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in the past

In the span of 20 days, I’ve killed Dracula like 3 times now, I don’t know why so many games have an obsession with him but I’m starting to pity the poor bastard, like, he only shows up in one puzzle and his purpose is to perish, now that’s a true tragedy…

During its initial release, a portion of the discussion around Storyteller revolved around how it really wasn’t what it seemed at first; from promotional material and even its descriptions, you’d be led to believe this is a game about creating stories, using the characters and options available to form your own visual narrative, an idea that even the game’s own opening text seems to be pointing towards, when in reality this is pretty much a puzzle game. In each of the levels you get a set of characters and scenarios and from there you need to reach a specific result, and for many this prospect was less enticing than that supposed original ‘’go wild and crazy with your imagination’’ idea, but I believe that throwing Storyteller to the side simply because it isn’t something that ‘’sounds cool’’ is silly at best, especially when what it really is still sounds incredibly promising.

Building up a narrative and creating a story to reach a specific ending is a fantastic concept, an idea so fascinating that can lead to so many cool experiments, and gamifying the act of forming a world, giving life to a set of characters with a finale in mind is far from being an idea always bound to backfire, it’s a genius one with a super strong premise… one that Storyteller fails to realize.

Being simple is a good thing, and then there’s being simplistic; each of the puzzles feel… barebones is the word I want to say, but I’m not entirely sure it’s the right one; no challenge is designed badly or unclear, but they also aren’t great. I’ll admit I definitively wasn’t a having a bad with the experience, but I also wasn’t feeling particularly excited or even just really that entertained, it’s a very ‘’going through the motions’’ kind of game, where none of the puzzles are particularly challenging and few have those moments where the pieces fall into place and you feel like a genius. As such it could be seeing as a cozy or pick-up-and-play style of game, but considering just how short it is and how little it attempts in that time to actually make it a super relaxing or enjoyable experience, I find it hard to call it one. You just do puzzles until its over… and without ever fully tapping into true ‘’imagination’’ territory.

It's hard to feel as a storyteller when there’s so little space of possibilities; as I said the fact there’s always one ending for each of the puzzles doesn’t bother me, but that the characters have a set of behaviors that you cannot change and that there’s basically only a single way to achieve said ending does. At first it’s fun to learn how each of the characters behave, but after a while it quickly turns into an automatized experience, where you see your objective and think ‘’oh yeah, I know which character has to do each thing’’ which might sound good, but in practice feels like placing pieces of the same puzzle over and over, sometimes rearranged, sometimes with a different set of pieces. The secondary objectives that some of the levels have as well as the stamps and the Devil re-tales are an interesting spin for sure, and especially towards the end this concept shows its highest potential, but it just not involving nor realized enough to be memorable or that fun.
The game doesn’t tell stories, just broken scenarios, and you aren’t tasked with forging them, just to fix the… I don’t know if that even makes sense, but what I’m getting at is that Storyteller, even at its best, doesn’t seem to strive for much despite shooting pretty damn high, and I’m left with the sensation that many other puzzle game accomplish the idea of creating your own path or solution much more consistently than the game about creating tales.

The game isn’t a incredibly ended open experience with player experience at its focus, nor does it want to be and nor it should be judged as such, but what it is is a overly simple, limited and average puzzle game that’s only somewhat enjoyable. It may not be something that it isn’t, but it also is not even close at being a true accomplishment of what it aspires to be, and that’s much, much more tragic than the former option…

Hard to grade something by what its not. What it is is a simple series of puzzles. Form stories out of images to get the intended ending. Under those basic terms, it succeeds. Its simple. Not a lot of variety. Hard not to be disappointed when you want a little more.

The latter puzzles are interesting in how it emphasizes what characters won't do. The earlier puzzles allows for any combination of romance, betrayal, what have you. But the latter puzzles enforce stricter personality traits on characters. The Butler and Barron are the only ones who kill without motivation- everyone else must be stirred to action by a different story prompt. It adds complications, but it limits outside the box solutions. Its a fun two hour of puzzles, but there's not a lot of replay value on the later puzzles compared to the earlier ones.

I thought I might refund it since it was just under two hours, but the offering of a free new September update with new puzzles and new options in old puzzles grabs me enough to keep the train going. I had straight-forward fun! I think others will have fun too when the game is $7 on sale instead of $15 full price.

StoryTeller é um jogo fascinante que permite que os jogadores criem histórias com base no título de cada pagina.
A premissa do jogo é inovadora e oferece uma experiência única de narrativa interativa.
Embora a jogabilidade seja legal, o jogo parece mais uma demo.
Tivemos um update recentemente mas espero que futuramente tenha mais conteúdos para uma experiência mais longa.

É bonitinho, bem feitinho, amo as animações, a ideia, etc..

Mas a fórmula começa a ficar muito repetitiva: rapta, toma o trono, mata, ressuscita, casa, bla bla bla..

Por mais curto que seja, eu consegui me cansar muito dele.

A neat idea for a puzzle game that unfortunately barely sustains itself through a very short 2-hour game.

It’s kind of rare to find a puzzle game with a new or unique concept that actually manages to execute it well and effectively. Storyteller does just that. There’s a lot of fun to be had in figuring out different ways to solve the puzzles and seeing how the game reacts to you doing different weird stuff with the puppets. It all works extremely well and effectively. If you think “I wonder if I can do that” you probably can! The problem is, it feels like the game doesn’t fully know how to utilize its own concept. It’s extremely cool for the first hour and then the game kind of runs out of ways to add challenge to the game so it’ll just do stuff like make every character look the same so it’s more confusing.

Overall I think the game is still worth checking out if you have access to Apple Arcade. It’s a fun little concept that got a few laughs out of my wife and I over the 2ish hours we spent with it.

+ Really unique and fun puzzle concept
+ Game systems react well to experimentation
+ Puzzles that can be solved in multiple ways
+ Got some fun silly laughs from us

- Doesn’t really do a good job of scaling difficulty in an interesting way
- Doesn’t sustain itself through the very short 2 hour campaign
- Replayability in the form of badges you can find isn’t fun

Very unique puzzle game that focuses on creativity. I wish it had more themes instead of just fairytales and the bible. Also it’s quite short. I got it for free as part of Netflix’s mobile game catalog

awesome set up for a puzzle game, but it ends pretty much right when it starts to get really good. interested to see what the upcoming update adds as I could see myself giving this a higher score if it delivers some intriguing content.

i love how the story reacts and unfolds depending on what you did in previous panels, its very well done.

Por mais que o jogo realmente tem um potencial que podia ser melhor explorado e o conteúdo acaba rapidinho, Storyteller é um pequeno jogo muito bem feito e gostosinho de jogar. A ideia de entender as relações entre os personagens e as cenas para construir as histórias é bem interessante e a temática de conto de fadas encaixa perfeitamente.

É um jogo de puzzle bem fácil, focado em permitir que você tenha esses momentos de Eureka e aproveitar as historinhas que você mesmo cria.

Muito divertido!
É um jogo de puzzle bem criativo e legal, teve umas fases que fiquei um pouco agarrado, mas foi só pensar um pouco e consegui.
Eu diria que é um jogo muito legal pra qualquer tipo de público dar uma jogadinha, é muito bom!

Simple yet so original and captivating. Worth everyone's time

The true challenge was how can I make it gay and still complete the story

curto e direto ao ponto
bem gamer

This game is very adorably made, especially the main menu design is very creative. The animations are really smooth and t here are some funny and adorable ways to create the story.

I bought this game for full prize (13€) and completed the Main Part of it. Before the recent Update, that was all of the game and it personally wouldn't have been completely worth it! I played for a little over 2 hours. However, with the recent updated there came more content, which did leave me satisfied. Afterall, the game is entertaining and overall lovely.

Convidativo, fácil de se simpatizar e muito criativo em sua essência.

Storyteller se concentra no seu próprio nome, nós somos contadores de histórias. Histórias que criamos nós mesmos a partir de pequenos "empurrõezinhos" em descrições, não nos limitando a uma única resolução.

Funcionando em um estilo muito agradável de quadrinhos interativos, o jogo estimula o jogador a usar a sua imaginação a todo momento, o que pra mim é o ponto forte geral.

E de fato, a satisfação de ver um trecho sendo concluído após uma série de tentativas de pensamentos fora da caixa é muito grande.
PS: O que o duque sofreu na minha mão não está escrito nos livros de história.

Storyteller se beneficia muito de sua curta duração pra entregar uma experiência a todo tempo divertida e nunca cansativa ou frustrante, sendo uma ótima pedida para quem visa uma experiência simples, porém muito recompensadora.

bem feitinho divertido e bom pra passar o tempo. podia ser mais comprido

As vezes simplicidade é tudo que você precisa pra ser incrível. Esse jogo é curtinho e sabe usar bem o que tem, sabe te fazer se divertir com enigmas muito simplinhos mas que satisfazem muito.

Divertido e criativo, não é o estilo que costumo jogar constantemente mas foi um dos puzzles que mais me diverti nos últimos tempos, que apesar do tempo curto de gameplay, acho que foram 2 horinhas muito bem aproveitadas.

Uma mistura gostosinha de Fable com Scribblenauts.

Particularmente eu achei esse jogo bem divertido. Não só pelo seu humor bobo (que me agrada) como pela direção de arte/gráfica aqui usada que torna esses momentos frequentes mais leves e até hilários.
A duração e dificuldade dos desafios variam bastante, mas nada que incomode. Certas fases (principalmente para o final) são minimamente desafiantes, mas no geral são desafios curtos e gostosos para o gênero e, por mais que seja dito aos quatro cantos do site que esse é um jogo muito curto, ao meu ver a duração é bem boa. Ao longo de 14 capítulos, cada um com 4-6 fases, graças ao humor e desafios a sensação que resta é que tudo dura no máximo 5 minutos, dando um sentimento final de “quero mais” e até motivando o jogador a fazer o 100% (inclusive recomendo fazer a "platina" só com guia, economiza um puta tempo).

No final é um jogo que vale a pena gastar um tempo ali. Eu não sei como é a conversão para Nintendo Switch, mas é um jogo que encaixa muito na interface touch dos sistemas mobile, muito por ter controles hiper simples e intuitivos. Por mais que eu não tenha curtido a integração com a Netflix (ser sempre online é irritante) é um jogo que brilha muito pós um dia estressante no meio do busão. Eu acho que esse jogo tenta ser extremamente criativo e acaba falhando um pouco nisso e mesmo assim consegue agradar. Em outras palavras, aqui tem um espaço grande pra uma sequência e melhorias, mas num geral é um jogo bem divertido.

'Storyteller' es un juego sin una historia aparentemente definida, sino que la vas construyendo a través de una serie de viñetas, colocando actores y escenarios de manera dadivosa para que produzcan la situación deseada que resuelva el puzle. A simple vista recuerda mucho al malogrado 'Scribblenauts' en DS, pero es mucho más simple, hasta el punto que el abanico de posibilidades es demasiado limitado como para provocar situaciones estrafalarias o bizarrías que el juego no sepa cómo interpretar nuestra intención (lo cual era el gran lastre que poseía esta saga). En 'Storyteller' todo está perfectamente medido para construir una historia determinada con los pocos recursos que tienes a tu alcance, de modo que la respuesta muchas veces no es cómo puedo conseguir que X escenario suceda, sino en si estoy ofreciendo la solución con la secuencia específica. Algunos puzles disponen de varias soluciones para aspirar al 100%, pero no puede decirse que haya mucha flexibilidad en el músculo creativo que hace gala del juego, lo cual también sirve para que la dificultad global sea baja y pueda completarse en un par de horas.

Ahora, ¿cuál es el potencial detrás de esta obra, labrada durante 15 laboriosos años de desarrollo por el ahínco de unas pocas personas? (Financiadas en última instancia por Annapurna, eso para Keighley quiere decir que es indie). 'Storyteller' prefiere ser visto como un pequeño entretenimiento sin mayor aspiración, ni una gran ambición detrás del concepto, pero se sabe tan determinista en su ejecución que pocas veces plantea sorpresas que arranquen una sonrisa frente la pantalla. Tampoco ayuda que la gran mayoría de puzles versen sobre los mismos conceptos del amor y del desamor, la deslealtad y la traición, y además vengan representados por los mismos personajes y escenas durante toda la partida. He perdido la cuenta de las veces que he movido al barón cuyo cometido es asesinar a la monarquía para usurpar el trono; o la Blancanieves que besa al príncipe para librarlo de su maldición (y viceversa). Aunque cada puzle verse inspirado en una obra icónica de la literatura clásica, no parece tener otro nexo que los haga distintivos entre sí, y la evidente falta de variedad consigue que sean percibidos conjuntamente como una masa uniforme, plana, incolora, insípida, meramente funcional. 'Storyteller' tampoco tiene un sentido de progresión como tal, ya que si bien los 60 puzles son accesibles desde el comienzo, están estructurados de forma que no hay una clara dificultad ascendente. Categorías similares pueden tener puzles a modo de tutorial más adelante que otros que exigen cierto conocimiento de los personajes y su modo de actuar.

En ese sentido, 'Storyteller' es entretenido y agradable el poquito rato que cuesta completarlo. Pero no se sabe creativo, no se sabe exigente, no se sabe rompedor, ni tampoco tiene fondo de armario para romper la escaleta de formas malpensadas o imprevistas. La posterior actualización 'Devilish' añade una pequeña capa de contenido tras completar el juego y una excusa para volver a los puzles resueltos y alterarlos con la intervención de un demonio; sabe a poco, pero al menos se acerca un poco a esa presunta ambición que muchos buscaban con este juego. Pero de nuevo, visto en perspectiva, ¿qué juego buscábamos exactamente en 'Storyteller'? ¿Debía rellenar el espacio que dejó huérfano (y con amargura) 'Scribblenauts' y hacerlo bueno? ¿Ser una fábrica de memes* sin sentido e insoportables? ¿Una expedición por la selva repleta de criaturas desconocidas e imposibles de imaginar? ¿O simplemente esto es lo que ha quedado de rebuscar en el concepto tantos años durante su desarrollo (y la fatiga consiguiente)?

Me quedo con la sensación de que esto es lo que hay y podía sacarse del tema... y probablemente no haya oportunidad para redescubrirlo, después que uno de sus creadores falleciese recientemente aún a tierna edad. Por desgracia, el cuento de 'Storyteller' ha llegado a su fin.

Jogo divertidinho e curtinho

Não é nada absurdo, mas é divertido

Storyteller is definitely an interesting game, but I'm not really convinced by what it ends up doing. I don't really mind the short runtime, though I do feel like it's a little undercooked - I only ever had to really think about 10 of the 51 stages. The game essentially asks the player to reproduce and rearrange tropes in a certain way, or as the developer put it "play with the common sense and instincts you bring from outside videogames." I want to highlight that comment because "common sense" here means mostly knowledge of tired (hetero-)normative tropes and concepts.

In other words: Storyteller reproduces and lets you reproduce boring and vain fairytale tropes in search of something fun to salvage from them. It rarely succeeds and only lays bare how... boring they actually are. You're never asked to re-think tropes, only to rearrange them. And I think that's the key to why I don't vibe with this game - it's a missed opportunity that made the whole experience really dull overall. There's a lot of potential for deconstruction in the concept, but Storyteller never manages to break free from the tropes it cemented into its gameplay system.

Tinha muito potencial mas se resumiu a joguinho de parada de ônibus

First of all: great game. I never saw a puzzle concept like in this one. It's pretty fun and well made. I loved the OST and sound effects.

I just took 1 star out because: It is really short, you can end it in less than 2 hours. I don't think It's worth the price they're asking. Maybe wait for a sale, but the game is not bad at all!


A very fun, unique take on storytelling and puzzle games as a while. Visually pleasing with a great aesthetic and a fun concept. Definitely a little hidden gem and one of the few games I'm eagerly waiting for DLC for.

The score will be reviewed post-DLC

I was so looking forward to this, the idea of piecing together characters and scenes to create plot was a great one. Bought on release and about an hour later I'm left staring at the end credits already thinking "is that it? It's already 100% completed?"

Seriously was expecting a little bit more here, be it some slightly more difficult puzzles or a bit more freeform creativity to some of the solutions. As it stands there really just isn't enough here to warrant a full purchase. I'm deeply disappointed.

Joguinho indie com uma proposta nova e muito foda, uma pena ser extremamente curto e ter um final meio méh mas é uma ótima experiência recomendo