Reviews from

in the past

Never ever again in my life do I want to play this horrible game on this horrible console that is the PSP.

rejogava as mesmas fases bue vezes e nunca fartei n sei como
queria rejogar se a cata me devolvesse a psp

oh man. this was a tough game and not the most pleasant to play

The first big bump in the R&C franchise, it makes sense that it came from a PSP spinoff title by a third party developer. This entry gets points for doing what they had with the unfamiliar hardware, and for introducing some interesting ideas, like the armor pieces that combine for various set bonuses, and gameplay elements like the Dayni Moon time cycles. Everything else, however, really falls flat. Boring story, flat characters, uninteresting and intrusive side content, and what is undoubtedly the worst arsenal of weapons in the franchise yet. Gonna put this one on the shelf and not pick it back up.'s a very run of the mill Ratchet game.

Decent gameplay and story.

Wow this game sucked. While playing I had a terrible time. I considered giving it two stars for attempting the ratchet formula and resembling it. However I found myself hating this game more and more as I played. The guns are weak, enemies do too much damage, it is unbalanced. I don't know what that racing game was. Everything was frustrating. Don't play this game.

This game was made for the PSP and it shows. I played it on the PS2 and it looks terrible due to a low fps consitently. The clank sections are slow and painful to play at points. the story is interesting and its not hard to replay, but dont even try to do the achivements

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- Fun game
- Nostalgia
- Large difficulty spikes
- Repetitive on subsequent playthroughs
- Skill points a pain - ended up going through 4 times

This game was the reason i bought a PSP back in 2007,
Played on my cousin's,
Wanted my own, and voila.
Very fun game, will never forget the times i had with this one.

Great game, very nostalgic since i played it a lot when i was a kid, replayed it a thousand times.

Pretty enjoyable for a psp game, kinda of a jank mess too

Actually loved this game on my psp, i did get frustrated by it often , but it was still enjoyable. That's all i can remember lmao

Size Matters is not the worst game to play but is definitely one of the worst R&C games. weapons deal poor damage; enemies deal way too much damage. Farming for bolts is not fun in the slightest. It's a bad game.

Pretty decent game overall. The only Ratchet and Clank I have not replayed on challenge mode. Worth a one and done play through, even if it is a little dated at this point.

feels like if you left the original ratchet & clank outside in the rain for a few days. while i'm sure it was great for the time as a portable title, porting it to the ps2 shows just how much it lacks in a console environment.

Para um jogo de ratchet e clank na psps, é decente o suficiente para ser memoravel, tirando a merda dos ultimos niveis ate ao boss final em que tem um pico de dificuldade estupido, overall divertido

I remember enjoying this one a long while ago at a much younger age but after having gone back to two of the main PS2 games recently, I'm sorry to say that time has not been particularly kind to Size Matters in the slightest.

It still looks and sounds like Ratchet and Clank (although downscaled a bit to fit on a portable console) but it doesn't play particularly well mostly thanks to the weapons which aren't very good. They feel incredibly weak to use (even when they've been fully levelled up) and the enemies appear to be giant walking bullet sponges that can take you down in about 3 hits or so.

Most of the minigames aren't particularly fun either whether it's the awful racing sections with stiff movement and controls or the unusual Robot Wars/Battlebots part that Clank unexpectedly gets thrown in. All of which is topped off by the most bullshit bosses in the series to date (especially the last one) and a rather silly story even for the usual standards of the franchise.

There's a couple of cool moments especially when the title does deliver and you get to visit the inside of Clank's head but this really does pail in comparison to the PS2 games.

These sort of issues could have been improved on had they actually made a sequel of some sorts but nope instead we got Secret Agent Clank... and the whole world was worse off for it!

Juego menor de Ratchet que realmente no aporta nada nuevo a la saga, y que no llega a ser lo disfrutable que debería por culpa de una dificultad basada en la limitación de los controles, y donde los enemigos son básicamente esponjas de balas. De hecho en el mundo final solamente dos armas son realmente útiles.
Por otro lado destacar los bien que se ve en PSP y algunos mundos son una sorpresa muy agradable.

Nota final: 6,5.

Some cool ideas but overall really lacking.

The only R&C title I played before Rift Apart! It was fun but I remember having trouble with the PSP analog stick

This is the video game equivalent of peeing in a bucket. You really don’t want to do it, but you have no other choice. And playing it is about as fun as trying to solve a CAPTCHA.

Un très bon cadeau de vacances de mes parents.

This is the perfect example of those PSP games that looked a lot like their PS2 counterparts but controlled a lot worse.
The game does have lots of problems like the infamous Luna fight or some pretty boring puzzle sections, on top of being a lot lesser than the PS2 game in basically every aspect. Still, it's pretty impressive that they got a game like this running on a PSP, and the strengths of the series make the game shine even with all its shortcomings.

The enemy design in this game can get really creative, which is something you'll never see mentioned anywhere because nobody ever looks at the gameplay of these games in depth which may be the reason why they are still carrying 20 year old problems in a game formula that has remained stagnant since Going Commando came out.

Um grande potencial bizarramente desperdiçado

Já quero deixar claro que nunca joguei e nem finalizei nenhum jogo dessa franquia, esse aqui foi o meu primeiro e vou ser sincero que até que gostei dele, me divertiu uma partezinha do tempo mas.. ele tem umas coisas que incomodam demais.

A começar pela movimentação e os comandos do personagem, é como se eles tivessem vida própria e só funcionam quando querem funcionar, muita das vezes o clank mais atrapalha do que ajuda nos pulinhos, hora ou outra o ratchet parece travar pra pular e cara.. que complicação atirar andando nesse jogo, é como se ele nem fosse feito pra isso.

E quem dera seus problemas fossem só a movimentação.. é pois é, não para por aí não. História, mixagem dos áudios, dificuldade é tudo uma verdadeira bagunça nisso aqui, a história tem tanto furo que parece até que o jogo foi reduzido, as piadinhas de cutscene são pouco engraçadas (isso pra não dizer que realmente não tem graça nenhuma) os diálogos um tanto sem pé nem cabeça e sem contar que a legenda ainda some em algumas partes, o que torna mais difícil ainda o entendimento dessa budega.

Sobre a dificuldade dele, cara que jogo casca grossa.. mas não é aquele casca grossa de bom sabe, é uma dificuldade PÉSSIMA o último que joguei com dificuldade desbalanceada foi pursuit force e até ele me deu mais diversão do que isso aqui. Seu personagem leva o dobro ou triplo de dano dos inimigos normais e o dano que você causa é minúsculo, te obrigando a ficar spammando tiro de doze em inimigos que eram pra morrer com apenas 1 ou 2.

Isso sem contar as partes em que tu fica sem munição desnecessariamente, cheguei até a me perguntar se eu tava jogando Ratchet ou Resident Evil 1 (e olha que até no RE você acha mais munição)

Mas tem umas parada que eu tenho que elogiar, que são as variedades de fases. Po tem fase de corrida, fase estilo star fox, partezinha de puzzle tem variedade o bastante pra não te deixar tão enjoado assim do jogo

Os gráficos dele pro PSP são bons, tem partícula pra caramba ao quebrar as caixas, não sei se no console original teve problemas de perfomance devido aos gráficos dele, mas só sei que achei bem agradável e um pouquinho reconfortante de olhar.

Enfim, é um jogo que poderia ser bem melhor e agora eu entendo porque o consideram o pior da franquia inteira, ele até que é divertido mas assim.. a dificuldade e os checkpoints injusto dele acaba tirando um tanto da diversão. Então se quiser realmente se divertir nesse jogo aqui e não tiver jogando no console, faça bom uso de save state, cheat seja la o que for pra melhorar tua experiência, porque o jogo no seco é muito frustrante.

I remember I accidentally deleted my save file of this game when I was on the final planet, still haunts me to this day.

Mind you I probably would've remained in the Dreamtime levels anyway, because screw that planet.

Size Matters is a bit of a jank mess, but I kind of still love it. There's some fun gadgets here and I think the Clank bot-battles are interesting.

A lot of the issues are because it was originally a PSP game and it shows. Also, the final boss is ridiculous in all the worst ways.