Reviews from

in the past

My fave Monkey Island game, same old hilarious humour and brain meltingly illogical puzzles (if anyone says they beat one of these games without using a guide, I call bullshit). The animation is a step up from the first two games, and suits MI much better than the 3D polygons of part 4 (even though I quite enjoyed that one).

Cada dia que passa, mais eu me apaixono por Monkey Island.

The Curse of Monkey Island é o terceiro jogo da franquia, trouxe consigo a mudança dos gráficos pixel para animação 2D, e que é absolutamente linda. As animações são muito bem feitas, parecia que eu estava assistindo algum desenho animado que passava na TV Globinho.
Eu não vou ficar repetindo em toda review sobre o quão DELICIOSO é explorar, o quanto é engraçado os diálogos e outras coisas. Tudo que posso dizer é que a qualidade se mantém.
MI3 tem a dificuldade muito mais elevada que os anteriores, puzzles que chegam ao impossível de se resolver, a não ser que você pense muito fora da caixa ou use algum tipo de entorpecente.
Como eu disse acima, a exploração é muito boa, mas aqui há tantos detalhes na arte do jogo que você pode deixar algum detalhe passar batido.
Os personagens são extremamente cativantes, soltei várias risadas em vários momentos. Gosto muito do jeitinho único de Monkey Island.
Agora eu vou me preparar psicologicamente para jogar o próximo, conhecido como a ovelha negra da franquia!

The writing, the atmosphere, the art style, and the animation, it is such an excellent combination that makes for a really engrossing and immersive story while also not trailing away from the comedic undertone the series is known for, and easily the most adventure focused Monkey Island game (so far).

Similar from MI1 to MI2, Curse of the Monkey Island's gameplay is even more simplified from MI2, barring being able to highlight objects. You are now only presented three options: Use, observe, and talk, which changes depending on the context (use being swapped to "push", "talk" being swapped to "eat", etc.). This means there's a lot less creative puzzles, but also a lot less frustrating ones as well. I've used a guide to get past maybe 15% of the game, the rest I've figured on my own because they're a lot more intuitive compared to previous games. There are still unfair puzzles (the quicksand one) but overall, with a little bit of thinking, I was able to get past most without getting frustrated. Granted, I played on normal difficulty, I don't know how much different it'd be from hard.

Although I praise this game's story, I did feel like the ending was a bit lackluster. There was no real buildup to the final fight until the last moment, when it was way too late.

now THIS is peak monkey island. idk how return to monkey island is gonna top this tho

Ya era hora de que jugase a este juego, y me alegro de haberlo hecho, porque es un muy buen Monkey Island.

De primeras me ha costado pasar del 2 a este, porque se nota bastante el cambio en el humor y la vuelta un poco precipitada a muchos elementos del primer juego tras la marcha de Gilbert, pero una vez se pone en marcha funciona muy bien. Muy buenos puzzles, un humor algo más bonachón pero que aún así se siente fiel a la saga, personajes nuevos memorables (Murray MVP), muchos momentazos (¡Stan!) y un estílo artístico lleno de carisma.

Se vuelve a desinflar un poco al final, cuando sus ambiciones loables de abrir el melón del final del 2 se le atragantan un poco, pero nada que acabe de arruinar el conjunto. Es una buena entrega de la saga, cosa que ha sido mucho más fácil apreciar sabiendo que Gilbert podrá hacer su secuela finalmente también tras tantos años.

Los monos locos llegan por tercera vez a mi PC desde 1997 para gustarme un poco más pero no tanto como la segunda vez.
La maldición de Monkey Island es un título bastante abrupto en algunos aspectos y super detallado en otros. Diría que flaquea en muchas cosas a la par que reluce en otras.
Mientras que reluce en personajes y ciertos chistes, la animación es un downgrade manual en algunos aspectos. (Stan, qué te han hecho).
Buen título de la saga, recomendable.

"Did moon logic killed adventure games?"

That question serves as the title of one of my favourite youtube videos by PushingUpRoses (I highly recommend her channel, specially if you're into point and click adventures). In that video, she adresses the possibility that frustrating or simply bad puzzle design ended up being one of the reasons of the demise of the adventure genre, of course, along with the rise of other game genres like FPS and new technologies.

And, being aware of the release date of this game, i couldn't help it but to constantly ask to myself that same question: "Did moon logic killed adventure games?"

I really had a hard time with the puzzles in this game. This game let you choose between an easy and hard mode, the latter having more puzzles. I'm not sure if there's a big difference between both modes but i definitely discourage to choose the hard one, which i actually chose. The first two Monkey Island had their own difficult moments, moon logic puzzles that could definitely stuck your progress, but still, most of them were solvable. This time i felt that the puzzles were just a complete illogical mess. I just had to give up and play the whole thing with a walkthrough, wether in the first two Monkey Island it was about to check just a hint in case you got too stuck. I'm surprised to see how this one is usually easier for most people, for me it was the other way round.

But of course, the animation, story, voice acting and music, it's all perfect. That's what it made me play the whole thing with a walkthrough instead of just abandoning it. And it was worth, for sure. But i would've really liked a different experience when it came to the puzzles.

I'm guessing my experience doesn't really reflect the average so i'm not in a position of not recommending this game. If you're a fan of the oher two Monkey Island game, then definitely grab this one.

Skeleton Hand with Glue.

It's the best title, I always felt it. Sorry Ron Gilbert.
The first one, ok this sets the whole franchise. The second one, too many clunky puzzles I cannot wrap my head around. The third one, oh boy I have played through this so many times and it is still hilarious.
The Art Style is best and only needs some polish.
Give me a 4k Remaster pls! And Disney, sell the Franchise to Ron Gilbert.

PS: Pirates of the Carribean is a knockoff.

Probably the best of the original trilogy. There is absolutely still a lot of absolutely unreasonable classic LucasArts puzzle design, but from what I remember of Monkey Island 2, this is less infuriating. The art style may be decisive, but the animation is pretty wild and the voice acting is completely on point.

As with the other monkey island games, the dialogue and interactions are marvelous. And as always, I babied out and used a guide because point and clicks are a poison. It didn't really hamper my experience though, thoroughly enjoyed the story from beginning to end. I did find it odd that it ignores the ending of monkey island 2 but it still ended up being a great time so I guess it's not that big of a problem. The animations were especially nice and I quite liked the different artstyle.

tío, que no me reconoces? soy tu sobrino. verdura. verdura sopabuena

Looks and sounds good, the writing is good and the nostalgia and remembering many solutions made me accept the insane adventure game logic. Good times.

Best one on the Monkey Island Saga and one of my favourite games of all times.

I dont think theres ever been a game series as technologically impressive as monkey island. Listening to the directors commentary in MI2 made me realize how revolutionary something as simple as the music changing without a loading screen really was. The iMUSE system was groundbreaking. And then you look at the visual difference between these two games. One is really simple and has the entire prompt menu and inventory underneath the screen, the graphics are relatively simple and theres no voice acting (without mods). It looks good for its era and still holds up. And then this game is insanely stylized, still looking like it could come out today (minus the low resolution) with full voice acting and loads of unique animations. This games artstyle is so iconic I thought 1-2 were in it too for the longest time. And these were the exact same system, graphics had been revolutionized THAT much. This game even has difficulty selection. Best of all the writing is still funny.
TL;DR: lucasgames went from selling us the equivalent of leather jackets to Fine Leather Jackets

The best of the Monkey Island games, and a highlight of its genre.

Some of the puzzles in The Curse Of Monkey Island are utterly incomprehensible. Occasionally, the graphical limitations of the game obscure items that are useful from those which are simply part of the mise-en-scéne. Other puzzles require such an outlandish combination of items that could only be discovered by indiscriminately attempting to unite literally anything in Guybrush’s inventory. It makes the game a frustrating experience at even the best of times, and that is to say nothing of The Curse Of Monkey Island’s clunky, tedious pirate ship battles in the third chapter. However, passion is infectious, and it is impossible not to absorb the enthusiasm that has gone into making this game. From the anachronistic humour and charming ensemble of characters to the hand-crafted background art, from Michael Land's gorgeous soundtrack to the vivacious voice performances, nobody can accuse The Curse Of Monkey Island of being made with anything but love. This winning personality carries the game through even the rockiest of waters.

The more Monkey Island games I play, the lesser do I think of the puzzles in these games. How did I beat this by sheer luck as a child?!

Still, the first one after Ron Gilbert's departure sure is different, but Monkey 3 is a game I still hold in high regards. It cranks up the absurd comedy to 11 and while being different, still incredibly charming. I love the art design and soundtrack to this day and thank good you can immediately change screens with a double-click in this one. Too bad Guybrush's normal movement speed is still comparable to the one of snails.
Dominic Armato's first appearance as Guybrush is phenomenal and the voice acting alone, paired with the great dialogue is worth the playthrough. Oh and the visual gags are on par with 1 & 2, even tho some heavily rely on the nostalgia for these games and often are throwbacks to the old artstyle. Still incredibly fun and a huge part of the appeal of the Monkey Island games.

Idk what to write on this one any more. It's my childhood and I hold it dear to my heart, even though it is flawed and I don't like the puzzles anymore.
Also... Murray is pure comedy gold and I am glad Ron and team are bringing him back for Return to Monkey Island <3

Oh shit, am I scared to boot up MI4 now. But I fear the marathon must go on...

Overflowing with charm, atmosphere, the script is great as always, the performances just kept getting better and better but holy FUCK does this have some asinine puzzles.

Or, how u/green discovered he does not have the patience for classic point and click games

Despite not having Rob Gilbert and Dave Grossman as development leads (as well as Tim Schafer, who only worked as a consultant on Curse), "The Curse of Monkey Island" manages to retain the same wit and charm as the first two games with a fair balance of easy and brain-wracking puzzles. The star of the show, however, is the art and animation. Even though I love the look of Monkey Island 2 Special Edition, this is by far the most cohesive and charming art style in the series. It clearly set the tone for the look of those remasters over a decade later. The only thing hampering it is the low resolution in-game and in cutscenes. An HD cleanup of Curse would be fantastic!

This review contains spoilers

Il mio assistente, Muscolone, è in malattia, quindi lo sostituisco io alla manovra dell'ascensore.
Quest'avventura cliccatutto piratesca ha tutto quello che promette, date le premesse dei capitoli precedenti: una storia ricca, divertente e non eccessivamente autoironica, puzzle assurdi ma navigabili, pirati sardi, battaglie di banjo, una meccanica restaurata di duelli di dissing, shakespeare cagado e pisciado, un teschio parlante, morte per mix di farmaci, un po' di razzismo e un po' di romanticismo: in poche parole, eros e thanos. Sciampò!
rigiocato dopo tanti tanti anni, non ha perso eccessivamente quel fascino che aveva agli occhi del mini me decenne. Ripeto: pirati sardi. Formaggio. Poker con un ne*ro pelato.

No fue mi primera aventura gráfica, pero sin duda si fue la que hizo que me enamorase del género. Es divertida, inteligente, la animacion y diseños son fantásticos, y sin duda uno de mis juegos favoritos.

Às vezes eu tenho vergonha de admitir o quanto alguns jogos me afetaram e moldaram uma boa parte da minha personalidade. Eu não sei exatamente o motivo de me sentir envergonhado por isso.

Talvez parte seja por um preconceito que tenho em relação a "comunidade gamer" e a pessoas que fazem de jogos o ponto central da vida delas. Ou parte pode ser também por perceber que uma obra comercial, que foi produzida em massa e consumida por milhões de pessoas, foi algo que conseguiu me afetar profundamente.

A verdade é que, com ou sem vergonha, eu me pergunto se eu teria sido a mesma pessoa se não tivesse jogado The Curse of Monkey Island quando criança. Parte pelo tom sarcástico, do qual eu não me orgulho muito e tenho tentado melhorar, mas parte por querer viver em um mundo em que existem soluções não violentas e fora do óbvio para os problemas.

O Guybrush tem uma ingenuidade em tudo o que ele faz, mas não de um jeito pejorativo. É uma pessoa que analisa com calma a situação e não olha com os filtros do senso comum. Talvez eu esteja dando muito crédito para um personagem de video game, mas é algo que admiro em pessoas e acho que é muito importante para o mundo.

Os problemas do mundo hoje não são simples ou fáceis de resolver. Se tentarmos solucionar utilizando o senso comum, vamos nos frustrar chegando em respostas fracas, impossíveis, gastas. E quando eu me pego pensando nisso, me bate a insegurança de como pessoas vão interpretar essas falas vindas de uma experiência de jogo.

Talvez a vergonha venha daí, de desqualificarem minhas ideias para o mundo, desqualificarem minha personalidade porque um jogo está lá no meio do que a compõe. Quem sabe com um pouco mais de ingenuidade, pessoas possam considerar que grandes inspirações e soluções podem vir de qualquer lugar, mesmo que seja de um jogo de computador de 1997 sobre piratas e maldições.

Did not like the art style, especially compared to the first two.

Point and click adventures. What a time.

I go back-and-forth between this and LeChuck's Revenge as my fav game in this series. What is undeniable however, is this has the best art in the series. Every frame is a painting and a joy to explore.

My favorite of the series, so far. Though I don't expect Escape from Monkey Island or the Telltale game to be very good, so I'll just state Curse of Monkey Island is the best in the series and my favorite. By far it is the funniest, with the best writing and variety of characters and places. But the gags are magnificent as well. It's also a long, fun adventure with satisfyingly interwoven puzzlebox locations that require untangling several different threads to obtain the goal at the center of whatever island you're on. The art is wonderful too, whispy and like a syndicated cartoon that aired at just the wrong timeslot so that no one really ever appreciated its charm. Yeah, this is the best one.