Reviews from

in the past

i love how the story reacts and unfolds depending on what you did in previous panels, its very well done.

Not a 100% (didn't even realise there were story stamps until the devil levels) but may return to sweep up. Really enjoyed this, cute and charming and don't care that it's short - I've played bloated games that aren't even half as engaging as this. Also one of my only ever mobile game experiences and I was impressed. Been wanting to download on Switch for a while, but realised it was available via Netflix and took the plunge. Encore!

"Storyteller" es un juego muy original, encantador, muy fácil de jugar y que consigue cautivar al jugador. Hay algunos guiños que harán sonreír tanto a jóvenes como a adultos. Sin embargo, no ofrece ningún reto ni tampoco hay un progreso en la dificultad, por lo que puede resultar monótono. Le falta un toque de variedad y de desafío para acabar de atrapar a su público.

Fun but I went through it very quickly and wish there were more in the main game.

A well-made and entertaining puzzle game. I really enjoyed the art style and narration, and the puzzle difficulty felt just about right. I particularly enjoyed exploring the possible interactions in each setting. The number of potential outcomes is reasonably well fleshed-out and the characters' feedback does a pretty good job of communicating what is going on (not to say it isn't confusing at times, however). Overall a great execution of a novel concept.

Juego indie de puzles super sencillo, cortito y con una mecánica original. Perfecto para gente que no suele jugar.

Para lo que mola la mecánica está un pelín desaprovechada, pero imagino que sacarán parte 2 o DLCs con más contenido.

it's okay. that's all i can really say.... not a bad game by any means, just not endlessly engaging like i thought it'd be

Sem nota máxima pq tem que ter a cabeça mt avantajada pra fazer os bag

Lindo puzzle de organizar histórias. Vejo e ouço sobre este jogo desde seu protótipo 15 anos atrás. Orgulho para os gamedevs latinos, é brilhante por trás de uma premissa simples. Gostaria de ver mais puzzles em DLC ou um Storyteller Vol. 2 mais pra frente

Great idea, and the game is smart about understanding what story you're telling simply by placing icons. I wish I liked this more than I did because it's a truly original puzzle game idea, but it just didn't keep me hooked. Still something you should play if you get the chance!

Very Cute and the artstyle is lovely. Only 3.5 because it is WAY too short. Definitely pick up only when its on sale.

I don't get paid for it, but Netflix Games is a very good service and I hope it comes out soon for PC.

I played the game on my phone, so I had some minor frustrations, such as the difficulty of turning pages, as it kept crashing and freezing several times. These problems may have been because my phone (Note 10) was too weak, as it ran normally on my iPhone 14 (thankfully, it's a very light game).

Speaking of the game, it's simply one of the most rewarding and fun puzzle experiences I've ever had. The animations of the little figures are very cute, and testing each outcome was very satisfying.

I enjoyed playing it so much that I had to platinum it, it was really good, every story was worth the time it took for my brain to understand something that a 10-year-old child would understand in seconds.

Great fun, I hope there are more games in this style.

I had this wishlisted on Switch but am extremely happy I was clued in on the Netflix mobile version, this game feels like it was made for mobile. I might've felt a bit shortsold if I'd picked it up on console due to length / simple mechanics.

But all that to say I really enjoyed it. It was a quick Christmas holiday diversion between halftimes in sports games and waiting for food to cook. A great dip in dip out game that makes you feel like a genius when you work it out.

I've recently banged my head up against Baba Is You as a puzzle game where if I can't get the answer I just CANNOT GET THE ANSWER. Same issue with Snakebird. I really wanted to like those games but I'm too impatient and dumb. I did not have the same issue with this game. When I got stuck, I came back an hour later and it all became clear.

Может быть у кого в детстве была такая коробочка с разными по форме дырками, куда нужно просунуть подходящую под неё фигуру?
Короче, вся игра - это вот такая игрушка, только тематическая и имеет чуть больше форм.

Идея крутая, но игра попросту не даёт пространства для собственных решений. Берите только по скидке.

Es una pena que un planteamiento tan bueno y en el que se nota tanto cariño se quede en nada por unos puzzles tan simples y repetitivos.

P.D. En móvil se juega de lujo.

Cute and unique puzzle game but it is a bit too easy, apart from the extra levels in the game, I had little to no issue figuring out the mass majority of the puzzles. It's worth picking up if that sounds interesting and have a bit of time to chill since it's super short.

Simple yet so original and captivating. Worth everyone's time

Um curtíssimo jogo de puzzle disponível no Netflix. Não promete muito nem entrega muito; consigo dar mérito ao estilo de arte charmoso, à qualidade dos puzzles e a uma piada em específico que fez eu acordar meu avô de tanto rir.

Mas infelizmente é um daqueles jogos que possui um potencial tão grande que seu desperdício me faz clamar por algo a mais. Sabe quando a ideia é melhor do que eles conseguem executar? Um bom exemplo disso.

eu n tenho cabeça ou paciência para isto. mas é mto bom!!! 👍

In the span of 20 days, I’ve killed Dracula like 3 times now, I don’t know why so many games have an obsession with him but I’m starting to pity the poor bastard, like, he only shows up in one puzzle and his purpose is to perish, now that’s a true tragedy…

During its initial release, a portion of the discussion around Storyteller revolved around how it really wasn’t what it seemed at first; from promotional material and even its descriptions, you’d be led to believe this is a game about creating stories, using the characters and options available to form your own visual narrative, an idea that even the game’s own opening text seems to be pointing towards, when in reality this is pretty much a puzzle game. In each of the levels you get a set of characters and scenarios and from there you need to reach a specific result, and for many this prospect was less enticing than that supposed original ‘’go wild and crazy with your imagination’’ idea, but I believe that throwing Storyteller to the side simply because it isn’t something that ‘’sounds cool’’ is silly at best, especially when what it really is still sounds incredibly promising.

Building up a narrative and creating a story to reach a specific ending is a fantastic concept, an idea so fascinating that can lead to so many cool experiments, and gamifying the act of forming a world, giving life to a set of characters with a finale in mind is far from being an idea always bound to backfire, it’s a genius one with a super strong premise… one that Storyteller fails to realize.

Being simple is a good thing, and then there’s being simplistic; each of the puzzles feel… barebones is the word I want to say, but I’m not entirely sure it’s the right one; no challenge is designed badly or unclear, but they also aren’t great. I’ll admit I definitively wasn’t a having a bad with the experience, but I also wasn’t feeling particularly excited or even just really that entertained, it’s a very ‘’going through the motions’’ kind of game, where none of the puzzles are particularly challenging and few have those moments where the pieces fall into place and you feel like a genius. As such it could be seeing as a cozy or pick-up-and-play style of game, but considering just how short it is and how little it attempts in that time to actually make it a super relaxing or enjoyable experience, I find it hard to call it one. You just do puzzles until its over… and without ever fully tapping into true ‘’imagination’’ territory.

It's hard to feel as a storyteller when there’s so little space of possibilities; as I said the fact there’s always one ending for each of the puzzles doesn’t bother me, but that the characters have a set of behaviors that you cannot change and that there’s basically only a single way to achieve said ending does. At first it’s fun to learn how each of the characters behave, but after a while it quickly turns into an automatized experience, where you see your objective and think ‘’oh yeah, I know which character has to do each thing’’ which might sound good, but in practice feels like placing pieces of the same puzzle over and over, sometimes rearranged, sometimes with a different set of pieces. The secondary objectives that some of the levels have as well as the stamps and the Devil re-tales are an interesting spin for sure, and especially towards the end this concept shows its highest potential, but it just not involving nor realized enough to be memorable or that fun.
The game doesn’t tell stories, just broken scenarios, and you aren’t tasked with forging them, just to fix the… I don’t know if that even makes sense, but what I’m getting at is that Storyteller, even at its best, doesn’t seem to strive for much despite shooting pretty damn high, and I’m left with the sensation that many other puzzle game accomplish the idea of creating your own path or solution much more consistently than the game about creating tales.

The game isn’t a incredibly ended open experience with player experience at its focus, nor does it want to be and nor it should be judged as such, but what it is is a overly simple, limited and average puzzle game that’s only somewhat enjoyable. It may not be something that it isn’t, but it also is not even close at being a true accomplishment of what it aspires to be, and that’s much, much more tragic than the former option…

downloaded it because i saw some folks playing it on tiktok. tbh its more fun when youre backseat gaming

Storyteller told a story, or rather, many of them. The concept was to follow prompts and insert scenes and characters in order to reach specific conclusions. It had a great sense of humour—getting a laugh out of me more than once—and it was especially fun to mess around with the various outcomes as the game reacted to them regardless of being right or wrong. The little animations of the characters were just worth seeing.

A small nitpick would be that some levels felt very similar. Also, at the end of what was considered the main story, it added “devil levels”, which while fun, came across as an attempt to pad out its very short playtime. Still, I had a good experience however brief; sometimes it's fine to only be a few hours long.

Storyteller is an interesting game in that requires a certain amount of knowledge about conventions of classics from western literature - which led, in my case, especially often to confusions about gender roles. E.g. in most circumstances only women poison someone and only men drink poison willingly, but women can also drink poison under special circumstances willingly - which makes it confusing. Sometimes even the titles aren't as clear as they should be. But most of the times, it works. The presentation is cute, the idea itself is neat, some of the bonus puzzles can be pretty funny and it doesn't overstay its welcome with 3 hours playtime at most.

Very commendable how the 14 years of development resulted in something this consise and polished (instead of ballooning out way beyond any reasonable scope). The internal logic is surprisingly consistent and the different "verbs" are neat to play around with.

Story Teller me contou que jogos de Puzzle não são para mim

O jogo no geral é bom, os gráficos lembram figuras de livros infantis, toda a ideia de se montar sua própria história e a conclusão da página ser a resolução dos puzzles é criativo e Esses são os pontos mais positivos do jogo.
Porém, o problema não é o jogo em si, mas sim o gênero que me desagrada, aliás foi com esse jogo que descobri isso
Mas no geral Story Teller não é ruim, se você for fã de jogos de puzzle tenho certeza que há grande possibilidade de gostar.

This was a fun little puzzle game that was quick and fairly easy to finish!

love me a puzzle (truthfully, affectionately)