Reviews from

in the past

Sonic R is an incredibly fun joyride for the couple of hours it takes to complete its single player content despite what an unbalanced mess it mostly is. There’s not much content here, the control is janky at best and there’s only 5 tracks. But somehow, it manages to pull things together just enough to work.

But it’s undeniable, Sonic R’s roster of races is extremely unbalneced. Sonic, Tails and Knuckles available from the start all great means of movement, Sonic can double jump, Tails can hover and Knuckles can Glide.. whereas Amy can’t even jump in a racer with plenty of ledges. Some characters just have no perks atall, and if you unlock Metal Sonic or Mecha Knuckles, you’re gonna win. Unless you’re Super Sonic, then all will fall to you.

But with now this game is designed it’s actually pretty fun to use these characters, the races take a lot of inspiration from classic Sonic design, rewarding you with shortcuts by keeping to higher paths and maintaining a high ring count. Despite the number of stages being lacking, I think the thought that went into these levels makes them pretty top tier.

Unlocking more characters is also a fun process that encourages you to explore different routes in levels. Every stage has 5 gold medals to collect and if you can do it all in one go and win the race, you can race a challenge character and unlock them for play if you win. Each level also has Chaos Emeralds to find and if you collect them all while winning the races, you’ll unlock Super Sonic. Take him to the final track Radiant Emerald after unlocking everything and you get to play the most challenging race in the game with the main theme “Super Sonic Racing” blasting the whole time.

Yes the soundtrack is incredibly cheesy… but I love it anyway. It gives R this unique vibe that sets it apart from the rest. The graphics are also very charming, and technically impressive for the Sega Saturn.

So yes dspeite the small amount of content, unbalanced roster and controls that take a while to adjust too, Sonic R still managed to be quite a bit of fun. How has this not been attempted again, such a great idea just left to be average for life.

This is one of the most replayable games for me. It's fun to beat this game over and over again. I just wish that it had more courses (And that Amy, Eggman and Eggrobo where actually playable characters.)

Played it on Gems Collection this time around, and while it controls weirdly compared to how I'm used to play it modded and the load times are much slower, it's still a pretty awesome game.

best soundtrack in the series but holy shit this game sucks.

Why is the Soundtrack so good

I don't care about how "garbage" this game is I love it to bits the soundtrack is so cheesy it's awesome, the characters are so cute and low poly I love it, the extra characters make no sense but I dont care I love it. The game is jank city but that's what makes it fun, grab a friend and have a blast with this broken mess of a game


Это очень странная игра, в ней не подходящая музыка, хоть и приятная, в ней странный геймплей, где ты на своих двоих участвуешь в гонке, но в то же время я не могу назвать игру плохой. Играть в неё не скучно, даже прикольно.
По итогу можно сказать что это приятный среднячок, в котором можно повеселиться.

As musicas são boas mas a gameplay é confusa as vezes

Controls like ass but has my favorite Sonic OST out of any game.

Enorme bop, les gens détestent juste ce jeu pck le gros jdg en a parlé

This game is pretty underrated, it's short af, but that's not a problem to me, but i did wish it was longer though, you can basically 100% it in like 90 minutes. Pretty awesome soundtrack too

A quirky racing game with an interesting premise and very charmingly dated visuals. The music is very good, and the gameplay can be fun, especially if you aim to unlock everything.

A fun early 3d racer! The music is excellent, and I love the lore that has popped up surrounding this game.

big guilty pleasure for me and the ost is amazing, i also just learned that a tiger electronics version of this game exists and i had the review up for that one for months without realizing it wasn't the actual sonic r.

unironically one of the best sonic games ever made, while others whine and moan about the controls i would say that sonic R's controls are amazing although i do admit that there is a very large learning curve to it. single player is fun, challenges are fun, secrets are amazing. my only issue is that there isnt enough stages or characters

People hate this game but I just love it, y'all just don't know how to use R and L.
The only thing I don't like about this game is that it lacks content, you can complete it in less than an hour

Só não leva 1 estrela porque as musicas são bangers

Esse foi o jogo que me apresentou aos video-games, tenho um carinho enorme por esse jogo mesmo sabendo que ele não é muito bom. Jogo extremamente curto, controles não são confortáveis. Personagens carismáticos e uma trilha sonora impecável como a maioria dos jogos do sonic.

This game is ass.

Conceptually it makes total sense, but this has got to be one of the worst racing games I have ever played in my life.

Controls suck hard, the characters are slippery and slow as hell, the tracks can be really confusing at times and overall it is just pure jank.

The only good thing about this game is the music and that's about it.

this game with tails doll creepypasta scared the fuck out of me

A Sonic racing game seems like a no-brainer. And that's how you feel when you play this janky mess of a game--like your brain has leaked out of your skull. The only thing I can compliment here is the soundtrack, which is utterly delightful. Everything else? Garbage.

I used to charge people 10 dollars to watch me 100% this game in 20 minutes. I was after that bag