivessem sido planejados a algum tempo e só não conseguiram amarrar bem as pontas pra justificar como chegar lá. Eu ainda acho o tom apropriado, só não me convence tanto.

O jogo é muito bom sim. Eu tendo a pontuar coisas que não gostei porque é muito mais fácil reclamar do que elogiar. Mas eu só posso imaginar a dificuldade de finalizar uma saga como essas. Não acho que tem escolhas fáceis para se fazer no lugar dos devs. Eu amei passar cada segundo com meus personagens favoritos e a escalada do drama é absurda e emocional. É uma boa conclusão para essa história. E eu meio que preferia que não tentassem dar uma sequência porque eu não acho que exista mais uma BioWare com a sensibilidade para fazer jus ao que essa trilogia conseguiu alcançar.

What a story! I love, LOVE how the games' stories work so well without each other, but also how well they fit together in the end. The combat is fine, the side stuff varies- especially the "main" side stuff. The DLCs are great and the main story missions are mostly fun. None of them except the last one sticks out as particularly amazing, but again, the fact that 2 whole games stand behind it makes this experience special. That's a lot of character development, a lot of build-up to a threat and a whole lot of cool callbacks.

I did the blue ending, it took me 69 hours to complete the entire series, and I really did enjoy it a whole lot. I will never play it again, but playing this has been a treat.

This review contains spoilers

The majority of the discourse surrounding this game revolves around the ending, so much to the point that jumping into this one I had no expectations for what the rest of the game would be like. Now that I have finished it, I am surprised at how much the negative press of this game has coloured so many people’s view on it, because it is a wonderful culmination of everything the series has been working towards since the release of the first game.

Playing through every one of these games in 2023 has shown me how dedicated BioWare was to their fans. Every game in this trilogy seems similar on the outset, but each differentiate themselves from the other in substantial ways, working off what came before and (mostly) evolving the formula. While I greatly prefer the structure and vibe of the first game, ME3 is the ideal version of what the team wanted to do with ME2, perfecting its major changes and smoothing the rough edges. There is less a focus on team building, and more on spectacle driven story missions with consequences to the saga’s larger narrative. While I am disappointed in the small roster of team members (surely we could have gotten at least some of the gang from 2 to play with), the squad we do get are a good mix of the ME1 crew mixed with some welcome new faces. The biggest problem with them is that the game drip feeds you them for far too long. It would have been nice to have Garrus and Tali right from the beginning, but how they’re woven into the story is fine anyway.

The strangest new character has to be Javik, though not because of the character himself. I love Javik, he’s awesome, but I was shocked to discover that he was a DLC character, which is insane considering how important he feels to the story of this franchise. They dropped the ball hard with this, because after getting Javik, he becomes nothing more than an extra member in the party with no main mission involvement. I can’t imagine how barren the party must have felt on its original release because of this.

In terms of missions, there are so many standouts in this game, way more than in ME2, in my opinion. The war plot leads you on a greatest hits journey across the galaxy, visiting the home worlds of all the major races and solving their Reaper-related conflicts. My favourite has to be the Tuchanka saga, which culminates in one of my favourite missions in the series that is both tons of fun and a sad farewell at the same time. Still doesn’t beat Virmire from ME1, but it comes damn close. The side quests were also great, most being condensed story missions with their own unique levels. I also enjoyed how they integrated scanning this time, being tied to side quests more closely, doing away with the annoying system from ME2. The DLCs were also awesome, as usual. Omega is the least impressive, but Leviathan is a fantastic inclusion to the worldbuilding of this universe, and the Shore Leave missions and subsequent party are pure fan service in the best way possible.

Now to discuss the ending, of which there is much to go over. I am torn because I can see where the outcry comes from, but I am also incredibly satisfied with the path I chose and felt it an appropriate send off for the Shepard I played as. My biggest gripe is the lack of choice in such a choice driven series. I think if there was larger room for choice within these endings less people would be outraged. For example, the Destroy ending was what I wanted before learning that it would destroy all Synthetics, not just the Reapers. What would have been nice is if the choices you make throughout the game impacted the outcome of this ending, somehow saving the Geth and EDI while destroying the Reapers. They could tie it to the amassing of War Assets maybe. This information led me to choosing the Control ending instead, which I ended up liking, but I think a lot of people would have been satisfied with choosing Destroy if they were able to change the fates of the variables that would caught in the crossfire. Now adjust those kinds of things to all three endings, and they all become more customizable to the player, hopefully resulting in less outrage. Now, who knows if that would have worked, but while I enjoyed the Control ending, I would be lying if I said that deep down I would have liked an ending that destroys the Reapers, but saves Shepard and every other synthetic as well, except for that stupid hologram kid at the end.

At the same time, a lack of choice in this regard makes sense within the context of the game. You can’t save everyone on this journey, as seen as far back as Virmire, and I think the outrage surrounding this game’s ending forgets this. Mass Effect is a series about choices on a cosmic scale, and not every decision will result in a positive outcome. The story of Commander Shepard and the crew of the Normandy is one of sacrifice. The whole series builds up to this, so I don’t think it’s entirely unreasonable for Shepard’s fate to involve a great sacrifice of their own. Man…this series was an incredible journey. A bumpy ride, but an unforgettable one.

R.I.P. to Kaiden, Mordin, Thane, Kelly Chambers, Legion, Anderson, and most of all, to the Commander Shepard I shared my journey with.

This is like a wet fart as a game. If I wasn't playing the legendary edition I wonder how much of this game I would've loathed more. There's so much to unpack story-wise, that I don't think BioWare thought about certain parameters actually being met come the finale. There are two literal walking plot devices in the party and the main one that you waited three games for is regulated to a background character after their introduction.

The overabundance of "hey let's chill at the bar" character interactions was annoying especially with what's at stake currently in the galaxy. Hanging out and getting to know my party members was the highlight of the second game, but in this game, they didn't even have some background catching up to talk about. They become just one-liners until you see them somewhere else. And for a game that pushed so much one-on-one time with these characters, It felt forced at this rate. Certain characters didn't get a proper ending to their built-up arcs over the years.

Story aside, while once again the gunplay and moment-to-moment gameplay are improved, something is adversely affected by it. This time it's a compound of a bunch of small things. While guns have better modification and distinct use cases, the weight system is a really neat feature to stop the class-based limitations, and the combo systems with powers make for more engaging firefights, not being able to just put your gun away is weird. Planet scanning is annoying with the Reapers chasing you for hitting scan one time. Side quests being regulated to scans and random pickups and eavesdropping made them boring to do.

I guess that's the best way to put it. This game is boring, not because the story wasn't engaging or the gameplay was, but because after trekking through 2 games of build-up, I expected more. My disappointment just compounded when there wasn't a "man that was all worth it" moment. I slogged through unbearable gauntlets of firefights only to end off with a lackluster finale, and I'm not talking about the ending, but the entire third game.

this game literally rules until the last 30 minutes.

A really solid shooter that ultimately buckles under the weight of its predecessors' lofty ideas. Mass Effect 3 commits itself to explaining just about everything you wanted to know about this series, perhaps to its detriment, as giving answers to questions that felt like they were never intended to have ones invariably results in disappointment.

Even putting aside the issue of the ending, I think my biggest complaint would be the lack of care taken in some of Mass Effect 3's character writing. It's a real mixed bag here, with some of your companions getting strong send-offs that carry on naturally from where their stories previously ended (like Mordin and Jack) while others did little but retread existing motivations (looking at you Miranda and Samara). It's also apparent that the writers of ME3 had no idea what to do with some of the choices your character was forced to make in prior games, resulting in decisions that previously felt weighty being reduced down to little more than side missions to increase the number on a computer.

That all said, I did appreciate the bigger picture being painted here, with Commander Shepard being forced into the difficult task of having to repair the wounds of galactic civilization and unite the collective species of the galaxy together as they put aside their differences and fight the larger threat. I think my enjoyment of that comes primarily because that story is almost beat-for-beat copied from the 90's CGI show Shadow Raiders/War Planets, a cartoon no one but me or (apparently) the people at BioWare watched. Hey, it's a great premise, and I genuinely hope they were inspired by it in some shape or form.

RIP to all those people I got killed over the course of my playthrough, except the Quarians, because you guys kind of had it coming.

This review contains spoilers

Playtime: 45 Hours
Score: 9/10

A great end to the Mass Effect trilogy! So I only ever played the first few hours of this game back in the day but never finished it, so most of this was a first time playthrough for me. I had kept hearing how divisive it was which put me off from ever playing it until the Definitive Ediition came out and I knew I had to right the wrong and finish this trilogy.

In terms of the story its rock solid with great dialogue and some really powerful moments. The only part I was mixed on was the Citadel DLC but I jhave already reviewed that seperately. The way people talked about the writing and how much they didn't like it, I assumed it was going to be like Game of Thrones Season 8, where characters would be dying left and right for no reason, because the writers wanted to rush through everything, but no it was all handled very well IMO. Based on my playthrough Mordan, Thane and Legion died (which I cried my eyes out too), but it was them sacrifcing themselves for the greater good and thats a good character death in my book. None of my companions died in the final battle and while it sucks Shepard dies in most of the endings, I feel like its a fitting end to the story and it brings the trilogy to a good close. I also chose the Snythesis ending and it felt just right for all the choices I had made throughout the trilogy.

The artstyle is I guess is mix of Mass Effect 1 and 2 with a gritty but also shiner look if that makes any sense. My only real complaint is my custom Shepard that I had been played the first 2 games with, looked really bad in this new artstyle. I tried to tweak them but in the end I just went with default Shepard who looked way better in the new artstyle.

Gameplay wise, this is the best feeling game of the original 3 with some great shooting and cover mechanics, though it can be a bit wonky trying to get out of cover because my Shepard often would just run in between cover rather then breaking out of it which was annoying. Also the weapon switching was a little janky, as often times I would pull up the weapon wheel and select a weapon but Shepard wouldn't switch to it and I would have repeat the process again. That got old very quick and I never had that issue when playing the first 2 games.

Overall though, theres not much left to say other then this is a great end to the trilogy and I'm glad I finally finished it.

All Games Played and Reviewed Ranked -

The best in the series, by far, and the inclusion of the entire slate of singleplayer DLC is the icing on the cake. The new weapons and armor are added in very naturally, and the DLC missions are still fun and engaging, as well as the party from Citadel being extremely fun.

Nach sehr langer Zeit infolge der Legendary Edition Teil 3 der besten Gaming Space Opera durchgespielt. Tatsächlich sogar erst zum zweiten Mal, nachdem ich es damals zum Release zum ersten und einzigen Mal durchgezogen hatte. Was vor allem an dem für mich kontroversen Finale der Trilogie lag, das mich noch bis zu meinem zweiten Anlauf beschäftigte.
Und was soll ich sagen? Mein damaliges Fazit bleibt weiterhin bestehen. Bis zu den letzten Minuten bildet Mass Effect 3 einen perfekten Abschluss mit enorm vielen emotionalen Höhepunkten zu einer der besten Gaming Trilogien ab. Insbesondere in Sachen Inszenierung sowie damit einhergehend der Atmosphäre kann der dritte Teil verglichen mit den beiden Vorgängern diesen den Rang ablaufen. Aber dieses vermaledeite Ende zieht dieses grandiose Spiel dann doch wieder runter.
Naja, zumindest konnte ich erstmals die großen Erweitungen, welche ME 3 damals nach Release hinzugefügt wurden, spielen. Mit Fug und Recht kann man sagen, dass diese den finalen Teil nochmal aufwerten. Von allen sticht der Citadel DLC jedoch am Meisten raus, da dieser mit soviel Liebe für seine Figuren, aber besonders für die Mass Effect Fans gemacht worden ist. Der perfekte Abschied für all das Erlebte infolge einer unvergesslichen Reise von Teil 1 bis 3. Der Leviathan DLC ist ebenso empfehlenswert, da er die ganze Mythologie um die Reaper um eine interessante Enthüllung erweitert.
Auch wenn ich mich mit dem Ende weiterhin nicht anfreunden kann, war es trotzdem wieder ein Gefühl des Nachhausekommens, die Trilogie von Anfang bis Ende auf ein Neues zu erleben. Wenn man mich fragen würde, bleibt Teil 2 weiterhin die Speerspitze aller 3 Teile. Trotz der eher simplen Geschichte passt da zumindest alles von vorne bis hinten zusammen. Es fühlte sich damals für mich wie ein Empire Strikes Back an, da das Universum sich nach der Einführung des Ganzen im ersten Teil weiter geöffnet hatte und zunehmend düsterer wurde. Darüber hinaus bleibt die Selbstmordmission für mich eines der besten Erlebnisse in meiner gesamten Gaming Laufbahn.
Completed part 3 of the best gaming space opera after a very long time as a result of the Legendary Edition. In fact, only for the second time, after I had pulled it off for the first and only time when it was released. This was mainly due to the finale of the trilogy, which was controversial for me and kept me busy until my second attempt.
And what should I say? My conclusion at that time still stands. Up to the last few minutes, Mass Effect 3 forms a perfect conclusion to one of the best gaming trilogies with an enormous number of emotional highlights. Especially in terms of staging and the atmosphere that goes with it, the third part can outperform its two predecessors. But this blasted ending pulls this grandiose game down again.
Well, at least I was able to play the big expansions that were added to ME 3 after the release for the first time. It's fair to say that these enhance the final part. Of all, however, the Citadel DLC stands out the most because it was made with so much love for its characters, but especially for the Mass Effect fans. The perfect farewell for all that has been experienced as a result of an unforgettable journey from parts 1 to 3. The Leviathan DLC is also recommended, as it expands the whole mythology around the Reapers with an interesting revelation.
Even if I still can't get used to the ending, it was still a feeling of coming home to relive the trilogy from start to finish. If you ask me, part 2 remains the spearhead of all 3 parts. Despite the rather simple story, at least everything fits together from start to finish. It felt like an Empire Strikes Back to me at the time, as the universe had opened up further after the introduction of the whole thing in the first game and was getting progressively darker. In addition, the suicide mission remains one of the best experiences of my entire gaming career for me.

Review in progress:
Fails to improve on the mediocre dudebro shooter gameplay of its predecessor. The worst story in the trilogy thanks to Kai Leng and the horrible ending.

Con este la saga pasa de RPGs excelentes a un buen shooter. No es mal juego, pero olvida todo el camino que recorriste en los dos anteriores y te da una historia cerrada con la jugabilidad de Gears of War. Disfrutable, pero también decepcionante (7,40)