Reviews from

in the past

I really only got this to get the skins for Borderlands, but yeah it's an alright poker simulator for nerds.

The cast is way better than the first game

same verse, worst than the first. I really dislike how much borderlands rep is in this. I liked the cast more in the first game and seeing how dialogue is pretty important to this series- that's a bummer. The game ran smoother and poker plays better than the first, but I'm not here for the poker, really. There are better poker games to choose from.

It's criminal that this series will likely never be back for sale.

Same as the first, but the writing and character choices are no where near as strong (it's automatically worse by the inclusion of Borderlands). Also, hate to be this guy, but I feel like the RNG here is ridiculous. Some of the card hand outs can't help but feel rigged as fuck. This could just be a me thing and I had particularly shitty luck, but it still soured the experience a little.

Look at me, complaining about my "bad cards" like a butt-hurt baby.

yeah i didnt know like half these characters so it was a harder sell compared to game 1.
sam and glados are cool though, i don't watch venture bros so that guys no good, don't care about evil dead either so that guys also off the table, and claptrap is annoying. at least the poker gameplay is the same. The TF2 items were still okay though. Overall much less charming to me personally but if you know and like all the IPs it's probably as good as the first? I wish they made this a series but telltale is more like told tale because they have been dead for the longest time.

You don't need to look at your cards to bluff. But, also, I'm not a good poker player.

It's largely the same as the first one quality-wise with some minor issues that bring it down a bit. For starters, the first game had an option that let you adjust how frequently the characters would engage in their bants. This game doesn't have that option, and so you hear a lot of the same conversations and skits over and over again, and it gets really grating. Especially if they involve Claptrap, who I feel like is this game's Tycho. He's not as much of a douche, but he's just as unfunny and annoying to listen to.

Also this might come off as a little bit petty, but something I really liked about Poker Night 1 was that it picked characters who became famous through online-published works and it was a genuine blend of internet and video game culture. Now that Telltale was really making a name for themselves at this point, they were able to gain access to properties that would be more likely to garner attention and money. I don't blame them, and their IP choices were actually really fantastic (seriously, Evil Dead and The Venture Bros. are AMAZING picks), but it's an element of the first game that I definitely miss.

The characters are still animated rather awkwardly, in fact at times it looks even more awkward than in the first game. Aside from that though, it's just as competent a poker simulation game as the first.

Ash Williams is literally the biggest cheater in this game. Brock Samson and Glados make this game great.

Same as the last PN, just wish there were better items.

I hate playing poker, but I stayed for getting the TF2 items, and the funny writing (even though you'll see the same lines get repeated every other sentence).

it's pretty much the same as the first one

scene of 14-year old me googling who any of these characters were besides cl4p-tp and glados were in 2015

Até hoje não peguei todos os itens porque simplesmente não é tão divertido quanto o primeiro, além do fato da IA ser ainda mais roubada neste jogo do que no anterior.

Claptrap is annoying but it's made up for tenfold by GlaDOS

Mechanically competent and animated but CLAPTRAP'S VOICE LINES MAKE ME WANT TO PLAY IN TRAFFIC

I hate gambling but u pop this game in and i become the fucking vegas man

You realize just how smug GLaDOS sounds when she says that you got beaten by a straight flush

i have a gambling addiction

i love sam and glados, plus the tf2 items are cute!

They managed to make Claptrap funny 9/10

Wish I knew how to play Poker.

Ngl the only thing saving this from being a 1.5 for me is Sam and Glados. Maybe I just really /REALLY/ hate Borderlands, but something about Claptrap and Ash specifically. I remember actually turning off voices after unlocking a couple rewards.

plus 2.5 stars for having brock samson, minus 2.5 stars for having claptrap


this game taught me how to play poker and I'll come back to this game once and a while. Would've been 5 stars but since it was taken off the steam store the game crashes before you can beat everyone at the table.