Reviews from

in the past

Probably one of the most well-rounded of the Ratchet and Clank series. Not much is different, but the same things are done well.

honestly kinda wish i didn't play this

do you think Ratchet has a small penis?

Ratchet Stars In A Porno And The Female Says 'Wow, You Have A Small Cock

Probably my least favorite ratchet, but hey ratchet went portable.

Gotta hand it to them, they really tried to make this game standout instead of just being R&C but limited. The dream level feels like one of the most creative Ratchet and Clank levels I've played yet. And what they did with Clank by turning his usual boring parts into a series of minigames was pretty genius. Even the skyboarding felt far better than hoverbike or hoverboard races thanks to the whole flying mechanic.

But it IS still a PSP game and the limitations do come through. It's super short even by Ratchet & Clank standards, there's a pretty limited supply of weapons (though maybe not as few as Deadlocked?), and the controls were compensated in many ways, including, most annoyingly, camera turning being mapped to the shoulder buttons.

But overall I'd say it was a fun game that wasn't nearly as half assed as it could have been.

the only ratchet & clank game i've ever played

Prefiero cogerme la polla con la puerta antes que volver a jugarlo

It's fine for a PSP game but easily one of the worst in the series.

Hayatımda bu kadar rahatsız salak sinirbozucu bi oyun oynamadım senin ben amınakoyim ya orosbu cocuguuuuuu amına koydugumun oyuny ya

One of the first PSP games I've played and it did not disappoint. It was really Ratchet & Clank on the go.

Also R&C titles that are basically sexual innuendos is also a major plus.

This is technically the only Ratchet and Clank ive bought, it's quite good but i dont know the series

This game has some cool original weapons but other than that it's pretty meh

It's surprisingly good for a PSP spin off game.

the ps2 port is horrible and the delay even in an original ps2 and with a crt there is no one who plays it. Otherwise impressive that it comes from a psp

It’s a shame that Size Matters seemed so rushed out of the door, if given enough time I think it would have made for an excellent addition for the Ratchet and Clank series. However, what we are left with is pretty much a semi decent game with a baffling control scheme and mediocre story. But hey, it’s a portable Ratchet and Clank game, at least.

A decent portable title that has what we've come to expect from a Ratchet & Clank game. There's even a good amount of content to keep you occupied.

The story is generic and forgettable, with not many well-written jokes. The weapons are kind of weak in comparison to other titles. Also, completing this 100% is a pain. There are two armor sets that are each available in the first two Challenge Mode playthroughs. Seriously?

Not the best, but not the worst, either.

Ratchet And Clank é minha franquia favorita da Sony, os jogos são divertidos de jogar fora o humor que a série clássica tinha, por isso pros fãs, o Size Matters pode ser um jogo ruim, se você quer jogar ele, tenha em mente que não será um jogo complexo como os de PS2, ele é curto e simples, mas é gostosinho de jogar, tem as mesmas mecânicas do Ratchet And Clank 3, os gráficos são meio fracos, tendo cutscenes cgi ao invés de ingame, é recomendável a versão do PSP pois dizem que a versão de PS2 é bem fraca, não é ruim mas também não é um dos melhores, mas lembre-se que esse jogo é parte da lista de jogos favoritos da Ana Maria Braga.


Çok çeşitli oynanış, güzel mizah. ''size matters''

Ratchet & Clank only in name, and it's not due to the psp limitations, this game is just bad, unplayable and frustrating.

This was one of my first PSP games and I love it. For not being one of the main games in the series as well be considered not part of the official series canon, it is still such a great game with an awesome selection of weapons and some of which I wish they would reuse in the main series.

Psychonauts + Superman 64 = dream stage

Who would have thought that size really did matter

Bajada de calidad que flipas. Hay algunas fases que son una mierda.