Reviews from

in the past

Deserves the praise. It's well made, get It's got variety and it looks great. A wonderful little oldschool platformer. Qnd before it overstays It's welcome it's finished. Really impressive solo dev project.

My only real criticism is that the checkpoints are too generous early on.

It overstays it's welcome a bit but a fun platformer.

Played the first level and seemed super fun

This is the perfect Halloween game for scaredy cats like me. It's charming, funny and full of Halloween spirit.
The gameplay and overall style is reminiscent of older 3D platformers, though it's on the simpler side for both combat and platforming. The game is also completely linear, with the exception of some collectibles off the beaten path, but that wasn't an issue for me.
Most of the challenge I encountered throughtout my playtime was in the boss fights. They're thematically and mechanically distinct, but usually boil down to dying a few times while figuring out their attack patterns.

In short: This is a simple and charming game and is great for spending a chill Hallows' Eve under a blanket. It took me about 5 hours to complete with some collectible hunting on the side. Perfectly reasonable for a game of this caliber.
I'm also very impressed considering this was basically a one-man developer. Well done!

Souls like bir oyun olarak düşündüm ama alakası bile yokmuş meğerse. Lineer , kendi tarzında ilerleyen tatlı minik bir oyunmuş ama indie bir oyun olduğundan ötürü çok da mükemmel yapmıyor yaptıklarını. Mesela en kötüsü ve bunlardan en göze çarpanı oyun temposu. Aşırı yavaş ki can sıkıyor keşke biraz daha hızlı olsaymış. 1,5x olsa bu oyun tadından yenmez. Hikayesi de biraz çocukça ve karakterler hikayede anlatılanlar gibi hissettirmiyor sana. Sonra mesela aksiyonu çok yavan hem mekaniksel olarak hem de karakter çeşitliliği olarak. Aslında süresine göre oldukça yeterli ama her saniye çıktıklarından ve 1-2 tanesi dışında sana hiçbir zorluk teşkil etmediğinden çoğu gereksiz. Her bölüm kendi içerisinde mini gamelere sahip ki oldukça iyi yapılmışlar bunları sevdim oyunda sana en çok zevk veren bölümler bunlar. Zor olmayan boss savaşlarına da sahip ama varlıkları yokluklarından daha iyi yani olması iyi olmuş. Platform ögelerine sahip olmasına rağmen oldukça yavan ve basit yani özel hissettirmiyor. Kısacası oyun kendi çapında özgün ve iyi yanlara sahip ama genel kitlesi büyük olarak tahmin ediyorum ki küçük çocuklara özel yapılmış. Gerek oynanışı olsun gerek oyunun mizahı olsun. Bu yüzden ben çok yükselemedim buna ama seveni illa olur. İndie avcısıysanız oynayabilirsiniz öneriyorum.

A very cute & quick Halloween season game. Pumpkin Jack is a 3D Platformer and executes all of the usual requirements for that genre pretty well. I don't think this game is amazing or unique, but it knows what it is, does what it needs to well, and doesn't outstay its welcome. I also got a lot of Banjo-Kazooie/Banjo-Tooie and Earthworm Jim vibes while playing, which is pretty chill 😎

Anyways, I recommend this one on sale (Usually around $10 down from $30) if you're wanting to get in the Halloween spirit with some three-dimensional platforming

Pumpkin Jack es un juego de acción y plataformas muy completo. Tiene todos los elementos que debe tener un videojuego: Buen diseño artístico, buena música, un contexto simpático, puzzles, minijuegos, jefes, coleccionables, trajes, armas, secretos, referencias, golpes y saltos. Con una ambientación muy parecida a la de Medievil o Pesadilla antes de Navidad, en lo jugable, siendo mucho mas simple y guardando las distancias, recuerda mas al primer God Of War (2005). Tiene un par de fallitos molestos, como la música, que a veces se rompe y se repite sin parar, o que cuando dejas de jugar y apareces en un punto de control, los cráneos de cuervo que habías cogido tienes que volverlos a coger, pero no es nada que te impida disfrutar la aventura. Hay gente que critica su corta duración, pero para mi no es un problema. Si tengo en cuenta que juegos como GOW Ascension o Metal Gear Rising duran unas 12 horas (una tarde si paso las cinemáticas) y costaron 60€... en Pumpkin Jack al menos su duración es proporcional a su precio.
¡Muy recomendable!

Pumpkin Jack (2020): Medievil 3 pero sin la licencia. Es un juego muy agradable, que derrocha el mismo humor y carisma, pero con la jugabilidad actualizada (Lo que debía haber sido el Remake de Medievil, realmente). Cortito y sencillo, pero muy recomendable para fans (7,45)

Es el juego más mid que he jugado en mi por eso es malo...tan solo es un juego jaja medio.

Tiene aspectos que podrían hacerlo mejor, pero dura poco. Veo que es un proyecto independiente pequeño y eso lo hace especial, pero no por eso uno no va a ser crítico?

Quizá lo que voy a decir viene más de la mano de que siempre lo veía durante los años y esperaba que bajara un poco de precio, hasta ahora que tuve ganas por halloween y por el precio, pude jugarlo. Creo que también tenía espectativas más altas porque muchos decían que tenía una inspiración muy grande de medievil que es de mis juegos favoritos top 10. Entonces fue mucho hype por tantos años hasta hoy y la verdad....

No es malo xp para ser un primer juego para un niño está bien, si quieres algo rápido y sencillo también funciona, el platino súper fácil y todo pasa sin ser invasivo del punto a al b sin más, minijuegos y gimmicks cortos pero funcionales.

Buen control, camara que solo pocas veces funciona mal. La música, muchas veces se siente como música genérica de terror o halloween, la variedad de enemigos es poca pero la necesaria tomando en cuenta la historia tan corta del juego.

Los personajes tienen una personalidad muy unidimensional y Jack es el típico edge lord, creo que este juego está muy muy enfocado en el público infantil a pesar del lenguaje antisonante y temas para adulto. Las armas son las suficientes supongo para los niveles y los bosses quizá son lo mejor del juego ya que son lo único que presentan un desafío interesante y gratificante. Los coleccionables son pocos pero pueden premiarte con algo meramente simbólico que quizá sirva (si te gusta casar trofeos o logros este es muy fácil)

Creo que divagó porque intento encontrar algo muy bueno o algo muy malo. Pero realmente es el juego más meh que he jugado. Siento que mi dinero está bien/mal invertido.

Pruébelo usted, seguramente le gustará o no. Seguramente si su hijo quiere algo relacionado a halloween lo disfrutara.

Musique sympa, gameplay avec quelques variations bien venu, rien de très extravagant, mais ça passe plutôt bien.

Fantastic artstyle and great music and graphics, but basic and boring gameplay and a mediocre story.

Charming and captures the spirit of Halloween the likes of which very few games have. Unfortunately the core game itself leaves a lot to desired. I want to replay Medievil again after this though.

I like the bosses. Everything else is decent enough

Pumpkin Jack is a pretty solid game with tight control, fairly challenging bosses, music oozing with personality, and spooky/whimsical visuals. The humor is very tongue in cheek, nothing I burst out laughing over, but a chuckle here and there. 4th wallbreaks did get a bit overused though which is meh. At least it didn't detract too much from the story which was a neat little spin on MediEvil's narrative.

The game was pretty fresh with variety, wasn't too big on moving minecarts full of holy water for a bit, but once action kicked in, it was fun. Especially those boss fights man. 3 hits while also being an actual threat in a good & challenging way. Awesome.

$30? Are we being real right now? Thank god for Humble Bundle, do not pay full price for this game, not even half if you can manage it.

Wonderful artistic direction with really smooth platformer gameplay completely drowned out by some of the worst writing I've experienced in a long time mixed with baffling music choices. Whenever it's not the actual OST and instead some sort of remixed, royalty free classical piece straight from a 90s family friend movie I was this |-| close to alt+F4-ing.

Then the writer decided to break out his best Redditor impression at every opportunity and undermined the entire game. We're talking real Minion Mom humor, clichés even a child wouldn't even utter. Thank god skipping cutscenes is snappy and you miss nothing.

Thank god the gameplay was fun. The game felt like it took elements of Jak II, MediEvil, Ratchet & Clank, and a touch of Sly Cooper to make the brisk 4 hour run time never lag too much. Some of the mini games overstayed their welcome, but so long as I could skip all the writing, deftly glide over platforms, and bash in some skulls to the tune of a spooky Theremin I was content.

Got it for extremely really cheap and I feel guilty since this game is a really nice enjoyable platform with great level design that never feels like a drag.

Only cons for the moment: weak combat system and collectables. I feel 100% can be a little chore, but not that much aggravating.

I love how goofy and non-serious it feels. It's a perfect silly game for halloween. I could dare to say that Jack is one of the funniest videogame protagonists.

A perfectly adequate 3D platformer than earns a little bit of a bump from a great sense of style & me personally having a lot of fun with the traversal abilities. The spooky style atmosphere is fun & consistent, with a great artistic sense in the modelwork & music. In the gameplay department, I think this offers the bare bones of what you'd want in a 3D platformer but not in a bad way: collectibles, costume options; lots of ways to be a completionist that isn't too time consuming.

While I appreciate the briefness of the gameplay time, I do have a few little gripes that popped up here & there that I think mainly involved the minigame content. Some of the Jack's head puzzles were a little irritating to control, especially kicking the bombs or Santa presents due to weird hit detection (but not insurmountable). Also not a huge fan of some of the flying segments but particularly the gargoyle ride where button presses are added (the most irritating part of the game for me).

These aren't really huge hurdles though, since I think broadly this game is exactly what I'd want more of in the indie space: shorter but still decently paced experiences with solid controls & design as the focus. Fun time, would recommend.

This is a retro-style throwback to the early generation of 3D action platformers: Crash Bandicoot and Gex have some serious DNA in this one. It's not a GREAT game, but it's Halloweeny enough, and made me nostalgic for the PS1 days.

Sights & Sounds
- Looks like a polished HD remake late-PS1/early-PS2 game in the best possible way. Like a Spirit Halloween store set up shop in a Spyro level
- Lots of spooky theming throughout every level and in every character design
- The music follows the same aesthetic (think Golden Era MGM horror movie soundtracks), though there's some interesting takes on classical pieces as well
- There isn't much voice work, but the narrator does a good job

Story & Vibes
- In this game, you're play as the bad guy. Your mission is to destroy the world at the devil's bidding. That's the basic gist of the story
- The game is pretty endearingly goofy throughout. All the evil you're spreading is done so in an appropriately cartoonish way
- As you might expect, this is a great game to play during Halloween season

Playability & Replayability
- The controls feel tight and responsive. Combat is okay, but you can cheese most enemies with your ranged attacks
- Sometimes in 3D character action platformers, there's just no good solution for the camera. This game tries valiantly to--and largely succeeds at--keeping scenery from obstructing your views, but you'll still find yourself taking hits from enemies you had no chance at seeing and risking blind jumps occasionally
- There's a lot of nice variety to the gameplay, much like late 90s/early 00s 3D platformers this game pays homage to. There's on-rails race sequences like Crash Bandicoot, long and challenging platforming sequences like Mario 64, big arena boss fights like Spyro, and goofy humor like Gex
- I don't know if I'll ever replay the game, but I enjoyed my time with it

Overall Impressions & Performance
- Overall, I'm surprised with the highly polished look and feel of the game. I didn't go in expecting much, but I was really pleased with how high-quality the entire package is
- That high quality extends to the game's performance. It ran extremely well in 4k at 60 FPS without taxing my setup too hard

Final Verdict
7.5/10. A really nice surprise. Definitely worth at least adding to your wishlist if you're jonesing for a 3D platformer that doesn't overstay its welcome

Really fun 3D platformer which have gotten fairly rare these days. The comparison to Medievil seems obvious, but it's way less of a puzzle game and more focused on pure platforming and fighting.

The controls are pretty responsive and the level design fairly good, but it starts getting a little stale towards the end. Luckily the game is very short, so it isn't really an issue.

The fights are probably the weakest part since they mostly consist of spamming the attack button and occasionally dodge and it's almost funny how many weapons they added to this game. It's pretty pointless tbh.

The bosses were really creative and well designed though. I would recommend it if you're into PS2 style platformers.

Pumpkin Jack has been a leading production among indie 3D action-platform games for me. The game has a simple and pleasant story in the taste of a fairy tale. It is a game that looks pretty sweet with its cartoon-like visual design and very nice lighting and graphics. In the gameplay section, there are weapons that offer enough variety and different gameplay styles for about 3-4 hours of gameplay. In addition, the unique minigame sequences of each episode added a different flavor to the gameplay. Boss designs and fights are also considered balanced and varied for such a game. In-game dialogues are also quite entertaining and humorous. The inadequacy of the platform parts that I can count as a minus. And in weapon use, if each weapon had a specific effect on a particular enemy, it could offer a more diverse gameplay in terms of using weapons. But still, I can say that a very successful job has been done.

Pumpkin Jack llama la atención por lo bonito de sus modelados 3D, el cuidado de la iluminación y otros aspectos visuales que hacen que parezca casi una superproducción a simple vista. Sin embargo, se nota que es un trabajo primerizo por otros aspectos que hacen que no sea muy consistente. Sin salir del apartado visual, hay algo con la interfaz y las animaciones que hace que se sienta un poco tosco. Algunas animaciones funcionan de maravilla, pero en general el combate cae en una especie de valle inquietante kinestético que hace que el juego se sienta poco pulido. Esto no es muy sorprendente, porque quizá los juegos de acción con combate sean de los más difíciles de pulir en cuanto a animaciones y en un desarrollo como este, firmado por una sola persona, no extraña comprobar que no es nada fácil encargarse de todo un desarollo y ser excelente en todos sus aspectos.

El autor sabe utilizar sus fortalezas a su favor, por ejemplo, mediante la inclusión de no pocos coleccionables escondidos que fomentan pararse a mirar con atención los decorados que ha creado con tanto mimo y tan buen resultado, un tándem entre el apartado visual y una convención asentada en el medio como los coleccionables que ya se había visto en títulos como Trine y es una combinación muy astuta. La banda sonora, que es lo único que firma otra persona, está muy bien producida, pero para mi gusto creo que abunda demasiado en ciertos lugares comunes que redundan demasiado con la ambientación.

Por otro lado, el autor también demuestra buen hacer con el diseño de niveles, que presentan cambios de ritmo frecuentes que alternan entre plataformas y combates durante la mayor parte del tiempo de juego y, de forma algo más excepcional, puzzles y secciones de carreras o de esquivar obstáculos mientras algún elemento relacionado con la temática del nivel de turno nos transporta a gran velocidad. En especial los jefes de fase me parecen sólidos y casi todos tienen conceptos que los hacen interesantes y, sin ser difíciles, plantean un uso específico de las mecánicas básicas del juego adaptadas a la situación concreta de la pelea. Sin embargo, el sólido diseño de juego viene con una contrapartida y es que el mundo de Pumpkin Jack es muy poco orgánico. La única explicación para la existencia de muchas de las estructuras de plataformas o los spawns de enemigos que puedes encontrar si por lo que sea se empieza a resquebrajar tu suspensión de la incredulidad mientras juegas son razones de diseño que no parecen contar con un respaldo en el mundo del juego.

El juego parece intentar prevenir una crítica demasiado dura de sus aspectos más débiles estableciendo un tono bastante humorístico, socarrón y hasta metareferencial, lo cual se agradece, pero también plantea una carencia respecto a su temática narrativa. En Pumpkin Jack interpretamos a Jack, un hombre muerto que consiguió engañar al mismísimo demonio en varias ocasiones. Al parecer un mago humano se ha hecho con una buena cota de poder en el mundo y el demonio no sabe cómo pararle los pies para recuperar su soberanía, así que revive a Jack en forma de una calabaza zombi para que acabe con el reinado del mago. La premisa es, como en tantos otros juegos, que nuestro protagonista está del lado del mal, y los diálogos de Jack lo presentan como alguien travieso, pícaro e ingenioso. Sin embargo, aunque la temática humorística y “halloweenesca” que toman lo diálogos da lugar a momentos divertidos y ayuda a rebajar las disonancias que plantea el sistema de juego con su mundo, también se me ha hecho raro que en un juego en el controlo a una calabaza zombi que ha engañado al demonio varias veces todo lo que haga sea saltar plataformas y combatir con enemigos. Quitando un par de momentos en los que los puzzles tenían algo que ver con la premisa narrativa, echo bastante de menos que el sentido de mis acciones en el juego fuesen más traviesas y me dejasen hacer un poquito el mal aprovechando el tono ácido y socarrón que el juego tanto cultiva en sus diálogos.

En definitiva, como trabajo debut es considerable y teniendo en cuenta que sólo lo firma una persona (a excepción de la banda sonora), aunque pida pulido en ciertos temas, es una exhibición de un talento sólido en algunos aspectos y simplemente competente en otros, lo que hace que quizá como obra no sea de lo más llamativo ni significativo que podamos encontrar, pero como portfolio habla bastante bien de su creador.

This one I've been meaning to check out for a good while. It's a callback to adventure games of the late 90's and early 2000's. This game oozes with personality and charm. Check it out if you are looking for a quick nostalgia fix.

A below average spiritual successor to the PS1 platformer MediEvil with imprecise controls, performance issues and awful mandatory minigames that block progress.

Good for some spooky halloween vibes. Gives off MediEvil energy

Juego muy simpático que sin duda para pasar el rato en época de halloween (no fue mi caso) es perfecto. Derrocha originalidad y desde luego lo tendré como referente para mis proyectos!

I've grown wiser with time, or at least I like to think I have, even if only a little bit; I know what to trust and what to be weary of, and I know that you never, NEVER must trust a singing pumpkin under ANY circumstances... a dancing one however? Now that's a whole different story, show them the forbidden steps, Jack!

A few months ago I played and subsequently reviewed Haiku, the Robot, and during my every interaction with that game, I couldn’t scratch off the feeling that despite me having fun with it, despite some of its elements really clicking with me, despite overall enjoying the experience, I just found the game at times just… derivative. I think that’s one of the worst fates any kind of piece of art can have; now of course, when a game ends up falling flat on its face despite the best efforts of the author or team behind it it’s always an enormous shame, but I certainly wouldn’t call some of the worst videogames I’ve played ‘’derivative’’, if anything they’ve made me realize what’s what I truly appreciate in good art and, even when those are blatantly lifting ideas from other works, I certainly wouldn’t say that they haven’t provided anything of value, even if it is for all the wrong reasons. At least they made me feel something, at least I learnt taken something of value out of the experience, and when a game instead is derivative, I’m either just pondering over one singular question while experiencing it: ‘’Man… I could be playing [INSERT OTHER PIECE OF MEDIA THAT ISNPIRED WHAT I’M CURRENTLY PLAYING HERE] right now instead of this…’’ . I’m perhaps being too mean using poor little Haiku as an example of this, since I still would call it a pretty competent metroidvania, but I think it’s a perfect subject to use in this specific case, because while Haiku the Robot was a game that feels hindered by the fact it follows so much the other games that inspired it and seems afraid to form a mold of it’s own, Pumpkin Jack is a game that lends a ton of elements from its inspirations while also forming an unique identity and heart of gold. It also features the best line in any platformer to date:

‘’Hooray, we killed Santa Claus!... OH NO, WE KILLED SANTA CLAUS!’’

The MediEvil inspiration is apparent as soon as you start the adventure, to the point I at first began wondering were the statues with Scottish accent would be or if the villain would say some funny British swear words ; the base of style, presentation and even gameplay of both games have pretty much the same DNA, what with your platforming with segments of light hack ‘n slash, the spooky medieval ambientantion and even the parts where you pull off a MediEvil 2 and Jack enters crawling head mode, but as soon as I kept playing and playing, rather than this similarities becoming more apparent, quite the opposite happen, and by the time I got to the second level, it was clear that Pumpkin Jack, while taking the same skeleton (no pun intended) of the original PSX series and its many elements, manages to craft an experience that it’s completely it’s own, and one could argue that in some instances it parodies those games; with Medievil being the story of an entitled little prick that after being revived and given a second chance tries to be a true hero a save the world, Pumpkin Jack is the story of a massive asshole that gets revived to work for the devil to keep being a massive asshole freely… majestic

And my devil, let me tell ya something, I wasn’t expecting this game to be bad in the slightest, but to not only surpass my expectations regarding its own identity but also being this fun is just something I wasn’t coming, and I’m ever so glad for my non-existent mouth to be shut by it. The devil is right to accurse these lands, because the change of look is pure fire; one thing is to try to go for a spooky ambience, and other thing is to consistently pull it off this well level after level, idea after idea, being so original while also managing to have that consistent sense of style and visual flare. Pumpkin Jack looks good and it knows it, each area feeling so natural while being as cartoony and comically terrifying as possible, putting on a spin on the most basic of ideas like cemeteries and swamps, to the most fun and original of all like the mines and even a Christmas theme town. The music makes it even more of a blast, there are no weak pieces here, every track slays, and none feel similar to each other, which taking into account the very specific spoopy style they are going for is a major accomplishment. And for almost everyone in the game looking or being dead, holy hell do they have style; even tho I wished there was a bit more enemy variety, part of that is because every single design is a joy to witness; the use of colors and shapes make every single one of these Grimm Adventures of Billy And Mandy rejects so lovable, and even the most generic of skeletons and gargoyles feel so special and distinct from anything I’ve seen in a long while it’s surreal. I honestly wished Jack interacted with more of this weirdos, because where the dialogue is a perfect encapsulation of everything absurd in this world; it feels like every single character that speaks has at least one or two fantastic lines, either comedic or even a bit more serious, and at the center of it all there’s the son a bitch that is Jack. As I said before, he’s an asshole, but a good kind of asshole! It never steps the boundaries of trying to be ‘’ultra-cool’’ or ‘’dark’’, and when it does is for more comedic effect, instead he feels more like a tired prick that just wants to get this thing done as soon as possible, and bounces off the rest of the characters and takes things seriously enough so that it feels both believable, likable, and that the stakes are very much present, even if this time around those are bringing the world to its doom instead of saving it.

Thankfully, dialogue isn’t the only good thing about this weird-ass vegetable, because the way he controls… Oh. My. GOD. Level design nor combat in Pumpkin Jack are particularly deep, but they are varied and fun enough so it’s always fun to do them, and what seals the deal is just how good Jack feels to control. Even if his move set is limited to two jumps, a roll and an attack, the responsiveness and snappiness of every single movement and attack, the weight on his run and the jump being just floaty enough to be responsive and forgiving and the little moments where the gameplay changes up to something more akin to an on-rail section make what would otherwise be a fairly simple but fun set of levels, to a joy of little worlds to traverse through and complete; hell, even when you are just a head it feels good to move. The bosses are also a highlight for sure, showing off the strengths of Jack’s movement and of the combat, specially that of the crow, a nice substitute for a high-range attack that can be extremely satisfying to use on the right moments (Plus, the crow is just funny, I really like that bird). The collectables are so perfectly balanced, the bird skulls, which are also the coin to buy skins, are easy enough to find so you consistently get them, but hidden enough so it’s always satisfying and that you’ll miss a few, and the gramophones are a bit more hidden, tho still easy if you look for them enough, and the reward is… well, you’ve already seen one of it, so I guess it isn’t necessary to say that it’s more than worth it. The developer behind this game clearly knew what worked and what didn’t, and sticked to that all the way through, tho ironically enough, is in that repetition of the formula where I have my gripes.

The game does repeat a ton of beats level after levels: There’s always three on-rail sections, always two or three headless mini-levels, you always get a weapon at the end of each level… things are always varied enough so it never becomes truly boring, but’s it a bit hard to not notice that you are pretty much repeating the same actions over and over again, and I honestly could have done without the second memory game with tombstones full of references, I honestly believe that if the game stripped back a bit some of its sections, it would make the ones that would be left a ton more memorable and impressive. How are weapons handled is also a bit weird? I say it with an interrogation because it’s not that any feel particularly bad, not at all, it’s just… there’s not much incentive to go back to previous weapons once you get a new one, except I guess on the final level; none of the drawbacks the new weapons that you get have are enough to deter you from constantly changing between arms, which was probably the intention, but as it is, it really doesn’t feel right, and now matter how slow the scythe may be, it really doesn’t make me want to go back to the shovel.

But even in these flaws, it doesn’t feel like the age tried to follow the beats of another and screw up, it just tried something different that in some aspects didn’t pan out, and that’s what makes me so happy about Pumpkin Jack. It screws some aspects a bit, yeah, but it’s still a really, really fun platformer, a game with so much passion and love for itself that even the credits are full of images of early builds and designs of it; is yet another proof that yes, you can borrow a ton of elements of other media and videogames while also feeling original and inspired, it’s a fine and hard line to walk on, but Pumpkin Jack holds its horses and nails it. So happy to have yet another spooky platformer than I can say its both fantastic and its own thing, a truly beautiful thing…

Oh, and another thing, when I showed the game to a friend, he said, and I quote: ‘’He looks like the Fortnite guy’’, which I didn’t really understand or see… and then after a boss he gets a shotgun… and if you have it equipped your jump is literally the jump from Fortnite… I… don’t know if to, laugh, clap or to be scared, to be honest.

Well, if it isn't saucy Jack.

It's Spooky Month, the best month of the year which I can recommend you play this game because any other month would be why would you do that this is a Halloween game what are you doing? The one thing I can't recommend is getting it at its full price of $30 which is way too much for it. At $18 it'd be a great deal but the price isn't the game itself I'm going off topic here. I got it on the Humble Bundle so I made out okay.

As far as the visuals go, the game looks really good! The artstyle is perfect, and the cutscenes between levels and their illustrations, as well as the character illustrations really fit that cartoony Halloween vibe. The levels will also sometimes become disorienting by moving the camera around in certain situations which really works in the game's favor and adds feelings of tension when it's used. Visually, the game excells.

The music relies on the typical Thermin=Spooky thing and the soundtrack isn't knocking any socks off but has a few good ones like the final boss theme and first boss theme. The voice acting in the between level cutscenes is really good, and I wish Jack had one of two fully voiced lines rather than just the HUP HUH when he jumps. The story is straightforward which is fine when writing isn't the main attraction. Humor is mostly passable but when you have to resort to "it's a plot contrivance just do it" you kinda lose me.

The main attraction on display is the Gameplay, which is also where the game kinda falls apart. It's one of those action games where you don't gain anything from doing the action beyond sometimes an optional collectable, so if you can avoid it you're better off just doing that. The weapons you get at the end of each level do change up the combat, but once you find a certain weapon you're probably not gonna bother with the ones you get after it since that one can just be spammed. You'll know which one it is when you start using it.

The platforming end is just okay as well. You have a double jump but you can't do any cool tricks, not really worth talking about. You can't change direction after a jump outside of using your double jump so keep that in mind. What is worth talking about is the level gimmicks that bring some variety to the game, which each level has usually two that get used twice in it, which some work and some don't except they're fairly long each time, so if you didn't like pushing carts the first time oh boy I hope you're ready for it again! There are also sections where Jack removes his head for a puzzle, but I wish it had its own platforming levels because the head's movement speed plus its downwards momentum when attacking it in the air are far funner to move around as than normal Jack. Unfortunately it's just used for Memory or Simon Says or pick the right shape and is a low part of the game.

This game is serviceable exclusively as a small Halloween treat (if you can get it for cheap). Otherwise the game can be more of a trick than a treat. Happy 26 days till Halloween!

It's hard to dislike this game since it reminds me so much of Medievil (my favorite PS1 game). The levels were fun and really enjoyable, none overstayed their welcome. Movement felt perfect for a 3D platformer. Gameplay was varied, one minute you'll be fighting skeletons on foot, the next youll be riding a minecart or a boat. Really helped the game stay fresh. The art direction is insanely good, with each level having a distinct feel and style. The 4th wall breaking sense of humor was funny. The music, especially the graveyard level, straight from Medievil. Not a long game but it's a game that will be fondly remembered by me.

Now, the negatives. Like I said before, the 4th wall breaking sense of humor was great but it did get tiring after a while considering EVERY character talks that way. I felt like most of the boss fights had the same mechanics (even though the boss designs were super good). ALSO FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP MAKING ME READ DIALOGUE WHILE IM IN THE MIDDLE OF A BOSS FIGHT OR NEEDING TO DODGE ATTACKS.

Way too simple, far too easy, and extremely boring.