Reviews from

in the past

The concept of a fighting game with an arcade RPG structure is so unique even for its time and far too good to be left alone as just one obscure Capcom game.

Also, it has Tessa, and literally any game becomes better with the inclusion of Tessa.

I like the concept of this game, making it feel more like an action-adventure RPG, even if it plays like a fighting game, but damn, some of these bosses can be annoying.
Besides that, I think it's a neat premise, I like the characters they introduced, and I feel like this should get a sequel that expands on things.

a capcom classic that is only held back by its heavily limited roster and some problems with character balance (leo is lame af). the singleplayer is unusually fun and the bosses are really appealing to look at. feels nice, plays nice, fun mechanics and is overall just solidly made... it's just if you don't have a character, it's notably tougher to enjoy

This game sucks but that's not the point of this rating or this review. This is, instead, a tribute to the one weirdo at capcom with an entrenched enough position where, when confronted with the decades of history of successful games lingering in the past yearning to be reexplored, for the massive graveyard of dead capcom titles, this one fuckin guy goes OUT OF HIS WAY to make sure that Capcom pay tribute to Red Earth, a half-baked half-idea what has a dude with a lion's head named Leo in it. I will be fifty one day, and Street Fighter 8 will have Red Earth skins, and I will laugh just as hard seeing them.

Strong fighting game with boss rush elements - super fun to play and leans into a more casual style of gameplay that goes back to the days in the arcade

Main - Tessa

I can't tell if this game is super awesome or super eh. On one hand, having a fighting game that focuses more on single-player content is really cool and a breath of fresh air for the genre in arcades. On the other, it makes the actual multiplayer component rather barebones. The levelling system is cool in that it slowly teaches you how to play the game better and makes subsequent playthroughs easier, but it also means you have to grind a lot in a fighting game, and i think the bosses get more health the higher level you are so its not even a direct upgrade. I still think it is interesting and worth a play if you are into capcom fighting games, and I'm super surprised that this game was left in the arcades when it is so single-player oriented.

kusoge is good. kusoge is right.

The first game on the new CPS3 board! And surprisingly enough it's an experimental boss rush game.

You can basically choose the class you want to play as at the start of the game, and move through different orders of the bosses depending on which character you choose. Leo is obviously the easiest character to pick up on compared to everyone else, and is usually who I decide to to play as when I come back to this game.

The level up system is...odd to say the least, and certainly makes this game extremely difficult to approach as a 1 on 1 fighter, despite having the option to play it like that. The game isn't really designed for that though, and as a boss rush game, it's just an incredibly fun time. I've seen people describe this game as a tutorial for regular fighters, and with each boss covering a different archetype of fighters, I can certainly see it. An absolute hidden gem.

It looks incredible, and the characters should appear in more things, but the concept of a "single-player fighting game" is admittedly dead in the water. The mild RPG trappings are kind of annoying in that they lock moves behind experience points.

If I had played this game 15 years ago it would not have taken until 2019 for me to understand what people see in fighting games

Imagine how truly perfect this game would be if there were more than four playable characters.

beat the story mode with mai ling. super interesting game. im still a bit confused on how to get your character's level up higher, but i had fun nonetheless. can definitely see myself playing through this with the other three characters.


While it has it's negatives I've thoroughly enjoyed both the single player and multiplayer of Red Earth. It's still stunning today, and my word are the buttons snappy.

A really cool idea that I wish Capcom had revisited and expanded upon at some point.

Art is incredible — some of Capcom’s best — and a boss rush fighting game is a decent idea, but I don’t know how anyone would ever 1CC this thing, as the design is punishing and unbalanced.

A neat idea of doing an RPG under the guise of a fighting game but it leaves much to be desired imo and the last hand full of bosses can kiss my ass.

It's a good game though, glad it finally came to home consoles.

Many kids such as I who rented Capcom Fighting Evolution/Jam back on the PS2 (or Xbox maybe) went into that hodgepodge of a fighter with full knowledge of most of the cast, we obviously knew who all the Street Fighter characters were and we knew about Darkstalkers even if we were flabbergasted at the lack of Morrigan and her infamous sprite, but what's this? Red Earth? Never heard of her.

It was perplexing, but kind of rad how there was a lion-headed warrior, a ninja with a bazooka, a nautilus person, and a goddamned tyrannosaurus dragon that was just completely out of our line of sight this whole time. You can't really blame us though, the game seems like it barely had an arcade release outside of Japan and was never ported, which I assume would be because the ship kind of sailed at that point prior to the Dreamcast being released, and I doubt the PS1 was going to handle this beast. It's a shame, because the character designs really made me want to play it, and during that period MAME was a pain in the ass to use (it kind of still is). My interest in Red Earth kind of wavered for a while even when arcade emulation became much more tolerable and user-friendly over the years, but at long last someone out there heard my call from 2004. It was Capcom Fighting Collection featuring the first ever re-release of Red Earth and a port to consoles. Thank you very much Capcom, many companies could learn a thing from you with these fantastic collections aside from that time you split the Mega Man X Legacy Collection and gave it 500 frames of input lag, but hey, we'll forgive and forget. I'm still waitin' on X9 ya jerks, I bought three copies of that shit.

Red Earth plays like a fighter, but it's more like a one on one beat'em up with versus mode tacked on. Pretty apparent considering there's as many playable characters as there are pieces in a standard sized Kit Kat bar. It features a leveling system similar to Capcom's other arcade games King of Dragons or perhaps Shadow over Mystara where you gain experience over the course of your battles and gain new moves, resistances and equipment as you play. I can kinda see where they were going with this, since it was a tactic to get players to revisit the cabinet every so often with their passwords for the characters they've been using. These days if you're playing on the collection you're probably better off heading into the extra menu and setting the machine to leave you at max level so you have all your moves, otherwise you might feel a tad limited against the giant boss characters. Who by the by? Look gorgeous here, I was already familiar with all of them due to adding them to my MUGEN roster a lot, lol. They're a fantastic addition, my favorite was probably Ravange/Secmeto. Not counting Nool/Hydron since I already used them in CFE. It's a shame the boss characters were unplayable, but you know for sure they would've been playable in the versus mode of a hypothetical Dreamcast release.

As a competitive game it has little footing, but as mentioned the game obviously wasn't balanced around that. I am a bit disappointed though that they didn't attempt to add some kind of Dramatic Battle co-op to the main mode so you could team up with your buddy and level up along with them. I guess it would've been too cumbersome for the hardware, but it would've been a great addition and would've made Data East's Avengers in Galactic Storm jealous. It's not exactly replacing Third Strike at every major, but I just think this is really cool, I'm always the world's biggest sucker when it comes to Fantasy settings. Was great to finally play it almost 20 years later.

Maybe one day we can see Tessa, Leo or even Hauzer again on a playable roster some day, I have an inkling of hope for it. Would love to see it. If I won the lottery I'd pay Capcom to make Capcom Fighting Evo: The Good Edition, they're sitting on too many good characters to bother with Tony Stark.

Not bad

But why only 4 characters?

The one CPS3 game that isn’t JoJo or Street Fighter III, and one that never got a port until very recently. This is one of those games in that sub genre of single player focused fighting games, alongside Monster Maulers and, well, Street Fighter 1. Four different and unique characters against a bunch of huge unplayable bosses. Each battle is against a much stronger opponent with the odds stacked against the player, though it’s never too cheap. I haven’t tried Versus play, but I can see that getting old with only four characters to choose from.

This game is absolutely gorgeous. There’s so much work in the sprites, there’s cutscenes after every match that are unique to every character, and there’s even fatalities (more like Samurai Shodown’s than Mortal Kombat)! It’s good for a playthrough and there’s not many games like this one, but I’m not going to say this was a lost classic.

Played on Capcom Fighting Collection.

Not bad for the year 1996 but there are few playable characters.

É bem mediocre. O jogo é sim muito bonito graças a placa CPS-3, tem uma OST decente e um modo arcade com uma proposta interessante de ser um "Jogo de luta single player RPG". Mas elogio acaba por aí, mecanicamente é bem lento e sem graça, tem 4 personagens só, realmente parece um jogo incompleto.


mid em dias bons
ruim em dias normais
ótima ótima ideia executada de forma :/
os sprites são lindos pelo menos

What a weird little piece of Capcom arcade history. No other company could come close to creating a compelling subgenre of fighting game only to squander the opportunity with paltry marketing and multiplayer options.

Just blazed through this on free-play using a million continues. Seems like an interesting idea - fighting game mechanics and structure as single player action game. I played through with Leo, had a good time. The character designs rock, the music is cool - what's not to like?

Only did versus mode. Visually great and really reminiscent of darkstalkers. Plays well too but only having 4 characters to play as is a bummer.

Esto es para flexear los musculos del CPS3 y poco más

This is one of Capcom's most unique fighting games. And insanely impressive visually for 1996.