Reviews from

in the past

Thank you, Sjin for making me aware of this game. Stacking has got to be the most charming puzzle game I've ever played, with a simple but complex idea of using russian nesting dolls as the main puzzle mechanic, I loved playing this game from start to end and would recommend it to anyone and everyone.

Smartly blends aesthetics and mechanics with its matryoshka-doll puzzling. Unfortunately, I found the actual moment-to-moment very dull - something I never thought I'd say for a Double Fine venture. A neat idea full of character and charm but lacking solid gameplay fundamentals.

I just love the sound they make like "plop"

I'm a sucker for games that have this kind of aesthetic but unfortunately this one didn't really do it for me. I don't know whether I'm shit at puzzle games or not but some of the puzzles in this game were downright impossible for me without the use of the hints system the game offers. Doesn't stop it from being one of the most aesthetically pleasing games I've seen though.

A cute, charming, and wonderfully unique little puzzle game.

Хорошая задумка, но не очень понятно, как нужно действовать на миссиях

cute lil puzzle game with an unique aesthetic can be a bit slow at times

fun little game with a great concept. each puzzle has multiple solutions, which allows for creativity and discovery. i recall the final level to be a bit needlessly difficult and annoying, but otherwise this was a great diversion for a few hours.

Never finished since I had unfortunately gotten bored, love the style and graphics and the funny little abilities you have when playing certain dolls though.

An amazing concept that makes for a neat game that is very charming, though not exactly funny. The stacking doll concept is really intuitive, and makes for a great framework on which to build simple little puzzles. The puzzles often have multiple solutions which are fun to puzzle out since they're not too obscure. I will say, while the game is charming, the writing lacks punch and isn't funny, which is a shame because that's usually a strong suit of Double Fine. Still, besides that it's good.

Never got to the end but it's fun, I can't remember it well, you play as a tatical Matryoshka doll that takes over other dolls to impersonate them and get through. It sounds crazy but it works.

A cute but not particularly deep puzzle game. The fact that each puzzle has multiple solutions is great. The world design is also superb. The writing is find and decently funny but nothing particularly memorable.

Hitman except you're a russian doll setting up funny situations.

Pretty rad tbh.

Fun concept with good challenge.

Beautiful art style - difficult to say why I never finished it.

Utterly charming, utterly bizarre - but worth your time.

Stacking, while short is extremely enjoyable and has that classic double fine flair, a great game for a rainy Sunday afternoon

Never would i have thought a game about Russian Nesting dolls would be this good

I've played most of this game and honestly don't remember if I ever beat it. It's a really cool concept and a lot of the art direction is very cute in it. It's stylized nicely and the mechanics work well with the overall presentation.

However it's extremely tedious and repetitive and a lot of the puzzles are frustrating because there will be abilities you have unlocked that should logically solve the puzzle but aren't one of the two or three the devs thought of and put in as the "right" answers. Which means the game goes from fun to an awful experience very quickly and unpredictably.

It’s rather slow, and I think the whole “silent movie” presentation adds to that, but it was at least a cute concept. Leave it to Double Fine to do something this weird and just run with it.

Bellissima C O N C E P T e bellissimo setting. I puzzle sono ben congegnati, e piuttosto semplici da risolvere: da apprezzare che per completare una sfida ci siano più soluzioni possibili, tutte conseguibili e bene o male tutte dello stesso grado di complessità (con un paio di eccezioni fin troppo criptiche, considerato il livello di difficoltà generale)

The concept is so cool and it’s pretty memorable too I still have tons of vivid memories about it.

Double Fine Productions is known for very original and unique games (Psychonauts, Brutal Legend, Costume Quest) but has a hard time creating them, it seems. Stacking is a small Matryoshka doll named Charlie Blackmore who goes on a quest to stop child labor and stop the evil Baron from enslaving children for his selfish needs. In the process, he is saving his family members who are trapped. The game is very charming visually and appeals to all audiences.

The main gameplay in Stacking consists of you stacking inside dolls that are bigger than you and solving puzzles. There are areas that have someone blocking something, or something needs to be triggered, and you have to find the right doll to do this. You get three clues to help you along the which is a lifesaver because otherwise, it would be very difficult to know what to do. There are so many dolls that stacking each one would take forever. One puzzle involved finding a way to a cell that is holding a doll. The man is a doctor, so you have to find ways to make him feel ill. Stack into a doll blowing air and then a fire chief. Spray him with water then unstack and blow air on him to make him sick. This is just one of the multiple solutions. Each area has several ways to solve puzzles, and finding them all will unlock stuff in your hub, but it’s nothing useful.

You can also complete hi-jink challenges which are where you use dolls abilities a certain amount of times. You can also complete challenges which are like side missions where you are helping dolls out. I found these pretty boring and is really for only people who just want to mess around. There is really no reward for completing the game 100%, but if you love the stacking gameplay a lot go for it. If you get lost the game there is a guideline, thankfully, because like I mentioned above you will get lost. There isn’t a map either, so identifying dolls and take forever and get boring. This is a big problem with challenges because there is no way to know who you stacked or who you should stack. This is only half the problem because then you need to know what to do with their ability.

The story is charming and so is the visuals. Cutscenes are played out like old silent films, and the game has a satisfying ending (remember Double Fine doesn’t do sequels). The controls work just fine, and mechanics are simple, but the execution has problems from what I explained. The game itself can be beaten in just a few hours if you only find one solution for each area and skip everything else. Only completists will want to bother doing this. For the low price you get a very unique game, but if you can’t look past these problems then you won’t enjoy it.

This is one of my all-time favorite adventure games. Playing it again on PC, it's a little clunky in places, but it's still wonderful! The art direction is really singular, and it has a great "try everything just to see what happens" vibe that Humongous games had in my childhood. A high recommendation from me.

Charming 3D puzzle game in a world full of matryoshka dolls.

It's got some good gags, and it's an interesting idea that they commit to pretty well in the art direction. There's nothing too impactful otherwise.

Stacking tem uma ideia bem interessante. Trata-se de um adventure cuja premissa é adotar a estética de bonecas matroska para fazer o personagem adquirir papeis diferentes com poderes diferentes e assim resolver quebra-cabeças.

Quem sabe um dia termino, mas não achei um jogo tão empolgante ou carismático.