Reviews from

in the past

Tank controls aside, this is an incredibly well made game!

I played this shit a million times over the years and it never gets boring. Perfect game.

tboy leon truthers can i get a hell yeah in chat

My favorite Resident evil 4. When I start thinking about this game, I remember my childhood. When I first saw this game, I was shocked. I had never seen anything scary (back then). I remember when I saw the guy with the chainsaw, it was horrible!

I remember when this game was still on tablets and that was the first time I played it. I reached the village and saw a guy on the roof and quit the game because I was scared :D

As for the game, it's a masterpiece. The plot is as interesting as possible, even when I spoiled it for myself on YouTube, it was still fun to play. The characters are also interesting and iconic. The gameplay is cool. At first, it was hard to get used to the controls, but over time you get used to it and go through everything easily.

My rating for this game is 10 out of 10

One of the best RE games. A good horror shooter.

You should not sleep on this one, just because the remake is out.

After doing 3 playtroughs (Normal, Pro and a funny one with the OP guns) and doing all the side contents. I consider RE4 completed. However, I'll definetly still come back time to time to do another playtrough or for some merceneries in the future.
It's simply a fun and well put together game from a time when gaming was a bit more pure. Has a few dated elements but they are just a small blemish on an otherwise perfect game.

Resident Evil 4 (2005) holds so much nostalgia for me that this rating is hardly unbias, the gameplay is just so addictive. The pacing of this game is so good I could easily play through it 4 times in a row, trying different weapons or trying to complete it faster than the time before.
The main reason I love this game, though, are all the incredible memories I have of playing it with family and friends and all the summers I spent just unlocking everything in this game.
Even when I get burned out on the campaign, I can play mercenaries or separate ways for a few hours and then go straight back to the campaign.
This game is simply incredible, regardless of how outdated the graphics may be or "clunky" (only when you don't have the controls burned into your brain) the controls can be at times.
This game is a masterpiece that I will always revisit multiple times a year.
One of the best to do it.

My favorite Resident Evil game

There is a reason why this game is considered one of the greatest games of all time. The gameplay in this game is insanely fun with you mowing down and kicking Ganados with a vast arsenal of weapons at your disposal. This is bolstered by the insanely strong level design of this game and the hard to get used to but tight controls.

The story is not that great and characters that should have better explanations and motivations like Luis or Saddler just don't have them but it's more of a B-tier action movie so there is a lot of charm from the dialogue and the over the top nature of the game, which makes up for the plot being barren. Ashley is also not fun this game (unlike the remake which makes her good) but that is about all of the major problems I have with the game.

The game is a crowning jewel of video games that aged super well all things considered. A true classic of gaming that everyone must play.

One of my favourite video games of all time. I love how the story isn't afraid to be cheesy and kicking Ganados in the face as Leon is always satisfying. It's also impressive how this game still aged well, there's a reason why this game has been ported to multiple modern systems after all these years and it's even better if you download the HD Project mod.

still one of the greats even with the remaster

The following review is an excerpt from my piece on both Resident Evil 4s. This excerpt covers my full thoughts on the original game.

When I started Resident Evil 4 (2005), I noticed the controls were weird. Tilting the joystick forward moves Leon forward, and tilting it left and right turns him from side to side. The player can make him do a quick turn by pushing the joystick back while pressing X. (on a PS5 controller). The player has to hold down the left bumper to pull out Leon’s knife and then use the right trigger to swing it. It is not possible to move while aiming a weapon. The controls are clunky. But this control scheme works remarkably well for an action game with roots in survival horror. Enemy encounters are always tense because it is not easy to get away from them. This puts pressure on the player to make decisions and make them quickly. “How much ammo do I have left for each gun? What kind of weapon do I want to use? Should I try to kill this enemy or run past it to conserve ammo? Do I want to heal now and get some health back or wait until I find a red herb and heal fully?” These are all questions I have to ask myself while trying to land shots on enemies, and it keeps the gameplay constantly engaging. Even though Resident Evil 4 (2005) is the game that took the series away from its survival horror roots, the clunky controls help maintain the previous games’ tension in an action context.

The level design is varied and supports the controls' playstyle. The game has three main areas, the village, the castle, and the island. They all have their own unique set pieces, puzzles, and enemies. The village eases the player into the game as they learn the controls. The enemies are relatively simple. Most of them are plagas-infected villagers. Eventually, Leon will encounter chainsaw-wielding enemies that can kill him with a single attack. Some enemies carry throwing axes or dynamite sticks, but it is nothing the player cannot handle with a bit of planning and perseverance. The castle adds cultists with new weapons, plagas-infected dogs, suits of armor, and wolverine-like beasts that can slice the player in half if they aren’t killed using the weak points on their back. This area is filled with puzzles that use both Leon and Ashley, encouraging experimentation and exploration.

The game’s final area, the island, houses the game’s most action-packed moments. It feels like a warzone. The enemies are much more challenging now, and some have guns. The player has to duel Jack Krauser, another highly trained soldier, to the death. It also is home to an underground lab filled with Regeneradores, the only enemy in the game that legitimately scares me. The whole level builds to one final interaction with Lord Saddler, the game’s main antagonist, and the final test of the player’s skill. The game remains fresh and exciting to play throughout all three of these areas. There are no dull moments in Resident Evil 4 (2005). It’s filled with meticulously crafted level design and has a campaign that could only be rivaled by Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, another masterpiece from that era.

Resident Evil 4's gameplay is at its best when fighting bosses. The tension felt when fighting regular enemies is not even comparable to the bosses. The bosses test the player’s mastery of the game’s combat. Leon is just one guy with a few guns, and the bosses are giant monsters of bioterrorism. The bosses require the player to get aggressive even though they seem outmatched. Players must land shots on the bosses, often at specific weak points, while dodging melee and projectile attacks, manipulating the environment to their advantage, and managing resources. Every boss is well-tuned to the game’s combat, and they are all thrillingly fun to fight (except for U-3, that boss sucks).

While Resident Evil 4's gameplay is just about perfect, the story is a little dated. Most of the characters are paper-thin. They have a pretty standard representation of their archetypes. Ashley is a scared and sometimes irrational young woman who acts like a spoiled teenager, fitting for the President’s daughter. Luis is a side-kick Leon can never truly trust, and he’s “great with the ladies” (In 2005, this just meant he would make uncalled-for comments about women’s bodies, apparently) Ada is a femme-fatale foil to Leon. She’s intelligent and charming and can easily manipulate Leon despite her betrayal of him in Resident Evil 2. The game’s villains are also one-note. Lord Sadler is the mastermind behind the organization, a zealot cult leader who controls just about everything. Ramón Salazar is the clear standout; he’s short, has a silly hat, and antagonizes “Mr. Kennedy” throughout the castle. Bitores Méndez is just… sort of there?

The plot itself is relatively simple. Leon Kennedy, a survivor of the Raccoon City outbreak from Resident Evil 2, now works for the feds and needs to save President Graham’s daughter, Ashley, from a cult in Spain. There is a bit more to it that ties the game into Resident Evil’s greater lore, but most of it is not explored in the game’s original release. What Resident Evil 4's plot lacks in complexity, it more than makes up for in charm. The game is full of B-movie humor, witty one-liners, and over-the-top scenes. So while I would not nominate the game for “best writing.” It more than gets the job done; the story presentation fits the game perfectly.

After rolling the credits on Resident Evil 4, I was thoroughly impressed. Despite being an eighteen-year-old Nintendo GameCube game, the gameplay had me just as engaged as the modern third-person shooters it inspired, like The Last of Us. I could easily see why it’s regarded as one of the best games of all time, and I think it is easily one of, if not the best, game on the GameCube.

Click here to read the full article on my Substack

Eu comecei odiando a camera e os controles
Terminei amando tudo e me apaixonando por esse jogo

Puta que pariu como eu fico puto de não ter jogado isso na infância, porque eu com toda certeza ia amar

Gamedesign incrivel, gameplay peak, e historia funny do jeito que tem que ser

Eu acho incrivel como a capcom conseguiu guiar muito bem o jogador, a exemplo, o primeiro mapa realmente do jogo, a vila. A vila é a sintetização de tudo que o jogador vai ver mais pra frente do jogo: Um local grande e explorável, com varios inimigos não obrigatórios de matar. Então o jogador entra na casa e ativa a cutscene, e la ele encontra uma shotgun, mostrando que é possivel achar armas e varias coisas enquanto explora, e junto a isso tem o primeiro Dr. Salvador, que mostra que tem inimigos que são difíceis de matar, te dão hit kill, e que se tu mata eles tu é recompensado com um item de enorme valor.
Esse primeiro mapa demonstra perfeitamente como vai ser sua aventura, e que o jogador vai estar a mercê dele, e que ele é livre pra matar, explorar, ou so evitar tudo e seguir em frente

O Combate do jogo foi algo que de inicio me incomodou, visto que eu não cresci com esse jogo e nem com esse tipo de camera, ou seja, me auxiliar aqui foi um sofrimento, mas cara, quando eu me acostumei... puta merda. Dar tiro na perna de um ganado pra logo depois meter um FUCKING SUPLEX NELE É A COISA MAIS DAORA JA CRIADA, PUTA QUE PARIU TEM ARMA PRA CARALHO E TODAS SÃO MUITO FODAS E SERVEM PRA ALGO, O BALANÇO DE USO E DESUSSO DELAS NAS SITUAÇÕES TAMBÉM FORÇA O JOGADOR A PENSAR E A SE ADAPTAR A CITUAÇÃO PUTA QUE PARIU SHIJI MIKAMI QUE ISSOOOOOOOO
As batalhas de boss também são muito insanas, por mais que simples, funcionam bem e obrigam o jogador a se adaptar a mecânica dos bosses, que por acaso, são únicos a sua maneira tal como cada fase do jogo. Del Lago é tão diferente pra Bitoris quanto ele é pro verdugo e pro Salazar. Cada um com uma particularidade e jeito de derrotar (e alias o verdugo é insanamente assustador, facil meu favorito)

A Gameplay é tão foda que a historia ate parece ficar obsoleta, mas cara, os diálogos e as situações que tem aqui são o suco dos anos 2000. O Leon ta em perigo, ele precisa tirar as plagas, mas primeiro ele precisa de uma chave, ENTÃO ELE VAI ENTRAR EM UMA SALA CHEIA DE LASER E SAIR PULANDO PRA LA E PRA CA ENQUANTO SALTA NA PAREDE KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK (E no final se tu quiser tu pode sentar na cadeirinha e pagar de fodão)

Acho que meu único criticismo cabe pra reta final la do helicoptero, que é meio repetitiva e o boss final que é meio buxa, eu senti mais ameaça como um boss final vindo do Krauser (Não não é o wesker) do que dele.

Enfim, OTIMO JOGO e recomendadissimo!!!!!!

1998... I will never forget it.

Man, I'm not even a big Resident Evil fan but this game just slaps. The gameplay has that archaic feeling to it but it just fits so well, although it can get annoying at times. It just has a unique vibe you can only find in PS2 games. Must play for sure!

This review contains spoilers

the best fucking game ever made it actually dicked me down raw and came inside of me

Es una remasterizacion algo deficiente pero se le perdona porque es RE4

Primeiro resident evil que joguei e, joguinho divertido, envelheceu mal em muitos aspectos, roteiro conveniente até demais (as vezes eu sentia que tava vendo um ep de jojo), camera é a pior coisa do jogo, ela é bem ruim mas dps de um tempo vc acostuma

no geral uma ótima experiência, tenho interesse em jogar os mais antigos que devem ter uma gameplay q me agrade mais (falam q é parecido com silent hill), e to ansioso pra jogar o remake (um dia quem sabe).

I don't care about Resident Evil being a horror franchise or whatever because RE4 is just such a good gaming experience that it automatically becomes the best Resident Evil game

ya it's good

13:12:26 Normal mode

Fantastic and still hold up but suck that there is a bug on the mine cart QTE that you can't pass if your are playing at 60 FPS. I had to quit the game change setting to 30 FPS and do the whole underground section again to progress.

B i n g o ?

I owe this game an apology for during that time I was skeptical because of the flashy and cheesy lines Leon has from memes and clips.

Little did I know that Resident Evil 4 is widely regarded as one of the greatest games of all time for several reasons that have left a lasting impact on the gaming industry.

It marked a significant turning point for the Resident Evil series and the survival horror genre as a whole.

Its combination of innovative gameplay, intense action, immersive atmosphere, and engaging storyline has cemented its status as a groundbreaking and timeless classic.

Still one of the best action games ever made.

This is the first ever survival horror game I've played (I think?), I dont like horror much, partly because I was apprehensive to delve into scares but mainly because it's not a genre that typically interested me. The praise this game got for years did intrigue me so I bought it on a steam sale in 2018 and didnt play it until 2023 lmfao. Anyways, enough with the pointless backstory, what I think?

When I first played it, I hated the tank controls. I didnt give them a chance, it felt too restrictive and unwieldy. And while I would prefer something else still, I see now that this was on purpose to make enemy encounters more tense. Making the camera so close to you, restricting your vision and making it hard to back up makes you feel trapped and clausterphobic. It's a pretty smart approach for the time. In the end, I was able to adjust and enjoy the gunplay for what it is. Level design is pretty decent, mostly linear with small bits to explore, and plenty of save points, checkpoints and a map pointing you in the right way so it never felt too frustrating. It was surprisingly a generous game which some hardcore people will hate but I preferred it this way. The escort bits I thought would be annoying but honestly Ashley rarely got in the way or got captured. The boss fights were kind of ass for the most part but they were easy so I would rather have that than being annoying and hard. I think the issue I have with this game though is by the end the game is spamming dozens of enemies that drain your resources so by the end I got tired and started running past them, the game felt about 3-4 hours too long honestly, I kind of wished it ended at the castle but I might be in the minority.

The story was cheese, smelly cheese. And that was for the best. The tone and cheesiness appealed to me, it felt just right. Leon is hilarious. The story itself I didnt care for although I was invested in saving Ashley at least. The horror is excellent, I was super scared at times, not always, but those weird tall humanoid dudes with teeth and the dogs, man that made me piss my pants lmao. The excellent sound design and perfect art style to this day enhances the horror and tone really well.

Overall, while it took some time to get to this game, I'm very happy I did give it a chance.

Ahí está! Mátalo! Morir es vivir.

Probably my favorite game ever made.

I played, replayed, and replayed the hell out of it.

I could write a long paragraphed review on why it is great or make it short and tell you to try it.

So, try it.

It is simply amazing.

foi daora jogar isso :D
num so muito dos resident evil num sei das lore mas foi maneiro esse.

Capcom made a port of this game to PC and forgot the most essential thing: PC players play with a mouse and keyboard. The camera SUCKS!
Fortunately, there's a fan mod out there (which is at least 30 GB), that makes the game actually playable and refines the textures too. However, I still don't recommend playing Resident Evil 4 on a PC that doesn't have a graphics card. 60fps will turn the game to slow motion, so you'll have to play it at 30fps, and even then, the cutscenes will still play in slow motion, which makes the audio faster than the image and you'll get spoiled with the sounds before you see what happened. Just a great, great port for PC. Congratulations, Capcom.
Anyway, thankfully I got a better laptop while I was still in the middle of the game, and after that everything was smooth and beautiful. I got used to the camera (of the mod) and the difficulty was actually pretty easy (I played on Normal). The bosses weren't impossible and the puzzles took me just a few minutes to solve. There was no stress of any kind, just a fun time from beginning to end.
I was waiting to get pissed a lot about Ashley after everything I heard from other people, but honestly, she's completely fine?? Sure, she gets captured, like, 5 times, but that's not really her fault. Is the script that made it repetitive. But when she's with Leon, there was no problem.
The story is pretty amazing, the pacing is good, the characters are all interesting and there are many memorable parts that will definitely make me remember this game fondly in the future. I'm only giving it 4.5 stars instead of 5 because of the shitty port for PC that needed a heavy mod to work, and the repetition I commented, which made the pacing a bit tiring in the end. Besides that, perfect game.

I prefer the original compared to the still decidedly good remake. The atmosphere, pacing, and snappy gameplay make this still my prefered way to play.