Reviews from

in the past

Uno de mis favoritos entre los clásicos de los point and click españoles. No reinventa el género, pero tiene un tono, un humor y unos personajes característicos que lo convierten en un juego disfrutable a día de hoy.

Увы пришлось допроходить на ютубе из-за вылетов на конкретном моменте в 3 локации (то ли проблема оригинальной игры, то ли в современной винде хз).
НО я считаю, что прошёл её, потому что смотрел прохождение у брата в детстве и тогда же играл сам!

Если не брать в расчёт приятные воспоминания из детства, то игра представляет собой "старую школу" квестов, где ты сначала будешь дрочить пиксели, чтобы найти нужный предмет, который ты не заметил прошлые десять раз, а потом ахуевать от "логичности" взаимодействия этого предмета с другим. Но в этом есть свой шарм, я считаю.
Надеюсь вторая часть будет работать норм!

I hope Brian commits more crimes in the sequel, this is a must play

Os habéis planteado alguna vez, como puede cambiar la vida en un segundo… ¿Mi consejo? No hagáis planes, vivid cada instante como si fuera el último de vuestras vidas, pues puede que lo sea…

Así se presenta Brian Basco, nuestro protagonista y al que controlaremos. Aparece en fondo negro y sentado en una silla de director de cine, para relatarnos, como de la noche a la mañana, pasó a estar a punto de sacarse el doctorado en física, a huir por medio país de la mano de la preciosa Gina Timmings; a quien desafortunadamente atropellamos con nuestro coche porque sale huyendo de los asesinos de su padre…
Intensito el principio, ¿eh? Pues ahí no acaba la cosa, porque en el hospital nos asegura que la quieren matar por un extraño crucifijo que le ha dado su padre antes de ser asesinado. Gina trabaja de cantante en un club y después de su última actuación su padre quería hablar con ella, y ahí es donde se complicó todo…
Brian acepta ayudarla porque la había atropellado y porque es preciosa (esto último se lee con la voz de Brian jeje)
Una de las mejores aventuras gráficas que se han creado en España. Con unos actores de doblaje de diez y unos personajes mega carismáticos.

too many super-long cutscenes

Not all puzzles are logical, but it was still fun to play through.

This is a very fun little point and click adventure title. The story itself is very involving and it's got a good sense of humour, however the mechanics I find are a bit of a pain in the ass. Certain items you can pick up are not visible or highlighted on the screen so often you are running around like a headless chicken, having no idea what you are missing. Sometimes they are in the foreground, but not highlighted which makes things more difficult or it's inside a mundane item. Another annoying thing is it does one of the problems I don't like with some adventure titles where there is clearly a item of interest and when you try to interact with it the character is like "I don't know what I'd use it for" plus your inventory gets wiped when entering a new chapter. I mean did he seriously think "Oh a crowbar, don't think I'll need that anymore." but I digress, the story is quite involving and you only have 2 options with what to do with items. Worth every penny.

High Camp. Must Play. Very Problematic.

Aventuraza gráfica que cuanto más tiempo pasa, más me gusta.

Runaway: A Road Adventure was an attempt to breathe new life into the outdated point & click genre in the early 2000s. And although the game still holds up really well visually, except for the animations when talking, the gameplay is still pretty much the most unintuitive mess there is. One little feature, one little idea that takes the fun out of the whole game. And that is that Brian, our game character, has a separate level of knowledge to us. What do I mean by that? Very often Brian refuses to pick up or use something because he doesn't see the point. We as players have long since realised that we need the object or have to use it. Only when we have had a certain dialogue or have looked at something else, Mr. Brasco finally feels able to do what we have wanted to do for a long time. At one point he even refuses to fill water from a bottle into an oil canister. He doesn't say why. There is a water tank in one place, which he uses without questioning it, of course. The story, even though it leads through beautifully designed locations, is mediocre at best, rather modest. A nice mystery is built up at the beginning, which generates interest, only to throw it against the wall in the last third. Also the characters are aweful. I really didn't like any of them. Brian and most of the other characters are flat and Gina is just a bimbo. I started the game several times back then because there was such a big point & click drought, we didn't have anything else. And now I've finally played it through and I wish I'd never dug it out again.